Well I made it through Christmas, without too much mental scaring....I think.
I felt awful Friday night, and was really sick, but luckily I woke up feeling much better. This year we all slept pretty late, got up around 8:30ish, and didn't open presents till after 9. My sister Nikki got the most presents, but that is always the way. Since we got some new Wii games, Nikki and I played till our traditional crossiant breakfast was ready. After breaky, I got ready to head over to Nan and Pops in Bundoora. Nikki ended up coming with me, cause Dad and Scott went earlier. -I needed more time to get ready, and was planning on coming back earlier, so I took the extra car. Mum had lunch with Grandma and Grandpa down at their place, so she skipped the Sheehan lunch.
I never go to Nan and Pop's, and hadn't been for a year, so I got lost getting there, taking a wrong turn somewhere past Heidelberg. But after reading the melways, I managed to get us back on the right track and turned up with plenty of time to spare before lunch.
It was a pretty small turnout this year, with Me, Scott and Nic being the only grandkids there. My uncles were there, and my aunt, and my uncle's girlfriend. My Nan's brother Brian was there also. I didn't have much for lunch, just some chicken and veggies and garlic bread. There wasn't much for dessert.
My cousin Marcus and his wife Mirka turned up after lunch, and we chatted to them for a while. Then Nikki and I came home.
We relaxed, changed, and played a little Wii before heading down to Bentleigh. Scott came with us, and we got there just after 5:30pm. Mum's brother Neil and his wife, and my cousins Tracey and Jay were there when we got there. We chatted for a while. I was prety exhausted, but after some snacky food, felt a little better. My uncle Geoff and his wife turned up by 6. Then my cousin Luke and his wife Reagan turned up.
We had dinner around 8pm. I spent the night talking to Tracey about my trip - cause she was over there at the same time - only never in the same place, and playing Donkey Kong with Nikki, when things got boring.
For dinner I ate a lot of Turkey, some chicken, and other veggies and bread.
Tracey, Mum, Nikki and I got into the crackers - which 1 box had all the same joke...it was crazy, and not even a good joke! The other ones had a little more variety - and some actually cool prizes - like cards, measuring spoons, dominos, pencils etc.
All night my Grandpa wasn't looking very well, so he went to lie down. They ended up taking him and Grandma back to their nursing home, and the nurses took care of him. Hopefully he will improve, but they say he has pneumonia.
When my mum and Geoff got back from taking them, we had a little slide show. Neil found the slide projector and a bunch of slides in the garage, with great and hilarious pictures of my mum when she was little, and other family stuff. It was a lot of fun to laugh at the hair, the clothes and stuff.
The biggest issue all night, was that my mum's 2nd brother is fighting with the rest of them over what is happening with my Grandma and Grandpa. So he and his family didn't come over this year. Then the family spent all night bitching about them. Now I accept that people shouldn't be abusing or harrassing other family members, but bitching about stuff people did when they were little is just rediculous. I mean....move on, people change!
But I feel bad for my mum, she used to be pretty close with her brother, and now they are all fighting all the time, and my cousins are getting involved where they shouldn't...and I hate that my mum is forced to unload all her crap onto me...it sucks.
Overall it was a good day. I got some nice presents and most people were generally happy. I got some good presents.
-My brother got me a present, which I didn't expect. He got me a little pack from The Body Shop, which was very nice of him.
-My mum got me some PJ's with Gingerbread men on them from Peter Alexander, and some other stuff.
-We got Donkey Kong, Super Mario All Stars and The Sims 3(which is technically Nikki's) for the Wii.
-I got Valentines Day and Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory on dvd from Nikki
-I got Its Complated and a Pink cd from aunty Maree.
-I got some bath stuff from Lush and movie vouchers from Uncle Terry and Kim.
-and I got chocolates from Uncle Alan
Skipped the sales yesterday, but went down to Camberwell today and bought seasons 12 and 13 of ER with my JB vouchers since everything was 20% off. I also bought a top and some shorts from Just Jeans with the voucher I got from Jacinta for my b'day.
Not a bad couple of days!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Christmas Countdown
So less than a week till Christmas. I'm not really that excited. I think I'm officially in that slump between being too old for the kiddy stuff, and too young/unequiped to have control over my own stuff. But for some reason this year, I'm just not excited anymore...about any of it. I think the main thing is the family thing. -The family has become so split within the one house that even the simplest of old traditions no longer seem to happen.
I think part of the loss of the family traditions have come about because my sister is no longer little. I mean, when she was young enough to still believe in Santa and stuff, we all tried harder. We liked to do Christmas for her. Now she is so anti Christmas half the time, that it drives me crazy!
It wasn't just Santa that made Christmas fun in the old days...we had a bunch of things we did. -Now we were never big light people. I think that was all me, I try to get lights up every year, and this year I put up 1 set, and haven't bothered to put up the other 2 that I have sitting there yet. (To be fair the wet weather is not helping the situation)
Another tradition was to go to Myer and every family member would pick their own decoration for the tree, and we would all decorate the tree with the old decorations and finish with that years new collection. -They even had their own special section at the top of the tree. This year Mum and I picked ours, and we bought one on Nikki's behalf. Then my parents argued over how to put up the tree, and Nic and I decorated it ourselves before she gave up.
At least we will still probably have our breakfast tradition. Not that we EVER sit down to a meal as a family, but on Christmas morning, after presents, we always have crossants and whatever else people want at the table with crackers and everything. It was a nice little thing with just the five of us, before a day of extended family meals.
Okay so enough with the depressed Christmas Carlie.....This year will still be good, just different.
I think part of the loss of the family traditions have come about because my sister is no longer little. I mean, when she was young enough to still believe in Santa and stuff, we all tried harder. We liked to do Christmas for her. Now she is so anti Christmas half the time, that it drives me crazy!
It wasn't just Santa that made Christmas fun in the old days...we had a bunch of things we did. -Now we were never big light people. I think that was all me, I try to get lights up every year, and this year I put up 1 set, and haven't bothered to put up the other 2 that I have sitting there yet. (To be fair the wet weather is not helping the situation)
Another tradition was to go to Myer and every family member would pick their own decoration for the tree, and we would all decorate the tree with the old decorations and finish with that years new collection. -They even had their own special section at the top of the tree. This year Mum and I picked ours, and we bought one on Nikki's behalf. Then my parents argued over how to put up the tree, and Nic and I decorated it ourselves before she gave up.
At least we will still probably have our breakfast tradition. Not that we EVER sit down to a meal as a family, but on Christmas morning, after presents, we always have crossants and whatever else people want at the table with crackers and everything. It was a nice little thing with just the five of us, before a day of extended family meals.
Okay so enough with the depressed Christmas Carlie.....This year will still be good, just different.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Christmas is Coming
So I've been busy the last few weeks. I was working for the State Election, which during election weekend I had to work both Saturday and Sunday...I did NOT love working all day on my Birthday.
I did manage to get to go out to dinner with Mum and Nikki, but it was a pretty pathetic dinner...I almost wonder why I bothered. Also the cake I got was dissapointing, not awful, just not what I was expecting from a cake called 'cookies and cream cake'. I did get Glee's Christmas album, which I listened to all day, and that cheered me up.
Because of Election week, I had my little b'day dinner with the gang the weekend before. Ness, Jacinta, Brett and I went to dinner at Michaelangelos. It was fun, good food, and then good cake.
The Friday after Election weekend, they didn't need us at work, so I tried to sleep in...but it didn't work. I still woke up early. I was so tired all day, that at one point I almost fell asleep...but my body doesn't let me nap. Saturday I slept in a little later, I think till 8...but I was still exhausted. That night I went to see Harry Potter with Jacinta. We had dinner at the Pancake Parlor, but they took forever with taking our order...At least we finally got our food - with plenty of time to spare, but who wants to wait around for food for ages?!
The movie was really good! But as usual there were some annoying people who would not shut up. I wonder if everyone has to deal with this ALL the time, or if I'm just a moron magnet?
Sunday I finally got a decent sleep in, but I was up late talking to people on twitter the night before...But for the first morning in days, I felt awake.
That night Ness and I did Kristin Christmas Movie night. We watched some Everwood of course, then watched Four Christmases, and Deck the Halls. Each time we watch those movies we marvel at how bad Four Christmases IS, and yet we keep watching. Damm our devotion to Kristin Chenoweth!
Monday morning I had to be early for work again, so my head was a tiny bit fuzzy all day, but not that bad really. Mum couldn't work because she had to do stuff for my Grandparents, so it was just me - which was fun. We had a lot to do, and were packing up all the stuff, when we found a whole bunch of stuff we hadn't gone through in one of the cupboards...so that was a little late afternoon frenzy. But once that was done, I was out of there at 5:30pm, and that was the end of that. So now I'm taking a break till after Christmas, when I start looking for jobs again.
Thursday night I went shopping at Chadstone with Mum for my Christmas present. I was looking for doona covers, but I just never like anything. I found a pair of shoes at Myer, so mum bought me those...with I guess more stuff to come later. lol. Chadstone was weird. I haven't been there since August! Things have changed! I was also trying to find the Glee calendar...for some reason no one seems to sell it here...which I find crazy! Its such a huge show, that I can't believe they wouldn't try to sell it here....especially when they sell such other crappy calendars here....I mean who would buy a Cougar Town calendar?!
Friday night I went to Ness' and we watched The Music Man, Everwood (finally into season 3...its progress :D ), then we did season 1 and 2 of The West Wing Christmas episodes. Such goood eps!
Yesterday we got our tree, now my house smells like pine. Almost all the decorations are up now. Just a few more sets of lights I can put up if I can decide where to put them, and if I can be bothered putting them up.
Still not sure what is happening Christmas Day...hopefully that will get sorted soon.
I did manage to get to go out to dinner with Mum and Nikki, but it was a pretty pathetic dinner...I almost wonder why I bothered. Also the cake I got was dissapointing, not awful, just not what I was expecting from a cake called 'cookies and cream cake'. I did get Glee's Christmas album, which I listened to all day, and that cheered me up.
Because of Election week, I had my little b'day dinner with the gang the weekend before. Ness, Jacinta, Brett and I went to dinner at Michaelangelos. It was fun, good food, and then good cake.
The Friday after Election weekend, they didn't need us at work, so I tried to sleep in...but it didn't work. I still woke up early. I was so tired all day, that at one point I almost fell asleep...but my body doesn't let me nap. Saturday I slept in a little later, I think till 8...but I was still exhausted. That night I went to see Harry Potter with Jacinta. We had dinner at the Pancake Parlor, but they took forever with taking our order...At least we finally got our food - with plenty of time to spare, but who wants to wait around for food for ages?!
The movie was really good! But as usual there were some annoying people who would not shut up. I wonder if everyone has to deal with this ALL the time, or if I'm just a moron magnet?
Sunday I finally got a decent sleep in, but I was up late talking to people on twitter the night before...But for the first morning in days, I felt awake.
That night Ness and I did Kristin Christmas Movie night. We watched some Everwood of course, then watched Four Christmases, and Deck the Halls. Each time we watch those movies we marvel at how bad Four Christmases IS, and yet we keep watching. Damm our devotion to Kristin Chenoweth!
Monday morning I had to be early for work again, so my head was a tiny bit fuzzy all day, but not that bad really. Mum couldn't work because she had to do stuff for my Grandparents, so it was just me - which was fun. We had a lot to do, and were packing up all the stuff, when we found a whole bunch of stuff we hadn't gone through in one of the cupboards...so that was a little late afternoon frenzy. But once that was done, I was out of there at 5:30pm, and that was the end of that. So now I'm taking a break till after Christmas, when I start looking for jobs again.
Thursday night I went shopping at Chadstone with Mum for my Christmas present. I was looking for doona covers, but I just never like anything. I found a pair of shoes at Myer, so mum bought me those...with I guess more stuff to come later. lol. Chadstone was weird. I haven't been there since August! Things have changed! I was also trying to find the Glee calendar...for some reason no one seems to sell it here...which I find crazy! Its such a huge show, that I can't believe they wouldn't try to sell it here....especially when they sell such other crappy calendars here....I mean who would buy a Cougar Town calendar?!
Friday night I went to Ness' and we watched The Music Man, Everwood (finally into season 3...its progress :D ), then we did season 1 and 2 of The West Wing Christmas episodes. Such goood eps!
Yesterday we got our tree, now my house smells like pine. Almost all the decorations are up now. Just a few more sets of lights I can put up if I can decide where to put them, and if I can be bothered putting them up.
Still not sure what is happening Christmas Day...hopefully that will get sorted soon.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Taking Time Out From Life...
So my little break is now over, and today I started working again. -Even though its only a couple of weeks work, its still getting me out and about, and getting my brain working in a slightly more normal way again.
Plus...its probably a good thing to get me away from the tv for a few weeks :P
So in the last two weeks, I've been pretty quiet. I've been hanging with my girls. Went to Kay's birthday at the Asian Buffet, and met some new people.
Last week I spent a few hours going through all my old Big Hit and TV Hits magazines that I had stored away in my cupboard. I finally had the guts to get rid of them. Going through them (checking for anything I needed to keep) was a lot of fun. Plenty of good memories of my teen years, but most of the stuff in there, I have moved on from. Like Buffy. My lil sis was stoked to go through them all, she collected a few posters and pictures. Then Jacinta came over and went through them and ended up taking home a whole stack. What was left I tossed straight into the recycle box, so now I'm magazine free.
-Sure I kept 1 really old one, and I still have plenty of other mags left, with award show photos and stuff, but the super teeny stuff is gone. -Its actually a huge step for me, letting go of those old obsessions of mine.
My birthday is coming up, I'm not sure exactly when I'm working that weekend yet, but I know I'll be working sometime on the saturday. So trying to organise a mini b'day party is becoming difficult.
But I'll work something out.
I've been pretty depressed this last week. I don't completely know why...I think I just felt a little lonely. I think settling back into my family after over 40 days hanging out with someone 24/7 really messed up my head. I mean I barely spoke to anyone for 3 days, in a house with 4 other people. That tends to mess with your head after a little while.
Anyways...things are starting to look up, and I'm already feeling better, which is a good sign.
Gotta work in the morning, I should probably head off to bed....try that sleeping thing - which I haven't been doing much of lately either...probably connected to my mood too.
Plus...its probably a good thing to get me away from the tv for a few weeks :P
So in the last two weeks, I've been pretty quiet. I've been hanging with my girls. Went to Kay's birthday at the Asian Buffet, and met some new people.
Last week I spent a few hours going through all my old Big Hit and TV Hits magazines that I had stored away in my cupboard. I finally had the guts to get rid of them. Going through them (checking for anything I needed to keep) was a lot of fun. Plenty of good memories of my teen years, but most of the stuff in there, I have moved on from. Like Buffy. My lil sis was stoked to go through them all, she collected a few posters and pictures. Then Jacinta came over and went through them and ended up taking home a whole stack. What was left I tossed straight into the recycle box, so now I'm magazine free.
-Sure I kept 1 really old one, and I still have plenty of other mags left, with award show photos and stuff, but the super teeny stuff is gone. -Its actually a huge step for me, letting go of those old obsessions of mine.
My birthday is coming up, I'm not sure exactly when I'm working that weekend yet, but I know I'll be working sometime on the saturday. So trying to organise a mini b'day party is becoming difficult.
But I'll work something out.
I've been pretty depressed this last week. I don't completely know why...I think I just felt a little lonely. I think settling back into my family after over 40 days hanging out with someone 24/7 really messed up my head. I mean I barely spoke to anyone for 3 days, in a house with 4 other people. That tends to mess with your head after a little while.
Anyways...things are starting to look up, and I'm already feeling better, which is a good sign.
Gotta work in the morning, I should probably head off to bed....try that sleeping thing - which I haven't been doing much of lately either...probably connected to my mood too.
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
Well I'm finally getting around to posting a new message here....even though I've been back 2 weeks now.
I'll write about the trip in the trip blog, never got very far with that...but lack of computer access made it tricky to keep updating after DC.
So far I've been adjusting. Getting my room reorganised - since -people were spending time in here while I was away! I've also been doing general spring cleaning. Finally getting rid of some stuff I really don't need!
I'm pretty broke these days...however I have still been pretty busy socially. Went out for dinner with the gang the other night -which was fun. Good to see everyone again. We even played Nintendo Monopoly. Brett kicked some serious butt!
Did Halloween over the weekend. Sunday arvo I went over to Ness' and dressed up as a witch. Ness was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz...so we had a good little theme going. lol. We watched Girth of Pushing Daisies...which was both Halloween AND horse racing themed -which worked out very nicely! lol.
As far as the cup went....I did not place, but I don't really care that much about it. Its more fun when you're in a sweep or something.
2 weeks later, I'm still really depressed about being home...or being out of the US. I just really enjoyed my time there....I can't wait to go back again!
I'll write about the trip in the trip blog, never got very far with that...but lack of computer access made it tricky to keep updating after DC.
So far I've been adjusting. Getting my room reorganised - since -people were spending time in here while I was away! I've also been doing general spring cleaning. Finally getting rid of some stuff I really don't need!
I'm pretty broke these days...however I have still been pretty busy socially. Went out for dinner with the gang the other night -which was fun. Good to see everyone again. We even played Nintendo Monopoly. Brett kicked some serious butt!
Did Halloween over the weekend. Sunday arvo I went over to Ness' and dressed up as a witch. Ness was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz...so we had a good little theme going. lol. We watched Girth of Pushing Daisies...which was both Halloween AND horse racing themed -which worked out very nicely! lol.
As far as the cup went....I did not place, but I don't really care that much about it. Its more fun when you're in a sweep or something.
2 weeks later, I'm still really depressed about being home...or being out of the US. I just really enjoyed my time there....I can't wait to go back again!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Election 2010
So OMG. Today is my first day off in 2 weeks. I worked 12 days straight including late nights and last weekend. I'm exhausted. But I should at least get paid well this week....when I get paid. (Its a little slow this week).
We were really busy in the week leading up to the election. Lots of people coming in, and phones ringing off the hook. - My god I have learned a lot in my time there, phones, filing, typing etc.
I worked till 9 the thursday before the election, and till 7:30 on the friday. I was up at 6:30am on the saturday.....so that doesn't equal much sleep.
It was fun working at the polling place, but I was super cold! It was in the atrium at Swinburne uni and I kinda wish I had brought my other coat, but it was ok after a while. The part where I was standing out in front of the town hall and it started raing was less fun....but we got to go inside at night which was good.
I was out of there at 10:30 and went to sleep around 1am......got up at 9am on Sunday and was at work by 10am......I was pretty out of it all day.
This week was a tad easier. Much fewer people coming in, and the phones hardly rang. There were also less late nights...so I was able to catch up on a little sleep.
Finally today I was able to do my washing, organise some trip stuff, and house stuff.
Not long to go now till the trip! Exciting!
We were really busy in the week leading up to the election. Lots of people coming in, and phones ringing off the hook. - My god I have learned a lot in my time there, phones, filing, typing etc.
I worked till 9 the thursday before the election, and till 7:30 on the friday. I was up at 6:30am on the saturday.....so that doesn't equal much sleep.
It was fun working at the polling place, but I was super cold! It was in the atrium at Swinburne uni and I kinda wish I had brought my other coat, but it was ok after a while. The part where I was standing out in front of the town hall and it started raing was less fun....but we got to go inside at night which was good.
I was out of there at 10:30 and went to sleep around 1am......got up at 9am on Sunday and was at work by 10am......I was pretty out of it all day.
This week was a tad easier. Much fewer people coming in, and the phones hardly rang. There were also less late nights...so I was able to catch up on a little sleep.
Finally today I was able to do my washing, organise some trip stuff, and house stuff.
Not long to go now till the trip! Exciting!
Monday, August 09, 2010
Funny isn't it?..
So I'm still going through old blog posts.....and found a funny little comment from a post in 2006.
(re: Cabaret) "I was a little weirded out at the fact that Joel Grey was in it...I had never seen him in anything that old. lol. To me his is Doc from Buffy or the nekkid dead man from Crossing Jordan."
-Its funny how few things I knew him from compared to now!!!! Joel Grey is not only the original Wizard of Oz from Wicked, but he was in Chicago, and Alias, Private Practice, and Grey's, and tons of other stuff.....its weird to only think of him as being from 1 thing! -And I'd also forgotten he was in Crossing Jordan.
They should so get Joel to do a tiny cameo on Glee......
Anyways that's enough tv talk.....but I just wanted to comment on how much my world has changed in 4 years!
(re: Cabaret) "I was a little weirded out at the fact that Joel Grey was in it...I had never seen him in anything that old. lol. To me his is Doc from Buffy or the nekkid dead man from Crossing Jordan."
-Its funny how few things I knew him from compared to now!!!! Joel Grey is not only the original Wizard of Oz from Wicked, but he was in Chicago, and Alias, Private Practice, and Grey's, and tons of other stuff.....its weird to only think of him as being from 1 thing! -And I'd also forgotten he was in Crossing Jordan.
They should so get Joel to do a tiny cameo on Glee......
Anyways that's enough tv talk.....but I just wanted to comment on how much my world has changed in 4 years!
Crossing Jordan,
Grey's Anatomy,
joel grey,
Private Practice,
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
So I've been working full time for about 3 weeks now, and I'm exhausted! I'm loving it, having stuff to do and getting paid. Best of all I'm getting experiance and gaining references which will really help when I come back to look for jobs after the big trip!
Thank goodness I had last weekend off cause I'm exhausted! I worked 52 hours or something last week which is A LOT for me, when I have hardly been working this year or doing much else! This week I did 42 which is a little less nice on the bank balance, but better on my sleep! lol.
The last few days have been all the same, putting stuff into the computer....which has become so repetitive that I could probably do it in my sleep and don't even really think about it anymore! I've been working really hard, and am typing them in pretty fast, but they just keep coming and my wrist starts hurting and my elbows and my head goes fuzzy....and its kinda boring, so the more I do the slower I seem to get.
But I'm not complaining, I like the money, and the people and the work....but doing the same thing for 3 days for long hours has driven me a little stircrazy.
Oh and in even bigger news....I told Safeway that I quit.....it just wasn't worth the stress. After 3 weeks without shifts, I just decided that it wasn't worth hanging on to. I'll be able to find some work once I get back now I've got experiance and office-work references.
Now if only I could find some time for sleep and watching tv :P
Thank goodness I had last weekend off cause I'm exhausted! I worked 52 hours or something last week which is A LOT for me, when I have hardly been working this year or doing much else! This week I did 42 which is a little less nice on the bank balance, but better on my sleep! lol.
The last few days have been all the same, putting stuff into the computer....which has become so repetitive that I could probably do it in my sleep and don't even really think about it anymore! I've been working really hard, and am typing them in pretty fast, but they just keep coming and my wrist starts hurting and my elbows and my head goes fuzzy....and its kinda boring, so the more I do the slower I seem to get.
But I'm not complaining, I like the money, and the people and the work....but doing the same thing for 3 days for long hours has driven me a little stircrazy.
Oh and in even bigger news....I told Safeway that I quit.....it just wasn't worth the stress. After 3 weeks without shifts, I just decided that it wasn't worth hanging on to. I'll be able to find some work once I get back now I've got experiance and office-work references.
Now if only I could find some time for sleep and watching tv :P
Monday, July 26, 2010
I've been going through the old posts of my blog, and adding tags to them....its a lot of fun!
I had forgotten a lot of stuff. I kinda miss the old days of hanging out with Elsa and Faith. I don't really know what happened there....too many issues I think. I do not miss staying up all night on msn though! lol.
It is gonna take a while to get through everything...especially since I'm working full time now. But that is okay.
Its funny reading the old stuff....and how much my life has changed in 5 years! New friends, new tv shows....no more tafe/uni.....my sister used to not be horrible....it doesn't seem that long ago, untill you look at it in detail...crazy.
I had forgotten a lot of stuff. I kinda miss the old days of hanging out with Elsa and Faith. I don't really know what happened there....too many issues I think. I do not miss staying up all night on msn though! lol.
It is gonna take a while to get through everything...especially since I'm working full time now. But that is okay.
Its funny reading the old stuff....and how much my life has changed in 5 years! New friends, new tv shows....no more tafe/uni.....my sister used to not be horrible....it doesn't seem that long ago, untill you look at it in detail...crazy.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Work Work Work
Dear Julia Guillard and the australian government....thank you for working the AEC office off our feet this week by giving us only 5 weeks to get organised for the election.....
-actually it works out well for me, cause I get to do a bit more work and some overtime.
This week i've worked monday night, tuesday, wednesday, all day/night today and am working tomorrow and saturday probably. So in short I'm really sleepy, and tired, and have no time to do things like washing, or watch tv! I miss the tv!
But working is actually a lot of fun. I've been mostly doing inputing, but I'm enjoying being in teh office environment. Everyone is really nice and kinda funny. -I've been picking new things up each day....meaning they remember something they didn't tell me to do or skip the day earlier! lol. But I get to little things like collect and sort mail and deal with the people and its fun to get some non-safeway experiance!
I'll be very sleepy by sunday I think....it could get interesting....coffee is definately my friend this week!
-actually it works out well for me, cause I get to do a bit more work and some overtime.
This week i've worked monday night, tuesday, wednesday, all day/night today and am working tomorrow and saturday probably. So in short I'm really sleepy, and tired, and have no time to do things like washing, or watch tv! I miss the tv!
But working is actually a lot of fun. I've been mostly doing inputing, but I'm enjoying being in teh office environment. Everyone is really nice and kinda funny. -I've been picking new things up each day....meaning they remember something they didn't tell me to do or skip the day earlier! lol. But I get to little things like collect and sort mail and deal with the people and its fun to get some non-safeway experiance!
I'll be very sleepy by sunday I think....it could get interesting....coffee is definately my friend this week!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Things Are Happening!
So.....things have happened in the last week. The job hunt is on hold, while I pick up a few days here and there at the AEC with Mum up until the election -which has been called for the 21st....which means I might be working a few extra days now...which would be good. Especially since Safeway didn't want me last week, and doesn't want me this week!
In other news, Ness and I are getting places with our trip. We've booked hotels for DC, LA and Anaheim. YAY! We splashed out a little and booked the Disneyland Paradise Pier hotel, which I'm sure will turn the 2 of us into giddy little girls!
Still got Boston, New York, San Francisco and Vegas to book, but that will be done in the next few weeks.
-Its progress.
Not a lot else to report - I'm pissed at my brother and had one of those days were the football managed to cause a gigantic fight in my house - I HATE football for what it has done to my family. -They all act like assholes because of it! It's stupid and insane.
Tomorrow is another day....
In other news, Ness and I are getting places with our trip. We've booked hotels for DC, LA and Anaheim. YAY! We splashed out a little and booked the Disneyland Paradise Pier hotel, which I'm sure will turn the 2 of us into giddy little girls!
Still got Boston, New York, San Francisco and Vegas to book, but that will be done in the next few weeks.
-Its progress.
Not a lot else to report - I'm pissed at my brother and had one of those days were the football managed to cause a gigantic fight in my house - I HATE football for what it has done to my family. -They all act like assholes because of it! It's stupid and insane.
Tomorrow is another day....
Friday, July 09, 2010
School Holidays in Melbourne
The school holidays are now almost over thank goodness!
Last week, I worked at Safeway on Wednesday and it was CRAZY! Thankfully it wasn't so bad this week. There were busy times, but it was fairly steady and I didn't get many really annoying kids. That's half the sucky part of the working during the holidays, the annoying kids, and the usually even more annoying parents!
This week I did movie day with Jacinta on Monday - she brought Zombieland over, and so I gave it a whirl...it was better than I thought it would be...but still pretty gross.
Then we watched Shrek 2 - which is a guaranteed good time. I love me some Puss in Boots. lol.
-Unfortunately I spent a good deal of the time on the phone to people about jobs and stuff....I keep missing calls and then have to call them back, and they end up having to call me back - it goes on and on.
Luckily I got an interview for Tuesday, so I dragged my butt into the city. I guess the interview went okay cause they showed me around and then I had to go into the city again today to do a hearing test - since the job is a phone based job.
Now the whole hearing test thing is a bit weird. I was lead down a maze of corridors and rooms, then made to sit in a chair while the woman who pronounced my name all weird (most people can't say SHEEHAN properly. - It's She-An for those who care) asked me a few questions and then stuck me in a very small soundproof booth - without a small spaces warning. Lucky I'm not claustraphobic! I sat there the whole time worried about my purse sitting out in the greater room....and also about how my neck was hurting from the weight of the earphones! - Seriously!
So after I was done, I thought since I was in the city, I might as well do some shopping. - Since I had a daily train ticket and all. So I walked down to Bourke Street and had a quick look in Strandbags, and then caught a tram over to DFO at Spencer Street Station. I had a look around for shoes and other sorts of things for the big trip. But I didn't find anything great. - Plus it was too packed with people being school holidays and all.
The most amusing thing to me all day, was the tourists taking pictures in the streets. They were taking pictures of things like Fed Square, and other icon-type locations...but then there were people taking pictures of random buildings....tourists are weird creatures - and I know that people will feel the same way about me when I get to the US.
Oh and then there have been a few extra teenage girls around my house this week. My sis had her friends stay over Tuesday night...which bugged me cause I was trying to sleep, cause I needed to get up early the next morning. Both her friends are REALLY LOUD. You think I'M loud...you should hear my sis and her friends...not to mention that their voices echo through our kitchen area and right down the hall into my room....damm tiles. -But once I told them off at 12:30am, they were more quiet and I fell asleep pretty quickly.
Ah the joy of school holidays. :)
At least they are over soon....and things will go back to normal....I hope.
Last week, I worked at Safeway on Wednesday and it was CRAZY! Thankfully it wasn't so bad this week. There were busy times, but it was fairly steady and I didn't get many really annoying kids. That's half the sucky part of the working during the holidays, the annoying kids, and the usually even more annoying parents!
This week I did movie day with Jacinta on Monday - she brought Zombieland over, and so I gave it a whirl...it was better than I thought it would be...but still pretty gross.
Then we watched Shrek 2 - which is a guaranteed good time. I love me some Puss in Boots. lol.
-Unfortunately I spent a good deal of the time on the phone to people about jobs and stuff....I keep missing calls and then have to call them back, and they end up having to call me back - it goes on and on.
Luckily I got an interview for Tuesday, so I dragged my butt into the city. I guess the interview went okay cause they showed me around and then I had to go into the city again today to do a hearing test - since the job is a phone based job.
Now the whole hearing test thing is a bit weird. I was lead down a maze of corridors and rooms, then made to sit in a chair while the woman who pronounced my name all weird (most people can't say SHEEHAN properly. - It's She-An for those who care) asked me a few questions and then stuck me in a very small soundproof booth - without a small spaces warning. Lucky I'm not claustraphobic! I sat there the whole time worried about my purse sitting out in the greater room....and also about how my neck was hurting from the weight of the earphones! - Seriously!
So after I was done, I thought since I was in the city, I might as well do some shopping. - Since I had a daily train ticket and all. So I walked down to Bourke Street and had a quick look in Strandbags, and then caught a tram over to DFO at Spencer Street Station. I had a look around for shoes and other sorts of things for the big trip. But I didn't find anything great. - Plus it was too packed with people being school holidays and all.
The most amusing thing to me all day, was the tourists taking pictures in the streets. They were taking pictures of things like Fed Square, and other icon-type locations...but then there were people taking pictures of random buildings....tourists are weird creatures - and I know that people will feel the same way about me when I get to the US.
Oh and then there have been a few extra teenage girls around my house this week. My sis had her friends stay over Tuesday night...which bugged me cause I was trying to sleep, cause I needed to get up early the next morning. Both her friends are REALLY LOUD. You think I'M loud...you should hear my sis and her friends...not to mention that their voices echo through our kitchen area and right down the hall into my room....damm tiles. -But once I told them off at 12:30am, they were more quiet and I fell asleep pretty quickly.
Ah the joy of school holidays. :)
At least they are over soon....and things will go back to normal....I hope.
Thursday, July 01, 2010
July Denial!
So....it is now officially July. I can't believe I have been job hunting for months and months now. -Somebody hire me already! - I could be the most awesome 'insert job title here' ever, they don't know!
Had an interview last week, which was a 2nd interview after the one the Friday before. I dressed the part, answered the questions pretty well....and thought I had aced the testing. But then it turns out that I didn't do so well on 1 part of the test. So that job is toast - which is ok because I don't think it was for me really.....but I just want to work!
I've been rather busy this week with assorted things. Its currently school holidays now, so my shift at Safeway yesterday was a tad hectic....damm holidays messing up what is normally a very quiet wednesday...at least I wasn't bored I guess!
Saturday night Mum, Nikki and I watched the old Barbie and the Rockers movies - because we could only watch things on vhs due to the dead dvd player. We also multitasked by playing Disney Monopoly - in which I kicked some serious butt!
Sunday Mum and I went in search of a new dvd player to replace the dead one downstairs. -We drove through Morrabbin searching for The Good Guys, and finally came across the one in Brighton by accident. So we got ourselves a shiny new LG dvd player - that plays burnt dvds and international ones. So I'm feeling good about that.
After that we dropped in on my grandparents and had a chat and gave my Grandpa a chance to duck up the street.
Tuesday night, Nikki and I went down to Camberwell to meet Mum at Sofia's for dinner and then went and saw Toy Story 3 in 3D. The movie was good. Not as good as the 2nd one. It was pretty sad though....my Mum was sobbing like a freak :P -The 3D part however was really not worth it. It just looked slightly glossing and defined. 3D movies are really only worth it when stuff is flying out at you. (and with that I'll get off my 3D soapbox!)
Tomorrow I am going down for my passport interview. Here's hoping they like my form!
Had an interview last week, which was a 2nd interview after the one the Friday before. I dressed the part, answered the questions pretty well....and thought I had aced the testing. But then it turns out that I didn't do so well on 1 part of the test. So that job is toast - which is ok because I don't think it was for me really.....but I just want to work!
I've been rather busy this week with assorted things. Its currently school holidays now, so my shift at Safeway yesterday was a tad hectic....damm holidays messing up what is normally a very quiet wednesday...at least I wasn't bored I guess!
Saturday night Mum, Nikki and I watched the old Barbie and the Rockers movies - because we could only watch things on vhs due to the dead dvd player. We also multitasked by playing Disney Monopoly - in which I kicked some serious butt!
Sunday Mum and I went in search of a new dvd player to replace the dead one downstairs. -We drove through Morrabbin searching for The Good Guys, and finally came across the one in Brighton by accident. So we got ourselves a shiny new LG dvd player - that plays burnt dvds and international ones. So I'm feeling good about that.
After that we dropped in on my grandparents and had a chat and gave my Grandpa a chance to duck up the street.
Tuesday night, Nikki and I went down to Camberwell to meet Mum at Sofia's for dinner and then went and saw Toy Story 3 in 3D. The movie was good. Not as good as the 2nd one. It was pretty sad though....my Mum was sobbing like a freak :P -The 3D part however was really not worth it. It just looked slightly glossing and defined. 3D movies are really only worth it when stuff is flying out at you. (and with that I'll get off my 3D soapbox!)
Tomorrow I am going down for my passport interview. Here's hoping they like my form!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Little Pieces
Welcome back to 'Nothing's Happening in the World of Carlie'!
That's pretty much the truth. Nothing is happening. Last week I went for 2 job interviews, one for promotions, another for insurance customer service - neither went well.
-Encouraging, no!
Had a fun weekend, have been doing some more trip research. Socialised a little. Shopped some.
-That's about it.
Monday was the Tony Awards. That was a lot of fun. Sean Hayes of Will and Grace fame (currently starring in Promises, Promises with Kristin Chenoweth) was hosting, which meant Kristin was involved a lot. She kept popping up which was nice. -I swear they should get her to host next year! She'd be a hoot! That one thing she does (which I won't mention specifically for the benefit for those who have not yet seen it), was one of the most awesome things ever, and fantastically accomplished!
Plus you can't go wrong with so many other awesome people presenting, and Lea Michele and Matthew Morrison from Glee performing!
- Although they are originally broadway people, and sang broadway musical songs, it was still kinda weird for them to be there performing. -Presenting would have been no issue. But like I'd ever actually say NO to Lea Michele singing!
I love that there is now a mandatory awards show for me to watch in the middle of the year now. -I mean I know the Tony's have always been there....I just never really had a reason to watch them. I think the first one I saw was when Hugh Jackman was hosting in 2004...I watched cause of him, and that was my first exposure to Wicked and Kristin Chenoweth funnily enough. -Oh if only I had known.
Then I watched 2 years ago, cause I heard the original cast of RENT - including Idina Menzel were going to be there, and Whoopi Goldberg was hosting. Then I watched last year cause Neil Patrick Harris was hosting - and Allison Janney, the GREAT AMAZING AWESOME Allison Janney was nominated! Now it is just mandatory viewing!
Looking forward to next year's ones already :P
That's pretty much the truth. Nothing is happening. Last week I went for 2 job interviews, one for promotions, another for insurance customer service - neither went well.
-Encouraging, no!
Had a fun weekend, have been doing some more trip research. Socialised a little. Shopped some.
-That's about it.
Monday was the Tony Awards. That was a lot of fun. Sean Hayes of Will and Grace fame (currently starring in Promises, Promises with Kristin Chenoweth) was hosting, which meant Kristin was involved a lot. She kept popping up which was nice. -I swear they should get her to host next year! She'd be a hoot! That one thing she does (which I won't mention specifically for the benefit for those who have not yet seen it), was one of the most awesome things ever, and fantastically accomplished!
Plus you can't go wrong with so many other awesome people presenting, and Lea Michele and Matthew Morrison from Glee performing!
- Although they are originally broadway people, and sang broadway musical songs, it was still kinda weird for them to be there performing. -Presenting would have been no issue. But like I'd ever actually say NO to Lea Michele singing!
I love that there is now a mandatory awards show for me to watch in the middle of the year now. -I mean I know the Tony's have always been there....I just never really had a reason to watch them. I think the first one I saw was when Hugh Jackman was hosting in 2004...I watched cause of him, and that was my first exposure to Wicked and Kristin Chenoweth funnily enough. -Oh if only I had known.
Then I watched 2 years ago, cause I heard the original cast of RENT - including Idina Menzel were going to be there, and Whoopi Goldberg was hosting. Then I watched last year cause Neil Patrick Harris was hosting - and Allison Janney, the GREAT AMAZING AWESOME Allison Janney was nominated! Now it is just mandatory viewing!
Looking forward to next year's ones already :P
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Finale Season = Slow Real Life Blogging
So its been a whole month since I've blogged about anything but TV....but can you expect at this time of year, we all know I watch A LOT of TV shows, and so I've been busy with some pretty big finales.
Also, I honestly haven't been up to a whole lot. This past weekend being an exception. I'm still looking for work, they tell you its hard, but not THIS hard....Starting to wonder why I even bothered going to uni at all....seems it would have been easier to get a job if I'd just stopped at high school! - My optimistic outlook is slowly dying, can you tell?
What have I been up to you ask? Well....mostly its job hunting and trip research these days. I had a few interviews recently, one turned out to be a complete waste - I know they bring you in on the slim chance you wow them....but they clearly had no intention of hiring me.
Jacinta finally got back from her trip. We spent 2 days going through her photos, and souveniers. -She bought me some lovely pressies. Then last week she came over and we watched some quality SNL. I had a cold, so wasn't up for much else. I've had this cold all week, and it's slowly going away, at least I could get a decent sleep after a couple of days. I'm pretty much back to normal except for my nose running occaisionally.
We've been doing some group activities lately, which is nice. -I start to miss the gang after a while. We had the LOST night, dinner before that, then Ness' birthday dinner on Friday night. I had a whole new Century City experience, coming from the other direction, instead of Jacinta's direction.-It messed with my head!
Then we had lots of chocolate for dessert from Max Brenner's. The chocolate shot is to die for! Liquid choc, popping candy, white choc baby buttons, and gummi bears - YUM-EEEEEEEE!!! I also had a bald choc truffle head thing, it was amazing!
The rest of the weekend was spent watching tv, and doing trip research, we are getting somewhere, but things depend on a couple of factors. Then it was over to Ness' family's for dinner. - Which it was very nice of them to invite me!
Holy crap! I just forgot about the weekend before's activities!....I mean, what's crazier than going to Sydney and back in a day! Yep. Ness and I decided to go up to Sydney last Sunday to see Rob Mills' last performance of Wicked. We caught a plane at 9am, and spent the day looking at the shops, and planning trip stuff in Starbucks, before heading over to the theatre. I was great show and I was glad to be there. I was glad to see Jemma again, she's awesome! Her 'No Good Deed' might be her best song! It gives me chills! It was also interesting to see the new Nessa-Rose. She was okay, but I think Penny was just better. She had the singing and voices down pat. -Oh and for the first time in my theater history, a phone went off during the show! How rude! and it rang a 2nd time too! They suck!
After the show, we went back to the airport on the train, and browsed the airport shops and got some dinner. The plane was delayed, so we left about half an hour later than planned, but that was ok with us. We spent both flights (up and back) watching Glee clips, and the Janel Moloney and Sarah Paulson Puppy Love episodes on my iPod. Then it was back home again....and our crazy hazy day was over. -You only live once. -But my Mum doesn't know I went. Not that she HAS to, but it felt weird...I fear she would judge me.
Today I watched the Tony Awards. LOVED them. I've become very much a Theatre Geek. Although to be fair, I knew just as many from TV or Movies as I do from general theatre work.
Keep on Keeping on.
Also, I honestly haven't been up to a whole lot. This past weekend being an exception. I'm still looking for work, they tell you its hard, but not THIS hard....Starting to wonder why I even bothered going to uni at all....seems it would have been easier to get a job if I'd just stopped at high school! - My optimistic outlook is slowly dying, can you tell?
What have I been up to you ask? Well....mostly its job hunting and trip research these days. I had a few interviews recently, one turned out to be a complete waste - I know they bring you in on the slim chance you wow them....but they clearly had no intention of hiring me.
Jacinta finally got back from her trip. We spent 2 days going through her photos, and souveniers. -She bought me some lovely pressies. Then last week she came over and we watched some quality SNL. I had a cold, so wasn't up for much else. I've had this cold all week, and it's slowly going away, at least I could get a decent sleep after a couple of days. I'm pretty much back to normal except for my nose running occaisionally.
We've been doing some group activities lately, which is nice. -I start to miss the gang after a while. We had the LOST night, dinner before that, then Ness' birthday dinner on Friday night. I had a whole new Century City experience, coming from the other direction, instead of Jacinta's direction.-It messed with my head!
Then we had lots of chocolate for dessert from Max Brenner's. The chocolate shot is to die for! Liquid choc, popping candy, white choc baby buttons, and gummi bears - YUM-EEEEEEEE!!! I also had a bald choc truffle head thing, it was amazing!
The rest of the weekend was spent watching tv, and doing trip research, we are getting somewhere, but things depend on a couple of factors. Then it was over to Ness' family's for dinner. - Which it was very nice of them to invite me!
Holy crap! I just forgot about the weekend before's activities!....I mean, what's crazier than going to Sydney and back in a day! Yep. Ness and I decided to go up to Sydney last Sunday to see Rob Mills' last performance of Wicked. We caught a plane at 9am, and spent the day looking at the shops, and planning trip stuff in Starbucks, before heading over to the theatre. I was great show and I was glad to be there. I was glad to see Jemma again, she's awesome! Her 'No Good Deed' might be her best song! It gives me chills! It was also interesting to see the new Nessa-Rose. She was okay, but I think Penny was just better. She had the singing and voices down pat. -Oh and for the first time in my theater history, a phone went off during the show! How rude! and it rang a 2nd time too! They suck!
After the show, we went back to the airport on the train, and browsed the airport shops and got some dinner. The plane was delayed, so we left about half an hour later than planned, but that was ok with us. We spent both flights (up and back) watching Glee clips, and the Janel Moloney and Sarah Paulson Puppy Love episodes on my iPod. Then it was back home again....and our crazy hazy day was over. -You only live once. -But my Mum doesn't know I went. Not that she HAS to, but it felt weird...I fear she would judge me.
Today I watched the Tony Awards. LOVED them. I've become very much a Theatre Geek. Although to be fair, I knew just as many from TV or Movies as I do from general theatre work.
Keep on Keeping on.
Friday, May 07, 2010
Bit of This, A Little of Something More
So....been busy lately, been busy NOT posting. Not with a job or anything....just regular things like watching tv shows, or going out, or listening to music, and sleeping!
Firstly, I'm still looking for a job. It's insane....I don't know how anyone else finds work?! I'm not being fussy, all I want is part time or full time work, that isn't food service, or telemarketing. Is that too much to ask for?! I guess so. So for now I'm sticking to my mantra 'Something WILL turn up!'
Secondly, Summer is officially gone with the weather turning COLD! I've packed away all my summer things and am glad to be finally able to wear my coats again.
Other than that, I don't have a whole heap going on. I went to see Nikki in her school (Camberwell High) production of 'Singing in The Rain' on Wednesday, which was opening night. They were still really nervous, and had a few issues, but overall it was really really well done. A much higher standard than I was expecting from a school production. The girls that played Lina and Kathy were both REALLY good performers, their vocals were excellent, and they had great stage pressence. The boys were pretty good too. I was impressed to see them tap dancing. However their singing wasn't as good as the girls, but you can't have everything. The guy that played the director was hilarious! Some serious talent in that production for sure, they've got potential!
Went to dinner with Kay and Nick, and Ness on Tuesday night. Which was fun. We talk trips these days, makes a good general everyone topic. Had my first Hogs Breath experiance, I'm on board! Quite tasty!
The big family computer is almost out of memory, which I must admit is probably mostly my fault. Between all my tv shows, music, and pictures....there's a lot of stuff on there. So I might have to invest in a hard drive sooner than planned. But I've found some good prices which should be fine.
I think that's all for now. Not a whole lot to report, as usual :)
Firstly, I'm still looking for a job. It's insane....I don't know how anyone else finds work?! I'm not being fussy, all I want is part time or full time work, that isn't food service, or telemarketing. Is that too much to ask for?! I guess so. So for now I'm sticking to my mantra 'Something WILL turn up!'
Secondly, Summer is officially gone with the weather turning COLD! I've packed away all my summer things and am glad to be finally able to wear my coats again.
Other than that, I don't have a whole heap going on. I went to see Nikki in her school (Camberwell High) production of 'Singing in The Rain' on Wednesday, which was opening night. They were still really nervous, and had a few issues, but overall it was really really well done. A much higher standard than I was expecting from a school production. The girls that played Lina and Kathy were both REALLY good performers, their vocals were excellent, and they had great stage pressence. The boys were pretty good too. I was impressed to see them tap dancing. However their singing wasn't as good as the girls, but you can't have everything. The guy that played the director was hilarious! Some serious talent in that production for sure, they've got potential!
Went to dinner with Kay and Nick, and Ness on Tuesday night. Which was fun. We talk trips these days, makes a good general everyone topic. Had my first Hogs Breath experiance, I'm on board! Quite tasty!
The big family computer is almost out of memory, which I must admit is probably mostly my fault. Between all my tv shows, music, and pictures....there's a lot of stuff on there. So I might have to invest in a hard drive sooner than planned. But I've found some good prices which should be fine.
I think that's all for now. Not a whole lot to report, as usual :)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Things You Didn't Know About Me - Part 2
Here's something else I bet you didn't know......
There is one so that would be my 'go to song', if for instance, my life depended on me singing well. That song would be Home - from Beauty and The Beast: The Musical. It is just one song that I feel confident in singing consistantly.....however lets hope that never happens, because its not THAT good.
Another song that might be my 'go to' song would be 'How Do I Live' by LeAnn Rimes, or 'You Were Meant For Me' - by Jewel.
There is one so that would be my 'go to song', if for instance, my life depended on me singing well. That song would be Home - from Beauty and The Beast: The Musical. It is just one song that I feel confident in singing consistantly.....however lets hope that never happens, because its not THAT good.
Another song that might be my 'go to' song would be 'How Do I Live' by LeAnn Rimes, or 'You Were Meant For Me' - by Jewel.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Things You Didn't Know About Me
Starting a new mini post theme....things you may not know about me.
1. There are 2 songs that if I am listening to, I HAVE to dance to, I have no choice (as long as I'm not in public, or driving). These 2 songs are, 'Tonight's the Night' by P!nk, and Bust a Move - The Matthew Morrison Glee version.
I just really enjoy dancing to those songs, which I bet you didn't know.
1. There are 2 songs that if I am listening to, I HAVE to dance to, I have no choice (as long as I'm not in public, or driving). These 2 songs are, 'Tonight's the Night' by P!nk, and Bust a Move - The Matthew Morrison Glee version.
I just really enjoy dancing to those songs, which I bet you didn't know.
Look's Like I'm Growing
I was thinking about it today, how I used to get really jealous all the time. Growing up if someone else had something, I had to have it too! I used to get so mad at my parents for not taking me places that other family members and friends would go - like Disneyland, I got mad about that one A LOT. I would also pester them to get things that others had, like DVD players. I begged for one for at least a year before we finally got one.
And when my sister got her new laptop, I would have been really mad and whinge about how I never got stuff like that when I was her age. Which has happened a lot, cause she's always gotten things much earlier than I did. Same goes with my bro. I got an ipod for a joint xmas and birthday pressie, he got 1 for xmas, lost it, then got a new one the next xmas......so its not entirely based on nothing, there is some good reason behind the way I used to feel.
Now, it appears I am growing. instead of worrying about what I don't have, and when I can get stuff....like my iphone (not so worried anymore), I'm letting things go. I'm prioritizing, and looking at the bigger picture.
I think being a poor student for these last few years has humbled me. Hopefully I've finally grown out of it....cause it could get messy later in life. But it's times like these that I think about stuff like this....or I've been watching too many behavoral themed things :P
And when my sister got her new laptop, I would have been really mad and whinge about how I never got stuff like that when I was her age. Which has happened a lot, cause she's always gotten things much earlier than I did. Same goes with my bro. I got an ipod for a joint xmas and birthday pressie, he got 1 for xmas, lost it, then got a new one the next xmas......so its not entirely based on nothing, there is some good reason behind the way I used to feel.
Now, it appears I am growing. instead of worrying about what I don't have, and when I can get stuff....like my iphone (not so worried anymore), I'm letting things go. I'm prioritizing, and looking at the bigger picture.
I think being a poor student for these last few years has humbled me. Hopefully I've finally grown out of it....cause it could get messy later in life. But it's times like these that I think about stuff like this....or I've been watching too many behavoral themed things :P
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
A Tina Fey Weekend
So I had a bit of a Tina Fey weekend...sorta....not really....but I like the sound of it!
Friday was Nikki's birthday. My parents got her a very fancy laptop...which she needs, cause its impossible to do homework in the kitchen....however I'm still a little jealous.
Mum helped her start it up and then I helped with the harder stuff. Mum made pikelets for breaky.
I spent a good deal of the day helping Nikki with odd bits and pieces on the computer.
We went to Sofia's for dinner all five of us.....weird as heck - we haven't done that in years.
Saturday the house was pretty quiet and it was dark and rainy outside so I watched Victor/Victoria and then headed down to Ness' for movie night.
Sunday morning we went to see Date Night (with Tina Fey, and Steve Carell). It was really good....well I enjoyed it. It was also a lot better than I expected, not all the funny stuff was in the trailers...cause that happens sometimes.
(for more info the weekend....head over to my tv blog...)
Today I went over to Jacinta's. We hadn't seen each other since graduation, so we hung out for a while, then went over to The Glen. Got lunch and did some browsing. I bought a lip gloss from Priceline cause they had 20% off makeup.
Tomorrow I'm gonna head down and get my blood test done. I've got my annual doctors checkup at Peter Mac in a couple of weeks and should get that taken care of.
So not a lot else to report.....
Watch This Space!
Friday was Nikki's birthday. My parents got her a very fancy laptop...which she needs, cause its impossible to do homework in the kitchen....however I'm still a little jealous.
Mum helped her start it up and then I helped with the harder stuff. Mum made pikelets for breaky.
I spent a good deal of the day helping Nikki with odd bits and pieces on the computer.
We went to Sofia's for dinner all five of us.....weird as heck - we haven't done that in years.
Saturday the house was pretty quiet and it was dark and rainy outside so I watched Victor/Victoria and then headed down to Ness' for movie night.
Sunday morning we went to see Date Night (with Tina Fey, and Steve Carell). It was really good....well I enjoyed it. It was also a lot better than I expected, not all the funny stuff was in the trailers...cause that happens sometimes.
(for more info the weekend....head over to my tv blog...)
Today I went over to Jacinta's. We hadn't seen each other since graduation, so we hung out for a while, then went over to The Glen. Got lunch and did some browsing. I bought a lip gloss from Priceline cause they had 20% off makeup.
Tomorrow I'm gonna head down and get my blood test done. I've got my annual doctors checkup at Peter Mac in a couple of weeks and should get that taken care of.
So not a lot else to report.....
Watch This Space!
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Update - April
Well tomorrow is my sister's 15th Birthday. Wow that makes me feel old! Nikki is old enough to work now. Wonder how long it will be till she has a job....at this rate she could still beat me!
So I haven't been up to much lately. Just looking for work, and researching stuff for my trip to the US.
Speaking of which, we booked the international flights this week. Super exciting! Now just to organise the rest of the stuff.
I worked over Easter. Thursday they had me working from 10:30am, till 7:30pm. It nearly killed me, and they forgot my lunch break. But it was okay in the end.
I spent most of Friday recovering, but went to see Grandma and Grandpa. Showed them my degree.
Oh year, I forgot I had my uni graduation on a few weeks ago. It was fun, Liz, Jacinta and I all graduated at the same time. Then Liz, Maryann, John and James came out to dinner with me and Mum. Maree also came which was really nice. I was getting a bit sick of explaining why my dad wasn't there, he was at the football.
I mean I don't care that he wasn't there....but I wish he would have wanted to be.
Then I worked again on the Saturday but only for 5 hours this time. I was pretty dead by the end of it. But movie night at Ness' woke me up good.
Wish me luck that things will pick up soon!
So I haven't been up to much lately. Just looking for work, and researching stuff for my trip to the US.
Speaking of which, we booked the international flights this week. Super exciting! Now just to organise the rest of the stuff.
I worked over Easter. Thursday they had me working from 10:30am, till 7:30pm. It nearly killed me, and they forgot my lunch break. But it was okay in the end.
I spent most of Friday recovering, but went to see Grandma and Grandpa. Showed them my degree.
Oh year, I forgot I had my uni graduation on a few weeks ago. It was fun, Liz, Jacinta and I all graduated at the same time. Then Liz, Maryann, John and James came out to dinner with me and Mum. Maree also came which was really nice. I was getting a bit sick of explaining why my dad wasn't there, he was at the football.
I mean I don't care that he wasn't there....but I wish he would have wanted to be.
Then I worked again on the Saturday but only for 5 hours this time. I was pretty dead by the end of it. But movie night at Ness' woke me up good.
Wish me luck that things will pick up soon!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Today when I was searching my room for a document, I stumbled across an old folder of writing notes from those years when I was into writing (both regular stuff and fanfiction).
Now I'm reading through it and finding amusement out of the things that are related to The West Wing...
for example, I have a bunch of notes on a piece of paper from 2007 (at least a year before I ever even saw an episode of The West Wing), with the phrase, 'Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc' written on it. Now I'm assuming this is just a phrase that I liked from my critical thinking class in my first year of uni. But its the only one on the page that isn't related to a movie, tv show or song....and since it is an episode title from TWW...its funny.
On another page is a scene from one of the odd fanfics I wrote for Crossing Jordan, with a hotel/bar called The Ainsley.....dunno wear I pulled Ainsley from....but it makes me laugh.
....I guess I could play 6 degrees and connect pretty much anything to something if I wanted to, but I just thought it was interesting.
Also....there is a page with lists of all the cities and states I want to visit across the world, and in the US....DC is not on the list, but Kentucky, Ohio, and Nebraska are....why? That I do not know.
I guess once upon a time I had reasons to want to go to those places, but obviously I have changed my opinions in the last few years.
In other news, in the past couple of weeks I've seen a few movies. I saw Crazy Heart, and LOVED it. The music is really good, and maybe if I can ever find it, I will get the soundtrack. I also saw Alice in Wonderland in 3D VMAX, so it was a costly night, but worth it. I really enjoyed it. -That was the night of the big Melbourne storms, and seeing as I was down in Karingal, I missed it. But thats a good thing, cause there was no damage or poweroutages!
Last week I borrowed The Young Victoria - really really good; The Time Traveller's Wife - not so great; and Up. Up I loved it but didn't LOVE it in the same way I love the others, I don't think I could watch it as often as I watch Finding Nemo, Toy Storys and Monsters Inc.
Last night I saw Men Who Stare at Goats. It was really good, funny, and not quite what I expected. It was weird and entertaining. Just how I like things.
Now I'm reading through it and finding amusement out of the things that are related to The West Wing...
for example, I have a bunch of notes on a piece of paper from 2007 (at least a year before I ever even saw an episode of The West Wing), with the phrase, 'Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc' written on it. Now I'm assuming this is just a phrase that I liked from my critical thinking class in my first year of uni. But its the only one on the page that isn't related to a movie, tv show or song....and since it is an episode title from TWW...its funny.
On another page is a scene from one of the odd fanfics I wrote for Crossing Jordan, with a hotel/bar called The Ainsley.....dunno wear I pulled Ainsley from....but it makes me laugh.
....I guess I could play 6 degrees and connect pretty much anything to something if I wanted to, but I just thought it was interesting.
Also....there is a page with lists of all the cities and states I want to visit across the world, and in the US....DC is not on the list, but Kentucky, Ohio, and Nebraska are....why? That I do not know.
I guess once upon a time I had reasons to want to go to those places, but obviously I have changed my opinions in the last few years.
In other news, in the past couple of weeks I've seen a few movies. I saw Crazy Heart, and LOVED it. The music is really good, and maybe if I can ever find it, I will get the soundtrack. I also saw Alice in Wonderland in 3D VMAX, so it was a costly night, but worth it. I really enjoyed it. -That was the night of the big Melbourne storms, and seeing as I was down in Karingal, I missed it. But thats a good thing, cause there was no damage or poweroutages!
Last week I borrowed The Young Victoria - really really good; The Time Traveller's Wife - not so great; and Up. Up I loved it but didn't LOVE it in the same way I love the others, I don't think I could watch it as often as I watch Finding Nemo, Toy Storys and Monsters Inc.
Last night I saw Men Who Stare at Goats. It was really good, funny, and not quite what I expected. It was weird and entertaining. Just how I like things.
Monday, March 15, 2010
March Update
Last week was perhaps my least favorite week of the whole year. Monday was my Grandpa's birthday, Wednesday was my Mum's, and Thursday was my brothers. My whole life I have been very jealous of my family in March, cause all my cousins and stuff tend to have birthdays then....and not me. So I get grumpy...but the older I get, the more I am getting past it....as it should be!
Monday we went over to my Grandparent's and everyone brought food, just Mum and I went from out family, and only Sarah, Tracy and Elizabeth and James turned up in terms of cousins. It was fun though, everyone was talking about the major storms Melbourne saw over the weekend. Some had house and car damage...but we didn't have much at my place. I missed the whole thing, as I was down at Ness'...which was lucky for the car!
Tuesday I went shopping with Jacinta for some new interview/work clothes. We had lunch and then hung out her place for a bit. We seem to have developed a routine which is good.
Wednesday I had my interview in the morning, Mum dropped me off, and I met up with her after. The interview went ok, but I don't think anything is gonna come out of it. I don't think its really my ideal place to work, as it seems I would be alone most of the time...which doesn't sound much fun.
After the interview, we did some shopping, and then when we finally got home I got to give Mum her present...she was really happy to get a present and a card...which makes me sad that the rest of the family is super slack. I got her Baby Boom on dvd...one of her all time fave movies. We ended up watching that afternoon.
Mum, Scott, Nikki and I went out to Michelangelos in Burwood for dinner. It was really nice food, and a really quiet restaurant which was nice.
Thursday I worked, which was helpful, moneywise...then we had a special dinner of chinese and cake for Scott's bday.
The fact that there is still nothing on the job front...is starting to get both depressing and annoying. I spent the last few days searching and applying...but each time I care less and less about the job, and more about finding something. Which is bad...but here's hoping I find something soon...cause I'm gonna go crazy with nothing to do but watch tv...
Oh well....wish me luck!
Monday we went over to my Grandparent's and everyone brought food, just Mum and I went from out family, and only Sarah, Tracy and Elizabeth and James turned up in terms of cousins. It was fun though, everyone was talking about the major storms Melbourne saw over the weekend. Some had house and car damage...but we didn't have much at my place. I missed the whole thing, as I was down at Ness'...which was lucky for the car!
Tuesday I went shopping with Jacinta for some new interview/work clothes. We had lunch and then hung out her place for a bit. We seem to have developed a routine which is good.
Wednesday I had my interview in the morning, Mum dropped me off, and I met up with her after. The interview went ok, but I don't think anything is gonna come out of it. I don't think its really my ideal place to work, as it seems I would be alone most of the time...which doesn't sound much fun.
After the interview, we did some shopping, and then when we finally got home I got to give Mum her present...she was really happy to get a present and a card...which makes me sad that the rest of the family is super slack. I got her Baby Boom on dvd...one of her all time fave movies. We ended up watching that afternoon.
Mum, Scott, Nikki and I went out to Michelangelos in Burwood for dinner. It was really nice food, and a really quiet restaurant which was nice.
Thursday I worked, which was helpful, moneywise...then we had a special dinner of chinese and cake for Scott's bday.
The fact that there is still nothing on the job front...is starting to get both depressing and annoying. I spent the last few days searching and applying...but each time I care less and less about the job, and more about finding something. Which is bad...but here's hoping I find something soon...cause I'm gonna go crazy with nothing to do but watch tv...
Oh well....wish me luck!
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Technical Dificulties!
So....this is my first post for March 2010.....and this evening I have gone a little internet crazy, because both the internet and the foxtel were down since around 3pm yesterday...which means I didn't go online since yesterday morning, cause I was having movie day with Jacinta.
So yesterday turned out to be a big movie day for me. Jacinta and I borrowed Whip It- which was really good, and Inglorious Bastards - which was good and I glad I saw it...but it was very very slow for the most part...and over 2 hours long.
Then Mum and I were contemplating going to see The Blind Side, cause it was cheap movie day, and then since the net and the foxtel were both not working...which means there was no tv either (cause we don't have a working aerial), we thought we really ought to. I'm glad we did, cause I really enjoyed it (I would have definately seen it, just maybe not this week). Sandra Bullock was really good in it...and it was also a greally moving story.
Then today since there was nothing else to watch (including Ellen with Lauren -which I was VERY mad about!), I found myself having a Megan Mullally day; this consisted of at least 4 episodes of Will and Grace and FAME. Fame wasn't THAT fantastic, but good enough...and having Megan sing in it was awesome...pity there was no Bebe singing.
I kept wanting to put on another tv show or movie....but nothing inspired me. Although I think in the next few days I might need to watch a RENT, or something.
FINALLY our net came back late this arvo, which meant I had TONS of tweets to catch up on. -At least they were good ones! Plus tons of other net stuff to catch up on.
ALSO, in all the net drama....I've had a busy day jobwise. Yesterday I got a call from one of the companies I applied for, and they left a message, I got back to them today. The guy was very happy to chat, and seemed keen...but it turns out the job was more design targeted than I'm really interested in...and while I think he wanted to be able to consider me for the job, he knew I wasn't really up to it. So I guess that is actually a good thing, no point going after jobs that I can't do. So anyways..I was a little bummed about that, but then just as the day was wrapping up and I was listening to music, my phone rings just before 5pm. One of the admin jobs I applied for, wanted me for an interview next week. This is my first interview call in...I guess the other 2 were technically phone interviews...I'm not setting my hopes high, but its a good start nonetheless.
Wish me luck!
So yesterday turned out to be a big movie day for me. Jacinta and I borrowed Whip It- which was really good, and Inglorious Bastards - which was good and I glad I saw it...but it was very very slow for the most part...and over 2 hours long.
Then Mum and I were contemplating going to see The Blind Side, cause it was cheap movie day, and then since the net and the foxtel were both not working...which means there was no tv either (cause we don't have a working aerial), we thought we really ought to. I'm glad we did, cause I really enjoyed it (I would have definately seen it, just maybe not this week). Sandra Bullock was really good in it...and it was also a greally moving story.
Then today since there was nothing else to watch (including Ellen with Lauren -which I was VERY mad about!), I found myself having a Megan Mullally day; this consisted of at least 4 episodes of Will and Grace and FAME. Fame wasn't THAT fantastic, but good enough...and having Megan sing in it was awesome...pity there was no Bebe singing.
I kept wanting to put on another tv show or movie....but nothing inspired me. Although I think in the next few days I might need to watch a RENT, or something.
FINALLY our net came back late this arvo, which meant I had TONS of tweets to catch up on. -At least they were good ones! Plus tons of other net stuff to catch up on.
ALSO, in all the net drama....I've had a busy day jobwise. Yesterday I got a call from one of the companies I applied for, and they left a message, I got back to them today. The guy was very happy to chat, and seemed keen...but it turns out the job was more design targeted than I'm really interested in...and while I think he wanted to be able to consider me for the job, he knew I wasn't really up to it. So I guess that is actually a good thing, no point going after jobs that I can't do. So anyways..I was a little bummed about that, but then just as the day was wrapping up and I was listening to music, my phone rings just before 5pm. One of the admin jobs I applied for, wanted me for an interview next week. This is my first interview call in...I guess the other 2 were technically phone interviews...I'm not setting my hopes high, but its a good start nonetheless.
Wish me luck!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Inside My Head
So yesterday I pulled out my old diary that I started at the end of grade 6, and had through till the early 2000's. I couldn't help reading through it.
Some of what I wrote was silly not understanding the bounds of reality. The early stuff is kinda sad because I was so close to my cousins Jade and Caitlin for a while there, and now I never see them, and have nothing in common with them anymore.
Some stuff is funny, how it changes from 1 post to another, like how in the first post I didn't want to start high school....and then in the next post I couldn't wait. Or I'd be best friends with someone, and then next post I'd be hating them. Oh how teen issues are complicated!
Pretty much most of pop culture that I talk about in this diary is Charmed, which was my big no.1 tv show for a few years. However, there are also mentions of Spice Girls a lot.
And in 1998 Alicia Silverstone was my fave Actress, and my fave movie was Spiceworld.....WOW. I mean weird! But then again I was only 12.
TV Hits was my fave magazine, and then I saw Titanic...and I became obsessed with Leo Dicaprio! Even scarier! Oh the scary 90's teenybopper music bands they had.....in 1999 butterfly clips came in, and went out...
These are a few random notes that I pulled out from it:
There is one part in March of 2000, where I really hated my name, and thought the following were good names....Prue, Phoebe, Libby, Alyssa, Shannen, Anastasia, Buffy or Sabrina.....WHAT?! I was seriously disturbed!
Also in March 2000, I listed my fave tv shows, highlighting my faves: Friends, Ally McBeal, The Practice, Home and Away, Charmed, Neighbours, Above The Law, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Blue Heelers, Providence, Dawson's Creek, Just Shoot Me, Family Law, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, 7th Heaven, Popstars, and Dharma and Greg. Hmmm.
-I'm a little embarrassed by some of those...I'll let you decide which :P
I have learned I was was always in love with Joshua Jackson :P, however I liked some guys back then that I can't explain reasons for!
WOW I used to think that my cousins living in Eltham was far!!!! Oh funny.....however when you don't have access to a car, Eltham IS really really far...(lol it rhymes)
awwww I made comment about preparing to watch the ep of Ally McBeal where Billy dies.....sad :(
But why is there a whole paragraph about what is GOING to happen on my tv shows? weird.
For some weird reason in the year 2000 I was keen on dying my hair brown....
Also in 2000 I created my very first website. A site dedicated to Charmed (ofcourse!)
I love that ever since 2000 I haved wanted to be Alice in Wonderland for a dressup party...but still never have been.
Then in 2001 we got The Sims, and I am still playing all these years later...what can I say, I love building and decorating houses, and the pretend families aren't that bad either :P
Ok Yes....totally random, and not making a lot of sense, but its funny how things have changed, and how some things haven't.
Some of what I wrote was silly not understanding the bounds of reality. The early stuff is kinda sad because I was so close to my cousins Jade and Caitlin for a while there, and now I never see them, and have nothing in common with them anymore.
Some stuff is funny, how it changes from 1 post to another, like how in the first post I didn't want to start high school....and then in the next post I couldn't wait. Or I'd be best friends with someone, and then next post I'd be hating them. Oh how teen issues are complicated!
Pretty much most of pop culture that I talk about in this diary is Charmed, which was my big no.1 tv show for a few years. However, there are also mentions of Spice Girls a lot.
And in 1998 Alicia Silverstone was my fave Actress, and my fave movie was Spiceworld.....WOW. I mean weird! But then again I was only 12.
TV Hits was my fave magazine, and then I saw Titanic...and I became obsessed with Leo Dicaprio! Even scarier! Oh the scary 90's teenybopper music bands they had.....in 1999 butterfly clips came in, and went out...
These are a few random notes that I pulled out from it:
There is one part in March of 2000, where I really hated my name, and thought the following were good names....Prue, Phoebe, Libby, Alyssa, Shannen, Anastasia, Buffy or Sabrina.....WHAT?! I was seriously disturbed!
Also in March 2000, I listed my fave tv shows, highlighting my faves: Friends, Ally McBeal, The Practice, Home and Away, Charmed, Neighbours, Above The Law, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Blue Heelers, Providence, Dawson's Creek, Just Shoot Me, Family Law, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, 7th Heaven, Popstars, and Dharma and Greg. Hmmm.
-I'm a little embarrassed by some of those...I'll let you decide which :P
I have learned I was was always in love with Joshua Jackson :P, however I liked some guys back then that I can't explain reasons for!
WOW I used to think that my cousins living in Eltham was far!!!! Oh funny.....however when you don't have access to a car, Eltham IS really really far...(lol it rhymes)
awwww I made comment about preparing to watch the ep of Ally McBeal where Billy dies.....sad :(
But why is there a whole paragraph about what is GOING to happen on my tv shows? weird.
For some weird reason in the year 2000 I was keen on dying my hair brown....
Also in 2000 I created my very first website. A site dedicated to Charmed (ofcourse!)
I love that ever since 2000 I haved wanted to be Alice in Wonderland for a dressup party...but still never have been.
Then in 2001 we got The Sims, and I am still playing all these years later...what can I say, I love building and decorating houses, and the pretend families aren't that bad either :P
Ok Yes....totally random, and not making a lot of sense, but its funny how things have changed, and how some things haven't.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
A Weekend in The Country
Ok...so Frankston isn't exactly the country...but you pass a few paddocks and stuff to get there!
So this past week I was pretty busy, or at least occupied. Monday I went with Mum down to see my uncle Neil and aunt Marg's new place. It is pretty fancy, without being TOO modern or annoying. But they do tend to buy in those designed groups of houses so they all match and stuff.
Tuesday was $1.95 movie rental day at VideoEzy, so Mum and I went and got The Ugly Truth and My Sister's Keeper. We watched The Ugly Truth that arvo, it was a shocker, but not as bad as it could have been....but not good...so predictable with little else to offer to make up for it.
Tuesday night Jacinta and I went out to Sofia's for dinner, with an early stop at JB. I finally bought season 6 of Will and Grace. After our kinda early dinner (for eating out) we walked down to Borders and explored for a while. Jacinta bought stuff...I didn't. (As usual)
We hung out at my place for a while afterwards, watching Superbowl ads on youtube....however nothing was that interesting really. I always thought those ads were supposed to be cool and interesting...I guess not. lol
Wednesday I finally got around to watching My Sister's Keeper. I haven't read the book, but I had really wanted to see it anyways. I thought it was really good, and found it really interesting, in a almost too close to home kind of way. Lets just say it brought up a lot of old memories from when I was going through the chemo and stuff.
-I know the ending in the book is different, and since I haven't read it, am not sure if it makes sense when you read it, but the movie ending seems to make more sense.
Thursday was another shift at Safeway. The storms made for a bit of excitement at the end of the shift. I had a great view of all the lightening and rain. Finally a bit of a break from the heat!
Yesterday I watched some of the Winter Olympic opening ceremony...but I don't think I care that much about them...I mean I'll probably watch bits and pieces of the hockey and iceskating, but won't really go out of my way to watch it.
Then in the evening I did usual movie night with Ness. We somehow managed to watch a bunch of stuff that had none of the same people in it...which is rare with us. We watched some more Ally McBeal, and Walk The Line. We went out to get soft drink, and stopped at the ATM, and I thought I got out $20...however today when I opened my purse I only had a 10 in there....so either I never picked up the money, or I lost it somewhere...possibly the movies? I don't know. But anyways...I'm going to be very attentive when I go to ATMs from now on!
Today we went and saw Valentines Day...on Valentines Day. It was pretty packed in the cinema, but we were smart and went down early and got our tickets...because we came back after getting milkshakes and the line was all the way out the door! The movie was really good...I mean there were so many people in it that I would have liked it anyways. But there were bits that were really cute! Most importantly they didn't skimp on the Jennifer. She was in it plenty!
So there it is, my past week....not very exciting...unless you're me I guess.
So this past week I was pretty busy, or at least occupied. Monday I went with Mum down to see my uncle Neil and aunt Marg's new place. It is pretty fancy, without being TOO modern or annoying. But they do tend to buy in those designed groups of houses so they all match and stuff.
Tuesday was $1.95 movie rental day at VideoEzy, so Mum and I went and got The Ugly Truth and My Sister's Keeper. We watched The Ugly Truth that arvo, it was a shocker, but not as bad as it could have been....but not good...so predictable with little else to offer to make up for it.
Tuesday night Jacinta and I went out to Sofia's for dinner, with an early stop at JB. I finally bought season 6 of Will and Grace. After our kinda early dinner (for eating out) we walked down to Borders and explored for a while. Jacinta bought stuff...I didn't. (As usual)
We hung out at my place for a while afterwards, watching Superbowl ads on youtube....however nothing was that interesting really. I always thought those ads were supposed to be cool and interesting...I guess not. lol
Wednesday I finally got around to watching My Sister's Keeper. I haven't read the book, but I had really wanted to see it anyways. I thought it was really good, and found it really interesting, in a almost too close to home kind of way. Lets just say it brought up a lot of old memories from when I was going through the chemo and stuff.
-I know the ending in the book is different, and since I haven't read it, am not sure if it makes sense when you read it, but the movie ending seems to make more sense.
Thursday was another shift at Safeway. The storms made for a bit of excitement at the end of the shift. I had a great view of all the lightening and rain. Finally a bit of a break from the heat!
Yesterday I watched some of the Winter Olympic opening ceremony...but I don't think I care that much about them...I mean I'll probably watch bits and pieces of the hockey and iceskating, but won't really go out of my way to watch it.
Then in the evening I did usual movie night with Ness. We somehow managed to watch a bunch of stuff that had none of the same people in it...which is rare with us. We watched some more Ally McBeal, and Walk The Line. We went out to get soft drink, and stopped at the ATM, and I thought I got out $20...however today when I opened my purse I only had a 10 in there....so either I never picked up the money, or I lost it somewhere...possibly the movies? I don't know. But anyways...I'm going to be very attentive when I go to ATMs from now on!
Today we went and saw Valentines Day...on Valentines Day. It was pretty packed in the cinema, but we were smart and went down early and got our tickets...because we came back after getting milkshakes and the line was all the way out the door! The movie was really good...I mean there were so many people in it that I would have liked it anyways. But there were bits that were really cute! Most importantly they didn't skimp on the Jennifer. She was in it plenty!
So there it is, my past week....not very exciting...unless you're me I guess.
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Wow I'm Bad
No posts in weeks! I guess I've been distracted with other things, cause God knows I haven't been busy!
Lets see....post-wedding, I was pretty much recovering from sunburn. It hurt for a little while, but not too badly. Then it became itchy and I was peeling a little. -in case you were wondering :p
I've been working the last few Thursdays at Safeway...which is weirding me out. But at least its money going back onto my credit card, and allowing me to stop dipping into the last of my savings. Now that school holidays are over, the store has gotten busy again, but it's not too bad.
Other than the once a week work, I did a few social activities. Sunday Ness and I went to see Nine, which was pretty good, but not a catchy traditional musical. But it was nice to see a lot of people who don't normally sing, sing. The night before we did movie night with Nick and Kay, which is always fun...but more fun when we don't have pizza issues. I guess we order so much pizza from that place, we were due for a mix-up!
Then, it was a double dose of Jacinta last week. Tuesday we went to see Alvin and the Chipmunks 2...it was pretty bad, but not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I actually enjoyed it....I mean there were so many people I like in it. Then we did burgers at the new place next to the ticket box. - not bad, although a little big for me to handle...I like the chips with their different seasonings. After that since we were melting in the heat, we headed back to her place, and watched tv and talked about all those shows and books we used to read as kids. Then talked travel with her mum and bro....got some nice tips for my trip.
Wednesday we did a trip down to DFO in Cheltenham. Jacinta found some stuff....but I left with nothing again. She took a good chunk of my cd collection and we made plans for next week.
No more movies this week, but I do have a free one now...so I'm sure there will be more to see soon!
Other than the social stuff, mostly I've been watching dvds, playing Sims 2 and slowly getting through some house clean up and organisation....while also looking for jobs. Lets hope something comes up soon!
Lets see....post-wedding, I was pretty much recovering from sunburn. It hurt for a little while, but not too badly. Then it became itchy and I was peeling a little. -in case you were wondering :p
I've been working the last few Thursdays at Safeway...which is weirding me out. But at least its money going back onto my credit card, and allowing me to stop dipping into the last of my savings. Now that school holidays are over, the store has gotten busy again, but it's not too bad.
Other than the once a week work, I did a few social activities. Sunday Ness and I went to see Nine, which was pretty good, but not a catchy traditional musical. But it was nice to see a lot of people who don't normally sing, sing. The night before we did movie night with Nick and Kay, which is always fun...but more fun when we don't have pizza issues. I guess we order so much pizza from that place, we were due for a mix-up!
Then, it was a double dose of Jacinta last week. Tuesday we went to see Alvin and the Chipmunks 2...it was pretty bad, but not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I actually enjoyed it....I mean there were so many people I like in it. Then we did burgers at the new place next to the ticket box. - not bad, although a little big for me to handle...I like the chips with their different seasonings. After that since we were melting in the heat, we headed back to her place, and watched tv and talked about all those shows and books we used to read as kids. Then talked travel with her mum and bro....got some nice tips for my trip.
Wednesday we did a trip down to DFO in Cheltenham. Jacinta found some stuff....but I left with nothing again. She took a good chunk of my cd collection and we made plans for next week.
No more movies this week, but I do have a free one now...so I'm sure there will be more to see soon!
Other than the social stuff, mostly I've been watching dvds, playing Sims 2 and slowly getting through some house clean up and organisation....while also looking for jobs. Lets hope something comes up soon!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Australia Day Weekend
So this past weekend has been the long (Australia Day) weekend. I don't really care much about Australia Day, but this weekend was also the big day for my cousin Elizabeth who tied the knot to James.
Mum, Nikki and I headed down to Mornington yesterday morning, and arrived around noon, and went for a swim. The day was awesome, and quite hot in the sun. The water was amazingly clear and not too cold which was great. Plus it really did wonders for my feet!
After a decent swim, we found some lunch and went to our hotel room. We stayed just down the road from the reception place, which was easy...not as easy as staying AT the reception place, but Mum was misinformed about where it was.....but lets not go into that.
Scott met us down there. The room was massive, a double bed, a single, and Scott slept on the couch. The bathroom had a really massive spa bath too which was fun.
After getting all spiffed up, we headed down to the coast for the ceremony. It was just above the beach on the hill. Gorgeous setting! However, we stood out in the sun waiting for it to start, and then during....and I wound up VERY burnt on my chest/back/shoulders...the pain is not good at all.
But apart from that, it was a really lovely wedding. Elizabeth and James are a cute couple, and it was very sweet. Sarah and Kate were the bridesmaids, in green. But they had different style dresses, which I always like.
After the ceremony, Mum, Scott, Nikki and I went to see Auntie Joan's new house (after moving back from England) -which is just across the street from the reception place. She got this really lovely little place that she has added touches onto. We had a cool drink and a chat, before heading across the road.
We stood around for ages waiting again. I kept having to hold everybody's drinks for some reason at different times....and yet never had one myself! lol. Scott, Nikki and I were seated at the 'kids' or cousin's table, with Ben, Janelle, Luke and Regan, and 2 other girls that were friends of Elizabeth's. They were really nice and we all chatted away throughout the night. I had the chicken entree, and the beef main. Both were really good. I sat next to Luke and we chatted about TV a bit. But he's into a lot more stuff that's perhaps not my style, or I have just never seen. But we offer our opinions all the same.
After the speeches, which were fun (Uncle John had one written down this time...unlike Kate's engagement party disaster!), we had some dancing. Mum had had a fair bit to drink and was in the mood to dance...she tried to drag me up but I was not having any of it.
After dessert (which was awesome, mini lemon meringue, choc mousse and tiramissue), they started playing some good songs, and the non-related girls got up to dance with me and Nikki, Regan, and Scott too. So we all had fun dancing to some good 80's and 90's stuff...I mean it was the music Liz and I grew up with, her being 1 year younger than me. I mean they played Vengaboys! But it was a lot of fun, we danced till the night was over. I never once took off my shoes, which I am quite proud of. They were pretty comfy.
It was a really nice evening, not too many people - mostly just family and close friends. Someone said only 100 people. Which was nice, cause it wasn't too crowded or noisy. They also didn't play the music loud during the night, until it was time to dance. So we all had a chance to chat!
After it was all over, we headed back to the hotel, I had a spa bath and went to sleep...once Mum shut up...she was in that drunk chatty/noisy mode...it was driving me and Nic nuts! -Scott was out like a light....
Today we were going to go to the beach, and/or a BBQ at John and Mary's, but we weren't really in the mood, between lack of sleep and bad sunburn. Plus it was a bit cool for a swim early in the day. So we packed up and got breakfast in Mornington, and headed home.
There is another family wedding in the works (Kate and Ged's)...time for someone else to get engaged...however the rest of us don't have partners, so it could be a long wait :P
Mum, Nikki and I headed down to Mornington yesterday morning, and arrived around noon, and went for a swim. The day was awesome, and quite hot in the sun. The water was amazingly clear and not too cold which was great. Plus it really did wonders for my feet!
After a decent swim, we found some lunch and went to our hotel room. We stayed just down the road from the reception place, which was easy...not as easy as staying AT the reception place, but Mum was misinformed about where it was.....but lets not go into that.
Scott met us down there. The room was massive, a double bed, a single, and Scott slept on the couch. The bathroom had a really massive spa bath too which was fun.
After getting all spiffed up, we headed down to the coast for the ceremony. It was just above the beach on the hill. Gorgeous setting! However, we stood out in the sun waiting for it to start, and then during....and I wound up VERY burnt on my chest/back/shoulders...the pain is not good at all.
But apart from that, it was a really lovely wedding. Elizabeth and James are a cute couple, and it was very sweet. Sarah and Kate were the bridesmaids, in green. But they had different style dresses, which I always like.
After the ceremony, Mum, Scott, Nikki and I went to see Auntie Joan's new house (after moving back from England) -which is just across the street from the reception place. She got this really lovely little place that she has added touches onto. We had a cool drink and a chat, before heading across the road.
We stood around for ages waiting again. I kept having to hold everybody's drinks for some reason at different times....and yet never had one myself! lol. Scott, Nikki and I were seated at the 'kids' or cousin's table, with Ben, Janelle, Luke and Regan, and 2 other girls that were friends of Elizabeth's. They were really nice and we all chatted away throughout the night. I had the chicken entree, and the beef main. Both were really good. I sat next to Luke and we chatted about TV a bit. But he's into a lot more stuff that's perhaps not my style, or I have just never seen. But we offer our opinions all the same.
After the speeches, which were fun (Uncle John had one written down this time...unlike Kate's engagement party disaster!), we had some dancing. Mum had had a fair bit to drink and was in the mood to dance...she tried to drag me up but I was not having any of it.
After dessert (which was awesome, mini lemon meringue, choc mousse and tiramissue), they started playing some good songs, and the non-related girls got up to dance with me and Nikki, Regan, and Scott too. So we all had fun dancing to some good 80's and 90's stuff...I mean it was the music Liz and I grew up with, her being 1 year younger than me. I mean they played Vengaboys! But it was a lot of fun, we danced till the night was over. I never once took off my shoes, which I am quite proud of. They were pretty comfy.
It was a really nice evening, not too many people - mostly just family and close friends. Someone said only 100 people. Which was nice, cause it wasn't too crowded or noisy. They also didn't play the music loud during the night, until it was time to dance. So we all had a chance to chat!
After it was all over, we headed back to the hotel, I had a spa bath and went to sleep...once Mum shut up...she was in that drunk chatty/noisy mode...it was driving me and Nic nuts! -Scott was out like a light....
Today we were going to go to the beach, and/or a BBQ at John and Mary's, but we weren't really in the mood, between lack of sleep and bad sunburn. Plus it was a bit cool for a swim early in the day. So we packed up and got breakfast in Mornington, and headed home.
There is another family wedding in the works (Kate and Ged's)...time for someone else to get engaged...however the rest of us don't have partners, so it could be a long wait :P
Sunday, January 24, 2010
The Screen Actors Guild Awards, Afterthoughts
So here’s my take on the fashions:
Best Dressed SAGs
- I though Christina Applegate looked really nice in the blue dress, very classy and not at all weird.
- The kids were pretty cute. I thought Ariel Winter looked lovely, grown up but not too grown up. I still think that Sarah Hyland looks 12…turns out she’s 19 (NO WAY!!!). Little Sally from Mad Men adorable, and the boys from Modern Family in their tuxes so cute!
- Really liked the color of Cheryl Hines’ dress, and the style was pretty nice too.
- Tina Fey – loved the purple.
- I thought Nicole Kidman looked really great. And I’m usually not a fan of her ensembles.
- Julie Benz looked lovely.
I still can’t decide if I loved Meryl Streep’s dress or hated it! Funny how that goes.
I must say, I preferred a lot of the dresses from the Globes to the ones at the SAGs. Unfortunately one can’t help comparing – it HAS been less than a week!
I much preferred the dresses of the following people at the Globes:
Lea Michele – I really liked the green color, but the black was much more glam
Dianna Agron – The SAG dress was pretty, but I don't like the top part, and I liked the other much better.
Funnily enough the people I liked this week, are the ones I didn’t like last week and vice versa!
Really didn’t like:
-Kate Hudson’s dress…it was just weird.
-Anna Paquin’s dress was weird…but then so is she..kindaAs far as the winners go….It was a lot of the same…which was somewhat anticlimactic.
As much as I love Glee, I would have loved some Modern Family love, and the same with Mad Men and The Good Wife. It was fun to have the casts there.
I was glad I was able to appreciate the girls from Up in The Air this week, after seeing it last night. They were very good. But its SO hard putting all the movie catagories into 1, Comedy and Drama. But I can’t wait to see The Blind Side!
My fave moments were, Jenna Fisher and the champagne; Felicity not being able to read; and the adorableness that is Drew Barrymore.
Side Note- E!’s red carpet coverage of the past 2 awards shows really didn’t do right by Lea Michele! I mean from her perspective…they talked to her and all…but the coverage cut her off….at the globes to cut to Sandra Bullock –a small level of tolerance allowed….but at the SAGs show her during the ad break…and they skipped out again just as fast. I mean SERIOUSLY?! Don’t they know who she is?!
But other than that, the SAG interviews were much much better, mostly because they interviewed a lot more of the people I like!
But overall a very fun show. Yay for my people that won….and hopefully the ones that didn’t will get another chance.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Golden Globes Afterthoughts
So yesterday was the 2010 Golden Globes. What in the past has generally been one of the more fun awards shows…although in the last few years the Emmys seem to have won that slot.
I was really happy Julianna Margulies won for The Good Wife. I’ve always been a fan, and she’s really great in it. It was also a pretty tough category.
I am so glad Glee won. I thought it had the best chance as far as Glee’s nominations. Although I think I would have been reasonably happy if 30 Rock, or Modern Family had won. But Glee is amazing. And yay for MadMen - the only show in that category that I actually watch. But it was pretty predictable though.
I was really happy that Meryl won…I mean her chances were good. And I really loved her in both movies, and she was fantastic in Julie and Julia.
I dunno how I feel about Ricky Gervais’s hosting. He really went a little too far sometimes…but was entertaining. The presenters were ok, so glad to see Lauren Graham presenting, and she looked awesome in that pink dress. Glad to see Jennifer Garner too, and a lot of the others.
As far as fashions go, nothing really stood out for me. I really loved Lauren Graham in the pink number, but she pretty much always looks amazing. Toni Collette’s gold dress was pretty nice. Lea Michele looked really pretty in the black, as did Jane Lynch in the green – she cleans up nice! Lol. Amy Poehler looked nice in the red number. Dianna Agron, Jayma Mays, Drew Barrymore, Sandra Bullock, Julianna Margulies, and Felicity Huffman all looked stunning also.
Not a huge fan of Tina Fey’s dress, but she’s Tina Fey so it doesn’t really matter. Sorry Jen (Garner) but I wasn’t a fan of the dress.
As far as the guys go, they kinda all look the same...but I was a fan of any guy who wore a black tailored tux with a bow-tie!
Best speech, was pretty easy, because they pretty much sucked…but John Lithgow’s was sweet. However the most amusing had to go to Robert Downey Jnr. But nothing really stood out for me.
Overall, I was pretty happy with the results. While I wanted Lea to win, I would have happy with anyone in the best actress in a comedy category, because it was perhaps the toughest group of women I’ve seen in a long time. All 5 were greats, and all people I really liked. So while I haven’t seen United States of Tara, I’m sure Toni Collette is great in it.
While I wanted Matthew Morrison to win, I knew it was a slim chance, same for Jane Lynch…although I thought her chances were higher. I was really happy Julianna Margulies won for The Good Wife. I’ve always been a fan, and she’s really great in it. It was also a pretty tough category.
I am so glad Glee won. I thought it had the best chance as far as Glee’s nominations. Although I think I would have been reasonably happy if 30 Rock, or Modern Family had won. But Glee is amazing. And yay for MadMen - the only show in that category that I actually watch. But it was pretty predictable though.
I was really happy that Meryl won…I mean her chances were good. And I really loved her in both movies, and she was fantastic in Julie and Julia.
I dunno how I feel about Ricky Gervais’s hosting. He really went a little too far sometimes…but was entertaining. The presenters were ok, so glad to see Lauren Graham presenting, and she looked awesome in that pink dress. Glad to see Jennifer Garner too, and a lot of the others.
However overall, there was something off about the whole thing. I’m not sure if it was the weird red carpet interviews as a result of the rain, or of the gloom of the Haiti issues that brought down the crowd. I mean Meryl was not her usual bubbly, entertaining self…and other people seemed somewhat melancholy. Maybe I was expecting more, but people did not seem to be having as much fun as they normally do at the globes, which are generally the party awards.
As far as the guys go, they kinda all look the same...but I was a fan of any guy who wore a black tailored tux with a bow-tie!
Most of the presenters were fun. But I am biased, since a lot of them were people I like!!!
So that’s my thoughts. Other stuff might come to me later. Overall I was happy, but not ecstatic…not really sure why.
Monday, January 04, 2010
Foo Years
Over the weekend, the gang held our own Fake New Years (Foo Years) because people were working on actual New Years.
We went to Stacks in Karingal for dinner, its been a while, and the food did not dissapoint. Ness, Brett and I ordered Christmas cocktails, candy cane ones that were pink/red and green. They tasted pretty good, but were pretty strong. -I'm a bit of a lightweight when it comes to alcohol, and was already feeling a good buzz.
After dinner we headed back to Ness' for dessert, more drinks, and silliness. We had an array of good foods: donuts, truffles, and brownies. YUM! I was drinking vodka and lemonade, and then moving onto midouri mixes. I lost track of the number I had, but I think it was more than I've drunk in a long time! lol
We had fun listening to music and chatting about various things, before wrapping things up.
Only things that were really different about Foo Years, compared to New Years was a lack of fireworks! Lol.
We went to Stacks in Karingal for dinner, its been a while, and the food did not dissapoint. Ness, Brett and I ordered Christmas cocktails, candy cane ones that were pink/red and green. They tasted pretty good, but were pretty strong. -I'm a bit of a lightweight when it comes to alcohol, and was already feeling a good buzz.
After dinner we headed back to Ness' for dessert, more drinks, and silliness. We had an array of good foods: donuts, truffles, and brownies. YUM! I was drinking vodka and lemonade, and then moving onto midouri mixes. I lost track of the number I had, but I think it was more than I've drunk in a long time! lol
We had fun listening to music and chatting about various things, before wrapping things up.
Only things that were really different about Foo Years, compared to New Years was a lack of fireworks! Lol.
2009 A Year in Review
So here is my summing up of the past year's hightlights, and lows.
Started the new year in style down at Anglesea with the gang. A fun trip!
Saw Wicked for the 3rd time, and our first time right up close.
Still working on my new diet/exercise plan…as change in diet and a proper routine of walking worked well.
Saw Billy Elliot the Musical – very entertaining, but did not have the repeat-ability quality of Wicked.
Not a lot to note, mostly working very little, and waiting for uni to start back again.
Back to uni, four days a week. 5 subjects including careers.
Saw Wicked for the 4th time.
Had my usual March blues (everybody has a birthday but me)
Melbourne saw a cold streak…a lot chillier than we were used to.
Not much else going on…uni and Easter
Spent most of the month whinging about not being able to see 9 to 5 and Guys and Dolls in New York
The rest of the time was spent finishing up uni work, and whinging about Wicked moving to Sydney
Ness and I went to see The Sound of Music Sing-A-Long at the Arts Centre….oh boy we kinda wished we hadn’t…and will forever be thinking we could have been watching a REALLY good WW episode instead :P
Finished my penultimate semester of Uni.
Saw Wicked for the 5th time, for Ness’ birthday.
Got my very own West Wing set…oh boy what did we start?!
This month saw the craziness that is Twitter enter my world…I blame Matthew Perry for that one (Kristin is totally off the hook :P), a brand new way to stalk/keep tabs on some of my favourite people
Achieved one of my goals – finding Piccadilly Jim, and Amber Frey: Witness for the prosecution….they were not GOOD movies…but that was never the point :P
Saw our first non-Wicked group musical for 2009, Jersey Boys. We just happened to walk past the cast signing autographs at the stage door on our way out, and had to get ours signed too.
Saw Avenue Q with the boys. A source of much amusement…and I would like to point out that I saw 2 musicals in one month….NEITHER of which were Wicked..aww.
Marked the 1 year anniversary of our Wicked obsession and our Kristin obsession.
My family got our very first Big/Flat/Widescreen TV….totally awesome. It took up the entire backseat, but it’s been so much fun to be able to see the movies without being squished into our old tiny screen.
Saw Wicked for the 6th and final time in Melbourne, at the very last show in Melb. It was awesome and the event of a lifetime!
Started my final semester of Uni….ever.
Started my Josh and Donna fanvid….took a lot longer to finish than I thought it would!
Saw Chicago, and got our programs signed by Sharon and Gina.
Somehow wound up watching The Emmys 3 times in the one week….but SO good. Yay Kristin!
Mum went to Europe, so I enjoyed having the car all to myself for 2 weeks.
October marked a year since our WW obsession started, for which we were never the same.
Went to see the Rob Guest Endowment concert.
Got my hair done –I always feel better as a blonde. lol
Went to Sydney with Ness and Brett….saw Wicked for the 7th (and quite possibly the best time) and meet with the cast at the stage door. One of the highlights, not just for the year…but EVER. It’s not often that I get a chance meet and chat with one of ‘my people’.
Finished up Uni classes and assignments for the last time. So exciting and scary at the same time!
Saw a heatwave in Melbourne….great weather for working on assignments…not
Partied it up (sorta) for my birthday.
Went to my cousin Kate and Ged’s engagement party. - one more family wedding to go to in a few years time.
Got my wisdom teeth out on the 11th, spent the next few days recovering.
Got my final uni results, 1 distinction, 2 credits, and a pass….not bad. Woot woot I can graduate now!!!!!!!!!!
Had a few trips out looking at Xmas lights.
Finished my WW vid. - it took a long time and a lot of work, but I think I achieved what I set out to.
Went to see The Nutcracker ballet, wasn’t too bad.
Usual Christmas day activities, including both my Grandparents coming to our house Christmas night – it was great for my Grandma to get out of the house.
Celebrated New Years watching SNL with Jacinta, enjoying the storm, and having the whole house to ourselves. Not a bad way to end the year.
Overall this year has been hard, cause I wasn’t working much at all. My savings as a result took a huge hit…but hopefully I’ll get a real job soon and will get back on track for the big trip in 2010. It’s about time!
This past year saw 4 new musicals in addition to Wicked. I think I cut back on movies as a result, but I did catch a few this year.
Yes Man
He’s Just Not That Into You
Role Models
Last Chance Harvey
The Invention of Lying
Sherlock Holmes
…I thought there was more….I’ve only seen 7 movies all year?! That’s pathetic!
-Note to self…see more movies next year….wait, no…save the money for the US trip!
This past year I discovered/found new love for some TV shows. There is no longer a slow TV time anymore, there are too many shows starting at different times of the year, and with downloading there is always something to watch.
Here are some new shows I found this year (or near the end of last year).
-In Plain Sight
-Mad Men
-Nurse Jackie
-Better Off Ted
-The Good Wife
-Parks and Recreation
-Modern Family
-Cougar Town
-SNL (to a certain degree I guess also)
Some I like more than others. Some I LOVE to death and have sparked new obsessions (not quite as bad as TWW, but close).
In conclusion, this past year has been quiet eventful, but perhaps not as eventful as the previous year. But I am officially dubbing 2009 the year of Musicals.
Lets see how 2010 plays out!
Started the new year in style down at Anglesea with the gang. A fun trip!
Saw Wicked for the 3rd time, and our first time right up close.
Still working on my new diet/exercise plan…as change in diet and a proper routine of walking worked well.
Saw Billy Elliot the Musical – very entertaining, but did not have the repeat-ability quality of Wicked.
Not a lot to note, mostly working very little, and waiting for uni to start back again.
Back to uni, four days a week. 5 subjects including careers.
Saw Wicked for the 4th time.
Had my usual March blues (everybody has a birthday but me)
Melbourne saw a cold streak…a lot chillier than we were used to.
Not much else going on…uni and Easter
Spent most of the month whinging about not being able to see 9 to 5 and Guys and Dolls in New York
The rest of the time was spent finishing up uni work, and whinging about Wicked moving to Sydney
Ness and I went to see The Sound of Music Sing-A-Long at the Arts Centre….oh boy we kinda wished we hadn’t…and will forever be thinking we could have been watching a REALLY good WW episode instead :P
Finished my penultimate semester of Uni.
Saw Wicked for the 5th time, for Ness’ birthday.
Got my very own West Wing set…oh boy what did we start?!
This month saw the craziness that is Twitter enter my world…I blame Matthew Perry for that one (Kristin is totally off the hook :P), a brand new way to stalk/keep tabs on some of my favourite people
Achieved one of my goals – finding Piccadilly Jim, and Amber Frey: Witness for the prosecution….they were not GOOD movies…but that was never the point :P
Saw our first non-Wicked group musical for 2009, Jersey Boys. We just happened to walk past the cast signing autographs at the stage door on our way out, and had to get ours signed too.
Saw Avenue Q with the boys. A source of much amusement…and I would like to point out that I saw 2 musicals in one month….NEITHER of which were Wicked..aww.
Marked the 1 year anniversary of our Wicked obsession and our Kristin obsession.
My family got our very first Big/Flat/Widescreen TV….totally awesome. It took up the entire backseat, but it’s been so much fun to be able to see the movies without being squished into our old tiny screen.
Saw Wicked for the 6th and final time in Melbourne, at the very last show in Melb. It was awesome and the event of a lifetime!
Started my final semester of Uni….ever.
Started my Josh and Donna fanvid….took a lot longer to finish than I thought it would!
Saw Chicago, and got our programs signed by Sharon and Gina.
Somehow wound up watching The Emmys 3 times in the one week….but SO good. Yay Kristin!
Mum went to Europe, so I enjoyed having the car all to myself for 2 weeks.
October marked a year since our WW obsession started, for which we were never the same.
Went to see the Rob Guest Endowment concert.
Got my hair done –I always feel better as a blonde. lol
Went to Sydney with Ness and Brett….saw Wicked for the 7th (and quite possibly the best time) and meet with the cast at the stage door. One of the highlights, not just for the year…but EVER. It’s not often that I get a chance meet and chat with one of ‘my people’.
Finished up Uni classes and assignments for the last time. So exciting and scary at the same time!
Saw a heatwave in Melbourne….great weather for working on assignments…not
Partied it up (sorta) for my birthday.
Went to my cousin Kate and Ged’s engagement party. - one more family wedding to go to in a few years time.
Got my wisdom teeth out on the 11th, spent the next few days recovering.
Got my final uni results, 1 distinction, 2 credits, and a pass….not bad. Woot woot I can graduate now!!!!!!!!!!
Had a few trips out looking at Xmas lights.
Finished my WW vid. - it took a long time and a lot of work, but I think I achieved what I set out to.
Went to see The Nutcracker ballet, wasn’t too bad.
Usual Christmas day activities, including both my Grandparents coming to our house Christmas night – it was great for my Grandma to get out of the house.
Celebrated New Years watching SNL with Jacinta, enjoying the storm, and having the whole house to ourselves. Not a bad way to end the year.
Overall this year has been hard, cause I wasn’t working much at all. My savings as a result took a huge hit…but hopefully I’ll get a real job soon and will get back on track for the big trip in 2010. It’s about time!
This past year saw 4 new musicals in addition to Wicked. I think I cut back on movies as a result, but I did catch a few this year.
Yes Man
He’s Just Not That Into You
Role Models
Last Chance Harvey
The Invention of Lying
Sherlock Holmes
…I thought there was more….I’ve only seen 7 movies all year?! That’s pathetic!
-Note to self…see more movies next year….wait, no…save the money for the US trip!
This past year I discovered/found new love for some TV shows. There is no longer a slow TV time anymore, there are too many shows starting at different times of the year, and with downloading there is always something to watch.
Here are some new shows I found this year (or near the end of last year).
-In Plain Sight
-Mad Men
-Nurse Jackie
-Better Off Ted
-The Good Wife
-Parks and Recreation
-Modern Family
-Cougar Town
-SNL (to a certain degree I guess also)
Some I like more than others. Some I LOVE to death and have sparked new obsessions (not quite as bad as TWW, but close).
In conclusion, this past year has been quiet eventful, but perhaps not as eventful as the previous year. But I am officially dubbing 2009 the year of Musicals.
Lets see how 2010 plays out!
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