Thursday, March 09, 2006

The One Non Birthday Day!

Lol. Yesterday was my Grandpa's Birthday. Happy B'day Grandpa. This is my mum's dad Ray.
And then tomorrow is my mum's birthday...and Saturday is Scott's birthday.
So today being the 9th of is the one day without a birthday.

Today I did go to class. Although...I didn't wake up till 8am. Cause my alarms did go off, but with me being sick, I am sorta sleeping through them this week, and mum didn't wake me till 8am.
So I was having a heart attack while I rushed to get ready. I had a very quick shower, packed my backpack, got dressed, dried my hair, ate breakfast, brushed my teath...all in 30minutes.
-Which was actually quite impressive! I didn't think I'd be able to do it! lol

So yeah I caught the train...almost fell asleep on it, and remembered I had forgotten to take any panadol, or even bring some with me. I changed trains at Camberwell, and caught a really packed express. I got to Richmind with 2 minutes to spare till the train came.

Class was long and boring. It was great to see people again though. That's one thing I hate about being sick! I miss being with people!
-I'm a people person.

We went around the room reading out our assignments, Josh, one of the guys in my class also did Thelma and Louise. Doh. But that was okay, his was quite different to mine and it ment I didn't have to read out the plot again.
It took hours to get through everyones. Some people went a little over the top.
But it was okay...even though I could barely talk because of my cold.
-It's funny but I sounded even more American, with my cold. It really brings out the accent...that comes from nowhere! lol

We ended up getting out at Noon. I got the train home and met mum at Safeway in Camberwell. We finished the shopping and went home. -She was buying a lot of stuff for Scott's party tomorrow night. -I am gonna be SO annoyed..or bored at least! lol.

Tonight we went out for Chinese food with Grandma and Grandpa. The food was really good. And I was glad that I could actually taste it, dispite my cold.
Tomorrow I have another class, which I will most likely attend...unless I feel really really crappy! -I hope we get out early.
Then I have work at 4pm. -yay money! I like this money thing. hehe's late and I should really go to bed or something...not that I will be able to sleep...cause of this stupid cold..but I should at least try.

Dunno if I'll get a chance to post tomorrow...I'm gonna be quite busy. hmm.
Oh well.

I'm looking forward to going down to the beach on Sunday. Yay!
And then going away on Tuesday. It'll be fun. -Even if I am driven mad with an overload of Blind Man's a really long story.

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