So I had a bit of a Tina Fey weekend...sorta....not really....but I like the sound of it!
Friday was Nikki's birthday. My parents got her a very fancy laptop...which she needs, cause its impossible to do homework in the kitchen....however I'm still a little jealous.
Mum helped her start it up and then I helped with the harder stuff. Mum made pikelets for breaky.
I spent a good deal of the day helping Nikki with odd bits and pieces on the computer.
We went to Sofia's for dinner all five of us.....weird as heck - we haven't done that in years.
Saturday the house was pretty quiet and it was dark and rainy outside so I watched Victor/Victoria and then headed down to Ness' for movie night.
Sunday morning we went to see Date Night (with Tina Fey, and Steve Carell). It was really good....well I enjoyed it. It was also a lot better than I expected, not all the funny stuff was in the trailers...cause that happens sometimes.
(for more info the weekend....head over to my tv blog...)
Today I went over to Jacinta's. We hadn't seen each other since graduation, so we hung out for a while, then went over to The Glen. Got lunch and did some browsing. I bought a lip gloss from Priceline cause they had 20% off makeup.
Tomorrow I'm gonna head down and get my blood test done. I've got my annual doctors checkup at Peter Mac in a couple of weeks and should get that taken care of.
So not a lot else to report.....
Watch This Space!
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