Tuesday is always one of the best days of my week. Mostly cause we get to go to Em's house and I get to play with all my friends. hehe. Its called 'Angelfests', but we actually very rarely watch any Angel anymore. We usually watch Buffy.
Tonoight appart from the usual, we had many a special guest. Some people I had met before, some I had not. All were cool..though some in a weird way.
Kaiser rocks. We like him a lot. No particular reason. He's just cool. hehe.
Harm is adorable, and while a regular, she's always a little ball of sunshine. *snuggles*
Then the was this guy Ben, who I have heard of, and half remember from BCA...but yeah I didn't know him and while cool...he's a little strange. Which I like and can definately handle. -Plus its nice to have someone else to do the crazy stupid(in a good way) conversations. lol.
Going to Em's is a hoot. We sit around, eat dinner, watch eps, chat etc.
Tonight I got me some pressies. Which was nice. Pressies are always good. In particular I did love the 'Jewely stick' hehe. I could try and explain it too you...but you'd probably get confused and weirded out...so it's probably safer if I don't :P
We got Chinese food for dinner and we watched an ep of Buffy from season 7. We were only half paying attention as usual. After that we all hang around the kitchen and were chatting, they sang happy birthday to me, and after I got grilled by a few people about my birthday, most of them went and watched Firefly. While a few of us hung around the kitchen and did more chatting. It was odd for me to not be the one chatting so much. I love our gang. hehe.
Hmm. Now what else have I done today? I was mostly watching tv I think. Very exciting stuff!
Mum and I went supermarket shopping, and left the first supermarket after mum got into a squabble in the car park and then was driving like a crazy person.
After I got home from Em's I watched another ep of CJ and then have pretty much been sitting here. Oh and I wrote another scene(or a set of connecting scenes) for my script. Its getting closer to being done. yay!
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