Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Crummy Day #9986

Today was just a bad day for me all round. I spent the morning part being totally over tired and just lying on the couch. That lasted till about noonish, a little after. Nikki and I lay downstairs on the couch watching Open Seseme, a new Seseme street show using the old footage with weirdo new stuff thrown in. It was totally weird, I was watching things I KNOW I saw as a little kid. lol.
I was also half watching the Flinstones.

After that, I decided to watch an ep of Sliders. Nikki joined me in the lounge room. After that I watched The View, then Touched by an Angel and then I was flicking untill I finally got a turn on the computer around 4pm. -Only because Scott was going out. He's been such an asshole lately. Stupid teenage boys. -And my mother wonders why I never dated. lol

I finally found the file for this week's ep of Crossing Jordan so that I could download it....I should probably stop going on about how I download things....hmm.
I got off around 7pm and Scott got on and decided to be a total jerk and start going on about me downloading stuff from tv so that Mum would hear and get a little mad at me and start telling me off. -I love how they can download all this crap and I download something and suddenly it's a HUGE deal that is totally bad. I don't get it.
So anyways...he dared to delete it, and I reacted and hit him on the head. He got up and decided to get me back...apparently it's his right or something. I hate him. I can't wait till he is gone this week. He's going to be housesitting for Maree.

Everyone was in a bad mood today, and as usual I got all the blame for it. Just because I share my feelings, people fight and then I get blamed. Grr.
I made dinner (late) and then watched Will and Grace sorta on foxtel, then Nikki and I put on Anastasia. After that I flicked and then went to bed. I read another chapter of Tom Sawyer. That puts me up to chapter 6 I think. lol.
After I finished, I was lying there and fell asleep until 11:30pm. I got up and checked to see who was on Leno and Conan. -Steve Erwin was on Leno...it was pretty bad, but quite funny. lol.

Tomorrow the Golden Globe Awards are on. The red carpet special is on foxtel at 10am. The show it'self won't be on till 8:30pm on channel 10. oh well.
Hopefully I will ge to watch the new ep of Crossing Jordan tomorrow...or at least this week. *crosses fingers*

Sweet Dreams


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