Monday, December 14, 2009

Minus 4

So Friday was the big day, I got my wisdom teeth taken out…finally.

The time I was told to be there, was 12:30….They were very vague with the instructions, and never even sent me my paper work till I called up about it a week and a half before the date. –Slackers!
On Thursday I prepared myself, enjoying my last normal meals for a while. I went to bed kinda early, and got up at 5:30am so that I could have some coffee and toast. Cause I was told not to eat 6 hours before...although apparently I needn’t have bothered. After a quick early breaky, I attempted to go back to sleep…eventually I did.
Spent the morning doing the usual, TV watching, general house stuff, etc.

Then Mum took me over to VIMY – the shipper name for St Vincent and Mercy Hospital combined….lol. It wasn’t far, just over in Kew.

We waited in the waiting room for a while…then finally got called and went up stairs to my room, which I wound up sharing with 1 other girl…we didn’t chat. 4 beds, 2 patients, not bad…Private is good, when it’s completely covered…the procedure itself, not so much…but anyways…
We waited and waited….hours in fact. The nurse came and checked me out. The anaesthetist came and chatted with us, as did the doc. The nurse gave me a gown and told me to change….I did after they took the girl (okay she was a woman) next to me...They put the numbing cream on my arm too…not that I really cared.
I spent my time playing solitaire and monopoly on my ipod, and reading Mum’s magazine.
HOURS later they finally came to take me down. It was way after 3 by the time I went off…I was freezing sitting there in that stupid gown…that was at least 5 sizes too big for me…I needed the kiddy size :P
The elevator down was TINY...just enough room for my bed, the orderly and the nurse. The surgical floor was very modern and updated, unlike the rest of the hospital. Very Grey’s Anatomy…lots of pretty glass. They wheeled me into a waiting bay…where they left me for 10 minutes or so….SO bored with nothing to do, or look at. Finally they came back and I got into a discussion with the nurse about whether or not the stuff on my arm was opsite and was I really allergic or not…
Then the surgeon and the anaesthetist came in and put me under…then I was out like a light!

I woke up pretty awake and alert, with an oxygen mask on my face. After they woke me up, they just left me laying there…I just looked around and listened to Lea Michele singing Don’t Rain On My Parade in my head. Finally they took me back upstairs. My mouth was packed up and I had ice packs on my face, so I couldn’t really talk…so I amused myself trying to say lines from The West Wing, and Pushing Daisies.

After awhile, the pain meds wore off, and the pain started…not so fun. The nurse finally took the needle out of my arm, and I got to change back into my clothes…and she gave me 2 little tubs of ice cream…which was nummy!
We picked up my meds on the way home, nothing good, and by that I mean nothing TOO strong…but what I got was strong enough.
I ate some scrambled eggs for dinner, and some jelly, while watching Home Alone. Had to stay up till 11 to have my antibiotics, and then another 30 minutes before I could eat something with my painkiller.
I didn’t sleep well that night. I mean, I fell asleep pretty quickly, but woke up at 4am or something, and got dizzy and fainted in the kitchen, when I went to take my pills, and get new icepacks. So that was unpleasant…I went back to sleep and slept in till 11:30am, when I was woken up by my mother who made me take another antibiotic.

I spent the rest of the day watching TV, eating jelly…which turned my lips blue, cause I love blue raspberry jelly. I took my painkiller in the arvo, and almost fell asleep during one of the funniest eps of TWW, so I took at as a sign that I needed a nap…which I can only ever take if I am sick of REALLY REALLY tired (meaning I’ve been up all night) -I am not a day sleeper.
That night I ended up watching the original The Music Man on foxtel…not nearly as much fun as Kristin’s one, but still good.

Slept better the 2nd night, but still woke up just before 8am. Took my antibiotic, got new icepacks and went back to bed for a few hours. Spent the day watching even more TV, and continuing eating boring soft food. My Mum did buy me ice-cream and choc milkshake mix though, which has improved my food quality a great deal!
Slept good again last night, of course I woke up early, but went back to sleep with some scary dreams. Much more recovered today, I of course watched some TV…but I do that anyways :P I also put up the indoor Christmas lights, much to my sister’s chagrin. She is so anti-religion and anything to do with Christmas…I keep telling her she won’t get presents…she claims she doesn’t want them. HAH!
I also cleared out one of the cupboards, and found some more Christmas stuff.

After 3 days of recovery I am pretty bored, and pretty sick of staying at home. I need to get out….however I am definitely hitting Blockbuster sometime this week to get my Christmas movies.
My TV has consisted mostly of Christmas episodes of ER, and continuing my run through Grey’s Anatomy. There has also been a bit of foxtel stuff thrown in there.
My diet has consisted of, jelly…getting really SICK of jelly…., scrambled eggs, chocolate pudding, yogurt, and chocolate milkshakes.
-Today I was able to try a very moistened cookie, and some Easy Mac for dinner, which went okay. It’s a slow process, but I am dying for Chocolate, Cheese and Bread. Obviously not all together :P

So things are getting better, and I'm just waiting for the puffiness to go away...and for my mouth to heal a bit more! At least I am not needing my pain meds so much anymore!


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