Sunday, June 18, 2006

3am Wackiness

Okay well it's not quite 3am yet...but I might very well be by the time I'm done.

Today I slept in. -IT WAS GOOD! -I haven't slept in in ages..and I was really exhausted on Friday.

Last night, Judy, Lauren and Lockie O'Connell came over for dinner. It was good...but it also meant that I couldn't watched whatever I wanted..meaning all the shows I had taped during the week...or two in some cases...

Today mum and I went to Video Ezy and I bought Will and Grace seasons 3 and 4 on dvd. -They are only being sold there in Oz. -Which sucks major barnoonoos!
Nikki was supposed to get picked up at 11am to go out with her friend Charlotte for the usual they were late. I feel so bad for Nikki when Charlotte is late..ALL THE TIME. Is it really that hard to call and say...I'm running late...but it's not cool to just leave a kid waiting like that!


after we went to video ezy...and after no success with the atm down the road, we headed off to Bunnings in Nudawading to get the stuff I need to paint my room while Mum and Nic are away.
I got lots of cool stuff. -I'm very excited!

After that I bought us snags from the sausage sizzle for lunch and we then went over to Officeworks to get ink for the printer.
Then we stopped at Kmart and the atm, before finally getting home.

I was working tonight, 7 till midnight. I wasn't sleepy when I got home so I watched The View. Then I watched tomorrow's ep of Will and Grace, which I'd already downloaded last week.
I'm gonna head off to bed in a minute. I've also been working on my website.

I'm currently listening to my Carrie Underwood album. -I love me some country music. The song playing right now is "I ain't in Checotah Anymore". I love it.

'Tis all from me for this am....toodles y'all



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