So.....I've been slack....Uni started back, and thats not at all whats been keeping me busy.
Yes. My tv time has taken a HUGE hit.
But I'm doing okay with that...I've finished The West Wing, just over half done with Arrested Development.
I actually have a fairly decent schedule. I still work monday arvos, I go straight from uni...with time for lunch and/or coffee between them.
Then I have wednesday and friday arvos off, which means I get to go home for lunch and watch some tv...or if I need to do something else, I have that time. -I also get thursdays off completely which is fun.
I also don't have any early early starts. The earliest is 9:30am. Which is fine. And the latest finish is 3:30pm. -Also good.
Other than uni...I'm not doing much. I'm barely getting by with the 1 shift I get at Safeway...but at this point its kinda not really worth looking elsewhere...maybe...I'm this close to being able to work full time..or at least fullish time, and working on my actual career...whatever that may be.
I've been looking out there..and there seems to be some stuff I could be interested in. I don't think I really have a dream job...I think I just want to be involved in something media related. We'll see how things go.
In the meantime...I'm having fun. I'm enjoying my free time. I'm sure I'll run out of it soon...with more readings and assignments to do.
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