1 of 12 - 10:46am
Checking my emails after breaky
2 of 12 - 10:52am
Checking MySpace and writing about it, which is my homework. -I have the coolest class at Uni this semester!
3 of 12 -11:25am
Gearing up to watch some Grey's Anatomy, the perfect thing for a rainy day in Melbourne.
4 of 12 - 1:15pm
So much for the rain! Bright and sunny! Perfect Spring weather.
5 of 12 - 2:20pm
Walking to the station to meet friends in the city.
6 of 12 - 2:59pm
The rain came back! I ducked for cover while waiting for my friends to arrive.
7 of 12 - 4:35pm
Me, Ness and Brett went to see the Pixar exhibition at ACMI in Federation Square. I loved Cars!
8 of 12 - 4:37pm
Sully and Mike! Monsters Inc is one of my fave fave movies. It's just so cute!
9 of 12 - 5:06pm
Leaving ACMI, It's stopped raining! I love Melbourne CBD. It's so pretty!
10 of 12 - 7pm
After dinner, Ness decided she NEEDED at Hot Chocolate. Look at all that yummy chocolate!
11 of 12 - 7:21pm
Walking back to the station. More of my pretty city! From Southbank this time.
12 of 12 - 7:21pm
Wow 2 pics in the same minute. This is my attempt at taking a silly pic of me and Ness. -I forgot to poke out my tongue! lol.
The Pixar exhibit looks like fun! I hope to see your beautiful city sometime in the future.
I have a cuddly Sully myself - he's such a cute character!
That seems like English weather ;-)
Helen, 12 of 12er, Devon
Fun pix...especially thpse at Pixar! You have a beautiful yard.
Yay grey's anatomy !!
That pixar exhibition looked sooo great !!!
and Wow that Hot Chocolate hummmmmmm !!
Great shots! That chocolate looks YUMMY!!!
Nice pics. I'm a huge Monsters Inc. fan as well.
Yes, the hot chocolate does look yummy!!
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