Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Almost There!

Classes are now overwith, and only 2 more essay to write up, and hand in!

yay....however, I only have till Friday to get my Media one in. -I'm gonna head off and start working on that when I finish this post.
The other one is due Monday, and I will spend the weekend working on that.

My Philosophy presentation and essay are done, and my PCP presentation was done yesterday.
I've finished the journals for Media, and now the essays for that and Critical thinking are all thats left. Thank God! lol

I really can't wait till monday, I'm so tired, and really need a break. I plan to catch up on some good ole tv watching. My 90210 season 2 dvds and NCIS season 3 dvds arrived yesterday and I can't wait to watch those! I also plan to borrow lots of movies from Blockbuster.

Oh well, I suppose I should get working on this essay. I hope to finish it tomorrow. I'm really going need to push myself. Hopefully it shouldn't be too hard.

Wish me luck



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