Friday, December 16, 2005

Busy and Fun Day!

Okay I have to make this I am going to watch the View at 1:05am, because I was out all day and missed it.

Today I went to the city with Jacinta. We were going to see Harry Potter, but we ended up seeing The Brothers Grimm. Which was actually pretty good. A little weird, and at times scary/a little icky...but good and funny. lol.
I ran into Kate on my way to the train station, we chatted for a few minutes, she mostly asked what I had been up to and what I was doing over summer. Then I had to leave to go catch my train. I got off Melb Central, and stood around, soon Jacinta called me asking me where I was. I thought we were meeting at the station, and she was up at Hoyts. So I made my way up there and we decided to see the Bros Grimm at 2:20pm. So we went browsing the stores, spending a lot of time in Borders. Then we went and got lunch in the food court. -Maccas. Then we did more browsing and finally went and got out tickets and food and saw the movie.
There was this odd guy that sat right between me and these other girls, he kept laughing really loud and was sorta intrusive on ones personal space in a pretty empty theatre. *shrugs* Actually there was a lot more people there than I thought there would be. Melb Central seems to get a lot of people. Its kinda odd. Probably 'cause of the fact that I usually go to Hoyts at Chadstone, which is semi less popular/central. *shrugs again*

After the movie we walked down to Minotaur and looked around there. -Jacinta bought her brother a christmas pressie and other stuff for herself. I once again didn't get anything, but I wanted too! lol. I LOVE Minotaur!

..minotaur. centaur. minotaur. centaur......
-It's a Crossing Jordan thing...also a me and Elsa

Mum picked me up from the station a little before 6pm and I bummed around all night. We got maccas (again) for dinner. I watched new Will and Grace (which my mother criticised non stop) and then I watched a little Law and Order and then the last 3 eps of Las Vegas on my season 1 dvds. I have started watching the special features. -Those guys are kinda crazy. In a cool way. lol.

Well looks like I am done for now. Ooo and with time to spare! :D



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