Sunday, January 15, 2006

Back To Normal...Sorta

Well the family's all home now. They got back just after 6pm I think. Both Scott and Nikki raced to attack Toffee. The poor guy's had 4 days of rest and relaxation away from those two and now it's back to normal. Poor Kitty.

They all insisted on drinking my coke..even though I was gonna offer it to them, but I didn't get a chance. grr. lol
Nikki had lots to tell me and she had bought me a key-ring with my name on it. It's Carly with a Y, but I never care, at least it's not KYLIE. Seriously I have to change my name or something. Eveyone thinks my name is Kylie. Especially on the phone. Like last night when I ordered pizzas. I need a phone name. Lol.

Tonight I watched last night's Gilmore Girls and then Nikki and I watched a countdown of cutest child stars all grown up. I knew most of them..Nikki hardly knew any.

Looks like I won't have to fight my brother (or parents) for the tv on Tuesday now, because Scott is going to be housesitting for Maree. I can't wait! I will actually get to watch the Golden Globes in the non fuzzyness of 10 on the arial. yay. What luck :)

I think that's all I have to say. I've been updating the site some more. And I dunno what I'll do tomorrow...I'll see what Nikki wants to do.

So Long and Goodnight


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