I've got Pirates on the brain. I saw the 3rd installment of the Pirates of The Caribbean last night, with Nikki. It was really good. Slightly obvious in parts...but lots of stuff is for me these days..its what happens when you want so much stuff! lol. - Still not better than the first movie though!
So I handed in my essay and journal for media on Friday. I didn't end up getting there till 2pm, cause I was working on it in the morning. - I had gotten distracted by my CJ and Heroes t-shirts arriving in the morning too. They rock by the way... I got the Heroes one that says "Save the cheerleader...save the world." just cos its fun. lol
My final essay has been barely started though. It's due tomorrow, and like the media one, I'll probably be working on it still till the last minute. I need to do semi-well on this essay...though I know I might not get a good mark, I'll settle for a pass if I have to, but I'd really like at least a credit. -Here's hopeing.
I just want it overwith. I really really can't wait till it's handed in, so that I can do all the things I've been NOT doing over the past month. -like renting movies from blockbuster, going shopping, watching dvds, sleeping in, reading, playing the sims2. etc etc.
Well it's now almost 2o past 11 Sunday morning, and I will have to leave about 1:30 tomorrow to go hand in the essay...so I should probably get cracking.
Yo Ho Yo Ho, A pirates life for me
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