Friday, April 01, 2011


Wow, time really flies! I always thought I'd have a job by April...but I guess I'm not really trying. Not sure what that's all about. I gotta stop procrastinating and get on with it.

So last Thursday I went over to Jacinta's. We did SNL day. We watched the Best of Mike Myers, plus a few recent eps, and then an old old ep from 1996 with Jim Carrey. It was nice to get out. -We didn't get up to anything this week, but hopefully will find something to do next week.

This week, I had a pretty quiet week. Went to visit my Grandma with my Mum on Sunday and we sat out on the terrace in the sunshine. It was nice. We talked about everyone. We talked about my sister's trip, and about my trip and places we'd like to go. We then started talking about old movies and books. We ended up talking heaps about Gone With The Wind and Little Women, and Elizabeth Taylor. It was really nice, I don't have a lot to say about myself. I've never been good at talking about myself, or talking myself up. I think that might be one of my issues with jobs. I can talk about many topics, but its hard to talk about myself. I'm not that interesting really. Its funny, for someone who talks a lot...and I mean A LOT, haha, I don't really talk about much at all.

Anyways...I went to Ness' on Monday night cause she was working over the weekend. It was a little confusing for our heads to get used to MONDAY, but we didn't take long to get into our usual routine, of Bones and The Good Guys. After that we watched 30Rock to cheer us up after Bones, and then ended up watching Pushing Daisies cause it was on tv, one of my faves too!

The internet usage is going like crazy in my house...which I don't have a problem with, its the fact that no one seems interested in doing anything about it. I've offered to contribute to getting more, I've looked up alternatives...but I can't call them up and change the plan myself...if that is an option. I'm tired of being the only one that looks at the usage and curbs my use, when everyone else just does what they like. My sister got a laptop and that pushed up the use, then my bro got his iPhone, and Xbox and now his laptop....and yet our internet plan has stayed the same over this past year. We constantly go over the limit before the end of the month, and nobody seems to care! This is what I hate about my family, we outgrow something, and we just spend the rest of our lives trying to squeeze into something small - like our house, or car, or bookshelves...
Anyways...this month we used 30% in 6 days, and 50% in less than 2 I'm not talking about a little bit extra, I'm talking about TONS more downloads than usual. I have been downloading my tv for about 5 years now, and can't go backwards! My brother contributes nothing to the house - and ok, I don't contribute much these days either, but I'm will to...if he does. As a media student, I know what uses more and stuff, and we are a media heavy family....nothing wrong with that, if we can support our habits...but we can't, or won't.

Okay enough ranting for me.

Football season is back, so things are getting crazy in my house. Las Saturday night I was all set up to amuse myself watching new Grey's and PPP in my room....but my dad decided to be noisy right outside my door...He's so annoying and rude sometimes. I found an old story I had started writing about my family. -I always had plans to write a book about my life and my family when I was younger. This one from about 5 years ago, where I was describing each family member, including myself. Not show off, but I thought it was quite well written, if I do say so myself. haha. But there was one line about my dad that kinda sent a shiver down my spine. I referred to him as "A power hungry villain". I can think of a few other ways to describe him now, but "villain" is interesting. It made me think. I'm not sure if that is true, but its dark nonetheless. Sometimes I forget just how long I have been fighting with him. Its part of why my sister hates me. She blames me for every fight my parents have, because they used to fight over me...Mum would defend me, and my dad would then fight with her. I can see where she's coming from, but I don't think my sister will ever really understand.

Okay, enough of that gloomy topic....back to footy, its good cause it means people are home less on the weekends -which will come in real handy when I finally DO get a job. It is also bad because everyone gets so worked up about it. They turn into people that act completely crazy, rationality goes out the window.

Anyways....The sooner I get out of here the better I guess.


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