Wow it's been a while since I've posted...
I'm currently in my second week of holidays from TAFE. ...and I'm ever so slowly getting through all the things I have to do. I'm halfway through season 3 of my Alias dvds. I'd forgotten just how much I loved season 3. -Not as much as 1 and 2..but still I loved so many of the eps...and had also forgotten what happened...although today I found myself quoting things before they had already been said. lol.
I've watched season 1 and 2 of the big box o Friends. I'm half waiting for Nikki to get back to watch the rest, since she loves it so much.
Her and mum left for Darwin on Tuesday morning. So it's just me, dad and Scott for two whole weeks...could get interesting.
Toffee seems to really miss Nikki. I do too! I keep wanting to tell her things..and then remember she's not here! -I can't wait till she gets back.
I'm finally gonna start painting my room tomorrow. I cleaned it all out today....about 7
years of crap stored up. I have boxes and bags of stuff stored in the dining room till my room is done.
I also totally freaked out the other night and almost couldn't sleep, because I had NO posters AT ALL on my walls....I haven't not had posters since I was about 8 or something. So yeah...It was very unsettling and freaky.
Tonight I'm gonna be sleeping in Nikki's room. -Her bed is comfy, so hopefully I will get a decent nights sleep...but then it always takes me forever to get used to knew sleeping locations..even though I don't mind new's also gonna be weird sleeping in that room old room. weird.
Well not much else to report. I watched the baseball this morning. and for once, one of my teams actually won the sport I was watching! - It never works for basketball.
I love baseball. -Always have!
Go The Red Sox!
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Sunday, June 18, 2006
3am Wackiness
Okay well it's not quite 3am yet...but I might very well be by the time I'm done.
Today I slept in. -IT WAS GOOD! -I haven't slept in in ages..and I was really exhausted on Friday.
Last night, Judy, Lauren and Lockie O'Connell came over for dinner. It was good...but it also meant that I couldn't watched whatever I wanted..meaning all the shows I had taped during the week...or two in some cases...
Today mum and I went to Video Ezy and I bought Will and Grace seasons 3 and 4 on dvd. -They are only being sold there in Oz. -Which sucks major barnoonoos!
Nikki was supposed to get picked up at 11am to go out with her friend Charlotte for the usual they were late. I feel so bad for Nikki when Charlotte is late..ALL THE TIME. Is it really that hard to call and say...I'm running late...but it's not cool to just leave a kid waiting like that!
after we went to video ezy...and after no success with the atm down the road, we headed off to Bunnings in Nudawading to get the stuff I need to paint my room while Mum and Nic are away.
I got lots of cool stuff. -I'm very excited!
After that I bought us snags from the sausage sizzle for lunch and we then went over to Officeworks to get ink for the printer.
Then we stopped at Kmart and the atm, before finally getting home.
I was working tonight, 7 till midnight. I wasn't sleepy when I got home so I watched The View. Then I watched tomorrow's ep of Will and Grace, which I'd already downloaded last week.
I'm gonna head off to bed in a minute. I've also been working on my website.
I'm currently listening to my Carrie Underwood album. -I love me some country music. The song playing right now is "I ain't in Checotah Anymore". I love it.
'Tis all from me for this am....toodles y'all
Today I slept in. -IT WAS GOOD! -I haven't slept in in ages..and I was really exhausted on Friday.
Last night, Judy, Lauren and Lockie O'Connell came over for dinner. It was good...but it also meant that I couldn't watched whatever I wanted..meaning all the shows I had taped during the week...or two in some cases...
Today mum and I went to Video Ezy and I bought Will and Grace seasons 3 and 4 on dvd. -They are only being sold there in Oz. -Which sucks major barnoonoos!
Nikki was supposed to get picked up at 11am to go out with her friend Charlotte for the usual they were late. I feel so bad for Nikki when Charlotte is late..ALL THE TIME. Is it really that hard to call and say...I'm running late...but it's not cool to just leave a kid waiting like that!
after we went to video ezy...and after no success with the atm down the road, we headed off to Bunnings in Nudawading to get the stuff I need to paint my room while Mum and Nic are away.
I got lots of cool stuff. -I'm very excited!
After that I bought us snags from the sausage sizzle for lunch and we then went over to Officeworks to get ink for the printer.
Then we stopped at Kmart and the atm, before finally getting home.
I was working tonight, 7 till midnight. I wasn't sleepy when I got home so I watched The View. Then I watched tomorrow's ep of Will and Grace, which I'd already downloaded last week.
I'm gonna head off to bed in a minute. I've also been working on my website.
I'm currently listening to my Carrie Underwood album. -I love me some country music. The song playing right now is "I ain't in Checotah Anymore". I love it.
'Tis all from me for this am....toodles y'all
Thursday, June 15, 2006
A One Track Mind
So today I spent the whole day pretty much watching tv and movies.
I ended up sleeping till almost 11am...when I had ment to get up around 9am. But since I had the whole day off anyways, it didn't really matter.
I watched my normal Still Standing and According to Jim at 11 and 11:30am. Then I watched Tuesday ep (here in Aus...Monday's ep for the US) of The View. After that I killed some time doing some paint research and figuring out how to get my pics for Chad's 12 of 12 up on my blog!
After that I watched The Shop Around The Corner, which You've Got Mail was based on. -It shared some interesting similarities. -There was one scene, the scene where they are supposed to meet at the restaurant, which was very much the same, only with modern differences and references to different books.
After that I washed the dishes and by this time both Scott and Nikki were home from School. I then popped Pollyanna in the dvd player. I had been wanting to watch that movie for a week. I loved that movie as a kid and it was still a great movie. -The one problem was that I hadn't seen it for so long...and now I was looking at it from a more adult grown up perspective...which kinda sucked! lol.
But yeah, I still love that movie.
Oh and I spent many parts of the movie going 'wow aunt Polly reminds me SO much of Jordan..' people kept refering to her as being unable to love and being closed off and stuff....and..yeah...seems like I've got a one track mind. -everything comes back to Crossing Jordan. -oh and while watching The Maltese Falcon yesterday I decided they should do a Film Noir episode of Crossing Jordan. -I can just see the scenes with Woody in my head. ..and it'd look cool all in black and white.
Well I should really head off to bed. I have to work tomorrow night. joy.
Well night ya'll.
I ended up sleeping till almost 11am...when I had ment to get up around 9am. But since I had the whole day off anyways, it didn't really matter.
I watched my normal Still Standing and According to Jim at 11 and 11:30am. Then I watched Tuesday ep (here in Aus...Monday's ep for the US) of The View. After that I killed some time doing some paint research and figuring out how to get my pics for Chad's 12 of 12 up on my blog!
After that I watched The Shop Around The Corner, which You've Got Mail was based on. -It shared some interesting similarities. -There was one scene, the scene where they are supposed to meet at the restaurant, which was very much the same, only with modern differences and references to different books.
After that I washed the dishes and by this time both Scott and Nikki were home from School. I then popped Pollyanna in the dvd player. I had been wanting to watch that movie for a week. I loved that movie as a kid and it was still a great movie. -The one problem was that I hadn't seen it for so long...and now I was looking at it from a more adult grown up perspective...which kinda sucked! lol.
But yeah, I still love that movie.
Oh and I spent many parts of the movie going 'wow aunt Polly reminds me SO much of Jordan..' people kept refering to her as being unable to love and being closed off and stuff....and..yeah...seems like I've got a one track mind. -everything comes back to Crossing Jordan. -oh and while watching The Maltese Falcon yesterday I decided they should do a Film Noir episode of Crossing Jordan. -I can just see the scenes with Woody in my head. ..and it'd look cool all in black and white.
Well I should really head off to bed. I have to work tomorrow night. joy.
Well night ya'll.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
12 of 12 - Part 2
For some reason my blog doesn't want me to post all 12 pics in one I will have to do it in halves.
Here's the 2nd half of my day.
3:44pm - On the swings at a park in Caulfield. The last stop on our day out.

3:54pm - Playing noughts and crosses at the park with my little sister's friend Lucy, who came along for our day out.

5:54pm - Chilling out on the computer with my Sims2. -The characters in this house happen to have the last name Cavanaugh. (the girls last name was Hoyt before they were married)

9:50pm - Reading today's paper while half watching Commander in Chief on tv. -Today's paper was Aussie themed because of the Queen's Birthday Holiday

11:05 pm - Watching 'Take Me Out To The Ball Game' in my duckie jamies(which can't be seen in the picture, but they're just like Jordan's...)

12:00am - Midnight-here I am chatting on msn, while checking out all my websites and forums (the one in the background here is a Crossing Jordan one of course!)
Here's the 2nd half of my day.
3:44pm - On the swings at a park in Caulfield. The last stop on our day out.

3:54pm - Playing noughts and crosses at the park with my little sister's friend Lucy, who came along for our day out.

5:54pm - Chilling out on the computer with my Sims2. -The characters in this house happen to have the last name Cavanaugh. (the girls last name was Hoyt before they were married)

9:50pm - Reading today's paper while half watching Commander in Chief on tv. -Today's paper was Aussie themed because of the Queen's Birthday Holiday

11:05 pm - Watching 'Take Me Out To The Ball Game' in my duckie jamies(which can't be seen in the picture, but they're just like Jordan's...)

12:00am - Midnight-here I am chatting on msn, while checking out all my websites and forums (the one in the background here is a Crossing Jordan one of course!)

12 of 12 - My first entry ever
Well I finally got the pics up. - took me forever as was not co-operating! grr. but here they are.
Monday June 12th
9:55am - Since it's a public holiday in Oz, I got up late and relaxed in my kitchen. -This pic is of my new pink ugg boots. -and also my sheep (or Lambs as Jordan called them) jammies. Ebay rocks. hehe.
10:47am - My 11 year old sister Nicole decided she wanted to do some house I convinced her to clean my windows.
1:10pm - When going out shopping, we drove past this billboard for the new Superman movie on the Princess Highway. We spent the whole red light debating which superheroes were the best. - Batman won of course.
1:38pm - While shopping in Brighton (a suburb from Melbourne, about 25 minutes from where I live) my sis, her friend Lucy and I had to visit one of our new favorite shops. -I managed to start a Smiggle craze in my sisters year at her school.
1:38pm - Wow 2 pics in the one minte. cool. - This one is off the shopping strip in Brighton, which is about a block away from the beach. - It was freezing since it's almost winter here!

3:16pm - After driving around ages and ages trying to find a McDonalds to get some lunch from, we finally found one. -here is my hand holding the drink part of my meal. - a large cheeseburger meal with a coke (incase you were wondering)
3:27pm - Here is the sign from the McDonalds in Elsternwick were we had our late lunch, now heading home from our day of shopping.

Here is part 2 of my 12 of 12 post since they don't want to fit into 1 post.
part 2
Monday June 12th
9:55am - Since it's a public holiday in Oz, I got up late and relaxed in my kitchen. -This pic is of my new pink ugg boots. -and also my sheep (or Lambs as Jordan called them) jammies. Ebay rocks. hehe.
10:47am - My 11 year old sister Nicole decided she wanted to do some house I convinced her to clean my windows.
1:10pm - When going out shopping, we drove past this billboard for the new Superman movie on the Princess Highway. We spent the whole red light debating which superheroes were the best. - Batman won of course.
1:38pm - While shopping in Brighton (a suburb from Melbourne, about 25 minutes from where I live) my sis, her friend Lucy and I had to visit one of our new favorite shops. -I managed to start a Smiggle craze in my sisters year at her school.
3:16pm - After driving around ages and ages trying to find a McDonalds to get some lunch from, we finally found one. -here is my hand holding the drink part of my meal. - a large cheeseburger meal with a coke (incase you were wondering)
3:27pm - Here is the sign from the McDonalds in Elsternwick were we had our late lunch, now heading home from our day of shopping.
Here is part 2 of my 12 of 12 post since they don't want to fit into 1 post.
part 2
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Goodbye and Goodluck Meredith!
So I just watched Meredith Viera's last episode of the View. And as I knew I would be, I was in tears. I remember watching the episode I heard that she would be leaving to go over to the today show...and crying then. I know it seems really really strange to be so worked up over someone you don't even know...but I remember loving The View from the first minute I saw it, way back when we first got foxtel. -I don't remember when exactly, or who was on, but I remember sitting down every weekend to watch the weeks worth. Meredith I loved instantly. I have always looked up to her in a way. She's incredibly kooky and isn't afraid to make a fool of herself. She also is so friendly and loving towards the others on the show and to the people she knows. Watching that show really brightened up my days, especially the last 6 months, since we've had W channel permanently, instead of just every now and then when foxtel was giving us a preview.
So congrats and goodluck to Meredith Viera on the Today show and in her life from a gal from Melbourne Australia.
All this thinking about how much I love Meredith, got me thinking about how it is that I love SO many people and so many characters. It's really an interesting thing. I've always been attached to my characters...but on the View, they are just being themselves...and thats kinda interesting.
I think the fact that these people or characters are with me everyday and are such a part of my life, to see someone everyday and not feel an attachment to them is unnatural to me. I invest so much love and time into people that when they go away - the shows end and the characters go off into that tv world in the sky, or someone leaves and goes onto new's very emotional for me, because they are like a best friend. Someone whose been there for so many years, someone I've shared my time, my life with and have gone through good and bad times with, that to see them vanish is a very sad thing. -Then again maybe I'm just a huge sap....which is highly possible. hehe.
But I think I'm not wrong in saying that all these characters and people I love, will always share a special place in my heart. -The old 90210 characters do, so do the original The Practice and Ally McBeal characters, the Charmed gals, the Buffy group, Angel...Dawson's Creek....Degrassi Junior High/High, Saved By The Bell, Friends, Party of Five, Providence, and I know there are probably heaps more that I'm forgetting....
...and with Will and Grace almost over, and all the new shows I have adopted lately, I know eventually they will end, and I know they will always be part of me -wow imagine how full my heart will be of these people by the time I'm 40....if at 20 there are so many loved people with me.
So to all the characters that have been, and to all those yet to come - I love you all so much! You're the best friends I've ever had. And I know that for everyone that leaves, there will be another one I will love just as much and sometimes more.
-Carlie one big sap
So congrats and goodluck to Meredith Viera on the Today show and in her life from a gal from Melbourne Australia.
All this thinking about how much I love Meredith, got me thinking about how it is that I love SO many people and so many characters. It's really an interesting thing. I've always been attached to my characters...but on the View, they are just being themselves...and thats kinda interesting.
I think the fact that these people or characters are with me everyday and are such a part of my life, to see someone everyday and not feel an attachment to them is unnatural to me. I invest so much love and time into people that when they go away - the shows end and the characters go off into that tv world in the sky, or someone leaves and goes onto new's very emotional for me, because they are like a best friend. Someone whose been there for so many years, someone I've shared my time, my life with and have gone through good and bad times with, that to see them vanish is a very sad thing. -Then again maybe I'm just a huge sap....which is highly possible. hehe.
But I think I'm not wrong in saying that all these characters and people I love, will always share a special place in my heart. -The old 90210 characters do, so do the original The Practice and Ally McBeal characters, the Charmed gals, the Buffy group, Angel...Dawson's Creek....Degrassi Junior High/High, Saved By The Bell, Friends, Party of Five, Providence, and I know there are probably heaps more that I'm forgetting....
...and with Will and Grace almost over, and all the new shows I have adopted lately, I know eventually they will end, and I know they will always be part of me -wow imagine how full my heart will be of these people by the time I'm 40....if at 20 there are so many loved people with me.
So to all the characters that have been, and to all those yet to come - I love you all so much! You're the best friends I've ever had. And I know that for everyone that leaves, there will be another one I will love just as much and sometimes more.
-Carlie one big sap
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