Since today...or whenever it becomes Tuesday in the USA....which was a few hours ago I think, so I should be good. lol.
Anyways...Today is the day of the big party for Crossing Jordan's 100th Episode. All the shows on their big milestone eps, have a big party and invite all the press. I am hoping that some of my accessable entertainment news shows will cover a little bit of it....what there is a bit of a chance! lol. So yeah, I am calling today and tomorrow (Tuesday and Wednesday here in Oz), 'Jordan Day'. So yeah, today was part 1...tomorrow being part 2 of course. lol.
-There will be watching and taping of a couple of shows I will have to get my mum to help with as I won't be home. Thank god for mobile phones. :)
I love Tuesdays, because it's my day off. I stayed up past Midnight, and then slept in till just before 9am, and got up and watched Providence, then I had a shower and watched The View, that I had taped overnight. Then I set up the dvd player from downstairs in the front room and watched 2 of the 3 eps of CJ that I have put on the new dvds for Faith and Elsa. They were ep 6 and 7, Total Recall -which I just love...cause it's funny and kinda clever...and -Road Kill, also very a different sorta way, and very cool.
After that I watched The View, today's ep. -Mum came home from up the street and just started yelling at me because I hadn't done the dishes! I was totally shocked and hurt!. Scott had today of too, and he is such a male pig, he is a slob, and won't do any sort of housework. He thinks I should do it because I am the girl. Jackass!
Anyways, I didn't even think of the dishes, it wasn't like she told us too, I might have done them later on...but yeah so I got a little worked up about being blammed for something that wasn't really my fault.
This afternoon I spent pretty much the whole time on the Sims2. Then I did some of the homework (reading), and then had dinner with mum and dad, then did the rest of the homework (some more reading and also some writing too.)
After that I was on the computer again...Sims2 again....
Then I watched the last ep of CJ on the dvd. A Man in Blue. -A great Woody ep. Also a great Jordan ep too....but a lot of Woodyness...which is always good!
Now I am just posting this...and charging my iPod for tomorrow.
Tomorrow I have my class in the morning, then I am meeting the girls in the city at noon. There will be some hang time. And I have new dvds for them. -They are only 5 eps behind after these 3. The next new one in the US, is on the 12th of March...which is my holidays! Doh. ..hopefully I will be able to find an hour with the house to myself to watch it in peace!
-also...Last night when I went to bed, after I had turned out all the lights, I was lying in bed I often do, and I heard moving, so I turned on the lamp and was looking for the kitty under the bed. He wasn't there. Then I saw my back pack moving and so I got up and opened it up and there he was, all curled up in my bag! Silly cat! -He needs a bed of his own. Poor baby.
lol. It was really the cutest thing. I was cracking up for a while.
Well I guess I should call it a night...It is getting a little late-ish. Busy day...things to do, people to see, trains to catch. etc etc.
Sweet Dreams
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