No posts in weeks! I guess I've been distracted with other things, cause God knows I haven't been busy!
Lets, I was pretty much recovering from sunburn. It hurt for a little while, but not too badly. Then it became itchy and I was peeling a little. -in case you were wondering :p
I've been working the last few Thursdays at Safeway...which is weirding me out. But at least its money going back onto my credit card, and allowing me to stop dipping into the last of my savings. Now that school holidays are over, the store has gotten busy again, but it's not too bad.
Other than the once a week work, I did a few social activities. Sunday Ness and I went to see Nine, which was pretty good, but not a catchy traditional musical. But it was nice to see a lot of people who don't normally sing, sing. The night before we did movie night with Nick and Kay, which is always fun...but more fun when we don't have pizza issues. I guess we order so much pizza from that place, we were due for a mix-up!
Then, it was a double dose of Jacinta last week. Tuesday we went to see Alvin and the Chipmunks was pretty bad, but not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I actually enjoyed it....I mean there were so many people I like in it. Then we did burgers at the new place next to the ticket box. - not bad, although a little big for me to handle...I like the chips with their different seasonings. After that since we were melting in the heat, we headed back to her place, and watched tv and talked about all those shows and books we used to read as kids. Then talked travel with her mum and some nice tips for my trip.
Wednesday we did a trip down to DFO in Cheltenham. Jacinta found some stuff....but I left with nothing again. She took a good chunk of my cd collection and we made plans for next week.
No more movies this week, but I do have a free one I'm sure there will be more to see soon!
Other than the social stuff, mostly I've been watching dvds, playing Sims 2 and slowly getting through some house clean up and organisation....while also looking for jobs. Lets hope something comes up soon!
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