Sunday, January 15, 2006

Bye Bye Loneliness

Wow I can't believe I almost forgot to write this. I bet my parents will be home again by the time I finish. Oh well. :)
Today is the last day by myself and the family comes home from Canberra (pronounced Can-Brah, like Blah) our Country's Capitol. Today I spent the day finishing off the episodes of Veronica Mars I had to watch, listening to music and updating mine and Elsa's website. I added new pages for Garret and Woody and played with Jordan's a bit.

Last night Ness and Brett came over for a movie night. So I spent the whole day cleaning the house..well sorta. I also walked back down to Blockbuster to take the dvd I rented Friday back, watched an ep of Veronica Mars and a couple of other things.
Somehow Toffee managed to get himself trapped in the shower on Friday that was funny, cute and funny.

Elsa was online for the first time in months yesterday, it was totally weird. Good, GREAT, but weird. lol.

Ness arrived and we chatted until Brett came and we then chatted some more. After a while we decided we better order dinner, so we picked a couple of pizzas and I ordered them. I had no problems with ringing up and ordering, I seem to have gotten over some of my phone fears...Yay a new milestone for me. I hate phones, I have phone fear.

So after we ordered dinner, we sat in my living room trying to pick a movie to watch. We finally decided on Psycho Beach Party. The one that Faith and Elsa insisted on buying me on Thursday for $2. Lol. Brett drove us up to get the pizzas and we came home and ate, then went and watched the movie. It was so bad it was good. lol. It was one of those parody films, and had all these peoples in it from things. It was so stupid, we cracked ourselves up. lol.
After that we watched a bit of Will and Grace and Las Vegas. Then we went into the kitchen and chatted till almost 2am. We looked through my old tv scrapbook thingy, and Ness and I talked A LOT about 90210. It was weird. heh.
We ended up making a list of the movies to watch at the next movie night and ended up only being able to remember 2 of them. -The Princess Bride and Breakfast Club.
They left just before 2am and then I sat around on the net for a little while and went to bed. I left the dishes till this morning, as I didn't feel like it last night.

So while there was only the 3 of us, we had a lot of fun I think. I did anyways :)

Well the fam are still not home. But they will be soon and things will go back to normal. Which equals having to take turns with the TV and the computer. Oh well.
I didn't get my chapter finished for the fanfic thing, nor did I finish my script. But probably will this week sometime...hopefully.



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