Wednesday, May 02, 2007

A New Blog

I've decided to split my blog into two parts. One for my life, and thoughts, and one to rant, rave and ramble about television.

Here is the link to the TV one.


I've only got 3 more weeks of Uni left before a 12 week break between semesters. Hopefully I'm going to work alot during the break. I need to raise money for my international trip, or semester abroad.
This week I have no shifts, which is okay, even though I'm very poor....because the idea is that I'll start working on my final assignments. Lucky me I don't have any exams this semester. :D yay!

I really really need a break....Uni is tough. The workload is fine, it's other little things that keep bugging me, or tend to mess me up. -I don't like the quiet. Lectures, especially long ones are very wind wanders, and sometimes it really affects me.



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