Friday, December 02, 2005

Hot and Sleepy

Its now 5 minutes past midnight as I am writing this, making it the 2nd of December. My golly, where did the year go? It seems to have vanished is a cloud of smoke or something. Its scary how fast time is flying the older I get. Then again, its not just me, every seems to be saying how fast time is flying. *shrugs*

Well what have I been up to? Not a lot really. I have really enjoyed having free time this week to do nothing stuff, like watching tv and exploring the internet. Oh and then there was the occaisional supermarket shop.

Last night I started watching my shiny new Sliders dvds that I got from my lovely friends for my birthday. My one problem with watching tv at night now is that I get SO sleepy! I can't concentrate. So I may have to start watching them during the day.

Today my mother let me order my birthday present. I had to wait till she had the money on her credit card. I am getting the new Ipod with video for my birthday AND Christmas. But its worth it. I need something new to play my music on, especially on the train and it will also be cool to have videos on it too. That will come next week hopefully...or the week after.

It was really warm here today, and now the house is really hot. I am also tired all the time. I can't wait till the weekend so that I can sleep.
Going to Brett's tomorrow night for a BBQ with some people. -Actually I don't know how many people there are going to end up being there, but I'm sure it'll be fun. :D



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