So I was super dooper alleyooper bored today at uni, and started thinking about a few things that are actually kinda good about being so short.
I'll start by mentioning that I am current 153 or 4 centermeteres tall...I haven't quite worked out exactly what I am. This equates to about 5"1...So yes I'm taller than Kristin ( you didn't know), but she's totally proportioned...and has HUGE/Gigantic talent! are 5 things that are actually GOOD about being short.
1 - It's fairly easy to weave in and out/through of crowds of people
2 - you never have to worry about ceiling height
3 - even a modest sized Christmas tree looks decent sized next to you
4 - you need less legroom on trains, planes and automobiles
5 - People do underestimate you, which definately has its pluses.
And 5 BAD Things
1 - I can never SEE over the crowds if its an audience!
2 - It's impossible to reach anything high up if you live with taller people who put your stuff specifically up on the top shelf.
3 - Everything (I mean pants, and occaisionally dresses and skirts) have to be taken up. Luckily for me, I've become quite good at doing most of it myself.
4 - I tend to get either beaten up by surf or blown away wind...also its really hard to go very far out into the ocean and still touch the sand
5 - you tend to live your life on tippytoes. Whether its at work, or stores, or anywhere else with counters.
And a few things that I couldn't decide if they were good or bad.
1 - People automatically think you're younger than you are if you are short. Which I so don't get. But I guess in the long run its a definate plus, and its way too much effort to make oneself look older...and why bother?!
2 - customers never know I'm at a register at work unless I have a line...which is good cause sometimes I get a break/breather, but annoying cause after awhile one gets bored.
-Okay so I was reaching a little....particularly with the good things, but is actually a lot harder to think of good things than I thought it would be.
I end this rant here.
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