Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Where Do We Go From Here?

So on the weekend...a very busy weekend I'll have you.., I went to the VCE careers expo with mum. I got a bunch of course guides for next year, and now the annoying and extremely difficult task of choosing a course to study next year is upon me. I have till the end of September I think.

I think I am a little closer to deciding what I wanna do. Or maybe am just a little clearer about what I DON'T want to do.
I am probably looking at some kind of IT, or business thing now. Or a creative writing thing maybe. Who knows. It's gonna take a lot more research.
While I still have a small interest in teaching, I think that that wouldn't make me happy. I'd get sick of it. And I really want to travel with my job, so maybe something like what Sarah is doing. Cause from what I hear, she really enjoys her job and also is making decent money and travelling and stuff.
It's stupid how after all these years of having to do certain things, that they try to make you pick one course to study.

anyways...enough of that.

I worked 15 hours on the weekend...and thursday night too. And then I worked tonight as well. Hmm.
On Saturday night the Hargraves came over and we had dinner. It was nice to see them. Sunday afternoon Neil and Sylvia came over and eventually the Hargraves, they were all going out to Sophia's for dinner. I was really bummed that I couldn't go. 1) I love hanging out with Neil and Sylvia, as we NEVER see them! and 2) I LOVE Sophia's! lol.

We went to the other JB today after work and they didn't have the dvd recorder I want either! (We stopped in at Chaddy on the way home on Sunday from the expo).
I will have to wait a little longer. Hmm.

I'm not working again till Friday night, but I'm still busy busy busy. I'm going out to dinner for Bec P's birthday tomorrow night, and then I have class, hanging in the city and then a 2 hour lecture that Bree wants us to go to for our Monday class.
Speaking of which, she had a complete go at me today...and everyone else! ....I think she needs to have the stick removed from her butt!

Well I should probably get to sleep...it's almost 2:30...woops.
I've almost finished downloading the new ep of CJ...I dunno when I'm gonna get to watch it...as everyone is home tomorrow. Hmm. Well maybe I can hope for an hour alone! *holds on to potentially false hope*


Night night, don't let the bed bugs bite!...or the ones in your head either.

Oodles of Toodles to all.

Carls...or Claire as I called myself this morning when I got my coffee. :)

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