Saturday, March 24, 2007

Wild Hogs

Went to see this at Southland last night with Ness. was one odd movie. -and I bet we were the only people there (mostly) because of Jill Hennessy's part. lol.
The movie was really funny...but kinda scary...and wrong. All these guys looked so silly. -A bunch of middle aged men who used to be credible. -well sorta. :P
Jill's scenes were weird, because she was married to Tim Allen's character...and he's too old for her really.
-also because she was VERY VERY non-Jordanlike in it. -dresses, minivans etc. lol
Also the kid playing their kid was little Alex from ER, and also was in an ep of Crossing Jordan. lol.
Oh and John Travolta's character was called Woody. -and once I got over the connection to CJ...I was then haunted by the connection to Toy Story. -Cause it always seemed to be Tim Allen's character saying 'Woody' in a sentance. lol.
Anyways, the movie wasn't was kinda terrible in a odd funny way.
After that we went and got coffee's and then headed home.
I should probably mention the scary car accident that happened in the Burnley tunnel yesterday. -It was aweful. I've driven through there many times (as a passenger) and it's always terrible when something happens where you live. -my thoughts are with all those involved in this terrible situation, and their families.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Brains, Trams and Automobiles

So recently, and especially in the last few days, I have been having really bad pains in my legs. Pins and Needles-ish. I also got bruises on one of my legs for no reason.
This morning I went to the doctor, which I hadn't done for a while. She looked me all over and then sent me off to have some tests done.

I went to this place to get 2 CT's (Cat Scan) and an chest x-ray. I had to drink this horrible solution for my CT's, and I've had quite a few before in my life. -But I must have blocked out how much that stuff was really really aweful. It made me want to throw up!!! YUCK

Then I had to wait almost an hour to have the scans done. I had to have a needle, which don't bother me generally, but usually they have so much trouble finding a vein, that they try one arm - don't like it, then try the other, and then end up back at the same arm they started with. Giving me 3 pricks instead of 1. But today I was lucky, this guy only had to give me one.
The injection makes you really hot and the guy said I looked frighten. -that wasn't really true, although I was nervous being there by myself for the first time. I'm not used to doing doctor stuff on my own. But once the hot flashes went away, I felt much better.
I had a scan done of my abdomen and my brain. -When I was having my brain scan I went into this whole thought degrees of separation. I kept thinking of things, and then connecting them quickly to something else, making a very long chain. -it was kinda fun. lol.
Then I had a chest x-ray and those are a breeze.

I think I'll find out the results next week. wish me luck.


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Who Really is Kitty Carlisle?

For weeks now it has been bothering me, the name 'Kitty Carlisle' has been floating around in my head, and I know I'd heard it before. -In fact I was almost positive that it was a character in some movie. Last weekend at Vicky's house warming, we were discussing it and none of us could figure it out!
Finally I got around to checking her out on imdb, and I was wrong. Kitty Carlisle is an actress, -nothing I know her from, must just be a name I heard somewhere. -weird.
But I am SO glad I got that sorted out.

It was also bothering me where 'Kit Walker' came from too. ...But that one I figured out on my own. The Phantom. -odd movie, early Catherine Zeta-Jones, and Billy Zane in a non evil role. -Titanic ruined him for me!

Speaking of Catherine, I find it strange that I have seen almost all of her least since The Phantom. Everyone once 'cept 'Titanic' (the tv version), Entrapment, and Sinbad. -I do want to see Entrapment at some stage through.
OT- Catherine is absolutely gorgeous I must say! -Right up there with Salma Hayak.
-They are 2 of my 'girl crushes'

Anyhoo....must scadoo.


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Yada Yada Yada

My weekend was nothing if not eventful!

Work on Saturday was okay, but Mum's party became not quite what she expected,
Grandpa collapse/fainted and everyone was very worked up and we called the ambulance and he went off to hospital. -Luckily he's fine. :D
But it shook us up a little!

Then Sunday was Scott's birthday, we went to dinner and they got our order wrong, but they fixed it so that was okay.

Another week of Uni -wow I almost said TAFE. lol.
It was okay, some bits were fun, although I was SO tired yesterday, and I was almost late for my train today cause I was watching TV and reading the paper while I was having breakfast.

I am currently looking at college's that I can go to in the US on exchange for a semester next year. I really want to's just a matter of getting into all the forms and deciding on a place to go and the classes to do.

Oh and I am SO mad with myself for forgetting to do Chad's 12 of 12 on Monday! I remembered all weekend and then just forgot on Monday. Grrr. I will have to make myself a million reminders next month.

Catch ya later


Monday, March 05, 2007

I'm Back!!!!!

I've been away for a while, but I finally got my butt into gear and am posting again.

So it's now March - the year has gone so fast already, and I've only been at Uni for a week!
I started last Monday, and have 3 lectures with Jacinta and have met a few nice people as well. The train ride is nice and quick, cause I'm at the (much better) Hawthorn campus this year, and am studying 4 subjects this semester. They are Media, Text, Film: texts and contexts, Introduction to Philosophy, Critical Thinking, and Professional Communication Practices...or as some of us refer to as PCP.

I am currently quite poor because, I can only work 4 days a week now, Thursday-Sunday, AND I had to buy my books last week, and that set me back $332 bucks!
I am also buying food, cause I get hungry on my breaks and need coffee to stay awake during some long days. But so far I am keeping the 'junk' down, well I'm getting stuff from the bakery sometimes. But they have a Starbucks there, and that is really gonna cost me during winter! lol.

Crossing Jordan finally came back in the US in January, and it's an awesome season so far! Las Vegas is also really great and much less stupid this season. I've discovered new obsessions in the forms of Heroes and Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, and Brothers and Sisters as well. Heroes is awesome and has SO many people from other things I know.
Hayden Pannettiere (Clare from Heroes) has a very cool myspace page, and I can't wait to get her CD when it comes out, cause she's a great singer!

I went away at the start of Feb with Ness and Brett up to Vicky's place in Echuca, we had a lot of fun! And it was so great to get away for a weekend.

Mum's 50th birthday party is this saturday night. So that should be interesting.

I'll try to keep posting more often this year!

