Sunday, February 26, 2006

My Weekend

Wow...I really ment to write this all up earlier..oh well.

Now is just as good a time as any.
Yesterday I had my first shift at Safeway. ...I got up early cause it was hot and I couldn't sleep.
I chatted on MSN with Faith and Elsa till it was time to go get ready. I arrived at Safeway and went into the service counter, they put me on a register straight away...I was terrified! lol.
So yeah, for 3 hours (and an extra 15 minutes, because I don't have a watch) I dealt with customers. It was pretty okay. I had a few fumbles, but it all worked out in the end. The people I was working with were really nice and helpful. :)
I worked 1pm till 4pm. ..well a little after, as I lost track of the time.

It was pouring with rain resterday! It was bucketing down! It was pretty crazy!
Last night I watched The View from friday night (that I had taped), and then I watched 'Gulliver's Travels'. It's an old telemovie, that I watch pretty much everytime it's on tv. I love it. lol.
After that I finished quoting 'Conspiracy' of Crossing Jordan. FINALLY! lol. I have almost finished quoting all the old ones. I still have Skin and Bone, and Locard's Exchange to do...then I have the new ones. But since all the new ones are on the computer, it should be pretty easy to quote them, as I won't have to write them all down. -I might have to print them out though, so that I can put them into my book... lol.

I slept in till 11ish today, then sat on the computer till we were finally ready to go to Chadstone. We didn't really buy anything at Chaddy. We looked around David Jones and Myer for a bit. Then we got lunch at the good food court.
-Muffin Break was all out of Choc Chip Muffins! They are NEVER EVER out! lol. So I had to have a crappy double choc one instead.

When we got home, I watched tv, then Will and Grace was on at 5pm. It was a really dumb ep. But it was so funny....or so bad...but I was in stitches! lol.

Tonight I cleaned up my room a bit. I cleaned out some of my draws and got rid of a few old clothes that are either too small or have been worn out.
I watched Law and Order: SVU and Criminal Intent, and now I'm gonna to go bed soonish. I've got class at 9am tomorrow.
Man I hate that!
oh well.



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