Tuesday, December 30, 2008
2008 a Year in Review
This year has gone so fast! I swear the older I get the faster each year goes...and I'm only 23, so I'm a little scared about how its gonna seem in another 20 years or so....
- Didn't do a whole lot in January, as I recall I went to the movies a fair bit, and also to the beach.
-painted the dining room...took way too long and too much effort...but looks great
-back to Uni at the end of feb, started my 2nd year of Uni.
-On the Easter break, Mum, Nikki and I went up to Port Douglas for a few days. Had great weather, and a fantastic time. I never been up that north before, and the day out at the Reef was amazing.
April, May, June
-Spent the winter break from Uni working a bit, but mostly watching dvds.
-Saw Wicked for the first time, and was blown away. Hooked, absolutely hooked.
-I also watched the entire first season of Pushing Daisies
...so overal July was a very Kristin Chenoweth centered month, and one that changed my life by the introduction of 2 new obsessions.
-Started my 2nd semester classes for Uni, very social studies orientated in the 2nd half of the year. Which was a nice little break from all the full on media stuff of other semesters.
-a fairly quiet month, a weeks break from Uni.
-Stayed busy with new seasons of shows to download, The Emmy's to watch, and the beginning of watching The West Wing....Ness and I would never been the same.
-Saw Wicked for the 2nd time. Got the cool green drinks, and bought souveniers. I swear the show was even better the 2nd time.
-Classes ended in early November, so I was busy writing essays for the first 2 weeks. My exam on the 17th apparently went a whole lot better than I expected.
-My birthday happened...quietly, yet happily. I'm very glad I went to dinner with people I like, especially my Grandparents. Cause it was the last time I got to see my Grandma before the stroke that happened in December. I'll never forget the image of my 86 year old Grandma attempting to do the Nutbush on the dancefloor at the Bentleigh RSL.
-Started off good. Got my results for Uni. All credits - very happy, as I was sure I'd failed something.
-The whole family was thrown into chaos with my Grandma's stroke. A lot of not knowing, and upset. I has changed the whole dynamic of the family. She's working through rehab at the moment, but it was a tough Christmas without her here.
-Christmas was surprisingly good. I got some decent presents, and some not so great ones. The day itself worked out quite good. Although everyone was very late for dinner, which was frustrating, and rude....but at least it gave us a chance to be organised and relax before they arrived.
Looking forward to 2009....final year of Uni. Nothing else planned for the year...but I really want to start working on my US trip.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Goodbye Old Friends
I always knew they would...their house is way too small. But I guess it just makes me sad to know that they won't be there anymore. Not to mention the fact that I spent such a large part of my childhood from the ages of 4 to 12 in their house and with their family. They used to organise the street parties, the girls and I spent hours together playing, and Hollie and I had our 'We Care for Kids Club' where we entertained kids while parents did other things in return for pay (which was usually a few dollars..which was a lot when you're 11).
And though we havn't really spoken much since we went off to high school, they were always there to say hi to if you saw them outside, or able to get a reference from, or borrow something from. So it just makes me sad.
In addition to being sad...I'm incredibly jealous...I'm trying not to be but I can't help it, it seems to be in my nature. As much as I do LOVE my house (and its very much a part of me..having been here 23 years), I've wanted to move house for ages, my parents used to go looking at places all the time...but my dad does not want to move...or even improve...and it kills me to think that very soon there will be no one left in the street that I know. Not to mention what kind of work they'll do next door. Sometimes I hate growing up...too many people leave, and I'm always stuck in exactly the same place.
So I'm a little mopey this week. Part of me can't wait till I get a real job and am able to afford some sort of place for myself....but I have a feeling my family will be in this place for a good while longer.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
TV Turnover
It was expected...but still it sucks major doodie! Its such a great amazing show, full of bright shiny colors, the best characters ever (I loved every single main character...which NEVER happens), amazing writing - the dialogue just flows and makes you smile, infact the whole show did that!
So I'm very sad about it not coming back next year...and the fact its supposed to end of a freaking cliffhanger!
So now I've decided that I'm only going to watch old shows...now I know eventually I'll run out..but at least I don't get crushed by it getting cancelled. I know what I'm getting myself into. -Its safe.
Recently me and Ness started watching The West Wing (after talking about it for ages)...had always known the show and the people on it...but never really got to watch it, or wanted to...besides it was one of those shows that never stayed in the one timeslot for very long.
After the pilot..I liked it...after a few more eps, I was into it....after a few more I was HOOKED! While I don't understand most of it...its a fantastic show, with great writing and the actors/characters rock!
You know I think seeing as it only came out here in 2000....I probably was too young for the show at the time..and am glad I'm watching it now. I have a better understanding of US politics...especially after the election stuff going on in the last year. And while I've always had a few 'grown up' shows, I don't think I could have appreciated the West Wing back then.
I think I might have to get the dvd box set....if only to watch CJ fall into the pool...and Donna and Josh ramble.
I'm getting a little worried about the current state of television. With Daisies gone and ER ending at the end of this season...I'm running out of shows to watch. Sure I'll watch Lost, but even that only has 2 more seasons left. And I'll probably keep watching NCIS(which I like but only watch when I've run out of other new eps), Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, and Brothers and Sisters...I think I've given up on Heroes, Desperate Housewives (although my sis watches it, so I'll probably see it when its on regular aussie tv), Samantha Who, Dirty Sexy Money...I can't think of any other shows I watch at the moment. I'll also probably not give any new shows a look either.
Maybe I'll get into Scrubs...thats a show I know, but have never really watched.
Maybe I'll just go down to blockbuster and rent any show that looks interesting. That or I'll just keep watching my dvds over and over...and over and over again.
TV sucks! They better give Kristin an award though...I still can't believe that Jean Smart beat her for the Emmy....seriously?!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
And finally a good one!
-Short people are no good as a human shield!..hopefully I will never find myself in that situation.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
1. Often the sensor on automatic doors can't see you..so you stand there looking like an idiot when they don't open! Kinda embarrassing.
2. you can't reach the pull cord on trams..thank goodness they installed buttons. -Also if you're stuck in the middle of a really packed train...you have nothing to hold onto...and are below everyones shoulders so no one knows you're there!
This is all for now....I'm sure there will be more to come.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Being Vertically Challenged: The Good, The Bad, and the inbetween
I'll start by mentioning that I am current 153 or 4 centermeteres tall...I haven't quite worked out exactly what I am. This equates to about 5"1...So yes I'm taller than Kristin (Chenoweth..like you didn't know), but she's totally proportioned...and has HUGE/Gigantic talent!
Anyways...here are 5 things that are actually GOOD about being short.
1 - It's fairly easy to weave in and out/through of crowds of people
2 - you never have to worry about ceiling height
3 - even a modest sized Christmas tree looks decent sized next to you
4 - you need less legroom on trains, planes and automobiles
5 - People do underestimate you, which definately has its pluses.
And 5 BAD Things
1 - I can never SEE over the crowds if its an audience!
2 - It's impossible to reach anything high up if you live with taller people who put your stuff specifically up on the top shelf.
3 - Everything (I mean pants, and occaisionally dresses and skirts) have to be taken up. Luckily for me, I've become quite good at doing most of it myself.
4 - I tend to get either beaten up by surf or blown away wind...also its really hard to go very far out into the ocean and still touch the sand
5 - you tend to live your life on tippytoes. Whether its at work, or stores, or anywhere else with counters.
And a few things that I couldn't decide if they were good or bad.
1 - People automatically think you're younger than you are if you are short. Which I so don't get. But I guess in the long run its a definate plus, and its way too much effort to make oneself look older...and why bother?!
2 - customers never know I'm at a register at work unless I have a line...which is good cause sometimes I get a break/breather, but annoying cause after awhile one gets bored.
-Okay so I was reaching a little....particularly with the good things, but is actually a lot harder to think of good things than I thought it would be.
I end this rant here.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Because I Can
Firstly, I have issues with the thin-ness on my hair...my ponytail is about half of what a normal person's is. Plus it makes it really hard to do anything with it.
I used to have such lovely thick hair....*sighs*
I also have issues with the color...it is neither blonde nor really brown, and is closer to one one day, and the other the next.
I also currently have more natural color than I have had since I was twelve years old
But it was naturally a tiny bit blonder back then I believe....
The one thing I don't have issues with about my hair, is that I can either make it naturally curly(esque), or fairly straight. That means I have a teeny tiny bit of flexibility with my hair.
....oh well...I'll get over it...maybe :)
Thursday, September 18, 2008
My Favorite Things - Part 3
Fish and Chips - classic fingerfood. I'm a big fan of the flake and chips. With the added potato cake..or 2,3..depending. Course the quality varies like all takeaway foods. You get some really nice stuff down by the beach.
Betty Crocker Choc chip cookies - the best version of cookies to bake from a box. They're chunky, not dry and brittle, and break your teeth when you try to eat them.
Curly Wurly - a very retro chocolate covered caramel twist thing. Used to be very cheap..but now is close to $1.
Berri Orange Juice - I am very picky when it comes to OJ. My sister and I have decided that the Berri one is the best. no pulp, no added sugar. Great for a sore throat, or to revive you during a cold.
Bertie Beetles - Like the curly wurly, used to be cheap and is a big chocoholic fave. Dark choc with little pieces of violet crumble. Course the ones that you find in stores nowadays aren't the same, and often are not even dark choc. But I guess something is better than nothing.
Dark Choc and Raspberry TimTams - A fancy version of the good old aussie fave chocolate biscuit. Just like a regular choc timtam but with a raspberry center.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Bored Now
-don't say, uniwork. I'm doing a bit of that...but my brain is far too dead for that now anyhoo. I haven't had my coffee yet.
So far today, I have read and posted on the imdb messageboard for Wicked. Looked up all the tv talk shows I watch to see if anyone I like is on this week. -I have also copied all the links so I can keep track in the future. I have read the lastest imdb news, researched last years emmys and compared a few catagories to this years emmys, done a Pushing Daisies quiz, updated my comment on facebook, checked and written emails, read articles about certain tv personalities, and other random info.
I'm too tired to come up with another 'Favorite Things' post today, maybe tomorrow. Plus I'm starting to run out of ideas. Maybe I should just do one every month or every few weeks or something.
However....because the desks for the computers here are so damm high, my fingers are getting very cold and losing circulation a little...which is bad.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
My Favourite Things Part 2
RENT Movie soundtrack - I'm obsessed with the film version of RENT (the only version I've ever seen). Since I'm currently banning myself from listening to the OBC recording of Wicked, I need another musical fix.....what I'll listen to when I ban myself from RENT I have no idea. I don't know why they would even make a selections soundtrack...I love all the songs and it wouldn't be right only having half of them.
Sony 2GB Micro Vault Flashdrive - With the extinction of floppy disks and later versions. I'm so glad that they finally made decent sized USB drives. Back near the start of the year I bought a new USB, my old one didn't hold much content and with my YouTube obession (particularly saving vids) I needed something that could move more stuff between my laptop and the family PC. I love my sony usb not only cause I can put at least 5 eps of tv on it (no more burning rewritable dvds just to watch 1 ep of something) and put a whole load of other media on there and it compresses it to make more space. Plus they're very cheap for what they do, and seem to be made to hold more, while also getting cheaper.
Starbucks Cafe Mocha - Keeps me going through my days at Uni. My mum bought me a Starbucks card for Christmas, which I went through rather quickly. Instead of buying food during my 2-2.5 hour breaks at Uni, I just get a Tall Mocha which keeps my stomach from whinging, and saves me a bit of money, cause with an 8:30 Friday morning start, by midday my mind is so dead I need coffee to wake me up.
IMDB.com - what would I do without IMDB.com?! Since I have WAY too many different shows and movies that I watch...I of course start to recognise people and then have to wonder where I know them from. IMDB is my saviour....
Its also got plenty of news and updates on what certain people are up to, which is mighty handy.
Pushing Daisies - I admit it, I'm totally addicted to Pushing Daisies. For some unknown reason in all the drama over the last year with tv shows, I'd forgotten about checking it out. Finally in July I got around to seeing all the eps and have now watched them multiple times. Its just so entertaining and different from anything else. Its musical, a little scary, silly, hilarious, and totally crazy all at the same time. Can't wait for October to bring around season 2!
Smiggle Mini Stapler, Staples and Highlighter set - I love Smiggle stuff, it's handy, compact, colorful and easy to take with you. I find this mini stapler very handy to take to uni if I need to hand in assignments and I haven't stapled it together yet. Plus I love jazzing it up a little with pink metallic staples. I am a big supporter of the color pink.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
My Favourite Things - Part 1
Dove Pro-Age Shampoo and Conditioner - I have very very fine hair and even though my body is young, all the chemicals over the years have made it kinda old. So I have a very hard time giving my hair any volume. I've found this stuff works wonders and also leaves my hair pretty soft too.
Shea Bodybutter from The Body Shop - My friend got me into bodybutter, and I decided on the Shea nut variety. It has a nice, but not overpowering scent and leaves my hands feeling nice and soft, instead of dry, cracked and sore.
Extra Professional Mints - I used to be a TicTacs fan (Spearmint only) but I started to get really sore teeth while I was at work cause I'd taken too many. I gave Extra Professional Mints (pepermint) a try and was hooked! I also love that they come in a recycleable tin.
Arnotts Malt-o-milk biscuits - I've had a cold for the last week and these biscuits are one of the few things that hasn't hurt my cold! -Especially nice to eat with orange juice!
Chemists Own Dry Cough medicine - A miracle elixer! This damm cold I've got has resulted in me coughing like crazy for the last few days, and Friday night I got barely any sleep at all from not being able to stop coughing. Saturday night (and every night since) I have gotten a decent sleep thanks to my yellow medicine!
Vicks Liquid Centre Vapodrops - Thank god for vapodrops. I wouldn't have gotten through my lectures without coughing non-stop without them. Makes having a cold just a little bit easier.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Saving Trees???
'Cept that I saw Wicked and LOVED it. I'm totally hooked and hope they do a movie soon with the originals.
Today after Uni, I was bored and decided to clean out my closet. I'd already cleaned out some old clothes from my draws and they were all over my floor, so I thought I'd keep going. Its amazing some of the stuff you wind up holding onto! I have clothes in there that I haven't worn for at least 2 years and will definately never wear again! Which is REALLY stupid since my closet is the size of a shoebox.
After clearing out my closet, I decided to put away some of my summer shoes I had in boxes on the floor of my room back into the closet where they belonged in the first place. Under them I found a few cardboard boxes that I'd filled with my stuff when I'd completely packed up my room last November when I got my new bed....or didn't....
In these boxes I found 2 (yes TWO!) folders filled with pages and pages of printed out Buffy quotes! Insane! So I immediately when outside and threw them in the recycling. Then I found a whole bunch of old Alias articles and Buffy articles and other misc tv articles. Most I will throw out but there's a couple I might hold on to. I'll see how it goes.
Some of the pages are so old that they have things about people from Baywatch on them! There's also a lot of old WB series stuff and Party of Five stuff, and ER stuff too. And even an article with Marla Sokolof.
It's insane that I'd kept this stuff. But I guess back in my teen years...or late teens it all seemed really important that I keep it. -Even though I haven't wanted to re-read it!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Fantasy Dinner Party
Thursday, 11:25pm
I was thinking about that thing, where people say who, dead or alive, they’d invite to a dream dinner party thing. And I was trying to think…who would I invite? I’d definitely have Lauren Graham (which is how I got onto this topic by the way…Cause I was thinking how fun it would be to spend you know, 30 minutes or whatever talking to her)
But then comes the problem of who else would I invite?! There are tons of people…okay mostly actresses/actors whatever…that I’d LOVE to meet. But would they all be able to function at a dinner party. –Yes. This is where my mind actually goes…
For example, I’d LOVE to spend a few hours with Sally Field…and Bette Midler….but would these two PLUS Lauren Graham be able to get a word in between the 4 of us? So then comes the problem of do you invite really chatty people or a few quieter people? And in terms of guys…do you go for eye candy or ones you’d actually want to talk to?
Matthew Perry would be very entertaining…course then he and Lauren would be all clicky.
I could invite Michael Buble. He’s a tad whacky…and nice to look at.
I forget what the number of people you’re supposed to have is, but I’m sure it’s something around 6.
So say I invited,
Lauren Graham
Sally Field
Bette Midler
Matthew Perry
Michael Buble
That only leaves one more person….I can think of a few maybes, but no one I’d be desperate to meet.
Course with all those people, it would probably turn into a sing a long of some kind. Cause if Bette’s there, I’d get her to sing…/and Buble in a bubble of course. Plus then I’d probably bring out the karaoke and make the others do it.
So maybe I should invite someone who is actually fairly straight and serious…..but I’m actually struggling to think of such a person right now!
So my options for the last guest could be,
Julie Andrews
Hillary Clinton
….I’m trying to think of someone dead…but its actually kinda tricky
Maybe someone else will come to me.
Since I wrote this on thursday, I was thinking of a few other people, like Cleopatra, or God even. -That could really make it interesting.
But ultimately, I have no idea who, if someone made me pick 6 people suddenly I probably would have a lot of trouble.
....clearly I have overthought the whole thing WAY too much!
Friday, June 13, 2008
12 of 12 June 2008
1 of 12 - 9:42am
Burning dvds with recent eps of Las Vegas and ER for my friend and birthday girl Vanessa. (who even though I spent a good deal of the day with her...didn't end up taking any real pictures while we were out and about)
2 of 12 - 10:06am
Eating a chocolate crossant while watching the previous days ep of The View. - I always tape it off W and watch it the next day while I have breakfast and read the paper. -It's my news and current events hour :P
3 of 12 - 1:23pm
In the changerooms of Target at Chadstone Shopping Centre, trying on a bunch of cardigans.
4 of 12 - 3:56pm
Home again, exhausted and a little chilly. -Watching a stormy ep of ER circa 2002.
5 of 12 - 3:56pm
Getting darker and gloomier outside...who knows why that van was sitting outside my house. -I blame it on the builders for next door, who nearly parked over my driveway...
6 of 12 - 4:38pm
Snacking on some quite retro TV snacks. I haven't had these in ages!
7 of 12 - 5:34pm
Reading the new book I bought the day before. Burning Bright by Tracy Chevalier. Pretty good so far. I have read a few of her others, and I studied Girl with a Pearl Earring in year 12.
8 of 12 - 6:22pm
My new cardi. Of course the one that looked best HAD to be the most expensive. But only by 10 bucks, so no big deal really.
9 of 12 - 7:55pm
Just come back from the Supermarket. Mum made me drive, probably cause my P plates were already on the car...that or she was just feeling lazy. :P
10 of 12 - 10:25pm
Filling in a claims form for Medicare. I had a bunch of tests last week, and one of them is making me claim it myself.
11 of 12 - 10:52pm
Killing some time playing a demo of Zoo Tycoon2.
12 of 12 - 11:15pm
Checking the tram times to catch a train to work Friday morning.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Part 2 of I hate Hospitals
So anyways...on Tuesday I had to go back for my tests. Mum decided to stay home from work. Partly cause she was sick herself, and partly to keep an eye on me after my episode the day before. Apparently I'm a drama queen!
Luckily my first test wasn't until 12:30, so I could sleep in. AND I was allowed to eat. So I was feeling fine. Except for the FREEZING cold. Apparently it only ended up being 11 degrees that day. The city was completely misty and foggy.
This test was over at St Vincents, instead of peter mac. We also drove in. It took us A WHILE to find a car park, but we finally did. We walked down the dingy old coridors of the hospital....it's seriously old fashioned and in need of a makeover. lol
I had to have a bone density test. It was fairly easy and not at all invasive. Just like an x-ray, all I had to do was lie there.
Then we had to drive over to Peter Mac, and find another car park. We were a bit early, that appointment wasn't until 1:45pm. We had a hot drink to warm us up. Then made our way over to pathology for my echo. Of course they were running late. We had no idea HOW late. I never ended up going in until 2:30 or something. Then my mum had to go find another car park, cause I didn't get out until about 20 to 4!
The damm chick that was doing my echo kept leaving and doing other things during it, so I was just lying there for ages by myself. I don't understand why she couldn't just do my echo THEN do her whinging or organising or whatever she was doing. It was very unprofessional. She never even appologised for it. and kept asking stupid questions about the reasons behind my test.
ALSO she totally bruised me! I was in pain the next day. I might even still have a tiny bruise.
That was the worst test out of them all. Even the fainting and being kept in the trolley bay with a needle in my arm was better than my echo experiance this time.
Oh well.
I went and had my x-ray yesterday, and will go back to see my GP sometime next week. Hopefully alls well. I'm sure it is.
Got my exam for Pop Culture this wednesday....hopefully I'll be prepared enough. I haven't really started studying......I better get working on that. :)
Friday, June 06, 2008
I Hate Hospitals
Last Friday, was the last day of classes and the due date of all 4 of my final assignments. -lucky me.
But I'd finished them all, and handed them in. I was even moderately happy with them. lol.
Then as soon as its all done, I develope a cold. I argue that my body was fighting it off for me so that I could finish my assignments, then once I relaxed, my immune system gave in.
So I was poorly - odd word to use, but it fits..., all weekend. I didn't even get any real time to rest. I worked a few hours on saturday, only 3 so I was fine, but it didn't do my cold any good. Then Sunday I went over to chaddy with mum. I didn't get much, a pair of comfy shoes for work...they look like nurse shoes..which is probably what I should have been wearing all along anyways. I also got 3 more seasons of ER to watchover my break.
Monday I had to get up REALLY early to go to the hospital for my tests. Mum came with me and we went in on the train, and got there a bit before 8:30am, which was whem my first appointment was. It was a blood test, which I was supposed to fast for. So I hadn't eaten a thing since about 11 O'clock the night before.
They had one look at my veins and decided to wait till my CT to take my blood to spare my veins the needles which they can't really take. -my god how am I going to be when I'm 50?!
So since we had some time to kill before my CT at 9:45 which I was also supposed to fast for, we walked over to the gardens and stood in the only spot of sunshine we could find. It was also FREEZING this week, especially the 2 days I was in the city.
We headed back up and they managed to fit my ultrasound in early (instead of waiting till 12 noon), so I went and did that, which was all good.
Then they took me over to get changed for my CT. I hate having to wear hospital gowns...moreso cause changing takes forever. I had my needle put in, I was all fine, a perfect patient. Then she took my blood and left hte needle in my arm...so I couldn't bend my arm, but there was no real pain.
I had to sit around waiting for a while longer with mum....when all of a sudden, I felt really sick and apparently.......
Now can I just say, the last place I wish I had fainted was in a hospital!
They came rushing over to me, and made me get on a trolly. I had to stay there till they decided I was well enough to get my CT..which was about 5 minutes or so.
-I always feel pretty good after I have fainted. Which we worked out was the not eating or drinking for a long period of time. Once they took out my blood it triggered it. It sorta happened once before a long time ago.
I also had a temperature apparently.
SO anyways...they did my CTs, but then made me stay in the trolly bay till they could reach the doc to let me go. Gees. People way to overreact. lol
They arranged to get me some food and drink. FINALLY! and I bounced right back, I was sitting up, cheery, happy....annoyed cause I wanted to go home.
My temp even dropped a bit.
So I finally got to leave the hospital at 10 to 12...so I still ended up leaving before I should have. But then I had to go see my GP. She put me (and my mum) on antibiotics and ordered me to have a chest x-ray cause they thought I had pnumonia.
Docs always overreact.
Either way the drugs seem to have helped a little.
I might not go into what happened when I went back on Tuesday in this post....It could go for a while....as did the day. lol
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
12 of 12 - May 2008 Edition!
1 of 12 - 10:33am
Checking how much of our 12 gig internet usage my family has used up so far!...over half
2 of 12 - 11:22am
Watching Gilmore Girls, I just bought season 7 and watched all the seasons in order.
3 of 12 - 11:45am
Working on a presentation for my Pop Culture Class
4 of 12 - 12:59pm
Vegemite on bread for lunch. -you've got to be an Aussie to really enjoy it properly. lol
5 of 12 - 1:19pm
Watching more Gilmore Girls season 7.
10 of 12 - 8:51pm
Frozen Pizza for dinner (healthy :P) while watching Desperate Housewives.
11 of 12 - 10:17pm
Typing up my handout for my Pop Culture class presentation
12 of 12 - 10:57pm
Homework all done, time to watch an ep of ER
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Odd Things on Campus
Everyday there are tons of people in all sorts of people with strange hair colors, styles, clothing etc, whole groups of people I am sure I haven't even seen around the city.
Also today while sitting at McDonalds in Glenferrie Rd, there were two men in business suits eating their lunch, and talking about full on business and economy stuff. I just found it rather amusing and also odd, that these guys were sitting there surrounded by uni and high school students, eating McDonalds and discussing whether China or Swizterland made the better products. I also heard a rather lenthy conversation about socks....
Oh well must get back to my essay. Miles to go before I sleep.....and the comps starting to run out of battery power. -I must remember to bring my cord with me next week.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Come Back Again
This post, is mostly going to be a rant about the lack of opening credits in tv series nowadays.
The other night, after watching/hearing a few random ye olde tv themes on foxtel, and trying forever to remember the opening lines of the Beverly Hillbillies theme (which I never did, and ended up having to 'google')
That night I went to bed, and for over an hour (between midnight and 1am) I lay there singing whatever tv theme I could think of.
I first worked back to the early stuff, and then through more recent things. Most of the old shows had themes, like older movies.
Some shows, such as The Drew Carey Show had multible themes during its run.
Some themes are a total pop-culture icons, such as Gilligan's Island, and Happy Days!
I was thinking about the things that we will remember about current shows 20, 30 years down the road.... that is IF we even remember them, for some of the good ones are only around for 5 minutes, while crappy ones last for ages.
I really miss tv themes on shows, even if the themes were not always as memorable as others.
So these are some of the shows with themes I was singing,
-Gilligan's Island
-Happy Days
-I Love Lucy (music, no lyrics)
-Golden Girls
-Family Ties
-I Dream of Jeanie
-Fraggle Rock
-Full House
-7th Heaven
-Buffy the Vampire Slayer
-The Drew Carey Show (the first and last ones...I can never remember the one that came in the middle....that is unless there was 4 and not 3 like I'm remembering)
-Green Acres
-The Jetsons
-The Brady Bunch
-Raggy Dolls (to be totally childish)
-Scooby Doo
-James Bond jr(....though I seem to remember that one to the tune of The Jetsons...no idea if that one's right or how it's supposed to go if it isn't)
Then there's the others, which I don't recall singing, but being there anyways
-Gilmore Girls
-ER (it's music, it's hard to sing)
-Ally McBeal
-The Practice
and so on...
In fact pretty much any and EVERY show had a theme....now they all seem to have a title screen, with just the name of the show and maybe a second or 2 of some kind of music, eg, Heroes, Brothers and Sisters, and October Road.
After watching season 1 of Brothers and sisters on dvd, I really liked the music they played at the end of the show, and wished that that was used for credits. It is very...Dr Quinn, or Little House on the Prairie though :P
Also Grey's started with a theme, but then bumped it for the title screen.
I guess now they all prefer to use those few seconds for actual show content...
I wonder if we will still know the themes to the old shows after another 20 years. I have a feeling that the really really old ones, like Gilligan's Island, and The Brady Bunch are sticking with us however hard we try to block them out!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Mind Wipe
-I blame the fact that I'm on holidays still.
Not only have I forgotten my pics, but I also haven't been writing much here on my blog. I guess my mind is just filled with other things to do.
I've been watching a lot of dvds. I finished Felicity last week. -Loved it, especially seasons 3 and 4....probably cause I hadn't seen any of those eps.
Now I'm onto Brothers and Sisters, which I bought back in December, but I have been waiting to finish Felicity first.
I've also been doing other things. Like playing WAY too much Sims2. I've got an addiction. -Hey I admit it! lol
With the Strike being on, I've been catching up on all my shows. I've only got a few more eps of Las Vegas left (which are fairly recent) to watch.
Hopefully with the Strike being resolved, there will be some new eps of my shows soon. -Especially Heroes and Private Practice which haven't had any new eps since the first week of December.
I've been trying out some new shows. -Some might stick, others will get the boot.
I've also been doing a lot of reading lately. I've been re-reading the Narnia books in order. I've read them all at least twice each, probably 3 times. -I've read the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe way more times than that.
Hopefully I'll get a chance to fit in, To Kill a Mocking Bird. -I aways love to re-read my faves over the summer break....plus I can't really afford any new books.
The job thing is not going well. I've got two, 3-hour shifts this week, which are my first shifts in 4 weeks. -I'm NOT happy.
I've sent out my resume to a few places. Hopefully something good will come from it! -I really really really would love to be able to go overseas next summer, or winter (09). I only need a few more thousand for a trip to LA, and perhaps somewhere nearby as well. I'm dying for a trip before I get too tied down with real work....plus I'd rather spend money on a trip while I can, than spend it on a car, which for now I can live without.
I hate waiting, I don't believe in waiting for things that are important. I haven't really been anywhere, and I want to see places before they're gone, or I'm gone.
Oh well. Uni starts back soon, I'll be spending money on books, and lunch, and coffee. I'm guessing lots and lots of coffee. hehe.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Lazy Hazy Crazy Days
And me, well I'm still on holidays.
Mum's been home this week, so we've done a few things. I went and got my eyebrows waxed for the first time - it wasn't really painful and looks good!
Other than odd things, I haven't really been up to much. I'm very over movies at the moment. A few weeks ago, I ended up seeing 5 or 6 movies in a week and a half!
As mentioned I've seen the National treasure sequel, 27 Dresses (which I loved!), and P.S I love you. I've also seen Alvin and the Chipmunks, and Juno. ....Alvin and the Chipmunks wasn't great...but wasn't a complete waste of $9.
I ended up getting 2 free movie tickets out of Villages 3 movie reel deal. Though one technically belongs to mum cause she paid for us to see 27 Dresses.
Hopefully I'll get onto painting the dining room and the hallway this weekend or early next week. I'm running out of time before the curtains come.
I've also got to organise my classes for uni, hopefully I'll get a couple of free days for relaxation, homework, or work. Hopefully I'll also be able to find a new job. I've pretty much given up on the idea of Safeway offering me any decent work, and I'm starting to go broke. I keep putting aside money for my future trip..but if I don't get work I start taking money from it - which I really really really don't want to do, cause I'm dying to go overseas!
Wish me luck!
Friday, January 18, 2008
CupCakes and Lemonade
These are the cupcakes I made from that book I mentioned in my pics for Chad's 12 of 12. I made the first recipe in the book, which was for vanilla cupcakes, with buttercream frosting. The cake part turned out great..though maybe a little took thick and heavy, but definately not bad for my first try at the recipe. The frosting however came out all wrong, cause I ran out of icing sugar. The recipe called for 8 cups...and I used all that I had which was 1 full bag and the last 1/4 (all that was left) of another bag. So it turned out a tad runnier than I would have liked, but it still tasted good and my sister Nikki and I decorated them with all sorts of fancy sprinkles we had lying around. - It's my mission to get the editble glitter from a cake shop for next time. (as well as about 3 bags of icing sugar just in case!)
The next recipe is for a chocolate cake. I LOVE chocolate cake!
Monday, January 14, 2008
P.S I Love You
Even though I was starving, we only ended up getting a doughnut from Krispy Kreme each, and a Choc Top from the movies to eat during the film.
The film was pretty good. Though at times maybe went on a little long for some scenes.
The film was also like a random collection of people from some of my fave tv shows. Even Hilary Swank, who was Carly in Beverly Hills 90210 back in the day. I knew Lisa Kudrow was in it, that was one extra reason why I wanted to see it. I knew Harry Connick Jr was in it...(he'll still be Leo from Will and Grace to me) -Also I always find it strange when everyone else sings in a movie..'cept for him. lol. Then there was Jeffrey Dean Morgan (Denny from Grey's...like you don't know), who I also knew was in it. And then there was James Marsters....who I had sorta forgotten about since my Buffy and Angel obsession died down a few years ago, and so I was totally shocked when I saw him....and man his accent still weirds me out..it's neither really American or British..It's like some weird missmesh.
Even Gina Gershon was in an ep of Crossing Jordan, and other things.
...okay now I have the image of all those characters being together...and it SO wouldn't make an inch of sense...lol.
so anyways good movie. I'd say great, but I loved 27 dresses more. Lol.
I the last week I've seen 3 movies in 6 days. I saw the National Treasure sequel on Tuesday, 27 Dresses on Thursday, and then P.S I love you, on Sunday.
I might give my review of 27 Dresses later if I get the chance.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
12 of 12 - 2008 a brand new year
So here's my 12 pics for January 2008 (I still keep typing 2007...gonna take a little while like always to get used to it!)
1 of 12 - 1:27am
Still awake...can't sleep.
2 of 12 - 10:43am
After a sleep in, it's time to get up.
3 of 12 - 1:11pm
Printing out some photos of my Grandma at my cousin's wedding to give to her.
4 of 12 - 3pm
Having tea at my Grandparents house. (I only have tea when I go to my Grandparents house. lol)
5 of 12 - 4:34pm
Taking pics in my Grandparents garden. (they live in Bentleigh in Melb). I have pics of me with this frog when I was really little.
6 of 12 - 4:35pm
My Grandparent's backyard...hasn't changed much since I was really little. lol.
7 of 12 - 6:50pm
Home cooked hamburgers for dinner. Yum!
8 of 12 - 7:05pm
Watching the Aristocats while eating dinner....didn't end up getting more than 20 minutes into the movie. lol.
9 of 12 - While trying to put together my new bed (which is a whole story of drama, tears, and yelling at customer service people), I managed to stab myself with a screwdriver. OUCH!
10 of 12 - 8:06pm
Browsing my new cupcake book.
11 of 12 - 10:12pm
My new bed is up and ready to be made! FINALLY!
12 of 12 - 11:23pm
A finshed product. New bed, new everything for the bed. Lovely!
Hope you liked them!