Thursday, February 09, 2006

Only One To Go

So it's 3 down and 1 more day of classes to go for this week!
-I SO can't wait till the weekend! I can stay up late and sleep in real late!

But tomorrow is only Friday (well today technically...), which means I have another 5 hour class in...9 and half hours. Eeep. lol.
But I'm not sleepy. I'm kinda awake and hyper. I am making CJ dvd number 2 for Faith and Elsa...hopefully I will get it all done before i have to leave in the morning.
I am not coming home again tomorrow, so I'll be gone from like 8:15 till 10:30 at night or something! Yipes!
It's gonna be a bit cool tomorrow too, so I am hopefully gonna wear my trenchcoat. ..But we'll see.
It kinda depends on if I feel like wearing my boots all day.

Today I got up at 7am. Again. And went through my routine. Again.
Today I was actually able to drink my coffee. So I was a little (note - LITTLE) bit more attentive.
I was SO glad I took my umbrella. I almost didn't! It started pouring at Richmond station and didn't really stop till around midday.
The class was pretty interesting. It's sorta cultural studies, in texts. Which is cool. -Though some people are really into it in the class...and sorta make me feel a tad dumb, but I'm sure I'll get over it.

We left just after 1pm I think, and we walked to the station, and luckily it didn't rain till we were there. It was raining frikken cats and dogs at Richmond station when were were waiting to go home. I had to change at Camberwell, cause it was early. I hate that Alamein trains don't run from the city in the middle of the day. Grr.
I called and whinged to dad to pick me up from the station. He did.
I sat on the computer all afternoon. -After eating a lot of crap.
I hate 5 hour classes, I get really really hungry! I have breaky at like by 11am I am frikken starving!
I was gonna make muffins, but we didn't have any eggs. So that was a let down.

I watched The View from yesterday, then I watched Friends and had a few 'discussions' with mum about debit cards, mail, forms, etc etc.
I watched Las Vegas at 7:30pm. With Nikki. I wrote down all these notes for it, because i hadn't written any when I watched it the first time.
It was an amusing ep.

Then I watched Lost, set up the dvd to get working. Then I watched Will and Grace at 10pm. Then I watched some of Ellen - Her talk show.

The dvd is almost done. Tomorrow we are going to the Moonlight cinema. I am meeting the girls in the city in the afternoon. I have class till 2:30pm. What fun. I'm gonna need lots of coffee and food! lol. Sugar too!

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