Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Name of the Game

So yesterday there was a thing in the paper about the most popular baby names for 2009. I’ve always been a fan of names (I don’t know why…but its been going since I was at least 7 or something, so lets just leave that alone), and I am one of those girls who has lists. My current list I don’t think is actually written down anywhere, but I found it interesting how few of the names I really like were in the top 20, especially for girls.

Out of the top 20 girls names in Australia, I only really like/or would use about two of them. I used to be a fan of some of the others, when I was 12….like Sienna…for some reason when I was 12 I really liked the name Sienna, not as fave or anything, but close.

I think TV has influence my selections even more now…actually at least 2 of my fave names came from real life or books…hmm.

Oh and when did Amelia become popular again? I thought that was an older name (cut off around my ages group)…never really been a fan personally.


Out of the top 20 boys names I like a lot more, but I think that is mostly because I tend to like more traditional common names for boys. However a couple of my big faves are not on the list.

Not sure why I felt the need to blog about this…but I did…so deal :P


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