Sunday, May 24, 2009

Reining It In

So not a whole lot has been going on. I've started getting 1 shift a week, 3 hours, which equals about $50 a week. -That's not really enough to live on....but I really will keep looking for new jobs. -I just wish Uni was over already, that would make things easier.

I've been thinking a lot about the way my family acts lately. Their behavior is very annoying most of the time. My dad is a selfish pain, who has the maturity of a small child. -That is a family trait. All the males in his family act like little children, have no believable authority, and like the stir everybody up and think anything annoying or teasing is funny. It drives me insane.
Both my parents have weird senses of humour. They don't understand smart humour, and act like children all the time. I don't know if its because I'm the oldest and have this sense of duty....(okay slight off-track ref to WW....moving on), I have a more grown up attitude, or because of my education or something....but they drive me crazy.

Their people skills are also really annoying. They complain about everyone else, then do similar things themselves! Grrr.

Okay this is my venting for the day....week...month...whatever :)


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