Since today...or whenever it becomes Tuesday in the USA....which was a few hours ago I think, so I should be good. lol.
Anyways...Today is the day of the big party for Crossing Jordan's 100th Episode. All the shows on their big milestone eps, have a big party and invite all the press. I am hoping that some of my accessable entertainment news shows will cover a little bit of it....what there is a bit of a chance! lol. So yeah, I am calling today and tomorrow (Tuesday and Wednesday here in Oz), 'Jordan Day'. So yeah, today was part 1...tomorrow being part 2 of course. lol.
-There will be watching and taping of a couple of shows I will have to get my mum to help with as I won't be home. Thank god for mobile phones. :)
I love Tuesdays, because it's my day off. I stayed up past Midnight, and then slept in till just before 9am, and got up and watched Providence, then I had a shower and watched The View, that I had taped overnight. Then I set up the dvd player from downstairs in the front room and watched 2 of the 3 eps of CJ that I have put on the new dvds for Faith and Elsa. They were ep 6 and 7, Total Recall -which I just love...cause it's funny and kinda clever...and -Road Kill, also very a different sorta way, and very cool.
After that I watched The View, today's ep. -Mum came home from up the street and just started yelling at me because I hadn't done the dishes! I was totally shocked and hurt!. Scott had today of too, and he is such a male pig, he is a slob, and won't do any sort of housework. He thinks I should do it because I am the girl. Jackass!
Anyways, I didn't even think of the dishes, it wasn't like she told us too, I might have done them later on...but yeah so I got a little worked up about being blammed for something that wasn't really my fault.
This afternoon I spent pretty much the whole time on the Sims2. Then I did some of the homework (reading), and then had dinner with mum and dad, then did the rest of the homework (some more reading and also some writing too.)
After that I was on the computer again...Sims2 again....
Then I watched the last ep of CJ on the dvd. A Man in Blue. -A great Woody ep. Also a great Jordan ep too....but a lot of Woodyness...which is always good!
Now I am just posting this...and charging my iPod for tomorrow.
Tomorrow I have my class in the morning, then I am meeting the girls in the city at noon. There will be some hang time. And I have new dvds for them. -They are only 5 eps behind after these 3. The next new one in the US, is on the 12th of March...which is my holidays! Doh. ..hopefully I will be able to find an hour with the house to myself to watch it in peace!
-also...Last night when I went to bed, after I had turned out all the lights, I was lying in bed I often do, and I heard moving, so I turned on the lamp and was looking for the kitty under the bed. He wasn't there. Then I saw my back pack moving and so I got up and opened it up and there he was, all curled up in my bag! Silly cat! -He needs a bed of his own. Poor baby.
lol. It was really the cutest thing. I was cracking up for a while.
Well I guess I should call it a night...It is getting a little late-ish. Busy day...things to do, people to see, trains to catch. etc etc.
Sweet Dreams
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Monday, February 27, 2006
Things That Make Me Smile
-Music from Crossing Jordan
-Big white vans with the numberplate 'LORNE'
-people calling out to someone named 'Jordan' at the train station
-sharing all these things with Elsa via SMS
-My kitty cat
-Pauley (Abby from NCIS) Perrette's Blog
I swear every time I read her blog, I always end up with a grin on my face. They are very uplifting!
Today being Monday...for me in Australia anyways :P, I had class this morning. I was up before 7am, it was very very dark in my house.
Class was long and boring. It just kept dragging on. I ended up not leaving till 1:30pm, instead of 1pm, cause we were working on our group debate thingy. Oh well, at least we got something done I suppose.
Grandpa ended up picking me up from the station...I didn't notice his car, as I was expecting Mum, so he tooted and I saw him.
Grandma and Grandpa were over for a little visit. -It's been a while since I've seen them. It was nice.
Tonight that new show 'Commander in Chief' starts on channel 7 tonight. It looks pretty interesting. Desperate Housewives is also on tonight too.
Scott is having tomorrow off too! Grrr. Oh well. I'll watch me some Crossing Jordan, and also ER...and The View too. do some homework.
Okay thats all I have to say for now.
Toodles with Gusto
-Big white vans with the numberplate 'LORNE'
-people calling out to someone named 'Jordan' at the train station
-sharing all these things with Elsa via SMS
-My kitty cat
-Pauley (Abby from NCIS) Perrette's Blog
I swear every time I read her blog, I always end up with a grin on my face. They are very uplifting!
Today being Monday...for me in Australia anyways :P, I had class this morning. I was up before 7am, it was very very dark in my house.
Class was long and boring. It just kept dragging on. I ended up not leaving till 1:30pm, instead of 1pm, cause we were working on our group debate thingy. Oh well, at least we got something done I suppose.
Grandpa ended up picking me up from the station...I didn't notice his car, as I was expecting Mum, so he tooted and I saw him.
Grandma and Grandpa were over for a little visit. -It's been a while since I've seen them. It was nice.
Tonight that new show 'Commander in Chief' starts on channel 7 tonight. It looks pretty interesting. Desperate Housewives is also on tonight too.
Scott is having tomorrow off too! Grrr. Oh well. I'll watch me some Crossing Jordan, and also ER...and The View too. do some homework.
Okay thats all I have to say for now.
Toodles with Gusto
Sunday, February 26, 2006
My Weekend
Wow...I really ment to write this all up earlier..oh well.
Now is just as good a time as any.
Yesterday I had my first shift at Safeway. ...I got up early cause it was hot and I couldn't sleep.
I chatted on MSN with Faith and Elsa till it was time to go get ready. I arrived at Safeway and went into the service counter, they put me on a register straight away...I was terrified! lol.
So yeah, for 3 hours (and an extra 15 minutes, because I don't have a watch) I dealt with customers. It was pretty okay. I had a few fumbles, but it all worked out in the end. The people I was working with were really nice and helpful. :)
I worked 1pm till 4pm. ..well a little after, as I lost track of the time.
It was pouring with rain resterday! It was bucketing down! It was pretty crazy!
Last night I watched The View from friday night (that I had taped), and then I watched 'Gulliver's Travels'. It's an old telemovie, that I watch pretty much everytime it's on tv. I love it. lol.
After that I finished quoting 'Conspiracy' of Crossing Jordan. FINALLY! lol. I have almost finished quoting all the old ones. I still have Skin and Bone, and Locard's Exchange to do...then I have the new ones. But since all the new ones are on the computer, it should be pretty easy to quote them, as I won't have to write them all down. -I might have to print them out though, so that I can put them into my book... lol.
I slept in till 11ish today, then sat on the computer till we were finally ready to go to Chadstone. We didn't really buy anything at Chaddy. We looked around David Jones and Myer for a bit. Then we got lunch at the good food court.
-Muffin Break was all out of Choc Chip Muffins! They are NEVER EVER out! lol. So I had to have a crappy double choc one instead.
When we got home, I watched tv, then Will and Grace was on at 5pm. It was a really dumb ep. But it was so funny....or so bad...but I was in stitches! lol.
Tonight I cleaned up my room a bit. I cleaned out some of my draws and got rid of a few old clothes that are either too small or have been worn out.
I watched Law and Order: SVU and Criminal Intent, and now I'm gonna to go bed soonish. I've got class at 9am tomorrow.
Man I hate that!
oh well.
Now is just as good a time as any.
Yesterday I had my first shift at Safeway. ...I got up early cause it was hot and I couldn't sleep.
I chatted on MSN with Faith and Elsa till it was time to go get ready. I arrived at Safeway and went into the service counter, they put me on a register straight away...I was terrified! lol.
So yeah, for 3 hours (and an extra 15 minutes, because I don't have a watch) I dealt with customers. It was pretty okay. I had a few fumbles, but it all worked out in the end. The people I was working with were really nice and helpful. :)
I worked 1pm till 4pm. ..well a little after, as I lost track of the time.
It was pouring with rain resterday! It was bucketing down! It was pretty crazy!
Last night I watched The View from friday night (that I had taped), and then I watched 'Gulliver's Travels'. It's an old telemovie, that I watch pretty much everytime it's on tv. I love it. lol.
After that I finished quoting 'Conspiracy' of Crossing Jordan. FINALLY! lol. I have almost finished quoting all the old ones. I still have Skin and Bone, and Locard's Exchange to do...then I have the new ones. But since all the new ones are on the computer, it should be pretty easy to quote them, as I won't have to write them all down. -I might have to print them out though, so that I can put them into my book... lol.
I slept in till 11ish today, then sat on the computer till we were finally ready to go to Chadstone. We didn't really buy anything at Chaddy. We looked around David Jones and Myer for a bit. Then we got lunch at the good food court.
-Muffin Break was all out of Choc Chip Muffins! They are NEVER EVER out! lol. So I had to have a crappy double choc one instead.
When we got home, I watched tv, then Will and Grace was on at 5pm. It was a really dumb ep. But it was so funny....or so bad...but I was in stitches! lol.
Tonight I cleaned up my room a bit. I cleaned out some of my draws and got rid of a few old clothes that are either too small or have been worn out.
I watched Law and Order: SVU and Criminal Intent, and now I'm gonna to go bed soonish. I've got class at 9am tomorrow.
Man I hate that!
oh well.
Friday, February 24, 2006
Tonight I rented 'Crash' and 'Must Love Dogs' to watch, while everyone else was out.
-Nikki ended up going to her friends for a sleepover! grrr. But oh well. She wouldn't have liked the movies I got anyways. lol.
I watched 'Must Love Dogs' first. It was a nice romantic comedy type movie. Very me. lol.
John Cusacks character was building a basement. I kept shouting out about him being just like Gibbs on NCIS. lol.
The movie was pretty decent. I liked it, though I'm sure Elsa would call in sappy. lol. As I said, very 'me'. lol
Then I watched 'Crash', which was a sociological film about Los Angeles. It was really really good and it held up to my expectations which was good too.
Full of big name actors, it was a very very effective movie. -I think I offically don't want to move to LA anytime soon.
But as I was told, it was a great film. Hey, I might even find a use for it this year with my course and all the sociology stuff we are doing.
Well I'm off to watch yesterday's ep of 'The View' now.
Stay Safe
-Nikki ended up going to her friends for a sleepover! grrr. But oh well. She wouldn't have liked the movies I got anyways. lol.
I watched 'Must Love Dogs' first. It was a nice romantic comedy type movie. Very me. lol.
John Cusacks character was building a basement. I kept shouting out about him being just like Gibbs on NCIS. lol.
The movie was pretty decent. I liked it, though I'm sure Elsa would call in sappy. lol. As I said, very 'me'. lol
Then I watched 'Crash', which was a sociological film about Los Angeles. It was really really good and it held up to my expectations which was good too.
Full of big name actors, it was a very very effective movie. -I think I offically don't want to move to LA anytime soon.
But as I was told, it was a great film. Hey, I might even find a use for it this year with my course and all the sociology stuff we are doing.
Well I'm off to watch yesterday's ep of 'The View' now.
Stay Safe
Friday At Last!
Yay today is Friday! Which means I can..
1) stay up late tonight -which means past 11:30pm-12 midnight
2) sleep in late tomorrow morning
3) watch all the things taped during the week
4) eat junky food for dinner -pizza probaby.
And Mum, Dad and Scott will be out at a trivia night tonight, so it's just gonna be me and Nic.
There will be movies!
Today Dad drove me to the station. -I slept in again, but was ready to go at the time to go time.
The express train to Richmond was a really crappy old train...that was really really hot and had a small hole in the floor. -I was sure it was going to fall apart on me!...or with me in it anyways...
In Class, we did some research on the computers...which was really boring and kinda was all this random stuff about traditions.
During the break, I sat around with Candice, Jacinta, Jane and Angela. And Judith too.
After the break, we were in groups of three, Me, Jacinta and Angela. We mostly chatted about tv shows, though we were supposed to be discussing our answers from earlier.
Then we finally got to go home at 10 to 1pm. It was very hot outside and luckily the train from Prahran was a good one. Meaning air conditioned.
We had to wait ages for a train from Richmond, but luckily it was also a good one, once it came.
I got dad to pick me up from Hartwell, so I didn't have to walk home in the heat. Yay!
I am making the 3rd disc of CJ eps for Elsa and Faith (and myself of course lol). I dunno when I'll see them to give it to them...but it will be ready for next time.
I think that's all I have to say for today. -I have a bit of homework to do before next weeks classes, but not heaps. And I'm working tomorrow first shift. -I'm still terrified. lol.
Thank God It's Friday!
1) stay up late tonight -which means past 11:30pm-12 midnight
2) sleep in late tomorrow morning
3) watch all the things taped during the week
4) eat junky food for dinner -pizza probaby.
And Mum, Dad and Scott will be out at a trivia night tonight, so it's just gonna be me and Nic.
There will be movies!
Today Dad drove me to the station. -I slept in again, but was ready to go at the time to go time.
The express train to Richmond was a really crappy old train...that was really really hot and had a small hole in the floor. -I was sure it was going to fall apart on me!...or with me in it anyways...
In Class, we did some research on the computers...which was really boring and kinda was all this random stuff about traditions.
During the break, I sat around with Candice, Jacinta, Jane and Angela. And Judith too.
After the break, we were in groups of three, Me, Jacinta and Angela. We mostly chatted about tv shows, though we were supposed to be discussing our answers from earlier.
Then we finally got to go home at 10 to 1pm. It was very hot outside and luckily the train from Prahran was a good one. Meaning air conditioned.
We had to wait ages for a train from Richmond, but luckily it was also a good one, once it came.
I got dad to pick me up from Hartwell, so I didn't have to walk home in the heat. Yay!
I am making the 3rd disc of CJ eps for Elsa and Faith (and myself of course lol). I dunno when I'll see them to give it to them...but it will be ready for next time.
I think that's all I have to say for today. -I have a bit of homework to do before next weeks classes, but not heaps. And I'm working tomorrow first shift. -I'm still terrified. lol.
Thank God It's Friday!
Friday At Last!
Yay today is Friday! Which means I can..
1) stay up late tonight -which means past 11:30pm-12 midnight
2) sleep in late tomorrow morning
3) watch all the things taped during the week
4) eat junky food for dinner -pizza probaby.
And Mum, Dad and Scott will be out at a trivia night tonight, so it's just gonna be me and Nic.
There will be movies!
Today Dad drove me to the station. -I slept in again, but was ready to go at the time to go time.
The express train to Richmond was a really crappy old train...that was really really hot and had a small hole in the floor. -I was sure it was going to fall apart on me!...or with me in it anyways...
In Class, we did some research on the computers...which was really boring and kinda was all this random stuff about traditions.
During the break, I sat around with Candice, Jacinta, Jane and Angela. And Judith too.
After the break, we were in groups of three, Me, Jacinta and Angela. We mostly chatted about tv shows, though we were supposed to be discussing our answers from earlier.
Then we finally got to go home at 10 to 1pm. It was very hot outside and luckily the train from Prahran was a good one. Meaning air conditioned.
We had to wait ages for a train from Richmond, but luckily it was also a good one, once it came.
I got dad to pick me up from Hartwell, so I didn't have to walk home in the heat. Yay!
I am making the 3rd disc of CJ eps for Elsa and Faith (and myself of course lol). I dunno when I'll see them to give it to them...but it will be ready for next time.
I think that's all I have to say for today. -I have a bit of homework to do before next weeks classes, but not heaps. And I'm working tomorrow first shift. -I'm still terrified. lol.
Thank God It's Friday!
1) stay up late tonight -which means past 11:30pm-12 midnight
2) sleep in late tomorrow morning
3) watch all the things taped during the week
4) eat junky food for dinner -pizza probaby.
And Mum, Dad and Scott will be out at a trivia night tonight, so it's just gonna be me and Nic.
There will be movies!
Today Dad drove me to the station. -I slept in again, but was ready to go at the time to go time.
The express train to Richmond was a really crappy old train...that was really really hot and had a small hole in the floor. -I was sure it was going to fall apart on me!...or with me in it anyways...
In Class, we did some research on the computers...which was really boring and kinda was all this random stuff about traditions.
During the break, I sat around with Candice, Jacinta, Jane and Angela. And Judith too.
After the break, we were in groups of three, Me, Jacinta and Angela. We mostly chatted about tv shows, though we were supposed to be discussing our answers from earlier.
Then we finally got to go home at 10 to 1pm. It was very hot outside and luckily the train from Prahran was a good one. Meaning air conditioned.
We had to wait ages for a train from Richmond, but luckily it was also a good one, once it came.
I got dad to pick me up from Hartwell, so I didn't have to walk home in the heat. Yay!
I am making the 3rd disc of CJ eps for Elsa and Faith (and myself of course lol). I dunno when I'll see them to give it to them...but it will be ready for next time.
I think that's all I have to say for today. -I have a bit of homework to do before next weeks classes, but not heaps. And I'm working tomorrow first shift. -I'm still terrified. lol.
Thank God It's Friday!
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Thursday = Hot Weather and Empty Stomachs
So it's Thursday (finally), which means I had Text and Culture today as my class.
I slept in this morning and so I got up a bit later than I wanted to, but it was all good, I was still ready in time.
I almost missed my train to Prahran from Richmond, but luckily it was running a little late. :)
Today's class was really boring. I was exhausted. Everyone was sleepy and bored. lol. We finally got to see the end of 'Fatal Attraction'. And had to do all this reading on it..I almost fell asleep. lol
After class I headed home again. -It was quite warm and so that was fun (not) to walk home from the station in. -Oh and I had to wait ages for the Alamein train from Camberwell, cause something was messed up with the Belgrave train and it couldn't leave or something. I dunno.
This afternoon I pretty much was on the computer the whole time. I did call up Safeway to see when my first shift would be. -It's this Saturday at 1pm till 4pm. -I'm nervous as hell about starting! lol. Not good.
I didn't have lunch today and was starving by dinner time and feeling a little under the weather. But after I ate (I hadn't eaten since 7:30am give or take) dinner I was fine.
It's still pretty hot. grr and it's going to be really hot tomorrow.
Dad is going to be home tomorrow, so I should be able to score a lift home, which would be really nice! LOL
Mum doesn't have her job anymore, that's ended..or they ended it. -It was a short term thing anyways. But tomorrow's her last day, so I'll have to deal with her being home all the time and grumpy. doh!
Oh well. *sigh*
I'm working on CJ dvd 3 now. I wanna get the new dvds to the girls so that I can talk those eps. And there is something I am dying to talk about...which I can't yet until they see more episodes!
So I'll have those ready for the next time I see them.
Must go...should get some kind of sleep...or at least attempt it!
Aurevoir Mon Ami
I slept in this morning and so I got up a bit later than I wanted to, but it was all good, I was still ready in time.
I almost missed my train to Prahran from Richmond, but luckily it was running a little late. :)
Today's class was really boring. I was exhausted. Everyone was sleepy and bored. lol. We finally got to see the end of 'Fatal Attraction'. And had to do all this reading on it..I almost fell asleep. lol
After class I headed home again. -It was quite warm and so that was fun (not) to walk home from the station in. -Oh and I had to wait ages for the Alamein train from Camberwell, cause something was messed up with the Belgrave train and it couldn't leave or something. I dunno.
This afternoon I pretty much was on the computer the whole time. I did call up Safeway to see when my first shift would be. -It's this Saturday at 1pm till 4pm. -I'm nervous as hell about starting! lol. Not good.
I didn't have lunch today and was starving by dinner time and feeling a little under the weather. But after I ate (I hadn't eaten since 7:30am give or take) dinner I was fine.
It's still pretty hot. grr and it's going to be really hot tomorrow.
Dad is going to be home tomorrow, so I should be able to score a lift home, which would be really nice! LOL
Mum doesn't have her job anymore, that's ended..or they ended it. -It was a short term thing anyways. But tomorrow's her last day, so I'll have to deal with her being home all the time and grumpy. doh!
Oh well. *sigh*
I'm working on CJ dvd 3 now. I wanna get the new dvds to the girls so that I can talk those eps. And there is something I am dying to talk about...which I can't yet until they see more episodes!
So I'll have those ready for the next time I see them.
Must go...should get some kind of sleep...or at least attempt it!
Aurevoir Mon Ami
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Dollers and Cents
Today I almost slept in. doh. But I got up and was still ready in plenty of time which was good. :)
I left for the station at 20 past 8am and caught the train to Camberwell and thne the express from Camberwell to Richmond. -The express was really packed this morning, which was really annoying.
I got to class and we ended up having a room swap, so we all had to move downstairs.
After class I went the office and got a sticker for my ID card, so that it's up to date.
Then I walked down Chapel street to the Commonwealth bank, to start up a new bank account, a student one. -I get less fees or something.
I also signed up for a credit card. -Hopefully I will get approved...I hope. lol. I wanna buy Ducky pj's (and eventually some other stuff) off ebay.
After that, I went home and watched tv, after putting on my washing. -which included my pants for work...
After that I put out the washing and did some homework. Then I had to go pick up Nikki from school early, cause she wasn't feeling well.
-It was kinda trippy walking through the old school halls and classrooms. weird. lol -I sorta miss primary school. lol. :P
I then got ready for work and left just before 4:30pm. I caught the tram down to Cambers and we started the training again in the back. We finished the books and then did some more work on the registers.
We did some other bits and pieces. And now I am all trained and ready to start work. least that's what I'm told....
I'm all nervous about starting I have to call up and get my first shift organised. -eeee. lol
Meh. It'll be fine, It'll just take some practice and things will be all hunky dory.
After we finished, I chatted for a bit with Lauren and another girl Melanie and then went and got Maccas for dinner. I then went and found the car and waited for mum to come back.
I got home and watched NCIS at 9:30pm. This was one I hadn't seen yet, so it was kinda odd. lol.
I should go now...I could use some sleep. lol.
Got a fun long class tomorrow. lol.
Toodles (...gotta get a new word/phrase) lol
I left for the station at 20 past 8am and caught the train to Camberwell and thne the express from Camberwell to Richmond. -The express was really packed this morning, which was really annoying.
I got to class and we ended up having a room swap, so we all had to move downstairs.
After class I went the office and got a sticker for my ID card, so that it's up to date.
Then I walked down Chapel street to the Commonwealth bank, to start up a new bank account, a student one. -I get less fees or something.
I also signed up for a credit card. -Hopefully I will get approved...I hope. lol. I wanna buy Ducky pj's (and eventually some other stuff) off ebay.
After that, I went home and watched tv, after putting on my washing. -which included my pants for work...
After that I put out the washing and did some homework. Then I had to go pick up Nikki from school early, cause she wasn't feeling well.
-It was kinda trippy walking through the old school halls and classrooms. weird. lol -I sorta miss primary school. lol. :P
I then got ready for work and left just before 4:30pm. I caught the tram down to Cambers and we started the training again in the back. We finished the books and then did some more work on the registers.
We did some other bits and pieces. And now I am all trained and ready to start work. least that's what I'm told....
I'm all nervous about starting I have to call up and get my first shift organised. -eeee. lol
Meh. It'll be fine, It'll just take some practice and things will be all hunky dory.
After we finished, I chatted for a bit with Lauren and another girl Melanie and then went and got Maccas for dinner. I then went and found the car and waited for mum to come back.
I got home and watched NCIS at 9:30pm. This was one I hadn't seen yet, so it was kinda odd. lol.
I should go now...I could use some sleep. lol.
Got a fun long class tomorrow. lol.
Toodles (...gotta get a new word/phrase) lol
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Little Carlie's First Day Of Work
Today was my first day of training at Safeway. -At MY store, learning proper supermarket stuff. It was a little exciting.
Since today was my day off, I slept in and since Nikki was home I didn't really have to worry about getting up which was also nice!
Once I did get up, I checked on Nikki who spent the whole day in front of the TV's.
I made my breaky and we watched Providence, which I had taped. After that I did some homework and then made Nikki lunch.
I watched Will and Grace at 1pm and then The View at 1:30pm. -They are in Las Vegas at the moment. I love Las Vegas. I can't wait to go there!
Anyways...back on track....
After that I spent some time on the computer editing my script.
I spent some time getting my clothes for work organised (ironing and stuff). Then I caught the 4:36pm tram to Cambwerwell and walked up to Safeway.
I walked in with Stephanie and we were then taken to the staff area. After a little while we went into the training room and started our training. We watched videos and did some questions from the book. We went out to look at some of the fresh food in the Produce section.
We had a break and me and Lauren (the girl thats gonna be working at Camberwell with me), chatted to one of the girls that worked there and then we did some more work from the book, before going to play 'shops'. We had to collect some groceries and then learn how to put them through the cash register. We learnt how to do different types of payment and produce with PLU codes and stuff. -it was kinda fun.
We then had to do shopping in reverse, by putting it all away again. lol
Mum picked me up afterwards and I had dinner and changed my clothes. I should really go to bed in a minute.
Tomorrow I have class in the morning, then I'm probably gonna go to the bank and then come home. I then have training again tomorrow evening.
Nighty Night
Since today was my day off, I slept in and since Nikki was home I didn't really have to worry about getting up which was also nice!
Once I did get up, I checked on Nikki who spent the whole day in front of the TV's.
I made my breaky and we watched Providence, which I had taped. After that I did some homework and then made Nikki lunch.
I watched Will and Grace at 1pm and then The View at 1:30pm. -They are in Las Vegas at the moment. I love Las Vegas. I can't wait to go there!
Anyways...back on track....
After that I spent some time on the computer editing my script.
I spent some time getting my clothes for work organised (ironing and stuff). Then I caught the 4:36pm tram to Cambwerwell and walked up to Safeway.
I walked in with Stephanie and we were then taken to the staff area. After a little while we went into the training room and started our training. We watched videos and did some questions from the book. We went out to look at some of the fresh food in the Produce section.
We had a break and me and Lauren (the girl thats gonna be working at Camberwell with me), chatted to one of the girls that worked there and then we did some more work from the book, before going to play 'shops'. We had to collect some groceries and then learn how to put them through the cash register. We learnt how to do different types of payment and produce with PLU codes and stuff. -it was kinda fun.
We then had to do shopping in reverse, by putting it all away again. lol
Mum picked me up afterwards and I had dinner and changed my clothes. I should really go to bed in a minute.
Tomorrow I have class in the morning, then I'm probably gonna go to the bank and then come home. I then have training again tomorrow evening.
Nighty Night
Boring Mondays
I really hate Mondays! Especially this year, the whole going for one day, then having a day off really messes me up! I liked having my 3 day weekends last year! Oh well. lol. -I'll stop whinging eventually :P
I got up early as always when I have classes, and Dad gave me a lift to the station. I skipped a train at Richmond, and caught the one just after, as I didn't want to get to Swinburne too early.
Class was pretty boring, we showed off our family trees and did some discussion. -I got really hungry and my stomach started rumbling somewhat loudly at one point! lol. -I hate these 5 hour classes. Luckily we get a few little short breaks!
After class, I headed home and got Dad to pick me up from the station so I didn't have to walk. Nikki was home sick today, gastro or something. Poor bubby!
I spent the afternoon on the computer, doing some updates on our Crossing Jordan site and playing the sims2, as well as other net stuff.
We had spagetti for dinner, but it wasn't as nice as the one we had last week. -I am saying that has something to do with me cooking part of it last week. lol. :P
Tonight I watched another oldish ep of NCIS. -Mum at one point asked if she was hearing David McCallum (Ducky), and I told her she did, and that she already had seen this show before. lol. She of course then began rambling about 'The Man From U.N.C.L.E'. -I know of it, but have never seen it.
After that I watched some new Jenna Elfman sitcom. It was kinda boring, which is a little sad.
Then I watched Desperate Housewives, then I watched Law and Order: SVU on foxtel and then I've been on the comp all night.
Tomorrow is my day off. YAY! I am gonna sleep in a bit..probably. lol. Nikki is gonna stay home again. -She needs to get better!
Tomorrow night I have my first training session at Safeway, in the store. So that should be interesting. -I'm all kinda nervous with all this new stuff to do and all...but that's normal and should go away after a while.
-I am very excited about earning some money! -And hopefully being able to buy me some ducky jammies (like Jordan's) off Ebay!
I'm half awake/half sleepy. This is what I hate about Tuesdays off. I am so tired from Monday, that I never wanna stay up that late on Monday nights, but I don't want to sleep, because it's my only night in the week to do so. Stupid classes. lol. Oh well, the holidays are in a few weeks! YAY!
I might go to bed soon. That coffee did nothing for me!
I got up early as always when I have classes, and Dad gave me a lift to the station. I skipped a train at Richmond, and caught the one just after, as I didn't want to get to Swinburne too early.
Class was pretty boring, we showed off our family trees and did some discussion. -I got really hungry and my stomach started rumbling somewhat loudly at one point! lol. -I hate these 5 hour classes. Luckily we get a few little short breaks!
After class, I headed home and got Dad to pick me up from the station so I didn't have to walk. Nikki was home sick today, gastro or something. Poor bubby!
I spent the afternoon on the computer, doing some updates on our Crossing Jordan site and playing the sims2, as well as other net stuff.
We had spagetti for dinner, but it wasn't as nice as the one we had last week. -I am saying that has something to do with me cooking part of it last week. lol. :P
Tonight I watched another oldish ep of NCIS. -Mum at one point asked if she was hearing David McCallum (Ducky), and I told her she did, and that she already had seen this show before. lol. She of course then began rambling about 'The Man From U.N.C.L.E'. -I know of it, but have never seen it.
After that I watched some new Jenna Elfman sitcom. It was kinda boring, which is a little sad.
Then I watched Desperate Housewives, then I watched Law and Order: SVU on foxtel and then I've been on the comp all night.
Tomorrow is my day off. YAY! I am gonna sleep in a bit..probably. lol. Nikki is gonna stay home again. -She needs to get better!
Tomorrow night I have my first training session at Safeway, in the store. So that should be interesting. -I'm all kinda nervous with all this new stuff to do and all...but that's normal and should go away after a while.
-I am very excited about earning some money! -And hopefully being able to buy me some ducky jammies (like Jordan's) off Ebay!
I'm half awake/half sleepy. This is what I hate about Tuesdays off. I am so tired from Monday, that I never wanna stay up that late on Monday nights, but I don't want to sleep, because it's my only night in the week to do so. Stupid classes. lol. Oh well, the holidays are in a few weeks! YAY!
I might go to bed soon. That coffee did nothing for me!
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Caffine Overload and My Family Tree
Last night I ended up drinking a fair bit of diet Coke. Buy about 9pm, I was totally jittery and hyper. -It was crazy!
I watched the recent CJ/LV crossover with Nikki and learned a little of Woody's dance. Then I watched an old ep of NCIS, very funny and I was extremely hyper! Then I watched the 2 eps of The View that I had to watch, then I did some more quoting. (same ep) lol
Elsa got her new computer yesterday so I was chatting with her on msn all night...almost literally. -Till practically 4am anyways.
Today I slept in, then sat on the comp and did my family tree for tomorrow's class.
I talked to Grandpa on the phone for a bit and then worked on it some more.
I did a little research into mobile phones and bank stuff. I'm gonna get a new phone in the next month or so I think. I need a newer one!
I'm gonna try and go to the bank and medicare in Prahran on Wednesday, or even Thursday or Friday, so I can open a new account and get a credit card and a medicare card.
-I want those Ducky jammies!
lol. I'm totally obsessed! haha!
I watched Will and Grace and This Old House this arvo, and then Law and Order: SVU, and some of Criminal Intent...I like that one less. lol.
Gotta go to class tomorrow. Fun. Oh well.
I'm charging my iPod now and I'm gonna put a few more songs onto it before bed.
...which will be soonish..hopefully. lol
I watched the recent CJ/LV crossover with Nikki and learned a little of Woody's dance. Then I watched an old ep of NCIS, very funny and I was extremely hyper! Then I watched the 2 eps of The View that I had to watch, then I did some more quoting. (same ep) lol
Elsa got her new computer yesterday so I was chatting with her on msn all night...almost literally. -Till practically 4am anyways.
Today I slept in, then sat on the comp and did my family tree for tomorrow's class.
I talked to Grandpa on the phone for a bit and then worked on it some more.
I did a little research into mobile phones and bank stuff. I'm gonna get a new phone in the next month or so I think. I need a newer one!
I'm gonna try and go to the bank and medicare in Prahran on Wednesday, or even Thursday or Friday, so I can open a new account and get a credit card and a medicare card.
-I want those Ducky jammies!
lol. I'm totally obsessed! haha!
I watched Will and Grace and This Old House this arvo, and then Law and Order: SVU, and some of Criminal Intent...I like that one less. lol.
Gotta go to class tomorrow. Fun. Oh well.
I'm charging my iPod now and I'm gonna put a few more songs onto it before bed.
...which will be soonish..hopefully. lol
Saturday, February 18, 2006
A Field Trip
Yesterday I got up at the usual time (7am), got ready, set the tape, printed out my notes on CJ, LV and NCIS, packed up my bag, -including a jumper and brolly (I was told there would be some rain...they lied), and after all that I forgot my water bottle when I left. Doh.
Toffs followed me down to the corner, and then crossed the road. -I've never seen him do that, he was naughty!
I got to tafe and was chatting with the new girl from NMIT Candice. The rest of the class arrived, we had class. We had a 30 minute break -which was insane.
And then we ended up finishing at 12:30...we are normally ment to finish at 1:30...*shrugs* I'm not gonna complain! lol.
I went to meet Elsa in the city and we browsed. We met up with her mummy and then we had lunch at red rooster and chatted about NCIS, and CJ and LV.
Then we went looking at computers and stuff. I caught the 4:38pm train from Flinders st and Mum was on the next one, so I waited at Hartwell for her. -I watched the Bonnie and Clyde scene from Enlightenment.
We got home and Dad, Nic and Scott were off at Scott's soccer, so I bummed around till they got back. We got fish and chips for dinner. - YUM! And I watched 'Santa With Muscles' Steve Valentine (Nigel) was in it...he was all evil and wacky in it. -I also knew the little kids from other things..that was interesting too.
I then watched ER from Wednesday and then did a little more quoting from 'Conspiracy' (no I still haven't finished it yet! lol) and went to bed.
This morning I got up at 6am -ish and got ready for my day of Induction training for my new job with Safeway.
Mum drove me and I got there a little early. We started with learning how to tie our scarfs (green for my store), and the guys put on their ties. I also got a name tag. "I'm a nametag person"...I've had Cordy in my head all day now. lol
I was chatting with the girl next to me, whose in year 12 at Canterbury Girls, my old school. We were chatting about teachers and subjects and stuff. It was kinda nice. lol.
We went to Macca's for lunch. -As did a few others from the big group.
The training session was long and kinda boring..yet sometimes a little amusing. We had to fill in all these question books. -That was fun....not so much. lol
I'm home now...and really tired. I have a bottle of Coca-Cola in the fridge I am planning on drinking all night! lol.
Tomorrow I have to do home work, but other than that I have nothing planned.
Dunno what I'm gonna do tonight, watch movies or episodes of tv show I guess. lol.
-and cause I'm still obsessed with it
Bravo Yankee Echo
Toffs followed me down to the corner, and then crossed the road. -I've never seen him do that, he was naughty!
I got to tafe and was chatting with the new girl from NMIT Candice. The rest of the class arrived, we had class. We had a 30 minute break -which was insane.
And then we ended up finishing at 12:30...we are normally ment to finish at 1:30...*shrugs* I'm not gonna complain! lol.
I went to meet Elsa in the city and we browsed. We met up with her mummy and then we had lunch at red rooster and chatted about NCIS, and CJ and LV.
Then we went looking at computers and stuff. I caught the 4:38pm train from Flinders st and Mum was on the next one, so I waited at Hartwell for her. -I watched the Bonnie and Clyde scene from Enlightenment.
We got home and Dad, Nic and Scott were off at Scott's soccer, so I bummed around till they got back. We got fish and chips for dinner. - YUM! And I watched 'Santa With Muscles' Steve Valentine (Nigel) was in it...he was all evil and wacky in it. -I also knew the little kids from other things..that was interesting too.
I then watched ER from Wednesday and then did a little more quoting from 'Conspiracy' (no I still haven't finished it yet! lol) and went to bed.
This morning I got up at 6am -ish and got ready for my day of Induction training for my new job with Safeway.
Mum drove me and I got there a little early. We started with learning how to tie our scarfs (green for my store), and the guys put on their ties. I also got a name tag. "I'm a nametag person"...I've had Cordy in my head all day now. lol
I was chatting with the girl next to me, whose in year 12 at Canterbury Girls, my old school. We were chatting about teachers and subjects and stuff. It was kinda nice. lol.
We went to Macca's for lunch. -As did a few others from the big group.
The training session was long and kinda boring..yet sometimes a little amusing. We had to fill in all these question books. -That was fun....not so much. lol
I'm home now...and really tired. I have a bottle of Coca-Cola in the fridge I am planning on drinking all night! lol.
Tomorrow I have to do home work, but other than that I have nothing planned.
Dunno what I'm gonna do tonight, watch movies or episodes of tv show I guess. lol.
-and cause I'm still obsessed with it
Bravo Yankee Echo
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Thursdays Are Fun....Sometimes
Wow last night I just went to bed. I was feeling kinda sleepy. I was up at 7am. I had to wake up Mum, who had slept in. -I swear if I didn't get up, she'd end up being late for work a lot I bet!
I decided to catch the late train today, the one at 8:41am. So I left a bit later which was nice.
I ran into Laura Rolf, from high School and also We chatted about studies and work and stuff, then she got off at Glenferrie to go to work and I decided to catch the express.
It got me into Richmond in time to get the early Sandringham train. -I'm gonna try doing that again tomorrow morning.
I went to class. We watched some more of 'Fatal Attraction'...and did some discussion in groups.
We finished a little after 1pm and I headed home. My train from Richmond was a crassy old train and I had to wait ages for the Alamein train from Camberwell.
I got home at around 2:30pm. I was really hot and tired. Scott was home, so I ended up watching The View that I had taped during the day. I also taped Providence, but I ended up already having that ep on tape, so I decidedt to skip it.
I put out the washing - as Scott was 'unable' to do it...or get the mail OR pick up the paper that was at the front door. grrr.
Tonight I just watched telly. -As usual. lol. Las Vegas...which had a few things missing from it....
then Lost and then Will and Grace on foxtel.
Going to class tomorrow, then I'm gonna meet up with Elsa in the city afterwards.
Tomorrow night I'm just having a quiet night at home, watching dvds/movies etc and an early night before my Induction on Saturday.
Bravo Yankee Echo
I decided to catch the late train today, the one at 8:41am. So I left a bit later which was nice.
I ran into Laura Rolf, from high School and also We chatted about studies and work and stuff, then she got off at Glenferrie to go to work and I decided to catch the express.
It got me into Richmond in time to get the early Sandringham train. -I'm gonna try doing that again tomorrow morning.
I went to class. We watched some more of 'Fatal Attraction'...and did some discussion in groups.
We finished a little after 1pm and I headed home. My train from Richmond was a crassy old train and I had to wait ages for the Alamein train from Camberwell.
I got home at around 2:30pm. I was really hot and tired. Scott was home, so I ended up watching The View that I had taped during the day. I also taped Providence, but I ended up already having that ep on tape, so I decidedt to skip it.
I put out the washing - as Scott was 'unable' to do it...or get the mail OR pick up the paper that was at the front door. grrr.
Tonight I just watched telly. -As usual. lol. Las Vegas...which had a few things missing from it....
then Lost and then Will and Grace on foxtel.
Going to class tomorrow, then I'm gonna meet up with Elsa in the city afterwards.
Tomorrow night I'm just having a quiet night at home, watching dvds/movies etc and an early night before my Induction on Saturday.
Bravo Yankee Echo
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Wacky Wednesday
Didn't do much today.
Got up. That was 6:40am. Got ready, had breaky etc...left at 5 past 8am. Walked to the station. Caught my train to the city, went to class.
Sat in class. Chatted.
Nicole is back. I thought she was gonna be off travelling all year, but I guess not. So she's back. Which is nice, cause she's pretty nice.
After class I went home. All was fine and dandy.
I got home at about 20 to 1pm. I put out the washing, did a little foruming, made some breffles for lunch and sat down and watched The View.
Scott came home, so he took the comp and so I watched the Providence eps I had taped from this morning and yesterday morning. -Turns out I had Molly Sims' m&m's ad on one of the tapes. -I'm gonna try and keep it. lol
Then I whinged to Scott and he let me on the comp. I had been on for only a little while, before mum came home and we went to the supermarket. -Scott was back on the comp when we got back. -So after more whinging, I got it back again.
I watched tv all night.
At 8:30pm I watched House. It was quite upsetting and emotionally draining to watch. It was all about a 9yold girl with cancer...I could relate a little too well. -Although I was not terminal...or kissed by any cuteish doctors. lol.
Then there was NCIS, which was also a little sad, but I was focusing on all the cute/funny/good stuff. I love the sad as it is and all...
Tomorrow is another 5(4) hour class. So I gotta be there at 9:30am again. I hate 9:30am starts! It's such a bitch!
well must be off....things to do...words to type
bon notre
Got up. That was 6:40am. Got ready, had breaky etc...left at 5 past 8am. Walked to the station. Caught my train to the city, went to class.
Sat in class. Chatted.
Nicole is back. I thought she was gonna be off travelling all year, but I guess not. So she's back. Which is nice, cause she's pretty nice.
After class I went home. All was fine and dandy.
I got home at about 20 to 1pm. I put out the washing, did a little foruming, made some breffles for lunch and sat down and watched The View.
Scott came home, so he took the comp and so I watched the Providence eps I had taped from this morning and yesterday morning. -Turns out I had Molly Sims' m&m's ad on one of the tapes. -I'm gonna try and keep it. lol
Then I whinged to Scott and he let me on the comp. I had been on for only a little while, before mum came home and we went to the supermarket. -Scott was back on the comp when we got back. -So after more whinging, I got it back again.
I watched tv all night.
At 8:30pm I watched House. It was quite upsetting and emotionally draining to watch. It was all about a 9yold girl with cancer...I could relate a little too well. -Although I was not terminal...or kissed by any cuteish doctors. lol.
Then there was NCIS, which was also a little sad, but I was focusing on all the cute/funny/good stuff. I love the sad as it is and all...
Tomorrow is another 5(4) hour class. So I gotta be there at 9:30am again. I hate 9:30am starts! It's such a bitch!
well must be off....things to do...words to type
bon notre
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
My Little Day Off
Hmm. Well. I ended up staying up until 3:30am or something last night...chatting to my girls.
Though I was exhausted and a little bored by the end...they started talking about BlindMan Jim, and so I started getting a lil bored. -I just don't get the show. I watched it once, but don't share their obsession at all. lol
I got up to see Nikki off, then went back to sleep. I slept till 10:30/45 am. Then I got up, had a quick shower and then made breaky and sat down and watched ep 15 of Las Vegas on the comp. It was a great ep. I liked it a lot.
After that I put out the washing and raided dad's cd collection, trying to find a couple of particular songs, unfortunately without any success!
Then I watched Will and Grace and then The View. Then I did some more comp stuff, a little bit of photoshop stuff and all that.
I made muffins just after 3pm. -Finally. I had been meaning to make them last week.
Nikki came home, I did the dishes and then watched ER from last week. I meant to watch Providence that I taped this morning, but I ran out of time. I watched Deal or No Deal and then The Nanny and then Friends.
We had dinner and then I did some homework for my classes.
I watched a bit of the figure skating for the Olympics and then am here....
I need to go to bed soon, I gotta leave just after 8am. Fun.
Though I was exhausted and a little bored by the end...they started talking about BlindMan Jim, and so I started getting a lil bored. -I just don't get the show. I watched it once, but don't share their obsession at all. lol
I got up to see Nikki off, then went back to sleep. I slept till 10:30/45 am. Then I got up, had a quick shower and then made breaky and sat down and watched ep 15 of Las Vegas on the comp. It was a great ep. I liked it a lot.
After that I put out the washing and raided dad's cd collection, trying to find a couple of particular songs, unfortunately without any success!
Then I watched Will and Grace and then The View. Then I did some more comp stuff, a little bit of photoshop stuff and all that.
I made muffins just after 3pm. -Finally. I had been meaning to make them last week.
Nikki came home, I did the dishes and then watched ER from last week. I meant to watch Providence that I taped this morning, but I ran out of time. I watched Deal or No Deal and then The Nanny and then Friends.
We had dinner and then I did some homework for my classes.
I watched a bit of the figure skating for the Olympics and then am here....
I need to go to bed soon, I gotta leave just after 8am. Fun.
Somewhere Over The Rainbow
I've got that song in my head at the moment, so it felt appropriate for a title. *shrug*
Today was a class day. I got up at 20 to 7....that hurt! Man!
I was all ready to go by 20 to 8 I think, maybe a little later..
Dad dropped me at the station and I caught the 8:07am train from Hartwell station.
I hate catching the train that time of morning! It's SO crowdered, I didn't get a seat and there are too many school kids!
I got to Richmond station at about 25 past 8, and sat and waited. Kelly showed up so we chatted a bit. -I am much much more talkative than her....actually than MOST people I think! lol
We got to class (after a stop at the coffee cart for Kelly) and the class itself was pretty okay. We watched a bunch of bits from some videos, and then did group work for our debates. My group finally worked out a topic, or at least a somewhat narrowed area...sorta. lol.
After class I went to the bookshop to pick up the book we need for our class. It's a bunch of articles and excerpts from books.
Then we stopped at the sushi place for Jacinta. -I hate sushi
Then to the station. I had to wait ages for my train from Richmond, and didn't get a seat.
Although I did get a seat once I changed at Camberwell. -Stupid Alamein trains. *grumbles*
I walked home from the station, listening to the 2nd Crossing Jordan music cd I made as I walked.
Dad didn't realise I was home for a few minutes. -His music was blareing!
I spent the arvo on the computer, and then I watched The View from Saturday night (friday's ep in the US).
Then everyone vanished. Nikki had gone to violin and mum was at the school for a parent/teacher meeting, then she came back and got a call and then her and Scott vanished!
I was very confused, as dinner was on the stove cooking...
-Turns out dad had fainted at Nikki's violin. The poor girl was a little shaken after that.
Scott drove dad home...I was kinda grumpy that I wasn't thought of...but meh.
I ended up pretty much cooking the rest of dinner...which involved boiling water and putting on the actual spagetti.
After dinner, I watched Will and Grace. Well I ended up half watching it, half talking family tree stuff with mum.
Then I watched Desperate Housewives. Very enjoyable show.
Then I watched ep 4 of CJ season 5. Love it! hehe.
I was online after that and felt all left out because my girls were ahead of me with their watching, so I went and watched ep 5 too. That one I like a lil less.
Now I am chatting away, tomorrow is my day off and I might go back to sleep after seeing Nikki off...for lil bit.
I have an ep of Las Vegas from last week that I have to watch, and a few other things planned too!
Yay a whole day off and the house to myself! I can't wait!
Toodles mcnoodles!
Today was a class day. I got up at 20 to 7....that hurt! Man!
I was all ready to go by 20 to 8 I think, maybe a little later..
Dad dropped me at the station and I caught the 8:07am train from Hartwell station.
I hate catching the train that time of morning! It's SO crowdered, I didn't get a seat and there are too many school kids!
I got to Richmond station at about 25 past 8, and sat and waited. Kelly showed up so we chatted a bit. -I am much much more talkative than her....actually than MOST people I think! lol
We got to class (after a stop at the coffee cart for Kelly) and the class itself was pretty okay. We watched a bunch of bits from some videos, and then did group work for our debates. My group finally worked out a topic, or at least a somewhat narrowed area...sorta. lol.
After class I went to the bookshop to pick up the book we need for our class. It's a bunch of articles and excerpts from books.
Then we stopped at the sushi place for Jacinta. -I hate sushi
Then to the station. I had to wait ages for my train from Richmond, and didn't get a seat.
Although I did get a seat once I changed at Camberwell. -Stupid Alamein trains. *grumbles*
I walked home from the station, listening to the 2nd Crossing Jordan music cd I made as I walked.
Dad didn't realise I was home for a few minutes. -His music was blareing!
I spent the arvo on the computer, and then I watched The View from Saturday night (friday's ep in the US).
Then everyone vanished. Nikki had gone to violin and mum was at the school for a parent/teacher meeting, then she came back and got a call and then her and Scott vanished!
I was very confused, as dinner was on the stove cooking...
-Turns out dad had fainted at Nikki's violin. The poor girl was a little shaken after that.
Scott drove dad home...I was kinda grumpy that I wasn't thought of...but meh.
I ended up pretty much cooking the rest of dinner...which involved boiling water and putting on the actual spagetti.
After dinner, I watched Will and Grace. Well I ended up half watching it, half talking family tree stuff with mum.
Then I watched Desperate Housewives. Very enjoyable show.
Then I watched ep 4 of CJ season 5. Love it! hehe.
I was online after that and felt all left out because my girls were ahead of me with their watching, so I went and watched ep 5 too. That one I like a lil less.
Now I am chatting away, tomorrow is my day off and I might go back to sleep after seeing Nikki off...for lil bit.
I have an ep of Las Vegas from last week that I have to watch, and a few other things planned too!
Yay a whole day off and the house to myself! I can't wait!
Toodles mcnoodles!
Sunday, February 12, 2006
One Sunny Sunday
Okay so today wasn't my fave day of the week. In fact, at times it really sucked!
I was home all day and managed to get into a whole bunch of fights with my family. My dad is just impossible! And such a hypocrit!
And I know I probably go on about things too much, but I shouldn't have to just let things that bother me go all the time! He can do whatever he wants, but I do something similar and it's apparently totally illogical! I SO don't get it!
He has not logical thoughts at all, I swear!
Other than all that, I did the reading for my Wednesday class. There were 3 lots.
I was going to do the reading for Friday's class, but I sorta ran out of time.
I watched Will and Grace. Amusing as ever of course!
Then I started to watch the recent Crossing Jordan crossover with Nikki, but she wasn't really co-operating, so I turned it off and was doing some more cleaning of my room, that I had started before Will and Grace.
I was looking through some old magazine bits and pieces too.
Tonight I watched Law and Order: SVU. It was a really good ep. I liked it alot!
Then I watched Criminal Intent, I like that show least of all the Law and Orders I think. And this one was all weird and stuff, the main cast were missing. lol
Last night I was bored, I ended up watching 'Win a Date With Tad Hamilton', while I taped the View. -I love that movie, it's silly, but I like it. Kathryn is very cool and different in it. Her accent kinda weirds me out, but in a good way. lol
Then I watched the episodes I had of the view from Thursday and Friday. Then I watched the opening ceremony for the Winter Olympics with everyone, once Mum and Nikki were home.
Then after they had all gone to bed, I watched Under The Weather. Episode 3 of season 5 of CJ. It's one of my fave fave eps for the season and of all time! I cried. lol.
Tomorrow I'm back to class. Grr. I have to leave just after 8am. Fun. Oh well. Hopefully we will finish really early! ...What I can dream! lol
I should probably head off to bed. I hate not being able to stay up late, or sleep in a smidge!
I was home all day and managed to get into a whole bunch of fights with my family. My dad is just impossible! And such a hypocrit!
And I know I probably go on about things too much, but I shouldn't have to just let things that bother me go all the time! He can do whatever he wants, but I do something similar and it's apparently totally illogical! I SO don't get it!
He has not logical thoughts at all, I swear!
Other than all that, I did the reading for my Wednesday class. There were 3 lots.
I was going to do the reading for Friday's class, but I sorta ran out of time.
I watched Will and Grace. Amusing as ever of course!
Then I started to watch the recent Crossing Jordan crossover with Nikki, but she wasn't really co-operating, so I turned it off and was doing some more cleaning of my room, that I had started before Will and Grace.
I was looking through some old magazine bits and pieces too.
Tonight I watched Law and Order: SVU. It was a really good ep. I liked it alot!
Then I watched Criminal Intent, I like that show least of all the Law and Orders I think. And this one was all weird and stuff, the main cast were missing. lol
Last night I was bored, I ended up watching 'Win a Date With Tad Hamilton', while I taped the View. -I love that movie, it's silly, but I like it. Kathryn is very cool and different in it. Her accent kinda weirds me out, but in a good way. lol
Then I watched the episodes I had of the view from Thursday and Friday. Then I watched the opening ceremony for the Winter Olympics with everyone, once Mum and Nikki were home.
Then after they had all gone to bed, I watched Under The Weather. Episode 3 of season 5 of CJ. It's one of my fave fave eps for the season and of all time! I cried. lol.
Tomorrow I'm back to class. Grr. I have to leave just after 8am. Fun. Oh well. Hopefully we will finish really early! ...What I can dream! lol
I should probably head off to bed. I hate not being able to stay up late, or sleep in a smidge!
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Sore Feet and A Sleepy Head
I had SO much fun last night! But I am also totally exhausted and dead.
I got up at 20 to 7 yesterday morning, as I wasn't going to be home all day.
I packed up all my stuff for my class, and then I also packed all the stuff I wanted for the movies that night. -Including a picnic blanket.
I wore my skiny new trench coat, my new jeans and my boots. -I looked quite dressed up...well compared to normal for tafe anyways.
I caught the 8:26am train again, and it was raining, and a bit cold. But after that it didn't rain for the rest of the day, so I still had to carry around my umbrella in my bag, which made it even more heavy!
Class was okay, we just watched The Matrix, so that was kinda cool. -I had only seen it once, and that was on a bus to Sydney and you can't watch movies properly on a bus. I do like the Matrix movies. -But I couldn't watch them all the time if you know what I mean.
Class ended a bit after 1pm, and Jacinta and I searched through some boxes to find our work from last year. We found a few things. -Another thing that made my already full and heavy bag heavier!
We caught the train and I went to the city. I changed trains at Flinders and got on a train to Melbourne Central. I looked around and as I was on my way to the food court, I ran into Hollie from next door. We chatted for a few minutes and then I went off and had Macca's for lunch.
Then I caught a train to richmond and then back to Flinders st.
I met Faithie and then Elsa came too.
We walked up to Melb Central (again. lol) and sat in the other food court. We eneded up watching almost the whole of Luck Be A Lady on my ipod, and discussing it. -Which is a cool way of doing that now. I'm gonna put them all on my ipod now I think.
After all our obsessing over little bits and stuff, such as "Bollocks of Borneo" or however that, we headed off to the Reject Shop to buy Coca-Cola.
Then we went to JB and browsed a bit. I got some more blank dvds.
We then walked down to Flinders Street station and caught a tram to the Botanical Gardens. We eventually found it and sat and chatting, ate, were crazy go bonkers...till Faith's friends showed up. We then got our tickets and went in. We signed up for some thing, and got a free bottle of water and a foamy football...that was yellow.
We found somewhere to sit and put out my blanket thing. We sat around, chatting and eating lollie snakes till the movie started. We did go off to find the toilets before the movie started and had to get "Vote For Pedro" stamped on our wrists in order to be allowed back in again.
-It has almost rubbed off now.
The movie started and we watched and enjoyed. -It was amusing. We did end up chatting about other things during the movie. Of Course we did! It is US! lol.
After the movie, we walked back to the tram and got back to Flinders. Elsa met her mum and went home. Faith and I waited for a train and then got on said train. My mum picked me up from Camberwell station. -I was totally dead and exhausted by the time I got home. I decided to go straight to bed. -After setting the tape for The View.
I went to bed and slept till 11am this morning. I have been sitting here making my copies of the dvds of season 5, which I made for Faith and Elsa. They have the first 5 eps now.
Nikki is out today. AND tonight! I never get to see anyone anymore. I have barely been home all week. I think I will have to limit my outings next week I think. -My feet are broken after all that I've been up to this week!
Going shopping soon. -Recharging my iPod. -I pretty much used up all the batteries yesterday. But with good reason and worth!
I got up at 20 to 7 yesterday morning, as I wasn't going to be home all day.
I packed up all my stuff for my class, and then I also packed all the stuff I wanted for the movies that night. -Including a picnic blanket.
I wore my skiny new trench coat, my new jeans and my boots. -I looked quite dressed up...well compared to normal for tafe anyways.
I caught the 8:26am train again, and it was raining, and a bit cold. But after that it didn't rain for the rest of the day, so I still had to carry around my umbrella in my bag, which made it even more heavy!
Class was okay, we just watched The Matrix, so that was kinda cool. -I had only seen it once, and that was on a bus to Sydney and you can't watch movies properly on a bus. I do like the Matrix movies. -But I couldn't watch them all the time if you know what I mean.
Class ended a bit after 1pm, and Jacinta and I searched through some boxes to find our work from last year. We found a few things. -Another thing that made my already full and heavy bag heavier!
We caught the train and I went to the city. I changed trains at Flinders and got on a train to Melbourne Central. I looked around and as I was on my way to the food court, I ran into Hollie from next door. We chatted for a few minutes and then I went off and had Macca's for lunch.
Then I caught a train to richmond and then back to Flinders st.
I met Faithie and then Elsa came too.
We walked up to Melb Central (again. lol) and sat in the other food court. We eneded up watching almost the whole of Luck Be A Lady on my ipod, and discussing it. -Which is a cool way of doing that now. I'm gonna put them all on my ipod now I think.
After all our obsessing over little bits and stuff, such as "Bollocks of Borneo" or however that, we headed off to the Reject Shop to buy Coca-Cola.
Then we went to JB and browsed a bit. I got some more blank dvds.
We then walked down to Flinders Street station and caught a tram to the Botanical Gardens. We eventually found it and sat and chatting, ate, were crazy go bonkers...till Faith's friends showed up. We then got our tickets and went in. We signed up for some thing, and got a free bottle of water and a foamy football...that was yellow.
We found somewhere to sit and put out my blanket thing. We sat around, chatting and eating lollie snakes till the movie started. We did go off to find the toilets before the movie started and had to get "Vote For Pedro" stamped on our wrists in order to be allowed back in again.
-It has almost rubbed off now.
The movie started and we watched and enjoyed. -It was amusing. We did end up chatting about other things during the movie. Of Course we did! It is US! lol.
After the movie, we walked back to the tram and got back to Flinders. Elsa met her mum and went home. Faith and I waited for a train and then got on said train. My mum picked me up from Camberwell station. -I was totally dead and exhausted by the time I got home. I decided to go straight to bed. -After setting the tape for The View.
I went to bed and slept till 11am this morning. I have been sitting here making my copies of the dvds of season 5, which I made for Faith and Elsa. They have the first 5 eps now.
Nikki is out today. AND tonight! I never get to see anyone anymore. I have barely been home all week. I think I will have to limit my outings next week I think. -My feet are broken after all that I've been up to this week!
Going shopping soon. -Recharging my iPod. -I pretty much used up all the batteries yesterday. But with good reason and worth!
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Only One To Go
So it's 3 down and 1 more day of classes to go for this week!
-I SO can't wait till the weekend! I can stay up late and sleep in real late!
But tomorrow is only Friday (well today technically...), which means I have another 5 hour class in...9 and half hours. Eeep. lol.
But I'm not sleepy. I'm kinda awake and hyper. I am making CJ dvd number 2 for Faith and Elsa...hopefully I will get it all done before i have to leave in the morning.
I am not coming home again tomorrow, so I'll be gone from like 8:15 till 10:30 at night or something! Yipes!
It's gonna be a bit cool tomorrow too, so I am hopefully gonna wear my trenchcoat. ..But we'll see.
It kinda depends on if I feel like wearing my boots all day.
Today I got up at 7am. Again. And went through my routine. Again.
Today I was actually able to drink my coffee. So I was a little (note - LITTLE) bit more attentive.
I was SO glad I took my umbrella. I almost didn't! It started pouring at Richmond station and didn't really stop till around midday.
The class was pretty interesting. It's sorta cultural studies, in texts. Which is cool. -Though some people are really into it in the class...and sorta make me feel a tad dumb, but I'm sure I'll get over it.
We left just after 1pm I think, and we walked to the station, and luckily it didn't rain till we were there. It was raining frikken cats and dogs at Richmond station when were were waiting to go home. I had to change at Camberwell, cause it was early. I hate that Alamein trains don't run from the city in the middle of the day. Grr.
I called and whinged to dad to pick me up from the station. He did.
I sat on the computer all afternoon. -After eating a lot of crap.
I hate 5 hour classes, I get really really hungry! I have breaky at like by 11am I am frikken starving!
I was gonna make muffins, but we didn't have any eggs. So that was a let down.
I watched The View from yesterday, then I watched Friends and had a few 'discussions' with mum about debit cards, mail, forms, etc etc.
I watched Las Vegas at 7:30pm. With Nikki. I wrote down all these notes for it, because i hadn't written any when I watched it the first time.
It was an amusing ep.
Then I watched Lost, set up the dvd to get working. Then I watched Will and Grace at 10pm. Then I watched some of Ellen - Her talk show.
The dvd is almost done. Tomorrow we are going to the Moonlight cinema. I am meeting the girls in the city in the afternoon. I have class till 2:30pm. What fun. I'm gonna need lots of coffee and food! lol. Sugar too!
-I SO can't wait till the weekend! I can stay up late and sleep in real late!
But tomorrow is only Friday (well today technically...), which means I have another 5 hour class in...9 and half hours. Eeep. lol.
But I'm not sleepy. I'm kinda awake and hyper. I am making CJ dvd number 2 for Faith and Elsa...hopefully I will get it all done before i have to leave in the morning.
I am not coming home again tomorrow, so I'll be gone from like 8:15 till 10:30 at night or something! Yipes!
It's gonna be a bit cool tomorrow too, so I am hopefully gonna wear my trenchcoat. ..But we'll see.
It kinda depends on if I feel like wearing my boots all day.
Today I got up at 7am. Again. And went through my routine. Again.
Today I was actually able to drink my coffee. So I was a little (note - LITTLE) bit more attentive.
I was SO glad I took my umbrella. I almost didn't! It started pouring at Richmond station and didn't really stop till around midday.
The class was pretty interesting. It's sorta cultural studies, in texts. Which is cool. -Though some people are really into it in the class...and sorta make me feel a tad dumb, but I'm sure I'll get over it.
We left just after 1pm I think, and we walked to the station, and luckily it didn't rain till we were there. It was raining frikken cats and dogs at Richmond station when were were waiting to go home. I had to change at Camberwell, cause it was early. I hate that Alamein trains don't run from the city in the middle of the day. Grr.
I called and whinged to dad to pick me up from the station. He did.
I sat on the computer all afternoon. -After eating a lot of crap.
I hate 5 hour classes, I get really really hungry! I have breaky at like by 11am I am frikken starving!
I was gonna make muffins, but we didn't have any eggs. So that was a let down.
I watched The View from yesterday, then I watched Friends and had a few 'discussions' with mum about debit cards, mail, forms, etc etc.
I watched Las Vegas at 7:30pm. With Nikki. I wrote down all these notes for it, because i hadn't written any when I watched it the first time.
It was an amusing ep.
Then I watched Lost, set up the dvd to get working. Then I watched Will and Grace at 10pm. Then I watched some of Ellen - Her talk show.
The dvd is almost done. Tomorrow we are going to the Moonlight cinema. I am meeting the girls in the city in the afternoon. I have class till 2:30pm. What fun. I'm gonna need lots of coffee and food! lol. Sugar too!
Crossing Jordan,
Las Vegas,
The View,
Will and Grace
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Hot, Tired, Achey, and They Questioned The Quality of My CJ!
Okay so today was day 2 of Carlie's back to school special. I got up at 7am..after going to bed just before midnight. I got some decent sleep, but it was bloody freezing in the morning!
I couldn't drink my coffee. -For some reason it just tasted all bad and icky. But I did have cinnamon on toast (I blame Jordan) and nutella, so I was okay for the day.
I caught the 8:26am train from my station. -I got a lift. Yay for someone being home in the mornings this week!
I met Jacinta at Richmond station again and we went to class (via the 2nd train trip of course).
Once again there was too many people for the classroom, so it was a bit squishy.
We all wrote our names and numbers and stuff down on the role. We have another new teacher. Paul. He seems nice enough.
We did a 'introduce yourself' thing. I of course admitted my tv obsession and that Crossing Jordan was my fave show. -He didn't seem too appealed by the show. -Saying he'd wonderered if it 'could' be someone's fave show. -I almost yelled yes! lol.
I also went on about people not saying my name right. lol. -I am never getting over it!
After class we picked up our diarys and went to the station. I got the number of the machine that stole my money on Monday. Then I went to the city, Faith and Elsa were meeting at 12:3opm, so I went to the atm to check my balance - a mere $34..eeek.
Then I bought some cookies and waited at the usual spot.
They came, we chatted. We went in search of lunch. They got sushi and we went to macca's and I got my food and we sat and chatted some more. -There was some exchanging of dvds and other movies etc.
After that we went to Melbourne central and then after a failed attempt at getting Serenity tins for Elsa and Faith -They were sold out in like 3 hours! It's MADNESS! Madness I tell you!
We there perused some other stores. We headed down to JB in bourke street and Faith bought a copy there, she got a slip cover and a poster too!
Then we met up with Karen for a short while, then headed to Crown to see if Sanity had anything. They didn't even know anything about it. -So helpful.
We played in spaceship thing at the Warner Bros store and looked at lotsa cool stuff. We rambled about how the names they use for all those name things are not fair and how some are just stupid!
We also then spent a great deal of time looking at all these beanie bears. -It was quite amusing.
We then walked back to Minotaur. -My feet were killing me!
Then we went to the other JB and then back to Melb central. We got milkshake thingies from 31 Baskins and Robins. -They were yummy.
While we were sitting there, Leanne walked past, she said hello. -It was weird.
And then not too much later, Peter Beilby walked past.
-it was quite an odd day!
After that we headed to the station to go home. via The Reject shop.
I got home just after 6:30pm, I was hot - it was supposed to be 35 today. I was a bit tired and I was also in alot of pain! My feet were broken! lol.
-It was hot so I wore my sandaly shoes, they ain't too good for the walking!
I ended up having a shower, and felt much better after.
I then watched Will and Grace from yesterday and then todays ep. Then I watched House, while I read the paper. Then I watched NCIS and taped ER. I cried less than 5 minutes into NCIS, even though I had seen it before! -It was way sad! But also really funny! Sometimes I was crying while I was laughing.
Then I watched the outtakes on my Serenity dvd, and then I am here.
I gotta charge up my iPod before tomorrow. Another 7am start to my day for another 9:30am class. Stupid 9:30 starts! and another 5 hour class too! Grrr. -I hope they shorten it a tad!...I really really hope!
More Las Vegas tomorrow night. Looks like they are skipping the crossover again, like last year. They just didn't learn! I am very angry and grumpy!
I guess CJ ain't coming back till mid year! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Well I think that's all I have to say for now.
Toodles and sweet dreams to all....'cept for those that dis CJ. -They must be killed. ...politely of course! hehe
I couldn't drink my coffee. -For some reason it just tasted all bad and icky. But I did have cinnamon on toast (I blame Jordan) and nutella, so I was okay for the day.
I caught the 8:26am train from my station. -I got a lift. Yay for someone being home in the mornings this week!
I met Jacinta at Richmond station again and we went to class (via the 2nd train trip of course).
Once again there was too many people for the classroom, so it was a bit squishy.
We all wrote our names and numbers and stuff down on the role. We have another new teacher. Paul. He seems nice enough.
We did a 'introduce yourself' thing. I of course admitted my tv obsession and that Crossing Jordan was my fave show. -He didn't seem too appealed by the show. -Saying he'd wonderered if it 'could' be someone's fave show. -I almost yelled yes! lol.
I also went on about people not saying my name right. lol. -I am never getting over it!
After class we picked up our diarys and went to the station. I got the number of the machine that stole my money on Monday. Then I went to the city, Faith and Elsa were meeting at 12:3opm, so I went to the atm to check my balance - a mere $34..eeek.
Then I bought some cookies and waited at the usual spot.
They came, we chatted. We went in search of lunch. They got sushi and we went to macca's and I got my food and we sat and chatted some more. -There was some exchanging of dvds and other movies etc.
After that we went to Melbourne central and then after a failed attempt at getting Serenity tins for Elsa and Faith -They were sold out in like 3 hours! It's MADNESS! Madness I tell you!
We there perused some other stores. We headed down to JB in bourke street and Faith bought a copy there, she got a slip cover and a poster too!
Then we met up with Karen for a short while, then headed to Crown to see if Sanity had anything. They didn't even know anything about it. -So helpful.
We played in spaceship thing at the Warner Bros store and looked at lotsa cool stuff. We rambled about how the names they use for all those name things are not fair and how some are just stupid!
We also then spent a great deal of time looking at all these beanie bears. -It was quite amusing.
We then walked back to Minotaur. -My feet were killing me!
Then we went to the other JB and then back to Melb central. We got milkshake thingies from 31 Baskins and Robins. -They were yummy.
While we were sitting there, Leanne walked past, she said hello. -It was weird.
And then not too much later, Peter Beilby walked past.
-it was quite an odd day!
After that we headed to the station to go home. via The Reject shop.
I got home just after 6:30pm, I was hot - it was supposed to be 35 today. I was a bit tired and I was also in alot of pain! My feet were broken! lol.
-It was hot so I wore my sandaly shoes, they ain't too good for the walking!
I ended up having a shower, and felt much better after.
I then watched Will and Grace from yesterday and then todays ep. Then I watched House, while I read the paper. Then I watched NCIS and taped ER. I cried less than 5 minutes into NCIS, even though I had seen it before! -It was way sad! But also really funny! Sometimes I was crying while I was laughing.
Then I watched the outtakes on my Serenity dvd, and then I am here.
I gotta charge up my iPod before tomorrow. Another 7am start to my day for another 9:30am class. Stupid 9:30 starts! and another 5 hour class too! Grrr. -I hope they shorten it a tad!...I really really hope!
More Las Vegas tomorrow night. Looks like they are skipping the crossover again, like last year. They just didn't learn! I am very angry and grumpy!
I guess CJ ain't coming back till mid year! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Well I think that's all I have to say for now.
Toodles and sweet dreams to all....'cept for those that dis CJ. -They must be killed. ...politely of course! hehe
Crossing Jordan,
Las Vegas,
Will and Grace
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
A Sleepy Day Off...With Hats
I'm am SO exhausted as I type this...and I will go to bed really really soon. -I have to get up to go to tafe tomorrow. boo. lol
Today I did nothing, but everything! lol.
I got up, watched Providence. -I hate that I'm gonna miss it most days now because I will be at classes. Grrr!
After that I had my shower quickly. -As I needed as much time as possible before The View and Will and Grace.
So I got all dressed, in my comfy houseclothes (trackies), and sat down to watch the View from yesterday (well friday technically), then I made breaky and watched the season 5 CJ dvd I made for Elsa and Faith. I watched one, then had a short break, then watched the 2nd one, which was the crossover with Las Vegas, so I watched the LV ep too.
-It was cool watching them again, though I wish it was on tv!!!
I watched them because I am up to ep 13 of Season 5, and so I needed to be in the mindset of these eps, so that I can discuss them without giving anything away.
I taped Will and Grace while I watched the dvd, as I wouldn't be home to watch it tonight.
After the eps finished, I sat on the comp for 5minutes and the made some lunch and sat down and watched today's ep of The View.
They did this 'In Memoriam' Thing, which was all nice and sweet and all...but I found it on that when discussing Rosemary Clooney, that they made all this mention of her nephew George Clooney, but no mention of Miguel Ferrer HER SON! -Poor Garret! lol
Today is Miguel's birthday. Happy Birthday Miguel!
After that I sat on the comp, then I got ready to go to Em's. I was meeting Nick and Kay in the city and so I got a lift to the station from dad and got in there at 5pm. I met up with them at Fed Square and then we walked up to Nick's Car. -Well we walked to the tram that took us to Nick's car...
We then drove to Em's, we got there first. It was a pretty quiet night, and more and more people showed...but I wasn't overly talkative.
Elsa and Karen had car trouble, but they got there, even before our dinner! lol.
We watched 2 eps of some british show called 'Coupling'. It was weird and sorta funny, but boring by ep 2. -One of the chicks in it was in Law and Order: Criminal Intent on Sunday. lol
Then we had dinner and watched 'School Hard'. It's a great ep. Elsa and I talked through most of it we always do.
I gave her her CJ dvd. She now has possession of Faith's too.
Harm had presents for us from Uncle Petey. -Good ole Pete! Me, Nick and Elsa got 'Jayne Hats'. -Which are those wintery beanie hats that cover the ears and have tassles that hand down.
Me and Elsa wore ours all night -Infact I'm still wearing mine, it's really warm and cosy! lol.
We looked very cute! If I do say so everyone else said so first! lol
Nick dropped me home and Me and Elsa chatted all the way in the car.
I might be meeting up with Faith and Elsa in the city tomorrow for a bit. Should be fun!
I have class at 9:30am till 11:30pm. I will be able to kill an hour before meeting them I'm sure.
I'm still realy really sleepy and I should go to bed. I can't wait for tomorrow. NCIS is starting back on channel 10! Even though I have seen ep 1 and 2...I am still really excited about seeing it again...and the rest to come in the following weeks ofcourse!
My Serenity dvd should come tomorrow...I hope!
Okay time for bed. Toodleloo!
Carlie, Miss Claire
Today I did nothing, but everything! lol.
I got up, watched Providence. -I hate that I'm gonna miss it most days now because I will be at classes. Grrr!
After that I had my shower quickly. -As I needed as much time as possible before The View and Will and Grace.
So I got all dressed, in my comfy houseclothes (trackies), and sat down to watch the View from yesterday (well friday technically), then I made breaky and watched the season 5 CJ dvd I made for Elsa and Faith. I watched one, then had a short break, then watched the 2nd one, which was the crossover with Las Vegas, so I watched the LV ep too.
-It was cool watching them again, though I wish it was on tv!!!
I watched them because I am up to ep 13 of Season 5, and so I needed to be in the mindset of these eps, so that I can discuss them without giving anything away.
I taped Will and Grace while I watched the dvd, as I wouldn't be home to watch it tonight.
After the eps finished, I sat on the comp for 5minutes and the made some lunch and sat down and watched today's ep of The View.
They did this 'In Memoriam' Thing, which was all nice and sweet and all...but I found it on that when discussing Rosemary Clooney, that they made all this mention of her nephew George Clooney, but no mention of Miguel Ferrer HER SON! -Poor Garret! lol
Today is Miguel's birthday. Happy Birthday Miguel!
After that I sat on the comp, then I got ready to go to Em's. I was meeting Nick and Kay in the city and so I got a lift to the station from dad and got in there at 5pm. I met up with them at Fed Square and then we walked up to Nick's Car. -Well we walked to the tram that took us to Nick's car...
We then drove to Em's, we got there first. It was a pretty quiet night, and more and more people showed...but I wasn't overly talkative.
Elsa and Karen had car trouble, but they got there, even before our dinner! lol.
We watched 2 eps of some british show called 'Coupling'. It was weird and sorta funny, but boring by ep 2. -One of the chicks in it was in Law and Order: Criminal Intent on Sunday. lol
Then we had dinner and watched 'School Hard'. It's a great ep. Elsa and I talked through most of it we always do.
I gave her her CJ dvd. She now has possession of Faith's too.
Harm had presents for us from Uncle Petey. -Good ole Pete! Me, Nick and Elsa got 'Jayne Hats'. -Which are those wintery beanie hats that cover the ears and have tassles that hand down.
Me and Elsa wore ours all night -Infact I'm still wearing mine, it's really warm and cosy! lol.
We looked very cute! If I do say so everyone else said so first! lol
Nick dropped me home and Me and Elsa chatted all the way in the car.
I might be meeting up with Faith and Elsa in the city tomorrow for a bit. Should be fun!
I have class at 9:30am till 11:30pm. I will be able to kill an hour before meeting them I'm sure.
I'm still realy really sleepy and I should go to bed. I can't wait for tomorrow. NCIS is starting back on channel 10! Even though I have seen ep 1 and 2...I am still really excited about seeing it again...and the rest to come in the following weeks ofcourse!
My Serenity dvd should come tomorrow...I hope!
Okay time for bed. Toodleloo!
Carlie, Miss Claire
Crossing Jordan,
Las Vegas,
Law and Order,
The View,
Will and Grace
My First Day Of Classes....
Was no fun at all!
I got mere hours of sleep last night! I just couldn't sleep, so I was exhausted all day. -And I forgot about having my coffee in the morning! grr.
Dad was home, so he dropped me at the station at 8:15am -ish. I waited for my train, having debate in my head about how I need something to keep my iPod in in my backpack.
The train came, it was a crappy crappy old one. -But at least I got a seat.
I got to Richmond Station a little early, so the early early train was there, but I skipped it and waited for the next one. -Jacinta arrived just before the train came and so we chatted all the way to class. We went to get our diaries, but they are now not avaliable till Mid-Feb. How Rude! lol
I got to class and we managed to get seats together. -But it's a huge class, we didn't have enough tables for everyone in the end. -There is at least 22 of us, which granted is not a huge class, but I am coming from a class of 12... So that will take some getting used to. Plus a lot of new people to meet and learn names of. lol
The first class was okay. We have all these long 5hour classes this year. But only 4 classes a week. -Which has it's advantages, but also some negatives! lol
The monday class is supposed to start at 8:30am. (Today it started at 9:30am). Luckily Bree (our teacher for History and Sociology of human relationships) changed it to start at 9am, and then we will finish 1-1:30pm depending. -Which is good, but still not loving the idea of leaving at 8am on a Monday morning!
I also found out that my Friday class goes from 9:30am - 2:30pm, instead of 1:30pm - 6:30pm. -Which was a stupid idea.
Though I am still mad that no one told us officially! They are all very unorganised!
I was starving by the time class was over, and the canteen's not open till the Uni starts back again. -Which is totally not fair! lol. -These 5 hour classes are gonna be a killer! I will have to remember to take snacks!
I decided while waiting at Prahran station on the way home, to buy some chocolate (m&m's to be specific) and I put in my money and pushed the buttons and all, and it moved an inch and stole my money and didn't give me any m&m's. -I was very grumpy!
I had to change trains at Camberwell, stupid non running Alamein trains. -It's so not fair that there are no Alamein trains from the city during the middle of the day!
I called Dad and he picked me up, so I didn't have to risk walking home in the rain.
I sorta pigged out when I got home.
I had these weird hot dog twisties....they nice enough...just different. lol
Tonight I watched a bunch of Foxtel. Then watched the season 2 premire of Desperate Housewives -which was quite entertaining! After that I watched the Crossing Jordan/Las Vegas crossover from season 4/2 again(for about the 20th time). I do love those eps! hehe.
Tomorrow is my day off for the week. I plan to watch a bunch of telly.
I will also probably be going to Em's tomorrow night too.
Night Night -Don't let the spacebugs bite!
I got mere hours of sleep last night! I just couldn't sleep, so I was exhausted all day. -And I forgot about having my coffee in the morning! grr.
Dad was home, so he dropped me at the station at 8:15am -ish. I waited for my train, having debate in my head about how I need something to keep my iPod in in my backpack.
The train came, it was a crappy crappy old one. -But at least I got a seat.
I got to Richmond Station a little early, so the early early train was there, but I skipped it and waited for the next one. -Jacinta arrived just before the train came and so we chatted all the way to class. We went to get our diaries, but they are now not avaliable till Mid-Feb. How Rude! lol
I got to class and we managed to get seats together. -But it's a huge class, we didn't have enough tables for everyone in the end. -There is at least 22 of us, which granted is not a huge class, but I am coming from a class of 12... So that will take some getting used to. Plus a lot of new people to meet and learn names of. lol
The first class was okay. We have all these long 5hour classes this year. But only 4 classes a week. -Which has it's advantages, but also some negatives! lol
The monday class is supposed to start at 8:30am. (Today it started at 9:30am). Luckily Bree (our teacher for History and Sociology of human relationships) changed it to start at 9am, and then we will finish 1-1:30pm depending. -Which is good, but still not loving the idea of leaving at 8am on a Monday morning!
I also found out that my Friday class goes from 9:30am - 2:30pm, instead of 1:30pm - 6:30pm. -Which was a stupid idea.
Though I am still mad that no one told us officially! They are all very unorganised!
I was starving by the time class was over, and the canteen's not open till the Uni starts back again. -Which is totally not fair! lol. -These 5 hour classes are gonna be a killer! I will have to remember to take snacks!
I decided while waiting at Prahran station on the way home, to buy some chocolate (m&m's to be specific) and I put in my money and pushed the buttons and all, and it moved an inch and stole my money and didn't give me any m&m's. -I was very grumpy!
I had to change trains at Camberwell, stupid non running Alamein trains. -It's so not fair that there are no Alamein trains from the city during the middle of the day!
I called Dad and he picked me up, so I didn't have to risk walking home in the rain.
I sorta pigged out when I got home.
I had these weird hot dog twisties....they nice enough...just different. lol
Tonight I watched a bunch of Foxtel. Then watched the season 2 premire of Desperate Housewives -which was quite entertaining! After that I watched the Crossing Jordan/Las Vegas crossover from season 4/2 again(for about the 20th time). I do love those eps! hehe.
Tomorrow is my day off for the week. I plan to watch a bunch of telly.
I will also probably be going to Em's tomorrow night too.
Night Night -Don't let the spacebugs bite!
Sunday, February 05, 2006
I've Got CJ On My Mind
I know there is a song that has something on my mind. I think it's Friday...I have no idea, but I can here the song in my head right now.
But I do have Crossing Jordan on my mind. I've been posting over on the Coffeeboards, and have gotten a little rush from one of the big directors Allan Arkush replying to one of my posts and others in a topic I started. -It's given me a bit of a giggley high. lol.
Okay enough of the looney fan talk...
So what did I do yesterday? Well yesterday was a long and 'interesting' day.
I got up, went shopping at Chadstone (eventually), with mum and Nikki. I drove.
First we went to Myer. -Nikki went off to the kids stuff. Mum insisted on asking for help in finding plain white work shirts, when I could see that there were none. -It got quite annoying.
Then we went to find Nikki. She got a couple of little things. Then we went to ToysRus because Nikki wanted to. Then we went to the Speedo shop, so that Nikki could get a pair of bathers. -She tried on a bunch of different types and of course ended up not likeing ANY of them and so we left with nothing but a cranky 10 year old. Then we went upstairs to ESPRIT, I tried on a blue trench coat and got mum to let me get it now and pay her back when I start getting paid. -Shiny!
Then we went to the post office, so that Nikki could post a couple of letters. -Mum stopped in at Bilo.
Then we went to Target and ended up losing Nikki. I did find some white shirts for work though. But we were walking around Target for ages looking for Nicole. -That was NOT fun.
Then they got icecream and I went and picked up my jeans that had to be taken up at Just Jeans. After that we finally headed home.
I got on the comp and chatted to my girls for a while and then I watched tv. Not a lot was on. I had to wait till 7:40pm for Gilmore Girls.
We had hot dogs for dinner. -I like cheese in mine.
Then at 7:40pm I sat down to watch Gilmore Girls, had the tape all ready. -I tape it because my family usually ends up coming out and talking right through it, stopping me from hearing anything!
But nothing happened. The swimming was still on and ended up going till 8pm. So finally at 8pm, Gilmore Girls started. And I was happy.
We had some chocolate -which was yummy. After that Nikki and I watched 'How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days'. I love that movie. I also love Kathryn Hahn in that movie. -Note: I loved the movie before I was all obsessed with her/Lily. lol.
I still crack up everytime I see Kathryn in the therapist scene..she looks like a turtle with those big glasses, but she's so cute. -Kathryn can do comedy really well. -As well as drama. She rocks.
Then Nikki went to bed, and I watched some Will and Grace, and also did some more quoting from 'Conspiracy'. I still haven't finished quoting that ep of CJ yet. It's a very quoteable ep. Doh. lol. I have to keep myself from cracking up, so that I can actually write the quotes down. lol.
Then I went to bed about 1am-ish. I read another chapter of Tom Sawyer and then went to sleep. I slept in this morning - There's no point getting up till the shower if free.
I dunno what we're doing today, supermarket and maybe the craft market as well. Who knows.
-I have to remember to watch Will and Grace on channel 7 at 5pm. It's a stupid time, but it's a new episode and all. So I must watch!
But I do have Crossing Jordan on my mind. I've been posting over on the Coffeeboards, and have gotten a little rush from one of the big directors Allan Arkush replying to one of my posts and others in a topic I started. -It's given me a bit of a giggley high. lol.
Okay enough of the looney fan talk...
So what did I do yesterday? Well yesterday was a long and 'interesting' day.
I got up, went shopping at Chadstone (eventually), with mum and Nikki. I drove.
First we went to Myer. -Nikki went off to the kids stuff. Mum insisted on asking for help in finding plain white work shirts, when I could see that there were none. -It got quite annoying.
Then we went to find Nikki. She got a couple of little things. Then we went to ToysRus because Nikki wanted to. Then we went to the Speedo shop, so that Nikki could get a pair of bathers. -She tried on a bunch of different types and of course ended up not likeing ANY of them and so we left with nothing but a cranky 10 year old. Then we went upstairs to ESPRIT, I tried on a blue trench coat and got mum to let me get it now and pay her back when I start getting paid. -Shiny!
Then we went to the post office, so that Nikki could post a couple of letters. -Mum stopped in at Bilo.
Then we went to Target and ended up losing Nikki. I did find some white shirts for work though. But we were walking around Target for ages looking for Nicole. -That was NOT fun.
Then they got icecream and I went and picked up my jeans that had to be taken up at Just Jeans. After that we finally headed home.
I got on the comp and chatted to my girls for a while and then I watched tv. Not a lot was on. I had to wait till 7:40pm for Gilmore Girls.
We had hot dogs for dinner. -I like cheese in mine.
Then at 7:40pm I sat down to watch Gilmore Girls, had the tape all ready. -I tape it because my family usually ends up coming out and talking right through it, stopping me from hearing anything!
But nothing happened. The swimming was still on and ended up going till 8pm. So finally at 8pm, Gilmore Girls started. And I was happy.
We had some chocolate -which was yummy. After that Nikki and I watched 'How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days'. I love that movie. I also love Kathryn Hahn in that movie. -Note: I loved the movie before I was all obsessed with her/Lily. lol.
I still crack up everytime I see Kathryn in the therapist scene..she looks like a turtle with those big glasses, but she's so cute. -Kathryn can do comedy really well. -As well as drama. She rocks.
Then Nikki went to bed, and I watched some Will and Grace, and also did some more quoting from 'Conspiracy'. I still haven't finished quoting that ep of CJ yet. It's a very quoteable ep. Doh. lol. I have to keep myself from cracking up, so that I can actually write the quotes down. lol.
Then I went to bed about 1am-ish. I read another chapter of Tom Sawyer and then went to sleep. I slept in this morning - There's no point getting up till the shower if free.
I dunno what we're doing today, supermarket and maybe the craft market as well. Who knows.
-I have to remember to watch Will and Grace on channel 7 at 5pm. It's a stupid time, but it's a new episode and all. So I must watch!
Friday, February 03, 2006
Last Day of Freedom
Today is the last proper day of my Summer holidays. DOH!
I start back at classes on Monday, what fun! lol
I didn't really do a whole lot today. I went to bed pretty early (for me) last night, after reading another chapter of Tom Sawyer.
Dad had let Toffee outside this morning, even though the vet said not too. So Nikki and I got him back in before she went to school.
I watched my Providence of course! lol.
Then put out the washing and sat down and had breaky and watched Las Vegas from last night....for the 3rd time now (the ep, not the tape). After that I went and dyed my hair and then I sat around on the computer trying to get the dvds for Elsa and Faith to work. I eventually got them sorted.
I washed out the dye and it was supposed to make my hair blond...but it didn't work because of the red, but it did make it more of a strawberry blond, which is okay for now I guess. I will re dye it later on.
After that I watched the big 2000th episode of 'The View'! Very exciting stuff, funny old clips and other bits and pieces. Then I made the dvds tested one out. It worked so all was good. -I was having a laughing fit on the floor...things were probably funnier than they should have been normally. lol. I was a little hyper.
I did the dishes once Nikki got home, and listened to her rant about how annoying the people at her school are. -She IS 10. lol. And it's sorta a family trait. ..especially with Mum.
I made a 2nd copy of the dvd, and I have also been playing with the website today.
Tonight I'm just gonna watch some dvds, maybe some eps of Crossing Jordan. -I said that in a weird way in my head just then. strange. lol
Well that's all I got for today!
I start back at classes on Monday, what fun! lol
I didn't really do a whole lot today. I went to bed pretty early (for me) last night, after reading another chapter of Tom Sawyer.
Dad had let Toffee outside this morning, even though the vet said not too. So Nikki and I got him back in before she went to school.
I watched my Providence of course! lol.
Then put out the washing and sat down and had breaky and watched Las Vegas from last night....for the 3rd time now (the ep, not the tape). After that I went and dyed my hair and then I sat around on the computer trying to get the dvds for Elsa and Faith to work. I eventually got them sorted.
I washed out the dye and it was supposed to make my hair blond...but it didn't work because of the red, but it did make it more of a strawberry blond, which is okay for now I guess. I will re dye it later on.
After that I watched the big 2000th episode of 'The View'! Very exciting stuff, funny old clips and other bits and pieces. Then I made the dvds tested one out. It worked so all was good. -I was having a laughing fit on the floor...things were probably funnier than they should have been normally. lol. I was a little hyper.
I did the dishes once Nikki got home, and listened to her rant about how annoying the people at her school are. -She IS 10. lol. And it's sorta a family trait. ..especially with Mum.
I made a 2nd copy of the dvd, and I have also been playing with the website today.
Tonight I'm just gonna watch some dvds, maybe some eps of Crossing Jordan. -I said that in a weird way in my head just then. strange. lol
Well that's all I got for today!
Thursday, February 02, 2006
I am so ready for bed. Not that I could actually sleep before midnight ever again! lol.
I am currently sitting at the computer, half bored, half just doing stuff I feel like doing. lol. I have music going, the current one is in Italian. -It's quite a sad, yet pretty song. It's from the season 5 premire of CJ. -it just ended, now I have Jill(Jordan) singing 'Innocent When You Dream' going.
Today I didn't do a whole lot. I got up...earlier than I planned, because Nikki kept coming in to want me to do stuff for her. She needed a shirt for an artsmock, and she needed me to put her clothes in the dryer. -Apparently she is unable to do so.
I am now listening to 'Late for your life' by Mary Chapin Carpenter. It's another CJ song. Also pretty.
So back to my day...
everyone was off at work or school today, so I had the place to myself once Nikki left. I watched Providence (broken record much?! :P) lol. I got totally obsessed with a quote that mentioned Law and Order and Ally McBeal. I was SO tired that I was in tears laughing! lol.
Then I got all organised for my day and then had breaky and sat down and watched 'Cabaret'. I had never seen it, but always ment to. I loved it! I was singing along and all!
-I was a little weirded out at the fact that Joel Grey was in it...I had never seen him in anything that old. lol. To me his is Doc from Buffy or the nekkid dead man from Crossing Jordan. lol.
After that I watched yesterdays ep of The View, which I had had to tape overnight. I had to stop it just before the end, as I ran out of time and I had to watch todays ep. lol. I watched the rest after.
Then I walked all the movies I had rented last week back to Blockbuster. Then I put out the washing and did the dishes when I got back. I spent the evening sitting on the computer, working on the CJ dvd for my girls..and forgot about watching Nikki Cox on The Nanny. So I missed that. doh!
Dad and Nikki were off taking Toffs to the vet and Mum was getting her hair done, so when I was starving just before 7:30pm, I made some mac and cheese before the Season 3 premire of Las Vegas.
They all came home just before it started and Nikki sat down and watched with me, and we both had a good laugh at Mike's was pretty cute! lol
We had snags for dinner...and my parents kept talking while I was trying to watch LV. I was so glad I had watched them on the comp ages ago, otherwise I would never have had any clue as to what was going on!
After that we watched Lost. Which was kinda interesting, some bits were boring, some were cool, so it sorta evened out. lol
After that I watched Will and Grace at 10pm and then Law and Order: SVU and then some of Leno.
Tomorrow I'm not doing much, I'm doing my hair and then probably just watching tv and being on the computer all day. Tomorrow night is Fish and Chip night I can't wait! hehe. I do LOVE my fish and chips. lol.
I don't have any plans for the weekend, infact I am looking forward to a quiet (I can dream) weekend at home, watching Gilmore Girls and whatever else I feel like lol. -I do have to remember to watch Will and Grace at 5pm on Sunday. -Stupid time for a great show! Grr at channel 7 again! lol
Oh and I have to go to Chaddy to pick up my new jeans! yay. -And possibly convince mum to buy me a trenchcoat...or lend me money for a trenchcoat....
Goodnight and Good Luck -I have been hearing that A LOT lately...may as well use it! lol
I am currently sitting at the computer, half bored, half just doing stuff I feel like doing. lol. I have music going, the current one is in Italian. -It's quite a sad, yet pretty song. It's from the season 5 premire of CJ. -it just ended, now I have Jill(Jordan) singing 'Innocent When You Dream' going.
Today I didn't do a whole lot. I got up...earlier than I planned, because Nikki kept coming in to want me to do stuff for her. She needed a shirt for an artsmock, and she needed me to put her clothes in the dryer. -Apparently she is unable to do so.
I am now listening to 'Late for your life' by Mary Chapin Carpenter. It's another CJ song. Also pretty.
So back to my day...
everyone was off at work or school today, so I had the place to myself once Nikki left. I watched Providence (broken record much?! :P) lol. I got totally obsessed with a quote that mentioned Law and Order and Ally McBeal. I was SO tired that I was in tears laughing! lol.
Then I got all organised for my day and then had breaky and sat down and watched 'Cabaret'. I had never seen it, but always ment to. I loved it! I was singing along and all!
-I was a little weirded out at the fact that Joel Grey was in it...I had never seen him in anything that old. lol. To me his is Doc from Buffy or the nekkid dead man from Crossing Jordan. lol.
After that I watched yesterdays ep of The View, which I had had to tape overnight. I had to stop it just before the end, as I ran out of time and I had to watch todays ep. lol. I watched the rest after.
Then I walked all the movies I had rented last week back to Blockbuster. Then I put out the washing and did the dishes when I got back. I spent the evening sitting on the computer, working on the CJ dvd for my girls..and forgot about watching Nikki Cox on The Nanny. So I missed that. doh!
Dad and Nikki were off taking Toffs to the vet and Mum was getting her hair done, so when I was starving just before 7:30pm, I made some mac and cheese before the Season 3 premire of Las Vegas.
They all came home just before it started and Nikki sat down and watched with me, and we both had a good laugh at Mike's was pretty cute! lol
We had snags for dinner...and my parents kept talking while I was trying to watch LV. I was so glad I had watched them on the comp ages ago, otherwise I would never have had any clue as to what was going on!
After that we watched Lost. Which was kinda interesting, some bits were boring, some were cool, so it sorta evened out. lol
After that I watched Will and Grace at 10pm and then Law and Order: SVU and then some of Leno.
Tomorrow I'm not doing much, I'm doing my hair and then probably just watching tv and being on the computer all day. Tomorrow night is Fish and Chip night I can't wait! hehe. I do LOVE my fish and chips. lol.
I don't have any plans for the weekend, infact I am looking forward to a quiet (I can dream) weekend at home, watching Gilmore Girls and whatever else I feel like lol. -I do have to remember to watch Will and Grace at 5pm on Sunday. -Stupid time for a great show! Grr at channel 7 again! lol
Oh and I have to go to Chaddy to pick up my new jeans! yay. -And possibly convince mum to buy me a trenchcoat...or lend me money for a trenchcoat....
Goodnight and Good Luck -I have been hearing that A LOT lately...may as well use it! lol
ally mcbeal,
Crossing Jordan,
Gilmore Girls,
joel grey,
Las Vegas,
Law and Order,
the nanny,
The View,
Will and Grace
A Rainy Day In The City
Today I went to the city with Faith and Elsa. I am totally exhausted! lol. My feet are killing me and my head is ready to fall off!
I got up at 8:15am, to help Nikki get ready for school. Then I watched the season 3 finale of Providence and cried! lol. It was a sad ep!
Then I got ready and watched Will and Grace at 11am. I blow dried my hair for the first time in months, though because it was raining today it went all frizzy and curly anyways!
I left the house at 20 to 12 and walked in the rain to the train station. -Luckily I remembered my umbrella. -Or brolly as I have been calling it today! lol
I got my train, changed trains and got to the city first of all of us.
Elsa came and we chatted away, waiting for Faith, who had slept in! We were in the middle of some convo, when I recognise someone walking up the stairs and towards us. -It was Kayley. Which was so bizare! We both said hello and she moved on. We were kind in shock and cracked up laughing...cause it was just odd! lol
Faith eventually turned up and we headed off up Elizabeth street. We went to Red Rooster for lunch. We sat there chatting for ages! Puppy gave us pressies too! lol.
Then she ran into someone she knew as we were leaving.
After that we went to Minotaur. They are putting in stairs, so you had to go down the 'up' ramp. The space where the 'down' ramp had been was all open, it looked nasty and like it would hurt if you fell! lol
I somehow decided that with my now having employment, to buy myself a special pressie. So I bought myself the Serenity companion. (Offical).
Then we walked up Elizabeth street and eneded up going in all these shops, including a magic shop, JB and a cool dvd store that sold dvds from the US! -They had 'Yes Virginia There Is A Santa Clause' on video! Faith bought it! lol. We almost died!
They also had season 1 and 2 of Will and Grace. -The Puppy almost died. And season 4 of Law and Order. With a young Jill...who looked kinda old on the cover. It was her first season back in that was a long time ago! hah!
After shopping, we went to Melbourne Central and went to Borders and looked at Trenchcoats in Esprit. -I want a blue one!
Then we looked around at other stuff and headed back to Bourke Street. -Since it was pouring outside, we walked through Myer.
We stopped in The Reject Shop and then went to JB.
After that it was almost 6pm, so Faith and I said goodbye to Elsa and headed for the train station.
I got home around 6:30pm. -I saw Peter Beilby getting off the train. That was odd. lol. He was in my carriage, but much further down.
-I guess it was 'seeing people you know' day or something! lol.
Toffee my adorable baby kitty somehow got into a fight today and has a huge gash on his right back paw. It's pretty bad and someone needs to take him up to the vet!
The poor baby! It was probably that mean gray cat that has been around!
I hope it doesn't get infected! Poor thing!
Tonight I watched Will and Grace at 8pm. It was part 2 of Grace's wedding. It's so weird having new eps...that are technically old. And the fact that I have seen episodes either side of that season. Stupid programing! lol.
I taped that.
Then I watched Friends..sorta and then put on 'Holiday Inn'. It made me wanna get up and dance! I miss my dancing! I wanna get my tap shoes out and dance about downstairs. -Maybe Friday! lol.
After that I watched Law and Order SVU, then because I was ordered to by my girls, I watched Blind Justice aka Blindman Jim! It was weird. lol. -And I knew people in it from eps of CJ! lol.
I have started writing another episode of my tv show. This one does not involve Crossing Jordan, so it's a little different. -I will finish the other script soon. I only have a few more things to add to that.
Tomorrow I am gonna watch 'Cabaret' and then I have to take my vids back at some point. Other than that, I am having a quiet day. Scott is going on a camp thing tomorrow, so he won't be back till Friday arvo.
"Doesn't that music make your feet just itch to dance?!"
Carlie aka Claire.
I got up at 8:15am, to help Nikki get ready for school. Then I watched the season 3 finale of Providence and cried! lol. It was a sad ep!
Then I got ready and watched Will and Grace at 11am. I blow dried my hair for the first time in months, though because it was raining today it went all frizzy and curly anyways!
I left the house at 20 to 12 and walked in the rain to the train station. -Luckily I remembered my umbrella. -Or brolly as I have been calling it today! lol
I got my train, changed trains and got to the city first of all of us.
Elsa came and we chatted away, waiting for Faith, who had slept in! We were in the middle of some convo, when I recognise someone walking up the stairs and towards us. -It was Kayley. Which was so bizare! We both said hello and she moved on. We were kind in shock and cracked up laughing...cause it was just odd! lol
Faith eventually turned up and we headed off up Elizabeth street. We went to Red Rooster for lunch. We sat there chatting for ages! Puppy gave us pressies too! lol.
Then she ran into someone she knew as we were leaving.
After that we went to Minotaur. They are putting in stairs, so you had to go down the 'up' ramp. The space where the 'down' ramp had been was all open, it looked nasty and like it would hurt if you fell! lol
I somehow decided that with my now having employment, to buy myself a special pressie. So I bought myself the Serenity companion. (Offical).
Then we walked up Elizabeth street and eneded up going in all these shops, including a magic shop, JB and a cool dvd store that sold dvds from the US! -They had 'Yes Virginia There Is A Santa Clause' on video! Faith bought it! lol. We almost died!
They also had season 1 and 2 of Will and Grace. -The Puppy almost died. And season 4 of Law and Order. With a young Jill...who looked kinda old on the cover. It was her first season back in that was a long time ago! hah!
After shopping, we went to Melbourne Central and went to Borders and looked at Trenchcoats in Esprit. -I want a blue one!
Then we looked around at other stuff and headed back to Bourke Street. -Since it was pouring outside, we walked through Myer.
We stopped in The Reject Shop and then went to JB.
After that it was almost 6pm, so Faith and I said goodbye to Elsa and headed for the train station.
I got home around 6:30pm. -I saw Peter Beilby getting off the train. That was odd. lol. He was in my carriage, but much further down.
-I guess it was 'seeing people you know' day or something! lol.
Toffee my adorable baby kitty somehow got into a fight today and has a huge gash on his right back paw. It's pretty bad and someone needs to take him up to the vet!
The poor baby! It was probably that mean gray cat that has been around!
I hope it doesn't get infected! Poor thing!
Tonight I watched Will and Grace at 8pm. It was part 2 of Grace's wedding. It's so weird having new eps...that are technically old. And the fact that I have seen episodes either side of that season. Stupid programing! lol.
I taped that.
Then I watched Friends..sorta and then put on 'Holiday Inn'. It made me wanna get up and dance! I miss my dancing! I wanna get my tap shoes out and dance about downstairs. -Maybe Friday! lol.
After that I watched Law and Order SVU, then because I was ordered to by my girls, I watched Blind Justice aka Blindman Jim! It was weird. lol. -And I knew people in it from eps of CJ! lol.
I have started writing another episode of my tv show. This one does not involve Crossing Jordan, so it's a little different. -I will finish the other script soon. I only have a few more things to add to that.
Tomorrow I am gonna watch 'Cabaret' and then I have to take my vids back at some point. Other than that, I am having a quiet day. Scott is going on a camp thing tomorrow, so he won't be back till Friday arvo.
"Doesn't that music make your feet just itch to dance?!"
Carlie aka Claire.
Crossing Jordan,
Will and Grace
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
I'm a Working Gal!
Today I got the call from Safeway and they gave me a job! Yay! I have to go to an induction session on the 18th and then training during that week. I am sorta nervous now! lol. But how hard can putting stuff in bags and giving change be! lol.
Also today, was Nikki's first day back at school. I got up at 8am and did her hair for her. Then I made sure she was ready and took her photo, before seeing her off. -out the front door of course, for I was still in my pj's! lol
I watched Providence and read the paper. Scott got up and watched tv.
After my shower, I checked on my download of the CJ ep. Then I watched The View and had my breffles for breaky.
I had to stop halfway through the view, because I forgot about Will and Grace. lol. So I watched that and then finished The View.
Then I put out the washing and then my CJ ep was done, so I sat down and watched that. It was a Great ep! I love it.
No more eps till March now! I hope channel 7 puts it on soon! grrrrr!
Oh well LV starts Thursday...YAY! And NCIS next week i think!
After CJ, I wrote down my thoughts again. Then I went and made lunch and watched The View. They are having their 2000th show this week and are showing all these old clips. I know I loved the show the minute I saw it back when we first got foxtel. I remember watching it every time we had that channel! lol. My how they have changed! hah.
Then I sat on the comp for most of the afternoon. Chatting with Elsa. -I've missed chatting to her!
Then I went and sat in my room for a while. I watched Friends at 6:30pm and then we had dinner. I was still hungry after my small portion of the fish and chips, so i made Mac and Cheese. lol.
After that I was on the comp a bit more, then I sat in my room listening to music and then playing Care Bear Uno and Spit with Nikki. Then I started reading a chapter of Tom Sawyer, but almost fell asleep. So I had a coffee and sat down and watched Ned and Stacey on TV1 and then some of Law and Order SVU. -I dunno why but I have become very interested in the Law and Order shows lately. I blame Jill...or! lol
I am going to the city with my girls tomorrow. Yay! I've missed them! lol.
I shold go to bed soon. But I'm kinda interested in writing some of this stuff about a new show idea I had.
Also today, was Nikki's first day back at school. I got up at 8am and did her hair for her. Then I made sure she was ready and took her photo, before seeing her off. -out the front door of course, for I was still in my pj's! lol
I watched Providence and read the paper. Scott got up and watched tv.
After my shower, I checked on my download of the CJ ep. Then I watched The View and had my breffles for breaky.
I had to stop halfway through the view, because I forgot about Will and Grace. lol. So I watched that and then finished The View.
Then I put out the washing and then my CJ ep was done, so I sat down and watched that. It was a Great ep! I love it.
No more eps till March now! I hope channel 7 puts it on soon! grrrrr!
Oh well LV starts Thursday...YAY! And NCIS next week i think!
After CJ, I wrote down my thoughts again. Then I went and made lunch and watched The View. They are having their 2000th show this week and are showing all these old clips. I know I loved the show the minute I saw it back when we first got foxtel. I remember watching it every time we had that channel! lol. My how they have changed! hah.
Then I sat on the comp for most of the afternoon. Chatting with Elsa. -I've missed chatting to her!
Then I went and sat in my room for a while. I watched Friends at 6:30pm and then we had dinner. I was still hungry after my small portion of the fish and chips, so i made Mac and Cheese. lol.
After that I was on the comp a bit more, then I sat in my room listening to music and then playing Care Bear Uno and Spit with Nikki. Then I started reading a chapter of Tom Sawyer, but almost fell asleep. So I had a coffee and sat down and watched Ned and Stacey on TV1 and then some of Law and Order SVU. -I dunno why but I have become very interested in the Law and Order shows lately. I blame Jill...or! lol
I am going to the city with my girls tomorrow. Yay! I've missed them! lol.
I shold go to bed soon. But I'm kinda interested in writing some of this stuff about a new show idea I had.
Crossing Jordan,
Las Vegas,
Law and Order,
ned and stacey,
The View,
Will and Grace
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