..well maybe.
In reality I'd very much like to be in bed around 3am....which gives me about 15minutes to write this and finish up on the comp. But thats not what I mean about miles to go and all.
For the last year I have been doing this course. Liberal Arts at Swinburne TAFE prahran. This semester my classes were, Economy and Society with the Columbian teacher that wants desperately for us to enjoy the class...unfortunately through no fault of his own..it didn't end up that way, Text and Culture -Olga's class and my fave of the lot, we got to watch films and study media and symbols in socitey etc and she's such a character and always an entertaining person, Inquiry and Presentation with Cheryl....where we really had no idea what it was we were supposed to be doing...but she wanted to teach us about Renaissance Florence and though pretty much the whole class was not interested..I was. We also had to do stuff related to careers and jobs etc...which didn't have anything to do with Florence..but anyways... and that leaves Steve's class, Nature and its Human Transformations. Our classes really have the stupidest titles...Probably one of the most interesting classes and one with possibly the most work...and it has left an impression on me, but Steve himself...can be a real pain sometimes...sure sometimes he's all cool and chatty...but not really a very flexible person when it comes to help and stuff.
But with only 2 classes left and a little less than a week till I am offically finished for this year...I can't wait!
Now if only I could come up with a course or even an career angle to look into doing once I have finished this one...sometimes I just wish someone would tell me to do something and it'd be simple like that. But I am interested in so many things and I also have the trouble of not being the greatest student, though I do well, I wish I could get the high grades a little more often. and I know that my parents (and possibly teachers) would say that I could do well if I tried a little harder, and what worries me is that that is probably true. If I didn't get so sidetracked or devoted more time to work on these assignments...I could possibly get the great grades...but thats just not me. I will just have to wait until I find the thing that gets me really interested and something that will bring out my best work.
So moving on from that somewhat depressing conversation with myself(and you people reading this, whoever you may be) and a rather indepth look into my mind...
Today was just another saturday. I got up late, around 11am and then sat around the house. I read the paper, read the catalogues, etc etc. Then in the afternoon, I sat down her at the computer and after reading through BCA and a few other websites, I did some more work on my essay. I actually got a fair bit done today...though I am not sure if my essay even makes sense. I will finish it off tomorrow and hopefully make it make a little more sense...but I dunno if I care anymore...I just want it all overwith for the year. I have worked really hard this year and spent so many days in class, when the others in class have decided not to show up, each to their own reasons as to why not...but I am just burned out. It's so draining to be the good one all the time. I just want to sleep for a month and enjoy my summer vacation. I can't wait to go to the beach and get up whenever I want to and stay up late and watch a lot of silly tv and be able to spend time with my friends and stuff. Thats me, the dreamer, always being positive and focusing on the good stuff. Damm that can be a pain the ass. hehe.
Okay so enough of this crazy psychobable....
This evening my parents went out to dinner with friends at a local restuarant. My brother went off to a friends place soon after and so it was just me and Nikki. I watched the Fight Club dvd that Nick had lent me and Nikki was in hte back room playing on her xbox and watching tv.
I can now cross FIGHT CLUB off my list of movies I 'have' to see. It was good. And very interesting.
After that ended I watched Will and Grace on foxtel and then my parents came home and brought their friends with them. So me, mum and the female friend all chatted in the kitchen, while dad, the husband of the woman we were talking to and another friend of his were downstairs, drinking and acting like typical Aussie males..talking loudly about stupid things. :P
The couple were parents of a kid in my brother's year in primary school and I think they are on one of the same sports teams..but I really have no idea. lol. They left just before Midnight and then I sat here on the comp and watched 3 more eps of Veronica Mars. I got to see my first Alyson Hannigan ep...which was kinda weird..but good.
Only a few more to go now...
and wow my 20th birthday is only just over a week away...scary. I better hurry up and think of something to do.
Okay so its now 3:11am....so much for going to bed by 3....oh well. Now is just as good a time as any.
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