Sunday, February 12, 2006

One Sunny Sunday

Okay so today wasn't my fave day of the week. In fact, at times it really sucked!

I was home all day and managed to get into a whole bunch of fights with my family. My dad is just impossible! And such a hypocrit!
And I know I probably go on about things too much, but I shouldn't have to just let things that bother me go all the time! He can do whatever he wants, but I do something similar and it's apparently totally illogical! I SO don't get it!
He has not logical thoughts at all, I swear!

Other than all that, I did the reading for my Wednesday class. There were 3 lots.
I was going to do the reading for Friday's class, but I sorta ran out of time.

I watched Will and Grace. Amusing as ever of course!
Then I started to watch the recent Crossing Jordan crossover with Nikki, but she wasn't really co-operating, so I turned it off and was doing some more cleaning of my room, that I had started before Will and Grace.
I was looking through some old magazine bits and pieces too.

Tonight I watched Law and Order: SVU. It was a really good ep. I liked it alot!
Then I watched Criminal Intent, I like that show least of all the Law and Orders I think. And this one was all weird and stuff, the main cast were missing. lol

Last night I was bored, I ended up watching 'Win a Date With Tad Hamilton', while I taped the View. -I love that movie, it's silly, but I like it. Kathryn is very cool and different in it. Her accent kinda weirds me out, but in a good way. lol
Then I watched the episodes I had of the view from Thursday and Friday. Then I watched the opening ceremony for the Winter Olympics with everyone, once Mum and Nikki were home.
Then after they had all gone to bed, I watched Under The Weather. Episode 3 of season 5 of CJ. It's one of my fave fave eps for the season and of all time! I cried. lol.

Tomorrow I'm back to class. Grr. I have to leave just after 8am. Fun. Oh well. Hopefully we will finish really early! ...What I can dream! lol

I should probably head off to bed. I hate not being able to stay up late, or sleep in a smidge!



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