Monday, December 27, 2010

I Survived!

Well I made it through Christmas, without too much mental scaring....I think.

I felt awful Friday night, and was really sick, but luckily I woke up feeling much better. This year we all slept pretty late, got up around 8:30ish, and didn't open presents till after 9. My sister Nikki got the most presents, but that is always the way. Since we got some new Wii games, Nikki and I played till our traditional crossiant breakfast was ready. After breaky, I got ready to head over to Nan and Pops in Bundoora. Nikki ended up coming with me, cause Dad and Scott went earlier. -I needed more time to get ready, and was planning on coming back earlier, so I took the extra car. Mum had lunch with Grandma and Grandpa down at their place, so she skipped the Sheehan lunch.
I never go to Nan and Pop's, and hadn't been for a year, so I got lost getting there, taking a wrong turn somewhere past Heidelberg. But after reading the melways, I managed to get us back on the right track and turned up with plenty of time to spare before lunch.
It was a pretty small turnout this year, with Me, Scott and Nic being the only grandkids there. My uncles were there, and my aunt, and my uncle's girlfriend. My Nan's brother Brian was there also. I didn't have much for lunch, just some chicken and veggies and garlic bread. There wasn't much for dessert.
My cousin Marcus and his wife Mirka turned up after lunch, and we chatted to them for a while. Then Nikki and I came home.

We relaxed, changed, and played a little Wii before heading down to Bentleigh. Scott came with us, and we got there just after 5:30pm. Mum's brother Neil and his wife, and my cousins Tracey and Jay were there when we got there. We chatted for a while. I was prety exhausted, but after some snacky food, felt a little better. My uncle Geoff and his wife turned up by 6. Then my cousin Luke and his wife Reagan turned up.
We had dinner around 8pm. I spent the night talking to Tracey about my trip - cause she was over there at the same time - only never in the same place, and playing Donkey Kong with Nikki, when things got boring.
For dinner I ate a lot of Turkey, some chicken, and other veggies and bread.
Tracey, Mum, Nikki and I got into the crackers - which 1 box had all the same was crazy, and not even a good joke! The other ones had a little more variety - and some actually cool prizes - like cards, measuring spoons, dominos, pencils etc.
All night my Grandpa wasn't looking very well, so he went to lie down. They ended up taking him and Grandma back to their nursing home, and the nurses took care of him. Hopefully he will improve, but they say he has pneumonia.
When my mum and Geoff got back from taking them, we had a little slide show. Neil found the slide projector and a bunch of slides in the garage, with great and hilarious pictures of my mum when she was little, and other family stuff. It was a lot of fun to laugh at the hair, the clothes and stuff.

The biggest issue all night, was that my mum's 2nd brother is fighting with the rest of them over what is happening with my Grandma and Grandpa. So he and his family didn't come over this year. Then the family spent all night bitching about them. Now I accept that people shouldn't be abusing or harrassing other family members, but bitching about stuff people did when they were little is just rediculous. I mean....move on, people change!
But I feel bad for my mum, she used to be pretty close with her brother, and now they are all fighting all the time, and my cousins are getting involved where they shouldn't...and I hate that my mum is forced to unload all her crap onto sucks.

Overall it was a good day. I got some nice presents and most people were generally happy. I got some good presents.
-My brother got me a present, which I didn't expect. He got me a little pack from The Body Shop, which was very nice of him.
-My mum got me some PJ's with Gingerbread men on them from Peter Alexander, and some other stuff.
-We got Donkey Kong, Super Mario All Stars and The Sims 3(which is technically Nikki's) for the Wii.
-I got Valentines Day and Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory on dvd from Nikki
-I got Its Complated and a Pink cd from aunty Maree.
-I got some bath stuff from Lush and movie vouchers from Uncle Terry and Kim.
-and I got chocolates from Uncle Alan

Skipped the sales yesterday, but went down to Camberwell today and bought seasons 12 and 13 of ER with my JB vouchers since everything was 20% off. I also bought a top and some shorts from Just Jeans with the voucher I got from Jacinta for my b'day.

Not a bad couple of days!


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