Sunday, November 27, 2005


Wow its been a long couple of days. Busy too!

I may write this in 2 parts and finish the 2nd one off Sunday arvo....I'm kinda already exhausted.

So my classes are all over and now my assignments are all handed in. I have no idea if any of them are any good...but I'm sorta past caring at this minute. I know I have passed the year and right now thats kinda what I care about. I am SO glad I am on holidays now, though it feels a little odd there not being something I should do! lol

So here's my last few days in a somewhat biggish nutshell-
Wednesday I slept in a little, got up and roamed the net for a little while before getting started on the proper writing of my report. It took me a while to get it going and I ended up getting most of it done that afternoon. I probably would have finished...but I was talking to Elsa on the phone and we were chatting and organising her to come over later that arvo. I got a bit more done after that and then let the rest of the house have the comp. I walked down to Burwood (or Burwoody :P) station to meet Elsa and then we hung out for the night. After dinner we watched Crossing Jordan, Strangled to be specific. We laughed so hard and had a ball. There is some something about watching some things with people that don't care if you talk right through it and spending the whole time laughing or rewinding and discussing stuff thats going on in the ep (and stuff thats related). Its just too fun. hehe.
We also watched Will and Grace and did a bit of channel flicking before spending a decent amount of time on the comp. I showed her all the stuff that she hadn't been able to see cause her comp is all broked and tempermental.

We got to bed a little after half past 12 and then chatted for a few hours, before finally falling asleep. I woke up at 6:30 and let her sleep while I went off and showered. I was hanging out with Nikki watching tv till a little after 8, when Toffee decided to go crazy in my room and I woke Elsa up. Nic went off to school and we made breaky and sat around.
The foxtel man came a little after 10 and we just hung around keeping an eye on him. Mostly looking at old photos and also this 'mini pops' book, with little pixelated people and we were trying to guess who they were. Its a cool little book. The foxtel was all done just before 12 and the guy left us to explore our new foxtel digital. It was very exciting. We flicked and flicked somemore and watched a few different things and ofcourse spent more time on the computer. hehe.

I walked Elsa to the station around 4, after we watched a bit of Angel on foxtel (cause it was on) and then came home and did a little more work for my report and watched tv. I was really really tired and ended up having 3 coffees, one during Will and Grace(or possibly Law and Order) and another one during Gilmore Girls. I got on the comp for a littlewhile at 10:30, I finished off my report and was in bed by about 12(ish) I think. I had a semi early start Friday.

Well I'm nodding off here...I will continue the story of my really busy (and tiring) few days later on. So good night little non-corporeal journal and non-existant person who all my thoughts and activities are directed to. Hope its happy there in the world that is my brain. lol

...yep. Definately bedtime.


aurevoir, Carls

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