Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Weekend in The Country Frankston isn't exactly the country...but you pass a few paddocks and stuff to get there!

So this past week I was pretty busy, or at least occupied. Monday I went with Mum down to see my uncle Neil and aunt Marg's new place. It is pretty fancy, without being TOO modern or annoying. But they do tend to buy in those designed groups of houses so they all match and stuff.
Tuesday was $1.95 movie rental day at VideoEzy, so Mum and I went and got The Ugly Truth and My Sister's Keeper. We watched The Ugly Truth that arvo, it was a shocker, but not as bad as it could have been....but not predictable with little else to offer to make up for it.
Tuesday night Jacinta and I went out to Sofia's for dinner, with an early stop at JB. I finally bought season 6 of Will and Grace. After our kinda early dinner (for eating out) we walked down to Borders and explored for a while. Jacinta bought stuff...I didn't. (As usual)
We hung out at my place for a while afterwards, watching Superbowl ads on youtube....however nothing was that interesting really. I always thought those ads were supposed to be cool and interesting...I guess not. lol

Wednesday I finally got around to watching My Sister's Keeper. I haven't read the book, but I had really wanted to see it anyways. I thought it was really good, and found it really interesting, in a almost too close to home kind of way. Lets just say it brought up a lot of old memories from when I was going through the chemo and stuff.
-I know the ending in the book is different, and since I haven't read it, am not sure if it makes sense when you read it, but the movie ending seems to make more sense.

Thursday was another shift at Safeway. The storms made for a bit of excitement at the end of the shift. I had a great view of all the lightening and rain. Finally a bit of a break from the heat!

Yesterday I watched some of the Winter Olympic opening ceremony...but I don't think I care that much about them...I mean I'll probably watch bits and pieces of the hockey and iceskating, but won't really go out of my way to watch it.

Then in the evening I did usual movie night with Ness. We somehow managed to watch a bunch of stuff that had none of the same people in it...which is rare with us. We watched some more Ally McBeal, and Walk The Line. We went out to get soft drink, and stopped at the ATM, and I thought I got out $20...however today when I opened my purse I only had a 10 in either I never picked up the money, or I lost it somewhere...possibly the movies? I don't know. But anyways...I'm going to be very attentive when I go to ATMs from now on!

Today we went and saw Valentines Day...on Valentines Day. It was pretty packed in the cinema, but we were smart and went down early and got our tickets...because we came back after getting milkshakes and the line was all the way out the door! The movie was really good...I mean there were so many people in it that I would have liked it anyways. But there were bits that were really cute! Most importantly they didn't skimp on the Jennifer. She was in it plenty!

So there it is, my past week....not very exciting...unless you're me I guess.


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