Saturday, March 24, 2007

Wild Hogs

Went to see this at Southland last night with Ness. was one odd movie. -and I bet we were the only people there (mostly) because of Jill Hennessy's part. lol.
The movie was really funny...but kinda scary...and wrong. All these guys looked so silly. -A bunch of middle aged men who used to be credible. -well sorta. :P
Jill's scenes were weird, because she was married to Tim Allen's character...and he's too old for her really.
-also because she was VERY VERY non-Jordanlike in it. -dresses, minivans etc. lol
Also the kid playing their kid was little Alex from ER, and also was in an ep of Crossing Jordan. lol.
Oh and John Travolta's character was called Woody. -and once I got over the connection to CJ...I was then haunted by the connection to Toy Story. -Cause it always seemed to be Tim Allen's character saying 'Woody' in a sentance. lol.
Anyways, the movie wasn't was kinda terrible in a odd funny way.
After that we went and got coffee's and then headed home.
I should probably mention the scary car accident that happened in the Burnley tunnel yesterday. -It was aweful. I've driven through there many times (as a passenger) and it's always terrible when something happens where you live. -my thoughts are with all those involved in this terrible situation, and their families.

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