So it is now a few days after Christmas. I have only just recovered.
It was a very long, and very busy day for me. Although I was the first one out of 8:30am. -Long gone are the days of us kids waking up at 6am! But then so are the days of Santa and mystery presents. -Now we all know what we're getting, so there is really no rush to open them.
We did our usual 5 family member breakfast. Croissants and waffles. Then it was over to my Nan and Pop's place for lunch with the Sheehan Family. My Dad and his 2 brothers and his sister did the cooking and organising. It was pretty good, but as usual there was WAY too much food.
I got a chance to talk to Mirka and Kim, and Heather a bit too. Although it would have been nice to have had Jade and Caitlin there. -Although I am so used to not seeing them, I don't get dissapointed when they are not there. So it's nice to have some new girls in the family.
After opening pressies, and much chatting, it was back home to get organised for my Mum's family to come over. -However, me and my sis pretty much just played Super Mario on the Wii till 5:30pm.
Then it was into prep mode. Luckily most of the set up and clean up was done the day before.
People arrived around 7pm. I think my Grandparents were really glad to get out and come visit someone's houes. We had a lot of food, and some really nice desserts. People left a bit earlier than usual - which was nice. Then Neil and his family stayed around for a while. Tracey and I chatted about the US, and TV, which I ALWAYS enjoy.
So it was overall a pretty good day, without too many squabbles or issues. I got some good presents. I got an Olga Berg handbag which I picked out back before my birthday. Plus The Mighty Ducks dvd set, and Snow White on dvd. I also got some cash (which is always good) and some bath products, and jewellery. Plus a share in the Wii game.
So hope everyone had a nice (or at least not too awful) Christmas. And let next years be even better!
Now it's time to start packing all the stuff away for another year!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
....Cause I Can!
Cause I'm all done with my WW Josh and Donna fanvid....I feel the need to post it on both my blogs...cause I can. lol
I've already started on another.....such a can of worms I seem to have opened! hehe
I've already started on another.....such a can of worms I seem to have opened! hehe
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Christmas Lights
Saturday night Jacinta and I went out on a Christmas Light hunt. I had made a list of ones around the area to find, but of course we found some other good ones too...while others totally dissapointed.
We started in Mt Waverley where Jacinta lives. Here house counted as one...her mum has gone to great efforts to put up an impressive light display! has the house across the street!
We headed over to 12 Fort Street Mt Waverley...which was pretty impressive....not AWESOME, but still good. Around the corner 9 Larch St had some decent lights.
We headed over to 12 Cornish Rd in Burwood East, which was cool. No. 17 had some nights lights too.
There was a house a few streets west of Cornish rd that had really cool lights too.
After a food stop, we headed over to Loch Street in Surrey Hills....which was pretty dissapointing this year which sucked. :( I hope they get it together for next year. Usually they're pretty good, its a court and all the houses tend to give it a go.
After that we headed around to Rochdale Drive in Burwood East...Not bad.
By that point it was after 11pm, and we were done and it was getting late. So we headed back....and finally found the switch for the rest of Jacinta's lights. lol
Well we had fun, and that's what matters.
Greenwood Street Burwood East, pretty spectackular
We started in Mt Waverley where Jacinta lives. Here house counted as one...her mum has gone to great efforts to put up an impressive light display! has the house across the street!
We headed over to 12 Fort Street Mt Waverley...which was pretty impressive....not AWESOME, but still good. Around the corner 9 Larch St had some decent lights.
We headed over to 12 Cornish Rd in Burwood East, which was cool. No. 17 had some nights lights too.
There was a house a few streets west of Cornish rd that had really cool lights too.
After a food stop, we headed over to Loch Street in Surrey Hills....which was pretty dissapointing this year which sucked. :( I hope they get it together for next year. Usually they're pretty good, its a court and all the houses tend to give it a go.
There were some nice lights in the next street....but we were more amused by the name of a nearby street called 'Willcyrus'. lol. I think we were getting a little hyper by that point.
We headed back to Burwood HWY Burwood East, and past the really cool house, and down to 27 Greenwood St which was one of the best all nights. We got out of the car and went and stood in the middle of the HWY to look at the house there which was fun...till we almost froze to got cold!
By that point it was after 11pm, and we were done and it was getting late. So we headed back....and finally found the switch for the rest of Jacinta's lights. lol
Well we had fun, and that's what matters.
Here are some pics of some of the cool ones.
The first one is from a house up the street from me.
From the street near Cornish, Witchwood maybe..
Greenwood Street Burwood East, pretty spectackular
Burwood HWY Burwood East near the RSPCA -awesome...however the people in there taking pics were lame :P
And the two explorers!
Merry Xmas!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The Name of the Game
So yesterday there was a thing in the paper about the most popular baby names for 2009. I’ve always been a fan of names (I don’t know why…but its been going since I was at least 7 or something, so lets just leave that alone), and I am one of those girls who has lists. My current list I don’t think is actually written down anywhere, but I found it interesting how few of the names I really like were in the top 20, especially for girls.
Out of the top 20 girls names in Australia, I only really like/or would use about two of them. I used to be a fan of some of the others, when I was 12….like Sienna…for some reason when I was 12 I really liked the name Sienna, not as fave or anything, but close.
I think TV has influence my selections even more now…actually at least 2 of my fave names came from real life or books…hmm.
Oh and when did Amelia become popular again? I thought that was an older name (cut off around my ages group)…never really been a fan personally.
Out of the top 20 boys names I like a lot more, but I think that is mostly because I tend to like more traditional common names for boys. However a couple of my big faves are not on the list.
Not sure why I felt the need to blog about this…but I did…so deal :P
Out of the top 20 girls names in Australia, I only really like/or would use about two of them. I used to be a fan of some of the others, when I was 12….like Sienna…for some reason when I was 12 I really liked the name Sienna, not as fave or anything, but close.
I think TV has influence my selections even more now…actually at least 2 of my fave names came from real life or books…hmm.
Oh and when did Amelia become popular again? I thought that was an older name (cut off around my ages group)…never really been a fan personally.
Out of the top 20 boys names I like a lot more, but I think that is mostly because I tend to like more traditional common names for boys. However a couple of my big faves are not on the list.
Not sure why I felt the need to blog about this…but I did…so deal :P
Let It Be Christmas Everywhere...
So today my tree finally got decorated....pretty much completely by me....which I must say kinda stinks, especially when you used to have a traditon of doing it all together, or at least putting up your own decorations...but moving on from that...
Here are some pics from the inside of my house...more to come, both inside and out (gotta wait for the rain to stop so I can get lights pics)!
Here are some pics from the inside of my house...more to come, both inside and out (gotta wait for the rain to stop so I can get lights pics)!
Here is me with the tree...for the first time ever, we have it in the dining room. This was because we usually keep it next to the TV in the lounge room...but there isn't as much room anymore because of the big fancy TV...that we didn't want to risk damaging. I like the new location. It's different.
I put up some colored lights on the back door, they look really pretty through the stained glass window. -I'll try and get some good pics from outside in the next few days...when the weather gets better.
And here are some other pics of the same lights, that turned out really cool on different camea settings.
More to come soon!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Minus 4
So Friday was the big day, I got my wisdom teeth taken out…finally.
The time I was told to be there, was 12:30….They were very vague with the instructions, and never even sent me my paper work till I called up about it a week and a half before the date. –Slackers!
On Thursday I prepared myself, enjoying my last normal meals for a while. I went to bed kinda early, and got up at 5:30am so that I could have some coffee and toast. Cause I was told not to eat 6 hours before...although apparently I needn’t have bothered. After a quick early breaky, I attempted to go back to sleep…eventually I did.
Spent the morning doing the usual, TV watching, general house stuff, etc.
Then Mum took me over to VIMY – the shipper name for St Vincent and Mercy Hospital combined….lol. It wasn’t far, just over in Kew.
We waited in the waiting room for a while…then finally got called and went up stairs to my room, which I wound up sharing with 1 other girl…we didn’t chat. 4 beds, 2 patients, not bad…Private is good, when it’s completely covered…the procedure itself, not so much…but anyways…
We waited and waited….hours in fact. The nurse came and checked me out. The anaesthetist came and chatted with us, as did the doc. The nurse gave me a gown and told me to change….I did after they took the girl (okay she was a woman) next to me...They put the numbing cream on my arm too…not that I really cared.
I spent my time playing solitaire and monopoly on my ipod, and reading Mum’s magazine.
HOURS later they finally came to take me down. It was way after 3 by the time I went off…I was freezing sitting there in that stupid gown…that was at least 5 sizes too big for me…I needed the kiddy size :P
The elevator down was TINY...just enough room for my bed, the orderly and the nurse. The surgical floor was very modern and updated, unlike the rest of the hospital. Very Grey’s Anatomy…lots of pretty glass. They wheeled me into a waiting bay…where they left me for 10 minutes or so….SO bored with nothing to do, or look at. Finally they came back and I got into a discussion with the nurse about whether or not the stuff on my arm was opsite and was I really allergic or not…
Then the surgeon and the anaesthetist came in and put me under…then I was out like a light!
I woke up pretty awake and alert, with an oxygen mask on my face. After they woke me up, they just left me laying there…I just looked around and listened to Lea Michele singing Don’t Rain On My Parade in my head. Finally they took me back upstairs. My mouth was packed up and I had ice packs on my face, so I couldn’t really talk…so I amused myself trying to say lines from The West Wing, and Pushing Daisies.
After awhile, the pain meds wore off, and the pain started…not so fun. The nurse finally took the needle out of my arm, and I got to change back into my clothes…and she gave me 2 little tubs of ice cream…which was nummy!
We picked up my meds on the way home, nothing good, and by that I mean nothing TOO strong…but what I got was strong enough.
I ate some scrambled eggs for dinner, and some jelly, while watching Home Alone. Had to stay up till 11 to have my antibiotics, and then another 30 minutes before I could eat something with my painkiller.
I didn’t sleep well that night. I mean, I fell asleep pretty quickly, but woke up at 4am or something, and got dizzy and fainted in the kitchen, when I went to take my pills, and get new icepacks. So that was unpleasant…I went back to sleep and slept in till 11:30am, when I was woken up by my mother who made me take another antibiotic.
I spent the rest of the day watching TV, eating jelly…which turned my lips blue, cause I love blue raspberry jelly. I took my painkiller in the arvo, and almost fell asleep during one of the funniest eps of TWW, so I took at as a sign that I needed a nap…which I can only ever take if I am sick of REALLY REALLY tired (meaning I’ve been up all night) -I am not a day sleeper.
That night I ended up watching the original The Music Man on foxtel…not nearly as much fun as Kristin’s one, but still good.
Slept better the 2nd night, but still woke up just before 8am. Took my antibiotic, got new icepacks and went back to bed for a few hours. Spent the day watching even more TV, and continuing eating boring soft food. My Mum did buy me ice-cream and choc milkshake mix though, which has improved my food quality a great deal!
Slept good again last night, of course I woke up early, but went back to sleep with some scary dreams. Much more recovered today, I of course watched some TV…but I do that anyways :P I also put up the indoor Christmas lights, much to my sister’s chagrin. She is so anti-religion and anything to do with Christmas…I keep telling her she won’t get presents…she claims she doesn’t want them. HAH!
I also cleared out one of the cupboards, and found some more Christmas stuff.
After 3 days of recovery I am pretty bored, and pretty sick of staying at home. I need to get out….however I am definitely hitting Blockbuster sometime this week to get my Christmas movies.
My TV has consisted mostly of Christmas episodes of ER, and continuing my run through Grey’s Anatomy. There has also been a bit of foxtel stuff thrown in there.
My diet has consisted of, jelly…getting really SICK of jelly…., scrambled eggs, chocolate pudding, yogurt, and chocolate milkshakes.
-Today I was able to try a very moistened cookie, and some Easy Mac for dinner, which went okay. It’s a slow process, but I am dying for Chocolate, Cheese and Bread. Obviously not all together :P
So things are getting better, and I'm just waiting for the puffiness to go away...and for my mouth to heal a bit more! At least I am not needing my pain meds so much anymore!
The time I was told to be there, was 12:30….They were very vague with the instructions, and never even sent me my paper work till I called up about it a week and a half before the date. –Slackers!
On Thursday I prepared myself, enjoying my last normal meals for a while. I went to bed kinda early, and got up at 5:30am so that I could have some coffee and toast. Cause I was told not to eat 6 hours before...although apparently I needn’t have bothered. After a quick early breaky, I attempted to go back to sleep…eventually I did.
Spent the morning doing the usual, TV watching, general house stuff, etc.
Then Mum took me over to VIMY – the shipper name for St Vincent and Mercy Hospital combined….lol. It wasn’t far, just over in Kew.
We waited in the waiting room for a while…then finally got called and went up stairs to my room, which I wound up sharing with 1 other girl…we didn’t chat. 4 beds, 2 patients, not bad…Private is good, when it’s completely covered…the procedure itself, not so much…but anyways…
We waited and waited….hours in fact. The nurse came and checked me out. The anaesthetist came and chatted with us, as did the doc. The nurse gave me a gown and told me to change….I did after they took the girl (okay she was a woman) next to me...They put the numbing cream on my arm too…not that I really cared.
I spent my time playing solitaire and monopoly on my ipod, and reading Mum’s magazine.
HOURS later they finally came to take me down. It was way after 3 by the time I went off…I was freezing sitting there in that stupid gown…that was at least 5 sizes too big for me…I needed the kiddy size :P
The elevator down was TINY...just enough room for my bed, the orderly and the nurse. The surgical floor was very modern and updated, unlike the rest of the hospital. Very Grey’s Anatomy…lots of pretty glass. They wheeled me into a waiting bay…where they left me for 10 minutes or so….SO bored with nothing to do, or look at. Finally they came back and I got into a discussion with the nurse about whether or not the stuff on my arm was opsite and was I really allergic or not…
Then the surgeon and the anaesthetist came in and put me under…then I was out like a light!
I woke up pretty awake and alert, with an oxygen mask on my face. After they woke me up, they just left me laying there…I just looked around and listened to Lea Michele singing Don’t Rain On My Parade in my head. Finally they took me back upstairs. My mouth was packed up and I had ice packs on my face, so I couldn’t really talk…so I amused myself trying to say lines from The West Wing, and Pushing Daisies.
After awhile, the pain meds wore off, and the pain started…not so fun. The nurse finally took the needle out of my arm, and I got to change back into my clothes…and she gave me 2 little tubs of ice cream…which was nummy!
We picked up my meds on the way home, nothing good, and by that I mean nothing TOO strong…but what I got was strong enough.
I ate some scrambled eggs for dinner, and some jelly, while watching Home Alone. Had to stay up till 11 to have my antibiotics, and then another 30 minutes before I could eat something with my painkiller.
I didn’t sleep well that night. I mean, I fell asleep pretty quickly, but woke up at 4am or something, and got dizzy and fainted in the kitchen, when I went to take my pills, and get new icepacks. So that was unpleasant…I went back to sleep and slept in till 11:30am, when I was woken up by my mother who made me take another antibiotic.
I spent the rest of the day watching TV, eating jelly…which turned my lips blue, cause I love blue raspberry jelly. I took my painkiller in the arvo, and almost fell asleep during one of the funniest eps of TWW, so I took at as a sign that I needed a nap…which I can only ever take if I am sick of REALLY REALLY tired (meaning I’ve been up all night) -I am not a day sleeper.
That night I ended up watching the original The Music Man on foxtel…not nearly as much fun as Kristin’s one, but still good.
Slept better the 2nd night, but still woke up just before 8am. Took my antibiotic, got new icepacks and went back to bed for a few hours. Spent the day watching even more TV, and continuing eating boring soft food. My Mum did buy me ice-cream and choc milkshake mix though, which has improved my food quality a great deal!
Slept good again last night, of course I woke up early, but went back to sleep with some scary dreams. Much more recovered today, I of course watched some TV…but I do that anyways :P I also put up the indoor Christmas lights, much to my sister’s chagrin. She is so anti-religion and anything to do with Christmas…I keep telling her she won’t get presents…she claims she doesn’t want them. HAH!
I also cleared out one of the cupboards, and found some more Christmas stuff.
After 3 days of recovery I am pretty bored, and pretty sick of staying at home. I need to get out….however I am definitely hitting Blockbuster sometime this week to get my Christmas movies.
My TV has consisted mostly of Christmas episodes of ER, and continuing my run through Grey’s Anatomy. There has also been a bit of foxtel stuff thrown in there.
My diet has consisted of, jelly…getting really SICK of jelly…., scrambled eggs, chocolate pudding, yogurt, and chocolate milkshakes.
-Today I was able to try a very moistened cookie, and some Easy Mac for dinner, which went okay. It’s a slow process, but I am dying for Chocolate, Cheese and Bread. Obviously not all together :P
So things are getting better, and I'm just waiting for the puffiness to go away...and for my mouth to heal a bit more! At least I am not needing my pain meds so much anymore!
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Ooooo...Getting Slack!
I meant to post a new post last week...I never got to the rest of Birthday Week.
So I was out and about for my birthday, Friday night I did the usual movie night, this one included an actual movie AT the movies. Ness and I saw The Invention of Lying. Which was good, not fantastic....but we found plenty to enjoy in it!
Then for my ACTUAL birthday, I spent the day hanging around, after a sleep in, just watching some TV - good stuff. Then later on Jacinta came over, we went out to dinner with my family at Michelangelops in Burwood. The food was excellent, however VERY VERY Mum got kinda burnt.
After dinner, we did cake. It was GOOOOOD. Chocolate Gateau cake. Bueno!
And since I got a free movie ticket from Hoyts that you can only use on your birthday, we went and saw 2012 at Chadstone. -It was weird, I hadn't been to the movies there in FOREVER! -I honestly can't remember the last time. It was packed though, so we had to sit in the 2nd row, but it wasn't that bad. However my eyes were pretty sore afterwards.
Jacinta got into a fight with a chick at the lollystand...and some couple brought their toddler to a 9:15 movie (REALLY?!....OMG are you serious?! - lol), but overall it was a good birthday.
-In other news, I had a shift today....I am so beat, but not actually tired legs are killing me though, since I'm not used to standing so long anymore.
-Last night was my cousin Kate's engagement party. I was dredding it, and thinking I would have a terrible time, with no one to talk to....luckily things worked out, and I ended up talking with Regan, Janelle, Tracey and Luke....and there was some dancing too, which is always fun. -I find it slightly scary that Luke and I spent a good deal of time discussing TV shows...and then going onto books. Who'da thunk it?!
Anyways...that's all that is going on really....getting my wisdom teeth out on Friday...should be fun! :P
So I was out and about for my birthday, Friday night I did the usual movie night, this one included an actual movie AT the movies. Ness and I saw The Invention of Lying. Which was good, not fantastic....but we found plenty to enjoy in it!
Then for my ACTUAL birthday, I spent the day hanging around, after a sleep in, just watching some TV - good stuff. Then later on Jacinta came over, we went out to dinner with my family at Michelangelops in Burwood. The food was excellent, however VERY VERY Mum got kinda burnt.
After dinner, we did cake. It was GOOOOOD. Chocolate Gateau cake. Bueno!
And since I got a free movie ticket from Hoyts that you can only use on your birthday, we went and saw 2012 at Chadstone. -It was weird, I hadn't been to the movies there in FOREVER! -I honestly can't remember the last time. It was packed though, so we had to sit in the 2nd row, but it wasn't that bad. However my eyes were pretty sore afterwards.
Jacinta got into a fight with a chick at the lollystand...and some couple brought their toddler to a 9:15 movie (REALLY?!....OMG are you serious?! - lol), but overall it was a good birthday.
-In other news, I had a shift today....I am so beat, but not actually tired legs are killing me though, since I'm not used to standing so long anymore.
-Last night was my cousin Kate's engagement party. I was dredding it, and thinking I would have a terrible time, with no one to talk to....luckily things worked out, and I ended up talking with Regan, Janelle, Tracey and Luke....and there was some dancing too, which is always fun. -I find it slightly scary that Luke and I spent a good deal of time discussing TV shows...and then going onto books. Who'da thunk it?!
Anyways...that's all that is going on really....getting my wisdom teeth out on Friday...should be fun! :P
Monday, November 23, 2009
Birthday Week!
So this year (as it does every year) , my birthday is surrounded by other events and gatherings. One of my group gatherings we had on the weekend. The usual 5 (they know who they are) go together for dinner, and drinking, and the usual shenanigans.
It was pouring with rain, so going to dinner we got hair went curly-ish. My shoes were not weather appropriate, and got dampish. We went to the Langwarrin Hotel, which was nice and different. The food was pretty good. It was pretty busy too.
After dinner we did drinks, chatter, party food back at Ness'. It was fun...people got attacked, by human, as well as canine. The TV and computer stayed off. I have no idea what we talked about...But everyone seemed to be having fun....or was extra hyped up and/or tipsy. I was drinking Grasshoppers -yummy but strong. After a couple of those I went back to lemonade and vodka. -It doesn't take much for me to get tipsy, I'm not sure if it's cause I'm small, or cause I don't drink that often....but its fun either way.
We stayed up really late...which we hadn't done in a while. It was nice.
Thanks guys for coming out and celebrating turning 24 with me. Thanks for my I face the awful task of picking which to watch first. :P
So that was the start of birthday week, more events to come.
Oh...and the rain never did stop.....well it did sorta stop yesterday...but not till the afternoon.
It was pouring with rain, so going to dinner we got hair went curly-ish. My shoes were not weather appropriate, and got dampish. We went to the Langwarrin Hotel, which was nice and different. The food was pretty good. It was pretty busy too.
After dinner we did drinks, chatter, party food back at Ness'. It was fun...people got attacked, by human, as well as canine. The TV and computer stayed off. I have no idea what we talked about...But everyone seemed to be having fun....or was extra hyped up and/or tipsy. I was drinking Grasshoppers -yummy but strong. After a couple of those I went back to lemonade and vodka. -It doesn't take much for me to get tipsy, I'm not sure if it's cause I'm small, or cause I don't drink that often....but its fun either way.
We stayed up really late...which we hadn't done in a while. It was nice.
Thanks guys for coming out and celebrating turning 24 with me. Thanks for my I face the awful task of picking which to watch first. :P
So that was the start of birthday week, more events to come.
Oh...and the rain never did stop.....well it did sorta stop yesterday...but not till the afternoon.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Apparently....I Have Fans!
So it's become clear to me that there a few more people reading this blog than I had thought....So to all of you - Hello, Welcome, and pull up a virtual chair!
Tonight I went out to dinner with my ole friend Jacinta...who I hadn't seen in ages...because, well, mostly I'm slack, and have had a lot of assignments taking up my free time, plus limited money. I ate WAY too much...but what's the fun in going out if you're not gonna finish everything...and there was cake. GOOD cake!
The heat has given me some pretty weird dreams the last two totally epic stories...I have had to change my habits in the hopes that the dreams won't result in a hatrick of content....its starting to get weird!
Otherwise, I'm watching a lot of TV, got some movies today, good ones. Although Pete's Dragon was terrible...even for a disney movie...which is kinda scary seeing as how big the cast were!
I'm also looking for jobs, trying to figure out what sort of field I want to start heading towards...not easy. I've also gotta refine my resume, which is taking longer than I would have thought, I for some reason have multiple copies/versions. Not helpful.
Anyhoo, I should probably head to bed. I'm kinda beat! I blame A) the food, and B) the fact I've taken to getting up around 9am everyday, even when I perhaps needed to sleep in a little longer.
At least there has been a bit of cool change tonight, which is lovely! Hopefully I'll actually get to sleep tonight! (touch wood)
Tonight I went out to dinner with my ole friend Jacinta...who I hadn't seen in ages...because, well, mostly I'm slack, and have had a lot of assignments taking up my free time, plus limited money. I ate WAY too much...but what's the fun in going out if you're not gonna finish everything...and there was cake. GOOD cake!
The heat has given me some pretty weird dreams the last two totally epic stories...I have had to change my habits in the hopes that the dreams won't result in a hatrick of content....its starting to get weird!
Otherwise, I'm watching a lot of TV, got some movies today, good ones. Although Pete's Dragon was terrible...even for a disney movie...which is kinda scary seeing as how big the cast were!
I'm also looking for jobs, trying to figure out what sort of field I want to start heading towards...not easy. I've also gotta refine my resume, which is taking longer than I would have thought, I for some reason have multiple copies/versions. Not helpful.
Anyhoo, I should probably head to bed. I'm kinda beat! I blame A) the food, and B) the fact I've taken to getting up around 9am everyday, even when I perhaps needed to sleep in a little longer.
At least there has been a bit of cool change tonight, which is lovely! Hopefully I'll actually get to sleep tonight! (touch wood)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Melting!!!!!!!!......I'm Melting!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay it is hot. Been hot for a few days now, and its starting to get to me. I was fine yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that...but today it has given me a major headache!
This past week has also been pretty big for me. I had my last class for uni on Friday...felt a little weird, and a little sad. And then yesterday I handed in my very last essay. -Which I had also been working on for the past week.
Its been 3 years of uni and uni assignments, plus the 2 years of tafe on top of that. Its odd to not be going back....which hopefully I won't be, assuming I pass everything.
I still have one last assignement due next friday, a remix project. But that shouldn't be too hard, and I've started on that one..sorta.
I also need to start looking for real jobs. However in the meantime I am catching up on my dvd watchage. -Today I watched Sunshine Cleaning, and The Secret Life of Bees. Both excellent movies.
Gonna go back and get some weeklys in the next few days.
Not a lot else to report....its too hot for my mind to work properly
This past week has also been pretty big for me. I had my last class for uni on Friday...felt a little weird, and a little sad. And then yesterday I handed in my very last essay. -Which I had also been working on for the past week.
Its been 3 years of uni and uni assignments, plus the 2 years of tafe on top of that. Its odd to not be going back....which hopefully I won't be, assuming I pass everything.
I still have one last assignement due next friday, a remix project. But that shouldn't be too hard, and I've started on that one..sorta.
I also need to start looking for real jobs. However in the meantime I am catching up on my dvd watchage. -Today I watched Sunshine Cleaning, and The Secret Life of Bees. Both excellent movies.
Gonna go back and get some weeklys in the next few days.
Not a lot else to report....its too hot for my mind to work properly
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Sydney Trip Part 2
Day 2 Wednesday, D –day (Wicked day)
So welcome back to the Sydney saga. Let us continue our tale where we left off, the start of day 2.
After the lovely food, we walked around the Quay to the jet boat thing, which was our morning activity. We were made to put on these red poncho-type things which made me look like a 6 year old dressed as a Lobster. –I’m calling them Aqua-Snuggies, they had hoods and everything.
The jet boat goes really fast and then stops suddenly, and/or spins so you get thrown around and soaked with sea water. We were in the 2nd row of the boat, so we got constantly splashed with water (which was the idea anyways). I was soaked from at least the waist up, which was slightly uncomfortable the rest of the day. My hair was waterlogged…what made me think it was a good idea to wash my hair I will never know! :P
It was a lot of fun, however had bad results on some. We attempted to dry off the in sun, relaxing in the botanic gardens. It was somewhat successful. Once we had regained our land-legs, we headed back along Pitt Street stopping at various shops along the way, including a very cool book shop. We decided to get Frappechinos from Starbucks (which we got a size upgrade since we had Wicked tickets, from the one next to our hotel) and spent about an hour sitting in the park across from the stage door with our ipods and books.
Then it was time to go get ready for our evening, which involved showering in order to wash our hair and get all the salt that had covered our skin off.
After the show we RACED…like the wind….around to the stage door, where we waited…and waited… and waited. –Oddly enough we were practically the only people waiting…which while good for us, was somewhat sad. Finally Lucy came out and she was most lovely, and signed our programs (personally) and chatted to us for a while, or at least what felt like a while. –She seemed very open to our ‘Glinda should tap’ idea. Then she took a picture with me and Ness before she left.
The next day, our last day, we got up around 8am again, and went to the buffet breakfast at the hotel. They had really good French toast! We were in the process of packing up, when Virgin Blue called and asked if we willing to take either an earlier or later flight. –Which we were fine with. So we packed up all our stuff, got myself another Mocha Java Chip frappe from Starbucks, and said goodbye to the theatre and the Wicked district of Sydney, before catching the train back to the airport, doing a little shopping, got a snack and got onto the plane (we took the earlier one). Ness and I sat on one side of the aisle and Brett across from us on the other side. Ness and I spent the flight watching videos on her ipod…a most excellent way of passing the time. Before we knew it, we were back in Melbourne, picking up or luggage, back in Brett’s car and back at his place.
So welcome back to the Sydney saga. Let us continue our tale where we left off, the start of day 2.
We got up around 8am, a nice time, not too early, not too late. Pretty much headed off for our morning activity, after showering and washing our hair (stupid, stupid, stupid). It was really hot (for us) on Wednesday, especially in the sun.
We walked all the way down George Street to Circular Quay. We had a nice breakfast at a semi-Superman themed restaurant. –We didn’t even know that till we got inside!
The jet boat goes really fast and then stops suddenly, and/or spins so you get thrown around and soaked with sea water. We were in the 2nd row of the boat, so we got constantly splashed with water (which was the idea anyways). I was soaked from at least the waist up, which was slightly uncomfortable the rest of the day. My hair was waterlogged…what made me think it was a good idea to wash my hair I will never know! :P
It was a lot of fun, however had bad results on some. We attempted to dry off the in sun, relaxing in the botanic gardens. It was somewhat successful. Once we had regained our land-legs, we headed back along Pitt Street stopping at various shops along the way, including a very cool book shop. We decided to get Frappechinos from Starbucks (which we got a size upgrade since we had Wicked tickets, from the one next to our hotel) and spent about an hour sitting in the park across from the stage door with our ipods and books.
Then it was time to go get ready for our evening, which involved showering in order to wash our hair and get all the salt that had covered our skin off.
Once we were all dressed up in our party frocks, ‘cept Brett who did not wear a frock….okay scary mental pictures now…. :P
….we headed next door to a Thai restaurant in the little arcade between our hotel and the theatre. The food was good and then Ness and I headed off to the theatre while Brett met up with his friend Shane. We browsed the merchandise for a while, avoided the stand where the same girl that manned the store in Melbourne was, in case she recognised us.....
We took Ness’ stuff back up before heading back down there to meet Brett and Shane. After bitching about the price increase, some of us got Ozmopolitans…which were NOT in green glasses like we had hoped…before heading in to find our seats. –A new experience, and perspectives for us, on the side, the good side - but it was weird to see everything from a new angle.
We got a new Elphaba (for us, not for the show), Zoe and she was amazing, totally blew us away. The show was awesome (as usual), some new things, some old stuff changed around. We also got to see the new Boq. He was good also. 
-So there you have it. One of ‘Our People’ ticked off the list….sadly for us probably the only one we will get to meet, and also the easiest. –But I will never say never!
Ness and I were estatic and walking on air after that, and started heading off before remembering A) other people, and B) that Brett and Shane were not with us, and wanted to see other people. Zoe came out and we chatted to her and she signed our programs too. She was also very nice. Rob Mills came out and chatted a little while he signed our programs, and then took a picture with me and Ness. Bert came out which made Shane happy and he got his pic taken with him.
So then that was it, and we were high as a kite, giddy as schoolgirls, Ness and I. We couldn’t have stopped grinning like Cheshire cats if we had tried I wager. We took some group photos and said goodbye to Shane and headed back to our hotel room. There was no way we were sleeping for a while, so we sat around talking, and being hyper till about 2am.
A totally worth it trip, which we were NEVER know barring any head injuries, amnesia or alzheimers.....
Big thanks to Shane for taking pics of us talking with Lucy with his iphone! (we had no idea)
Thanks to Ness and Brett for the other pics :) (and of course Lucy and Rob)
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The Sydney Trip - Part 1
I've been back since Thursday, and am finally getting to posting a little recap of my trip to Sydney last week with Vanessa and Brett aka the Three Muskateers.
Day 1 - Tuesday
Up at 4:45am....which wasn't that hard....I guess cause I actually had somewhere to go. I pretty much bounced out of bed straight away, and into my routine which involved a check list - because at 5am you NEED a check list! I had to be in the car and ready to leave the house around 20 past, it became 25 past I think, but it worked out. That was enough time to get the last of my things together, pack something to eat on the way, and get dressed.
Brett was driving to the airport, so we all met there. In the dark! - Its always weird being up in the dark...but kinda exciting at the same time, cause you know you're doing something special.
The drive to the airport wasn't bad, not too busy. We waited in the cold for the bus to come to take us to the least the sun was up by that point!
We got some breaky/coffee at the airport, and got on our plane, spent the flight yakking about all kinds of things....arrived in Sydney. We were all still kinda out of it.
After collecting our luggage, we caught one of those spiffy double decker trains and got off a short stroll through a park to our hotel. On our way around the block to our hotel, we passed the stage door to the Capitol Theatre. -Which made that a VERY easy check to our list!! It was too easy! (and it was safe, with plenty of footpath around, so people were not right on the road, like in Melbourne.
Our hotel was practically next door to the theatre...which was MOST excellent!
We check into our hotel, and unpacked/relaxed/changed for a bit, before heading off to explore the area. We walked around the block, checking out the theatre. Then we headed up George street, browsing in shops as we went, and making it all the way to Martin place, and to the channel 7 store...which I guess luckily had nothing we NEEDED.
On our way back, we went to Pizza Hut for actual restaurant with the all you can eat meal. -It was fun, like being little again. We had the choc mousse and choc chips, pizza, jelly, brownie and everything!
We walked back, and down towards Darling Harbour. Nothing too exciting.
We went and put our names in for the Wicked $30 ticket lottery, since we were there. We waited around with the other people, there wasn't too many. My name got called out pretty early on, and so I got the 2 tickets, but we needed someone else's name to get called out so we had 3 tickets. -Our rule was all go, or no go. Unfortunately there were not many cheap tickets, and neither of the other's names were called. So we debated what to do, and ultimately ended up offering our tickets to these girls who were hovering around after. They were from Germany and Finland and were SO happy to have the tickets, that it made US feel happy about giving them away. (They just paid me for what I paid for them) -And we got cool badges, which are special.
We sulked for a while, but eventually got over it.
We went up to the RSL for dinner. It was a nice place and the food was good. At one point 3 fire trucks pulled up outside and made for some entertainment, all these firemen got out - still no idea what happened....I saw no smoke and after a while they all left!
After that we pretty much went back to our hotel, and hung out in our room, before crashing. -We were all exhausted! -We did have to take some pics of the pretty green lights that they had put up all around the Wicked block. Very cool!
I'll leave day 2 (D-Day) till another time....its too much for now!
Day 1 - Tuesday
Up at 4:45am....which wasn't that hard....I guess cause I actually had somewhere to go. I pretty much bounced out of bed straight away, and into my routine which involved a check list - because at 5am you NEED a check list! I had to be in the car and ready to leave the house around 20 past, it became 25 past I think, but it worked out. That was enough time to get the last of my things together, pack something to eat on the way, and get dressed.
Brett was driving to the airport, so we all met there. In the dark! - Its always weird being up in the dark...but kinda exciting at the same time, cause you know you're doing something special.
The drive to the airport wasn't bad, not too busy. We waited in the cold for the bus to come to take us to the least the sun was up by that point!
We got some breaky/coffee at the airport, and got on our plane, spent the flight yakking about all kinds of things....arrived in Sydney. We were all still kinda out of it.
After collecting our luggage, we caught one of those spiffy double decker trains and got off a short stroll through a park to our hotel. On our way around the block to our hotel, we passed the stage door to the Capitol Theatre. -Which made that a VERY easy check to our list!! It was too easy! (and it was safe, with plenty of footpath around, so people were not right on the road, like in Melbourne.
Our hotel was practically next door to the theatre...which was MOST excellent!
We check into our hotel, and unpacked/relaxed/changed for a bit, before heading off to explore the area. We walked around the block, checking out the theatre. Then we headed up George street, browsing in shops as we went, and making it all the way to Martin place, and to the channel 7 store...which I guess luckily had nothing we NEEDED.
On our way back, we went to Pizza Hut for actual restaurant with the all you can eat meal. -It was fun, like being little again. We had the choc mousse and choc chips, pizza, jelly, brownie and everything!
We walked back, and down towards Darling Harbour. Nothing too exciting.
We went and put our names in for the Wicked $30 ticket lottery, since we were there. We waited around with the other people, there wasn't too many. My name got called out pretty early on, and so I got the 2 tickets, but we needed someone else's name to get called out so we had 3 tickets. -Our rule was all go, or no go. Unfortunately there were not many cheap tickets, and neither of the other's names were called. So we debated what to do, and ultimately ended up offering our tickets to these girls who were hovering around after. They were from Germany and Finland and were SO happy to have the tickets, that it made US feel happy about giving them away. (They just paid me for what I paid for them) -And we got cool badges, which are special.
We sulked for a while, but eventually got over it.
We went up to the RSL for dinner. It was a nice place and the food was good. At one point 3 fire trucks pulled up outside and made for some entertainment, all these firemen got out - still no idea what happened....I saw no smoke and after a while they all left!
After that we pretty much went back to our hotel, and hung out in our room, before crashing. -We were all exhausted! -We did have to take some pics of the pretty green lights that they had put up all around the Wicked block. Very cool!
I'll leave day 2 (D-Day) till another time....its too much for now!
Monday, October 26, 2009
So today I had the funniest experience. I just couldn’t believe what happened! It’s kinda insane.
So a few years ago, early last year I think, my computer crashed and I had to reboot it. In the process I lost all my files and had to start from scratch again.
Today I was burning files onto a dvd, and was searching for the My Documents folder, for some reason there was two with my name on it. I clicked on one and came across all this stuff I didn’t recognise. Later on, I went searching for the folder again, it was not the one I usually use, but another one. I clicked on the my videos folder and low and behold, I found a WHOLE bunch of old videos, including the imfamous Lauren on Conan video from 2007, that Ness and I had been searching Youtube for for ages and ages. I also found all these pics and documents I’d thought I’d lost. But I guess somehow it had all been stored on my hard drive, hidden away. –Explains why I have no memory on my laptop. But Oh My God! I am both SO HAPPY, and confused at the same time!
-And it turns out the interview was just as good as I remembered it! I really do love her, she gives the best interviews!
So a few years ago, early last year I think, my computer crashed and I had to reboot it. In the process I lost all my files and had to start from scratch again.
Today I was burning files onto a dvd, and was searching for the My Documents folder, for some reason there was two with my name on it. I clicked on one and came across all this stuff I didn’t recognise. Later on, I went searching for the folder again, it was not the one I usually use, but another one. I clicked on the my videos folder and low and behold, I found a WHOLE bunch of old videos, including the imfamous Lauren on Conan video from 2007, that Ness and I had been searching Youtube for for ages and ages. I also found all these pics and documents I’d thought I’d lost. But I guess somehow it had all been stored on my hard drive, hidden away. –Explains why I have no memory on my laptop. But Oh My God! I am both SO HAPPY, and confused at the same time!
-And it turns out the interview was just as good as I remembered it! I really do love her, she gives the best interviews!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Put The Lime in The Coconut....
So....not a whole lot going on - as per usual :)
Last week I went shopping...A LOT. I went to Chadstone on Wednesday arvo with Jacinta, got a couple of things. Went to Southland with Ness on Thursday, bought quite a few things, mostly stuff I either forgot about on Wednesday or didn't see. Then I went shopping on my way home from seeing the Dental Surgeon in the city.
I'm finally getting my wisdom teeth out. Its gonna get interesting. I have to have all 4 out, and so its happening in december. I didn't want to do it just before my birthday. I thought in case I'm miserable and swollen, I shouldn't be for my birthday....not that I have anything planned yet.
Got a few assignments coming up. One due next friday after I get back from Sydney, and from there they start piling up.
Went to the Rob Guest Endowment Concert/Award presentation Monday night. It was really good. Got to see Lucy Durack tap dance..which was cute. -Then she came out later with a costume change and kinda looked like Broadway Barbie, all blinged out. There were a few other big names there, Ness and I both felt like we were at the Christmas carols with Marina Prior and Rhona Burchmore there. The 6 finalists were amazing! It was a pity only one could win
Last week I went shopping...A LOT. I went to Chadstone on Wednesday arvo with Jacinta, got a couple of things. Went to Southland with Ness on Thursday, bought quite a few things, mostly stuff I either forgot about on Wednesday or didn't see. Then I went shopping on my way home from seeing the Dental Surgeon in the city.
I'm finally getting my wisdom teeth out. Its gonna get interesting. I have to have all 4 out, and so its happening in december. I didn't want to do it just before my birthday. I thought in case I'm miserable and swollen, I shouldn't be for my birthday....not that I have anything planned yet.
Got a few assignments coming up. One due next friday after I get back from Sydney, and from there they start piling up.
Went to the Rob Guest Endowment Concert/Award presentation Monday night. It was really good. Got to see Lucy Durack tap dance..which was cute. -Then she came out later with a costume change and kinda looked like Broadway Barbie, all blinged out. There were a few other big names there, Ness and I both felt like we were at the Christmas carols with Marina Prior and Rhona Burchmore there. The 6 finalists were amazing! It was a pity only one could win
Thursday, October 08, 2009
So I'm in the middle of reading a chapter of my textbook for Intercultural Communications, and there is a chart of Aussie words, and the US words that go along with here's the list...and MY words :P
Ranch/Station (seriously? to me its a farm...or a ranch if its in the US...)
Herd(of cattle)/Mob (A mob? really?)
Round Up/Munster (okay aussie words are stupid!)
Pasture/Paddock (okay I have to go Paddock on this one)
Pacifier/Dummy (Dummy or in my house...Ning-a-ning)
Trashcan/Bin (yup..rubbish bin)
Case of Beer/Slab (slab all the way)
Shopping Cart/Trolley (I work at Safeway...totally Trolley)
Jell-O/Jelly (well to be fair, JELL-O is the Bandaid....but yes I call it Jelly)
Diapers/Nappies (again I go aussie...course I don't think I use the word much)
Car Trunk/Boot (boot, unless quoting something)
""Hood/Bonnet (I probably use hood...but I don't think I really need to use it ever)
I find it interesting that footpath, sauce, and many other famous words didn't pop up in there.
Okay I think I'm done for now...
Ranch/Station (seriously? to me its a farm...or a ranch if its in the US...)
Herd(of cattle)/Mob (A mob? really?)
Round Up/Munster (okay aussie words are stupid!)
Pasture/Paddock (okay I have to go Paddock on this one)
Pacifier/Dummy (Dummy or in my house...Ning-a-ning)
Trashcan/Bin (yup..rubbish bin)
Case of Beer/Slab (slab all the way)
Shopping Cart/Trolley (I work at Safeway...totally Trolley)
Jell-O/Jelly (well to be fair, JELL-O is the Bandaid....but yes I call it Jelly)
Diapers/Nappies (again I go aussie...course I don't think I use the word much)
Car Trunk/Boot (boot, unless quoting something)
""Hood/Bonnet (I probably use hood...but I don't think I really need to use it ever)
I find it interesting that footpath, sauce, and many other famous words didn't pop up in there.
Okay I think I'm done for now...
Monday, October 05, 2009
Taking It Easy
Well....I'm back at uni...thank god that I've gotten those last 3 assignments over and done with....too many in a short amount of time.
My one week off turned into a very short week, by the time I watched The Emmys, saw some friends, and worked on the last essay.
Last week was much easier. Back to classes, no assignments due...Granted I better get started on the next one pretty soon.
Things are pretty quiet at home...sorta. Mum's off galavanting around London and Paris. I'm so happy she got to go...I hope she's enjoying it.
So Dad's running things...its very weird...without Mum around, he's being a lot nicer...he's even including me in things...and on a normal day I don't even talk to him usually.
I think it might have something to do with the fact that I'm not pushing things the way I normally do. But it makes me mad that he's being nicer and more family orientated when my Mum's not here....I assume once she comes back, he'll go back to acting like a single jerk, keeping to himself and playing his music and ignoring everything....I guess I should appreciate it while its here.
Not much else going on. I'm looking forward to my trip to Sydney with Ness and Brett. I definately need a vacation. I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun....once we find something to do when we get there! lol.
My one week off turned into a very short week, by the time I watched The Emmys, saw some friends, and worked on the last essay.
Last week was much easier. Back to classes, no assignments due...Granted I better get started on the next one pretty soon.
Things are pretty quiet at home...sorta. Mum's off galavanting around London and Paris. I'm so happy she got to go...I hope she's enjoying it.
So Dad's running things...its very weird...without Mum around, he's being a lot nicer...he's even including me in things...and on a normal day I don't even talk to him usually.
I think it might have something to do with the fact that I'm not pushing things the way I normally do. But it makes me mad that he's being nicer and more family orientated when my Mum's not here....I assume once she comes back, he'll go back to acting like a single jerk, keeping to himself and playing his music and ignoring everything....I guess I should appreciate it while its here.
Not much else going on. I'm looking forward to my trip to Sydney with Ness and Brett. I definately need a vacation. I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun....once we find something to do when we get there! lol.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
80's and 90's fun
Found this list in an old notebook, of things that were big for me as a kid in the late 80’s and early 90’s.
TV Shows/Movies/Toys
Agro’s Cartoon Connection
Saturday Disney – with James Sherry, Shelly and Lisa
- Bonkers (Bonkers, bonkers, bonkers, BONKERS!)
- Ducktails (whoo-ooo)
-Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers
-Gummi Bears
-Goof Troop
Mighty Ducks
Raggy Dolls
Super Ted
Banana Man
Victor and Hugo (Hugo and Victor)
Inspector Gadget
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Degrassi Junior High and Degrassi High
Muppet Babies
The Bunny Picnic
Frazzle Rock
Beverly Hills 90210
Care Bears
Strawberry Shortcake
My Little Pony
Baby Sitters Club
Sailor Moon
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Samurai Pizza Cats
Round the Twist
Polly Pockets (that actually fit in your pockets)
Cabbage Patch Kids
Doodle Bears
Little People
Cup Cake Dolls
Mermaid Dolls
Magic Babies/Animals/Mermaids
Pop Corn Pretties
Water Babies
Mr Men and Little Miss Books
Grug Books
Mr Squiggle
The Ferals
Romper Room
Rainbow Brite
Lady Lovely Locks
The Land Before Time
Return to Oz
Fern Gully
Crash Dummies
Super Soakers
Slip and Slides (inc the homemade variety)
Press Gang
Fat Cat
Magna Doodles
Play Doh
Alvin and the Chipmunks
Pound Puppies
Puddle Lane
Tea Bag series
Ghost Writer
Fluro anything
Zinc sticks
Spice Girls
Roller Blades
Mountain Bikes
Hair Mascara
Rainbow shoelaces
Light Up Shoes
Tie-Up T-shirts
Connector Pens
Dummy Necklaces
Lip Smackers
Mood Rings
Frogs in Jelly
Push Pops
40-40 (Home)
What’s The Time Mr.Wolf?
Mother, May I?
Heads Down, Thumbs Up
TV Shows/Movies/Toys
Agro’s Cartoon Connection
Saturday Disney – with James Sherry, Shelly and Lisa
- Bonkers (Bonkers, bonkers, bonkers, BONKERS!)
- Ducktails (whoo-ooo)
-Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers
-Gummi Bears
-Goof Troop
Mighty Ducks
Raggy Dolls
Super Ted
Banana Man
Victor and Hugo (Hugo and Victor)
Inspector Gadget
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Degrassi Junior High and Degrassi High
Muppet Babies
The Bunny Picnic
Frazzle Rock
Beverly Hills 90210
Care Bears
Strawberry Shortcake
My Little Pony
Baby Sitters Club
Sailor Moon
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Samurai Pizza Cats
Round the Twist
Polly Pockets (that actually fit in your pockets)
Cabbage Patch Kids
Doodle Bears
Little People
Cup Cake Dolls
Mermaid Dolls
Magic Babies/Animals/Mermaids
Pop Corn Pretties
Water Babies
Mr Men and Little Miss Books
Grug Books
Mr Squiggle
The Ferals
Romper Room
Rainbow Brite
Lady Lovely Locks
The Land Before Time
Return to Oz
Fern Gully
Crash Dummies
Super Soakers
Slip and Slides (inc the homemade variety)
Press Gang
Fat Cat
Magna Doodles
Play Doh
Alvin and the Chipmunks
Pound Puppies
Puddle Lane
Tea Bag series
Ghost Writer
Fluro anything
Zinc sticks
Spice Girls
Roller Blades
Mountain Bikes
Hair Mascara
Rainbow shoelaces
Light Up Shoes
Tie-Up T-shirts
Connector Pens
Dummy Necklaces
Lip Smackers
Mood Rings
Frogs in Jelly
Push Pops
40-40 (Home)
What’s The Time Mr.Wolf?
Mother, May I?
Heads Down, Thumbs Up
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Been busy lately, especially last weekend. Friday after uni and after doing some work on a presentation I had this Monday, I headed down to Ness’. We did a night of drinking, with Brett. We played a drinking game to RV. It’s a fun movie drink to actually. Then we did the obligatory WW episodes. –We might need to start branching out soon in terms of the eps we watch. –Maybe we should retire season 1 for next time….or not. :p
Saturday night, after getting home from Ness’ and spending the afternoon working on my presentation more, it was off into the city to see Chicago (the musical, not the band – in case you were confused) We were split 3 and 3, Me, Nick and Kay, and Ness, Brett and Vicky in the cars, those from the east, and those from the south. We had dinner at The Spaghetti Tree before the show. It was good food and nice to eat out together as a group. Then we went over to Her Majesty’s Theatre where it was playing. We got our mandatory programs, and headed to our seats. I was on the aisle, and Ness was next to me, and then Nick and so on. I liked our seats, we had pretty good vision. The show was a lot of fun. There were some parts I simply loved and others that were a little disappointing. But I didn’t let them ruin the good parts.
We couldn’t help compare it to the movie. In the end some I liked better on stage, some better in the movie. I really liked Gina’s voice, but I felt her big number should have had more movement in it….they didn’t always use the stage as much as they could have.
I loved Roxie. I thought she was excellent, very funny…even if she is scary tiny. My favourite part might have been the part in ‘Roxie’ where she takes the conductor’s baton and starts playing around with it.
After the show Ness and I went over to the stage door and got Gina Riley (Mama) and Sharon Millerchip (Roxie) to sign our programs. Gina was lovely and went to the effort to sign to us by name. Sharon did too; she was very nice and friendly and drew little pictures. We also enquired about the commotion that stoped the show in the first act…someone up on the balcony had some sort of medical attack or something. But the show went on after a little while.
After the show we went and found the rest of the gang…who had gone missing when we dashed off to the stage door. –We turned around to tell them we’d meet them later, but they were gone. We got drinks and/or dessert back at the Spaghetti Tree afterwards. I had hot chocolate with yummy marshmallows!
Then it was home again.
I’m a little sad now cause that means I’m out of musicals in Melbourne. I’ve seen everything proper that has been out in the last year really – ‘cept for Rocky Horror which I don’t think was really my thing. It started with Wicked back in July 08. The first proper, and by proper, I mean big production with biggish stars and in the big theatres, show I’d seen in years. Before Wicked, I had seen Phantom of the Opera not long before that, and then before that was Oliver…sometime back when I was in High School I think.
In the last year I’ve been musical crazy. I saw Wicked…a few times…I saw Billy Elliot, Jersey Boys, Avenue Q, and now Chicago. As far was as I know there is nothing coming for a while. There is a short run of Cats, which if I have the money I wouldn’t mind seeing maybe. I’m not sure about Mamma Mia. I’m not too fussed about it. And then there’s Mary Poppins coming out sometime which I’ll have to see, as long as they cast good people. I think that was my problem with some of the shows between Oliver and Phantom…the stories were good, but casts were annoying. Now I’ve become pretty familiar with some good Aussie theatre talent. I’ve even got people to follow now. –Story of my life: another person to pay attention to. I value talent and am loyal to those who I think have it. –They’re MY people.
….I’m absolutely hopeless. But so what?! It’s really too late now to start worrying about it.
Saturday night, after getting home from Ness’ and spending the afternoon working on my presentation more, it was off into the city to see Chicago (the musical, not the band – in case you were confused) We were split 3 and 3, Me, Nick and Kay, and Ness, Brett and Vicky in the cars, those from the east, and those from the south. We had dinner at The Spaghetti Tree before the show. It was good food and nice to eat out together as a group. Then we went over to Her Majesty’s Theatre where it was playing. We got our mandatory programs, and headed to our seats. I was on the aisle, and Ness was next to me, and then Nick and so on. I liked our seats, we had pretty good vision. The show was a lot of fun. There were some parts I simply loved and others that were a little disappointing. But I didn’t let them ruin the good parts.
We couldn’t help compare it to the movie. In the end some I liked better on stage, some better in the movie. I really liked Gina’s voice, but I felt her big number should have had more movement in it….they didn’t always use the stage as much as they could have.
I loved Roxie. I thought she was excellent, very funny…even if she is scary tiny. My favourite part might have been the part in ‘Roxie’ where she takes the conductor’s baton and starts playing around with it.
After the show Ness and I went over to the stage door and got Gina Riley (Mama) and Sharon Millerchip (Roxie) to sign our programs. Gina was lovely and went to the effort to sign to us by name. Sharon did too; she was very nice and friendly and drew little pictures. We also enquired about the commotion that stoped the show in the first act…someone up on the balcony had some sort of medical attack or something. But the show went on after a little while.
After the show we went and found the rest of the gang…who had gone missing when we dashed off to the stage door. –We turned around to tell them we’d meet them later, but they were gone. We got drinks and/or dessert back at the Spaghetti Tree afterwards. I had hot chocolate with yummy marshmallows!
Then it was home again.
I’m a little sad now cause that means I’m out of musicals in Melbourne. I’ve seen everything proper that has been out in the last year really – ‘cept for Rocky Horror which I don’t think was really my thing. It started with Wicked back in July 08. The first proper, and by proper, I mean big production with biggish stars and in the big theatres, show I’d seen in years. Before Wicked, I had seen Phantom of the Opera not long before that, and then before that was Oliver…sometime back when I was in High School I think.
In the last year I’ve been musical crazy. I saw Wicked…a few times…I saw Billy Elliot, Jersey Boys, Avenue Q, and now Chicago. As far was as I know there is nothing coming for a while. There is a short run of Cats, which if I have the money I wouldn’t mind seeing maybe. I’m not sure about Mamma Mia. I’m not too fussed about it. And then there’s Mary Poppins coming out sometime which I’ll have to see, as long as they cast good people. I think that was my problem with some of the shows between Oliver and Phantom…the stories were good, but casts were annoying. Now I’ve become pretty familiar with some good Aussie theatre talent. I’ve even got people to follow now. –Story of my life: another person to pay attention to. I value talent and am loyal to those who I think have it. –They’re MY people.
….I’m absolutely hopeless. But so what?! It’s really too late now to start worrying about it.
Avenue Q,
Jersey Boys,
Mary Poppins,
Phantom of the Opera,
Friday, August 28, 2009
Celebrity Stalker
So....I technically wrote this days ago, but blogger was being rude...
In the last couple of weeks, I seem to be being stalked by people who resemble actors. -I'm starting to wonder if its that I am semi-subconsciously looking for people who look like actors, or if they actually do just happen to look like them.
Since I started Uni, I have seen a guy that I think looks like Will McCormack - I think the fact that the guy is usually dressed in a suit like Will's character in In Plain Sight helps...but he does seem to have similar facial features. -I've seen him twice now, once at the station in Camberwell, and once at Starbucks in Hawthorn. Of course if I was to go up to him (which I wouldn't) and say 'you know you look just like this American actor...', he'd think I was a nut and also would most likely have no idea who I was talking I imagine most people don't know who Will is unless they really like IPS or Brothers and Sisters.
Also the other day I passed a guy that looked like a young Peter Krause...
I'm starting to think my brain works even more weirdly than I'd thought. -Especially after I started dreaming my own tv shows, or movie, or whatever that was slightly unclear.
But essentially I'd cast Jason Isaacs and Janel Moloney in a weird story that was a lot like Brotherhood...what with the guns and the violence whatnot.....yet it was not their Brotherhood characters....
In the last couple of weeks, I seem to be being stalked by people who resemble actors. -I'm starting to wonder if its that I am semi-subconsciously looking for people who look like actors, or if they actually do just happen to look like them.
Since I started Uni, I have seen a guy that I think looks like Will McCormack - I think the fact that the guy is usually dressed in a suit like Will's character in In Plain Sight helps...but he does seem to have similar facial features. -I've seen him twice now, once at the station in Camberwell, and once at Starbucks in Hawthorn. Of course if I was to go up to him (which I wouldn't) and say 'you know you look just like this American actor...', he'd think I was a nut and also would most likely have no idea who I was talking I imagine most people don't know who Will is unless they really like IPS or Brothers and Sisters.
Also the other day I passed a guy that looked like a young Peter Krause...
I'm starting to think my brain works even more weirdly than I'd thought. -Especially after I started dreaming my own tv shows, or movie, or whatever that was slightly unclear.
But essentially I'd cast Jason Isaacs and Janel Moloney in a weird story that was a lot like Brotherhood...what with the guns and the violence whatnot.....yet it was not their Brotherhood characters....
Brothers and Sisters,
In Plain Sight,
Janel Moloney
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The FanVid Process
So....I not sure how or why I decided it would be a good idea to make a Josh and Donna fanvid, but I did...and I found programs and am now in the very very slow process to putting the episodes into files on my computer, and then cutting them down for just the scenes I want.
The compiling phrase so far is pretty much taking anything I MIGHT use...that is anything that relates to Josh and Donna...or about Josh and Donna...
Now I might not use it for the music vid...there might be others or different kinds of vids later on, that I just want to keep the footage around for.
I figure its better to have too much, than not enough variety later on.
Something I am finding really interesting, is that since I'm not usually listening when I cut out the find yourself simply watching....and I forgot who said that the most interesting thing is to watch the person who isn't speaking...but its totally true. I find I am watching the background more, or people's reactions. Its very interesting. A lot of stuff you don't pick up on when actually properly watching the episodes.
I am also finding that I am hearing different sounds on the computer files, than in the episodes...okay well not different sounds, but more background sounds. There is a whole scene at the end of 17 People which I don't recall actually hearing what everyone was saying. It was cool.
I think it probably has something to do with the audio layers or something...or the fact that I'm extra close to the speakers. Who knows.
So far I have done most of season 2....sans a few unimportant eps. Plus a random lot from seasons 1-6...I'm leaving season 7 for a while. I am trying to do things in a sort of order now. Its just easier.
I'll update when I have more.
The compiling phrase so far is pretty much taking anything I MIGHT use...that is anything that relates to Josh and Donna...or about Josh and Donna...
Now I might not use it for the music vid...there might be others or different kinds of vids later on, that I just want to keep the footage around for.
I figure its better to have too much, than not enough variety later on.
Something I am finding really interesting, is that since I'm not usually listening when I cut out the find yourself simply watching....and I forgot who said that the most interesting thing is to watch the person who isn't speaking...but its totally true. I find I am watching the background more, or people's reactions. Its very interesting. A lot of stuff you don't pick up on when actually properly watching the episodes.
I am also finding that I am hearing different sounds on the computer files, than in the episodes...okay well not different sounds, but more background sounds. There is a whole scene at the end of 17 People which I don't recall actually hearing what everyone was saying. It was cool.
I think it probably has something to do with the audio layers or something...or the fact that I'm extra close to the speakers. Who knows.
So far I have done most of season 2....sans a few unimportant eps. Plus a random lot from seasons 1-6...I'm leaving season 7 for a while. I am trying to do things in a sort of order now. Its just easier.
I'll update when I have more.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Running Out The Clock
So.....I've been slack....Uni started back, and thats not at all whats been keeping me busy.
Yes. My tv time has taken a HUGE hit.
But I'm doing okay with that...I've finished The West Wing, just over half done with Arrested Development.
I actually have a fairly decent schedule. I still work monday arvos, I go straight from uni...with time for lunch and/or coffee between them.
Then I have wednesday and friday arvos off, which means I get to go home for lunch and watch some tv...or if I need to do something else, I have that time. -I also get thursdays off completely which is fun.
I also don't have any early early starts. The earliest is 9:30am. Which is fine. And the latest finish is 3:30pm. -Also good.
Other than uni...I'm not doing much. I'm barely getting by with the 1 shift I get at Safeway...but at this point its kinda not really worth looking elsewhere...maybe...I'm this close to being able to work full time..or at least fullish time, and working on my actual career...whatever that may be.
I've been looking out there..and there seems to be some stuff I could be interested in. I don't think I really have a dream job...I think I just want to be involved in something media related. We'll see how things go.
In the meantime...I'm having fun. I'm enjoying my free time. I'm sure I'll run out of it soon...with more readings and assignments to do.
Yes. My tv time has taken a HUGE hit.
But I'm doing okay with that...I've finished The West Wing, just over half done with Arrested Development.
I actually have a fairly decent schedule. I still work monday arvos, I go straight from uni...with time for lunch and/or coffee between them.
Then I have wednesday and friday arvos off, which means I get to go home for lunch and watch some tv...or if I need to do something else, I have that time. -I also get thursdays off completely which is fun.
I also don't have any early early starts. The earliest is 9:30am. Which is fine. And the latest finish is 3:30pm. -Also good.
Other than uni...I'm not doing much. I'm barely getting by with the 1 shift I get at Safeway...but at this point its kinda not really worth looking elsewhere...maybe...I'm this close to being able to work full time..or at least fullish time, and working on my actual career...whatever that may be.
I've been looking out there..and there seems to be some stuff I could be interested in. I don't think I really have a dream job...I think I just want to be involved in something media related. We'll see how things go.
In the meantime...I'm having fun. I'm enjoying my free time. I'm sure I'll run out of it soon...with more readings and assignments to do.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
So its been a while since I’ve written anything. I guess I haven’t technically been busy with anything overly important. I’ve been working on doing other things that take up a lot more time and computer space, like my Josh and Donna fan-vid –which may or may not happen depending on whether I can solve the software issues I’ve been having. But that is an issue that can wait for now.
It’s been a rough few days for me. Sunday was the end of Wicked in Melbourne after 13 months, and going to the last performance made 6 times in 13 months for me (and Ness). Each performance was different from the rest in someway or another. The last show – I was both really looking forward to and dreading at the same time. But it did not disappoint. I didn’t cry, mostly because I was laughing too hard – at the messed up lines, and silly things they were doing, and also I was cheering and whooo-ing too much. Every time a character made their entrance the crowd went wild! And Lucy who never gets a cheer normally when she comes down in her bubble, broke character and it was really sweet.
I did get slightly teary in the 2nd half, but then the story always makes me get that way too.
We went to the stage door afterwards (after planning to the last few times we saw it), and it was packed with people. We made our way through the crowed and slowly got closer to the door. It’s a very dangerous spot…right on Flinders Lane and trucks and cars were coming down and getting very very close to people. A few times we thought about leaving cause it was SO crowded, we thought we’d never see anyone. But boy were we glad we didn’t, because in the end Bert walked straight by us, and Lucy was behind him. –I know its silly, or stupid or whatever, but I found it cool that Lucy was actually quite tiny…she wasn’t much taller than me I’d say. (The best Glinda’s are short :P)
I wasn’t quick enough to pull out my ticket to get Lucy to sign. –Something that is gonna bug me for a long time…its just one of those things…But by the time Amanda came by I was ready and got her to sign my ticket.
-This just means I’ll have to stalk Lucy in the future :P ….(see further down)
I couldn’t sleep for ages that night, and when I did, I had very disturberating dreams, just about things relating to the night. I also think part of not being able to sleep was that my ears were still ringing, and I was also emotional.
I’d waited so long for Wicked to get to Australia…after first hearing about it back in 2004 at the Tonys. Then after watching Bewitched, and seeing RENT promoted on The View. I was so excited when I heard it was starting in Melbourne. I bought the soundtrack a few weeks before I saw it. I sat down and listened to it all, the night it officially opened in Melbourne and new I would love it. Then a few weeks later, I saw it and knew (possibly by intermission) that I HAD to see it again. That 2nd time turned into a 3rd, 4th, and 5th. I’d collected a T-shirt, Hoodie, Mug, Drink bottle, Keyring, the Grimmerie, and 2 Ozmopolitan glasses.
I’d discovered the amazing talents of Lucy Durack and Amanda Harrison (and all the others), and will most likely see anything they do here. –They’re my people now, and are on my watch-list.
And like with most things lately…I can blame almost all of it on Kristin Chenoweth. Since July 2008, things haven’t (and never will be) the same.
It’s been a rough few days for me. Sunday was the end of Wicked in Melbourne after 13 months, and going to the last performance made 6 times in 13 months for me (and Ness). Each performance was different from the rest in someway or another. The last show – I was both really looking forward to and dreading at the same time. But it did not disappoint. I didn’t cry, mostly because I was laughing too hard – at the messed up lines, and silly things they were doing, and also I was cheering and whooo-ing too much. Every time a character made their entrance the crowd went wild! And Lucy who never gets a cheer normally when she comes down in her bubble, broke character and it was really sweet.
I did get slightly teary in the 2nd half, but then the story always makes me get that way too.
We went to the stage door afterwards (after planning to the last few times we saw it), and it was packed with people. We made our way through the crowed and slowly got closer to the door. It’s a very dangerous spot…right on Flinders Lane and trucks and cars were coming down and getting very very close to people. A few times we thought about leaving cause it was SO crowded, we thought we’d never see anyone. But boy were we glad we didn’t, because in the end Bert walked straight by us, and Lucy was behind him. –I know its silly, or stupid or whatever, but I found it cool that Lucy was actually quite tiny…she wasn’t much taller than me I’d say. (The best Glinda’s are short :P)
I wasn’t quick enough to pull out my ticket to get Lucy to sign. –Something that is gonna bug me for a long time…its just one of those things…But by the time Amanda came by I was ready and got her to sign my ticket.
-This just means I’ll have to stalk Lucy in the future :P ….(see further down)
I couldn’t sleep for ages that night, and when I did, I had very disturberating dreams, just about things relating to the night. I also think part of not being able to sleep was that my ears were still ringing, and I was also emotional.
I’d waited so long for Wicked to get to Australia…after first hearing about it back in 2004 at the Tonys. Then after watching Bewitched, and seeing RENT promoted on The View. I was so excited when I heard it was starting in Melbourne. I bought the soundtrack a few weeks before I saw it. I sat down and listened to it all, the night it officially opened in Melbourne and new I would love it. Then a few weeks later, I saw it and knew (possibly by intermission) that I HAD to see it again. That 2nd time turned into a 3rd, 4th, and 5th. I’d collected a T-shirt, Hoodie, Mug, Drink bottle, Keyring, the Grimmerie, and 2 Ozmopolitan glasses.
I’d discovered the amazing talents of Lucy Durack and Amanda Harrison (and all the others), and will most likely see anything they do here. –They’re my people now, and are on my watch-list.
And like with most things lately…I can blame almost all of it on Kristin Chenoweth. Since July 2008, things haven’t (and never will be) the same.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
De-stress Update
Not a lot going on lately...I've got 2 weeks left of holidays, then its back to uni, and then out into the semi-real world after that.
Other than watching a bunch of movies and tv...I haven't done a whole lot lately. Okay...So I did go shopping the other week, and manage to get a new jacket cheap -which was worth it anyways cause I've worn it heaps since. My search for kneehigh boots however was very unsuccessful.
Saw Jersey Boys a few weeks ago. LOVED IT!!!! We sat in the 2nd row, and even though spent most of the show looking up their noses, enjoyed every bit of it. They boys were excellent and kinda adorable...breaking character occaisionally during the extra long applauses. We also got 3 of them to sign our programs afterwards. -I've been listening to the soundtrack OVER and OVER again.
I'd also like to give an update on what is currently on my De-stress/sleepmix playlist.
1. Body and Soul - Billie Holiday
2. Bang Bang - Dizzy Gillespie
3. The Way You Look Tonight - Michael Buble
4. Wonderful Tonight - Michael Buble
5. Home - Michael Buble
6. White Horse - Taylor Swift
7. Love Story - Taylor Swift
8. The Best Day - Taylor Swift
9. Kissess and Cake - The P.S I Love You Score - John Powell
10. Way Back Into Love - Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore (Music and Lyrics)
11. I'd Rather Be With You - Joshua Radin
12. Only You - Joshua Radin
Not a lot else to report....except..oh yeah. We got a brand new spanking tv. Very shiny..and I think I've finally figured out how it works properly....or at least what makes my dvds look the best.
Other than watching a bunch of movies and tv...I haven't done a whole lot lately. Okay...So I did go shopping the other week, and manage to get a new jacket cheap -which was worth it anyways cause I've worn it heaps since. My search for kneehigh boots however was very unsuccessful.
Saw Jersey Boys a few weeks ago. LOVED IT!!!! We sat in the 2nd row, and even though spent most of the show looking up their noses, enjoyed every bit of it. They boys were excellent and kinda adorable...breaking character occaisionally during the extra long applauses. We also got 3 of them to sign our programs afterwards. -I've been listening to the soundtrack OVER and OVER again.
I'd also like to give an update on what is currently on my De-stress/sleepmix playlist.
1. Body and Soul - Billie Holiday
2. Bang Bang - Dizzy Gillespie
3. The Way You Look Tonight - Michael Buble
4. Wonderful Tonight - Michael Buble
5. Home - Michael Buble
6. White Horse - Taylor Swift
7. Love Story - Taylor Swift
8. The Best Day - Taylor Swift
9. Kissess and Cake - The P.S I Love You Score - John Powell
10. Way Back Into Love - Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore (Music and Lyrics)
11. I'd Rather Be With You - Joshua Radin
12. Only You - Joshua Radin
Not a lot else to report....except..oh yeah. We got a brand new spanking tv. Very shiny..and I think I've finally figured out how it works properly....or at least what makes my dvds look the best.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Winter Cleaning!
So while checking my hotmail account today, I realised I had a heck of a lot of old emails lying around. So I started going through some of the old ones, and through the folders....some of the emails go all the way back to 2005. SCARY!
Here is what I have learned from reading some of them...
Here is what I have learned from reading some of them...
- Ness and I were always this we just have more frequent interaction (you the real world)
- We really did start watching Studio 60 because of Matthew Perry...and becaues Lauren was in it for a bit.....If she wasn't...we might not have started watching. SCARY
- I seem to talk about Pop Tarts WAY too much :P
- It took about 2 Ness and I finally got ourselves organised in terms of being online at the same time...regularly
- WHY oh WHY did I think it would be a good idea to tape over the emmy tapes?!
- M&M's have always been the snackfood of choice for any group occaision
- I don't think words did justice to how excited I was about 90210 coming out on dvd
- Its funny when the reason to meet up with your friends is entirely based on discussing a TV show
- Making up your own words...or using other people's made up words is fun...spectabulous- Will Smith said this on the Golden Globes red carpet arrivals and absotootley- one of the characters on Everwood made this up
- Thank god for USBs....What a waste of time waiting for a full disc worth of episodes was!
- GWOH! is never going to stop being funny....and is pretty much just as funny typed/written as it is heard.
- 2 years later and I still don't think we've had a group trip to the Melbourne Zoo!
- There are rules for TV shows...and can be found in most in way
:1. The "in a box" or burried alive episode. 2. The hostage or quarantine episode, pretty much anything where the characters are forced to stay in the one room for the episode. 3. The trapped in a store overnight episode. Not as common but still a good one:) 4. Someone has a baby 5. There is a wedding - It is way too easy to rewatch Studio 60 over and over
- The plan to stay away from The West Wing spoilers never really worked very well...
More to come!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
The iPod Playlist
So I've been listening to this same eclectic playlist on my ipod for months, it started out as my old 'Sleepmix' which just included a bunch of sleepy/sadish songs. Then when the end of uni was nearing, and I was stressed out of my mind, I created the 'De-stressmix'.
In the last few days, I have deleted 2 songs, cause I was starting to get a little sick of them. They were, Dolly Parton's 'I Will Always Love You', and Sheryl Crow's 'First Cut Is The Deepest'
I love both songs, but they didn't put me in a sleepy mood anymore.
What is currently on my 'De-Stress' playlist is....
In the last few days, I have deleted 2 songs, cause I was starting to get a little sick of them. They were, Dolly Parton's 'I Will Always Love You', and Sheryl Crow's 'First Cut Is The Deepest'
I love both songs, but they didn't put me in a sleepy mood anymore.
What is currently on my 'De-Stress' playlist is....
- Body and Soul - Billie Holiday
- Bang Bang - Dizzy Gillespie
- Save Me a Saturday Night - Neil Diamond
- The Way You Look Tonight - Michael Buble
- Wonderful Tonight - Michael Buble
- Home - Michael Buble
- One of The Brightest Stars - James Blunt
- Desire - Ryan Adams
- White Horse - Taylor Swift
- Love Story - Taylor Swift
- The Best Day - Taylor Swift
- Kisses and Cake - John Powell
The last of which, (the score from P.S I Love You) I just added a minute ago. Sometimes it works, and actually helps me wind down enough to sleep. Sometimes I fall asleep while listening to it, and sometimes I can't sleep till its all done. -It just depends.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
An Empty Lid
So....I'm bored. I'm bored and not feeling overly inspired to create any posts, either here or on the other blogs.
I'm getting a little weirded out by Twitter....It gets a little strange when Sarah Paulson, and Kim Webster respond to Matthew Perry, and when others start messes with your head a little.
So I've declared this week, major movie week. I went to blockbuster yesterday, and pretty much exhausted my search for movies there. I came away with Piccadilly Jim (which I had to look hard for, they keep moving it from Drama to Comedy...I have no idea where it is actually supposed to belong, but it keeps moving nonetheless) I also got Mystery Men, Primary Colors, Marnie, Junebug, and P.S I Love You.....I am now figuring out that I wound up getting 2 Allison movies, and 2 Kathy Bates movies...weird.
I also started the bigpond dvd rentals trial this week, it last 14 days. I originally signed up to get Amber Frey, cause it was the last place I could try after it vanishing from I know perfectly well that it will most likely be a bad film, and could be uninteresting.....but that's not the point. The point is...A) Janel is in it....and B) the fact that it became a challenge to find it, somehow made it more important to find it....if that makes any sense. :D
The trial lets you get as many movies as you want, and send you 3 at a time, I got High School Musical 3 in the mail today (along with the other 2 I ordered) and watched it and walked to the mailbox to post it this afternoon.
I imagine whatever dvd will come next should arrive Thursday. -I have to admit I kinda like this idea of having movies come to my letterbox, and not have to spend ages searching through vidstores to find specific and often rare stuff. However, I dunno about this whole being tied to a movie plan thing would go....cause you get a limit per month, and there is no variation in price between new movies and older movies. But it is worth a looksee I guess....definately worth the free trial which puts on limit on how many you can get within the 2 weeks, but only lets you have 3 at a time.
I'm getting a little weirded out by Twitter....It gets a little strange when Sarah Paulson, and Kim Webster respond to Matthew Perry, and when others start messes with your head a little.
So I've declared this week, major movie week. I went to blockbuster yesterday, and pretty much exhausted my search for movies there. I came away with Piccadilly Jim (which I had to look hard for, they keep moving it from Drama to Comedy...I have no idea where it is actually supposed to belong, but it keeps moving nonetheless) I also got Mystery Men, Primary Colors, Marnie, Junebug, and P.S I Love You.....I am now figuring out that I wound up getting 2 Allison movies, and 2 Kathy Bates movies...weird.
I also started the bigpond dvd rentals trial this week, it last 14 days. I originally signed up to get Amber Frey, cause it was the last place I could try after it vanishing from I know perfectly well that it will most likely be a bad film, and could be uninteresting.....but that's not the point. The point is...A) Janel is in it....and B) the fact that it became a challenge to find it, somehow made it more important to find it....if that makes any sense. :D
The trial lets you get as many movies as you want, and send you 3 at a time, I got High School Musical 3 in the mail today (along with the other 2 I ordered) and watched it and walked to the mailbox to post it this afternoon.
I imagine whatever dvd will come next should arrive Thursday. -I have to admit I kinda like this idea of having movies come to my letterbox, and not have to spend ages searching through vidstores to find specific and often rare stuff. However, I dunno about this whole being tied to a movie plan thing would go....cause you get a limit per month, and there is no variation in price between new movies and older movies. But it is worth a looksee I guess....definately worth the free trial which puts on limit on how many you can get within the 2 weeks, but only lets you have 3 at a time.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Down to One
So....another semester of Uni is over, classes are done, essays have been written, and exams taken care of....(even if they didn't go overly well). Now, assuming I pass this semester, that leaves me with only 4 more classes next semester and I'm done. This is kinda scary, cause that means I have to start looking for jobs out in the real world, and put myself into some sort of direction of a specific field.
Now I'm on holidays, and working on finding some new work, either for a short term period till the end of the year and/or till I find a real job, or something that can develop into something bigger.
I've been free two days already, and I'm bored. I mean I'm loving re-watching The West Wing, and all its special features and what not, but I'm already feeling like I'm not doing anything productive. Hopefully something will turn up.
In other news, saw Wicked again on Friday. Weird show, there were a few people missing, and things were slightly off in some parts. However, I think Lucy doing the Sprinkler during Popular made up for all of it! HILARIOUS!
Also amusing was all the people that looked at our Ozmopolitans and the girls that borrowed them for a photo.....
Now I'm on holidays, and working on finding some new work, either for a short term period till the end of the year and/or till I find a real job, or something that can develop into something bigger.
I've been free two days already, and I'm bored. I mean I'm loving re-watching The West Wing, and all its special features and what not, but I'm already feeling like I'm not doing anything productive. Hopefully something will turn up.
In other news, saw Wicked again on Friday. Weird show, there were a few people missing, and things were slightly off in some parts. However, I think Lucy doing the Sprinkler during Popular made up for all of it! HILARIOUS!
Also amusing was all the people that looked at our Ozmopolitans and the girls that borrowed them for a photo.....
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Birthday Greetings
I’ve had birthdays on the brain lately, and I was looking at a bunch of old birthday cards today and thought I’d share a few of the messages that made me laugh, or just seemed silly.
“Behind every successful woman is a substantial amount of coffee” – from the front of a card given to me by Ness
“This is where I would normally quote something for you, but there are plenty in the present” – from same birthday card, written by Ness
“I posilootly and absoltively wish you a fantastic birthday and party” – from another b’day card from Ness
“God we’re getting so old now! We’ll have to start acting like grown-ups” – from a 22nd birthday card from Jacinta
“Congratulations on becoming an actual adult. Remember it doesn’t mean you have to be a grown up” – from a 21st birthday card from Laura
…..well now I’m confused…21 year olds don’t need to be grown ups, but 22 year olds do?
“I bought this card because it reminded me of the stars you used to draw in everyone’s diaries, usually net to special TV events or birthdays. I’m so amazed that we have known each other for 5 years. I’ve seen you change in many ways since then, but you still remain a slightly insane, funny and great person to be friends with.” – Bec P from a 21st card.
“…I look forward to many more weird and wacky adventures in the future.” Brett from a 21st card.
Some old made up words I’d forgotten about.
Some people I haven’t seen in a long time, and haven’t talked to in just as long. –kinda sad that we both stopped trying to maintain the friendship.
Makes me think about how I have changed as a person over the last few years. I was a very different person in high school I think. In the years when I knew some of these people, I was on my way to discovering my sense of self…..but I was a lot crazier, I was a lot more naïve about things, and had very little self confidence.
In the years since high school, I have grown a lot a lot!!! I figured out a career direction – even if it still isn’t set in stone yet, but I have a direction and that’s good enough.
I have braved meeting people online and meeting them offline. I have stuck with these friendships. I have maintained a self confidence I never had before. I am no longer afraid of saying things or expressing my opinion because I feel intimidated by my own friends.
I gained the confidence, and the NEED to get my drivers license. - and now am a pretty confident driver!
I no longer let myself get treated like the little kid, or naïve one of the group – like I have in past friendships.
I act more responsible, and have learned things about the world, and care about things more.
I guess its just funny how you don't notice that you've changed, time just goes on. Heck, I've only got 1 more semester of uni after this.....when did that happen?!
I suppose we just do grow and change as time goes on, and its only when you look back at things that are pretty old, that you really think about how much things have changed.
Lets just look at things this way....I'm a much happier person than I was 5-6 years ago. Bring on the next 5-6. :)
“Behind every successful woman is a substantial amount of coffee” – from the front of a card given to me by Ness
“This is where I would normally quote something for you, but there are plenty in the present” – from same birthday card, written by Ness
“I posilootly and absoltively wish you a fantastic birthday and party” – from another b’day card from Ness
“God we’re getting so old now! We’ll have to start acting like grown-ups” – from a 22nd birthday card from Jacinta
“Congratulations on becoming an actual adult. Remember it doesn’t mean you have to be a grown up” – from a 21st birthday card from Laura
…..well now I’m confused…21 year olds don’t need to be grown ups, but 22 year olds do?
“I bought this card because it reminded me of the stars you used to draw in everyone’s diaries, usually net to special TV events or birthdays. I’m so amazed that we have known each other for 5 years. I’ve seen you change in many ways since then, but you still remain a slightly insane, funny and great person to be friends with.” – Bec P from a 21st card.
“…I look forward to many more weird and wacky adventures in the future.” Brett from a 21st card.
Some old made up words I’d forgotten about.
Some people I haven’t seen in a long time, and haven’t talked to in just as long. –kinda sad that we both stopped trying to maintain the friendship.
Makes me think about how I have changed as a person over the last few years. I was a very different person in high school I think. In the years when I knew some of these people, I was on my way to discovering my sense of self…..but I was a lot crazier, I was a lot more naïve about things, and had very little self confidence.
In the years since high school, I have grown a lot a lot!!! I figured out a career direction – even if it still isn’t set in stone yet, but I have a direction and that’s good enough.
I have braved meeting people online and meeting them offline. I have stuck with these friendships. I have maintained a self confidence I never had before. I am no longer afraid of saying things or expressing my opinion because I feel intimidated by my own friends.
I gained the confidence, and the NEED to get my drivers license. - and now am a pretty confident driver!
I no longer let myself get treated like the little kid, or naïve one of the group – like I have in past friendships.
I act more responsible, and have learned things about the world, and care about things more.
I guess its just funny how you don't notice that you've changed, time just goes on. Heck, I've only got 1 more semester of uni after this.....when did that happen?!
I suppose we just do grow and change as time goes on, and its only when you look back at things that are pretty old, that you really think about how much things have changed.
Lets just look at things this way....I'm a much happier person than I was 5-6 years ago. Bring on the next 5-6. :)
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Reining It In
So not a whole lot has been going on. I've started getting 1 shift a week, 3 hours, which equals about $50 a week. -That's not really enough to live on....but I really will keep looking for new jobs. -I just wish Uni was over already, that would make things easier.
I've been thinking a lot about the way my family acts lately. Their behavior is very annoying most of the time. My dad is a selfish pain, who has the maturity of a small child. -That is a family trait. All the males in his family act like little children, have no believable authority, and like the stir everybody up and think anything annoying or teasing is funny. It drives me insane.
Both my parents have weird senses of humour. They don't understand smart humour, and act like children all the time. I don't know if its because I'm the oldest and have this sense of duty....(okay slight off-track ref to WW....moving on), I have a more grown up attitude, or because of my education or something....but they drive me crazy.
Their people skills are also really annoying. They complain about everyone else, then do similar things themselves! Grrr.
Okay this is my venting for the day....week...month...whatever :)
I've been thinking a lot about the way my family acts lately. Their behavior is very annoying most of the time. My dad is a selfish pain, who has the maturity of a small child. -That is a family trait. All the males in his family act like little children, have no believable authority, and like the stir everybody up and think anything annoying or teasing is funny. It drives me insane.
Both my parents have weird senses of humour. They don't understand smart humour, and act like children all the time. I don't know if its because I'm the oldest and have this sense of duty....(okay slight off-track ref to WW....moving on), I have a more grown up attitude, or because of my education or something....but they drive me crazy.
Their people skills are also really annoying. They complain about everyone else, then do similar things themselves! Grrr.
Okay this is my venting for the day....week...month...whatever :)
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Close to the End
So I have a total of 2 weeks left of this semester of uni...this semester which hopefully will be my 2nd last semester ever! I'm a little overwhelmed with all the stuff I have left to do this semester, though, most of which is due next week...some of which is due later. I am however feeling a little better prepared for my exam now. -The practice tests have helped, and I think I understand the theory/theorists pretty well now, which is good.
The whole job search isn't getting very far. I can't really afford to look at anything full time or long term, cause I still have that one semester of uni left. I am getting a few more shifts than I was, but still....50 bucks a week ain't gonna go far.
I'm also DYING to go to New York and see 9 to 5 on Broadway. I'd love to see Allison Janney on stage, but also the show just looks awesome, and the music is already stuck in my head...Wicked style. I don't quite have enough to go....even for a few days....maybe if I just hope enough something will happen. -But I'm not counting on anything.
Speaking of Wicked....I'm totally depressed that its finishing its run in Melbourne in August and moving to Sydney! -I guess I should be happy that its only moving, and not ending ending. Ness and I will have to make a trip to Sydney to see it once.
Also...I'm a little stressed with trying to figure out what kind of job I'm going to do next year once I've finished uni....its hard to find anything listed that doesn't need years and years of experiance. I'm sure I'll find something....I HAVE to find something.
The whole job search isn't getting very far. I can't really afford to look at anything full time or long term, cause I still have that one semester of uni left. I am getting a few more shifts than I was, but still....50 bucks a week ain't gonna go far.
I'm also DYING to go to New York and see 9 to 5 on Broadway. I'd love to see Allison Janney on stage, but also the show just looks awesome, and the music is already stuck in my head...Wicked style. I don't quite have enough to go....even for a few days....maybe if I just hope enough something will happen. -But I'm not counting on anything.
Speaking of Wicked....I'm totally depressed that its finishing its run in Melbourne in August and moving to Sydney! -I guess I should be happy that its only moving, and not ending ending. Ness and I will have to make a trip to Sydney to see it once.
Also...I'm a little stressed with trying to figure out what kind of job I'm going to do next year once I've finished uni....its hard to find anything listed that doesn't need years and years of experiance. I'm sure I'll find something....I HAVE to find something.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
If I could fly I would!
So I have known that Allison Janney was doing the 9 to 5 musical for a while now. I knew it was coming to broadway this year, and yet didn't get myself organised enough to go over and see it. -Now if I had been earning enough I probably would have actually planned to be there right now, so I could see it, and also Lauren Graham in Guys and Dolls.....but I barely have enough for the plane trip there at the moment.
It's been driving me crazy all week. I'm dying to see it with every fibre of my being.....I'll definately have to get the soundtrack either way. if only I can come up with some way to get me (and Ness...cause she might kill me if I went without her :P ) there.
-anyone got a few free grand to send us over to New York for a couple of days to see 9 to 5, give me a yell!
oh and now I'm also really depressed that Wicked is ending its Melbourne run and moving to Sydney in August! WAHHHHHHHH
It's been driving me crazy all week. I'm dying to see it with every fibre of my being.....I'll definately have to get the soundtrack either way. if only I can come up with some way to get me (and Ness...cause she might kill me if I went without her :P ) there.
-anyone got a few free grand to send us over to New York for a couple of days to see 9 to 5, give me a yell!
oh and now I'm also really depressed that Wicked is ending its Melbourne run and moving to Sydney in August! WAHHHHHHHH
9 to 5,
Allison Janney,
Lauren Graham,
Monday, April 27, 2009
The weather seems to have changed suddenly in Melbourne. Autumn has set in and it feels like winter with some of the days we've been having over the last few days. Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Today have all seen rain. -It was fun driving through it I tell ya on Saturday evening!
Rain is good, Rain is fine...I just wish it'd let up long enough for me to get my washing done.
I must say I love how all the trees are actually changing this year too! The leaves are turning red and not just brown. Pretty.
Easter came and went in a flash. I had a little chocolate, not much at all really. -I didn't miss it.
I'm not so much on a diet, so much as changing my eating habits. I'm eating a lot healthier than I used to, and have also stopped snacking so much. It's working out well so far! Course some of the clothes I bought last year are now a little loose.
Can't wait till this semester of Uni is over, as much as I enjoy my uni week, I am planning to find some real work for the time off, so I can get back on track with my finances. Plus it'll keep me busy and look good on the resume - as long as someone will hire me.
Rain is good, Rain is fine...I just wish it'd let up long enough for me to get my washing done.
I must say I love how all the trees are actually changing this year too! The leaves are turning red and not just brown. Pretty.
Easter came and went in a flash. I had a little chocolate, not much at all really. -I didn't miss it.
I'm not so much on a diet, so much as changing my eating habits. I'm eating a lot healthier than I used to, and have also stopped snacking so much. It's working out well so far! Course some of the clothes I bought last year are now a little loose.
Can't wait till this semester of Uni is over, as much as I enjoy my uni week, I am planning to find some real work for the time off, so I can get back on track with my finances. Plus it'll keep me busy and look good on the resume - as long as someone will hire me.
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