Monday, February 27, 2006

Things That Make Me Smile

-Music from Crossing Jordan
-Big white vans with the numberplate 'LORNE'
-people calling out to someone named 'Jordan' at the train station
-sharing all these things with Elsa via SMS
-My kitty cat
-Pauley (Abby from NCIS) Perrette's Blog

I swear every time I read her blog, I always end up with a grin on my face. They are very uplifting!


Today being Monday...for me in Australia anyways :P, I had class this morning. I was up before 7am, it was very very dark in my house.
Class was long and boring. It just kept dragging on. I ended up not leaving till 1:30pm, instead of 1pm, cause we were working on our group debate thingy. Oh well, at least we got something done I suppose.
Grandpa ended up picking me up from the station...I didn't notice his car, as I was expecting Mum, so he tooted and I saw him.
Grandma and Grandpa were over for a little visit. -It's been a while since I've seen them. It was nice.

Tonight that new show 'Commander in Chief' starts on channel 7 tonight. It looks pretty interesting. Desperate Housewives is also on tonight too.
Scott is having tomorrow off too! Grrr. Oh well. I'll watch me some Crossing Jordan, and also ER...and The View too. do some homework.

Okay thats all I have to say for now.

Toodles with Gusto


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