Sunday, June 29, 2008

Fantasy Dinner Party

(I wrote this thursday night, but forgot to post it until now.)

Thursday, 11:25pm
I was thinking about that thing, where people say who, dead or alive, they’d invite to a dream dinner party thing. And I was trying to think…who would I invite? I’d definitely have Lauren Graham (which is how I got onto this topic by the way…Cause I was thinking how fun it would be to spend you know, 30 minutes or whatever talking to her)
But then comes the problem of who else would I invite?! There are tons of people…okay mostly actresses/actors whatever…that I’d LOVE to meet. But would they all be able to function at a dinner party. –Yes. This is where my mind actually goes…

For example, I’d LOVE to spend a few hours with Sally Field…and Bette Midler….but would these two PLUS Lauren Graham be able to get a word in between the 4 of us? So then comes the problem of do you invite really chatty people or a few quieter people? And in terms of guys…do you go for eye candy or ones you’d actually want to talk to?
Matthew Perry would be very entertaining…course then he and Lauren would be all clicky.

I could invite Michael Buble. He’s a tad whacky…and nice to look at.

I forget what the number of people you’re supposed to have is, but I’m sure it’s something around 6.

So say I invited,
Lauren Graham
Sally Field
Bette Midler
Matthew Perry
Michael Buble

That only leaves one more person….I can think of a few maybes, but no one I’d be desperate to meet.
Course with all those people, it would probably turn into a sing a long of some kind. Cause if Bette’s there, I’d get her to sing…/and Buble in a bubble of course. Plus then I’d probably bring out the karaoke and make the others do it.
So maybe I should invite someone who is actually fairly straight and serious…..but I’m actually struggling to think of such a person right now!

So my options for the last guest could be,
Julie Andrews
Hillary Clinton
….I’m trying to think of someone dead…but its actually kinda tricky
Maybe someone else will come to me.


Since I wrote this on thursday, I was thinking of a few other people, like Cleopatra, or God even. -That could really make it interesting.

But ultimately, I have no idea who, if someone made me pick 6 people suddenly I probably would have a lot of trouble.

....clearly I have overthought the whole thing WAY too much!


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