So it is now a few days after Christmas. I have only just recovered.
It was a very long, and very busy day for me. Although I was the first one out of 8:30am. -Long gone are the days of us kids waking up at 6am! But then so are the days of Santa and mystery presents. -Now we all know what we're getting, so there is really no rush to open them.
We did our usual 5 family member breakfast. Croissants and waffles. Then it was over to my Nan and Pop's place for lunch with the Sheehan Family. My Dad and his 2 brothers and his sister did the cooking and organising. It was pretty good, but as usual there was WAY too much food.
I got a chance to talk to Mirka and Kim, and Heather a bit too. Although it would have been nice to have had Jade and Caitlin there. -Although I am so used to not seeing them, I don't get dissapointed when they are not there. So it's nice to have some new girls in the family.
After opening pressies, and much chatting, it was back home to get organised for my Mum's family to come over. -However, me and my sis pretty much just played Super Mario on the Wii till 5:30pm.
Then it was into prep mode. Luckily most of the set up and clean up was done the day before.
People arrived around 7pm. I think my Grandparents were really glad to get out and come visit someone's houes. We had a lot of food, and some really nice desserts. People left a bit earlier than usual - which was nice. Then Neil and his family stayed around for a while. Tracey and I chatted about the US, and TV, which I ALWAYS enjoy.
So it was overall a pretty good day, without too many squabbles or issues. I got some good presents. I got an Olga Berg handbag which I picked out back before my birthday. Plus The Mighty Ducks dvd set, and Snow White on dvd. I also got some cash (which is always good) and some bath products, and jewellery. Plus a share in the Wii game.
So hope everyone had a nice (or at least not too awful) Christmas. And let next years be even better!
Now it's time to start packing all the stuff away for another year!
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