So I've been busy the last few weeks. I was working for the State Election, which during election weekend I had to work both Saturday and Sunday...I did NOT love working all day on my Birthday.
I did manage to get to go out to dinner with Mum and Nikki, but it was a pretty pathetic dinner...I almost wonder why I bothered. Also the cake I got was dissapointing, not awful, just not what I was expecting from a cake called 'cookies and cream cake'. I did get Glee's Christmas album, which I listened to all day, and that cheered me up.
Because of Election week, I had my little b'day dinner with the gang the weekend before. Ness, Jacinta, Brett and I went to dinner at Michaelangelos. It was fun, good food, and then good cake.
The Friday after Election weekend, they didn't need us at work, so I tried to sleep in...but it didn't work. I still woke up early. I was so tired all day, that at one point I almost fell asleep...but my body doesn't let me nap. Saturday I slept in a little later, I think till 8...but I was still exhausted. That night I went to see Harry Potter with Jacinta. We had dinner at the Pancake Parlor, but they took forever with taking our order...At least we finally got our food - with plenty of time to spare, but who wants to wait around for food for ages?!
The movie was really good! But as usual there were some annoying people who would not shut up. I wonder if everyone has to deal with this ALL the time, or if I'm just a moron magnet?
Sunday I finally got a decent sleep in, but I was up late talking to people on twitter the night before...But for the first morning in days, I felt awake.
That night Ness and I did Kristin Christmas Movie night. We watched some Everwood of course, then watched Four Christmases, and Deck the Halls. Each time we watch those movies we marvel at how bad Four Christmases IS, and yet we keep watching. Damm our devotion to Kristin Chenoweth!
Monday morning I had to be early for work again, so my head was a tiny bit fuzzy all day, but not that bad really. Mum couldn't work because she had to do stuff for my Grandparents, so it was just me - which was fun. We had a lot to do, and were packing up all the stuff, when we found a whole bunch of stuff we hadn't gone through in one of the that was a little late afternoon frenzy. But once that was done, I was out of there at 5:30pm, and that was the end of that. So now I'm taking a break till after Christmas, when I start looking for jobs again.
Thursday night I went shopping at Chadstone with Mum for my Christmas present. I was looking for doona covers, but I just never like anything. I found a pair of shoes at Myer, so mum bought me those...with I guess more stuff to come later. lol. Chadstone was weird. I haven't been there since August! Things have changed! I was also trying to find the Glee calendar...for some reason no one seems to sell it here...which I find crazy! Its such a huge show, that I can't believe they wouldn't try to sell it here....especially when they sell such other crappy calendars here....I mean who would buy a Cougar Town calendar?!
Friday night I went to Ness' and we watched The Music Man, Everwood (finally into season 3...its progress :D ), then we did season 1 and 2 of The West Wing Christmas episodes. Such goood eps!
Yesterday we got our tree, now my house smells like pine. Almost all the decorations are up now. Just a few more sets of lights I can put up if I can decide where to put them, and if I can be bothered putting them up.
Still not sure what is happening Christmas Day...hopefully that will get sorted soon.
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