Monday, May 28, 2007

I'm Free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yay! I handed in my final assignment for this semester at 2:30 this afternoon. And man does it feel good to be free.
I was working on the essay all day, and I don't think it was very good in the end, but it's enough. I was home by 3:30pm, and finished off season 3 of Las Vegas on dvd.

Tomorrow I'm going to start season 2 of Beverly Hills 90210. Yay!

I'm so so tired right now. All this being good, and working on essays and assignments really took it out of me over the last 2 weeks. I plan to do nothing tomorrow, but watch dvds, and only do little important bits of housework.

On Friday I plan to rent a whole bunch of movies from Blockbuster. I haven't seen any new releases in at least a month, so I have a lot to catch up on!

Well I should head off to bed soon.



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