Monday, October 05, 2009

Taking It Easy

Well....I'm back at uni...thank god that I've gotten those last 3 assignments over and done with....too many in a short amount of time.
My one week off turned into a very short week, by the time I watched The Emmys, saw some friends, and worked on the last essay.

Last week was much easier. Back to classes, no assignments due...Granted I better get started on the next one pretty soon.

Things are pretty quiet at home...sorta. Mum's off galavanting around London and Paris. I'm so happy she got to go...I hope she's enjoying it.
So Dad's running things...its very weird...without Mum around, he's being a lot nicer...he's even including me in things...and on a normal day I don't even talk to him usually.
I think it might have something to do with the fact that I'm not pushing things the way I normally do. But it makes me mad that he's being nicer and more family orientated when my Mum's not here....I assume once she comes back, he'll go back to acting like a single jerk, keeping to himself and playing his music and ignoring everything....I guess I should appreciate it while its here.

Not much else going on. I'm looking forward to my trip to Sydney with Ness and Brett. I definately need a vacation. I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun....once we find something to do when we get there! lol.


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