Tuesday, April 04, 2006

So Now It's April

I have never been a big fan of March, for a few reasons, but mostly that there are so many damm people with birthdays in that month. -In just my family alone!
I've always felt left out for that, especially when we do the big family party for the Sheehan's, my dad's side. There's Pop, Mum, Scott, Jade, Caitlin and Kieran. -And also sometimes Nikki, though she is actually April 9th.

April usually brings Easter, or at least school holidays. But this year we've already had our holidays, due to the Commonwealth Games. -Just the name Commonwealth is open to great controversey....okay not gonna go there...as 1) I really don't have the time, and 2) I dunno if I care that much.

So yeah, today I slept in, after being up way too late on the computer. I watched the new episode of Las Vegas, and episode 9 of NCIS which I had downloaded.
I also watched a lot of Dawson's Creek today. About another 4 episodes.

Also attempted some homework.

I also typed up the new final scene version I wrote in class the other day. Now I just have to go through both of them and pick what I like about both and see if I can use any of it, to make just 1 scene. -It shouldn't be that hard, they're pretty much the same.

Tomorrow I have my short class. We were supposed to have picked a topic (a wide idea at least) for our Research Project. -I have none. I seriously have NO idea what I could research. -Maybe I just need some clarification. I dunno. It'll get sorted out.
-I'm also starting to look into courses to do next year. I dunno what though, but I think I am considering the teaching option again.

The weather is getting colder, which is nice. I do love winter. I love snuggling up and wearing coats and boots and stuff. But it means I have to hurry up and go shopping so that I actually have some clothes to wear! hehe

Enjoy your Wednesdays


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