Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Quiet Times

Well so much for the dancing thing...I haven't done that in weeks! I am still playing Wii almost every day though. The cold weather has come in and I am feeling less energetic. I'm thinking about getting back into the walking...maybe.

Nikki's birthday was last week, the 9th. I was at Ness', stayed over Friday night and we went shopping on Saturday. I bought a pair of slippers, and new black boots. We then proceeded to watch an additional 6 episodes of Bones, after 6 the night before. -She has me hooked...and its trouble, cause I'm gonna have to keep myself away from spoilers...and new eps! haha.

So after a great weekend, last week sucked! We basically had no internet for a week cause we used it all up with a whole week to go. After a couple of days of not being able to do anything or download anything, I was in hell! At least I could access twitter...otherwise I would have been completely miserable! I can't believe with all this my parents still haven't done anything about getting a higher internet limit! I've offered to pay towards it and still nothing! By Thursday I was ready to bang my head against a brick wall. I imagine it is only gonna get worse each month, and so will probably use our quota by halfway through this month.
To make matters even worse last week, my external hard drive decided to act up and not work, so I couldn't even spend my time watching stuff stored on it, like old SNL or anything! I've spent the past few days trying to get the important stuff off it in case it gets lost when I try fixing it.

This weekend Ness and I are going to see Rock of Ages. I don't know a whole lot about it, other than its all 80's rock ballads - which should be good! Today Mum and I went to Chadstone in order to find something to wear. It was pretty quiet for school holidays -which was awesome! We tried Myer, but they had nothing. I bought some cheap makeup from Priceline, and we looked around a few more shops, before finally finding a few options at Just Jeans. I ended up getting a dress which Mum suggested -which is why I don't go shopping alone...I tend to not like stuff on my own. We stopped in to visit my Grandma after shopping, because Mum had to deliver a check there anyways. So we had a little chat, then stopped at Ashburton on the way home to get a few groceries. We got a few things cheap at Not Quite Right. Bought a bunch of things which only cost 18bucks in the end -which is awesome. But I dropped the thing of pasta sauce and it went all over the floor...it was icky, and it went all over my mum's shoe...I felt bad for the poor guy that had to clean it up.

Still nothing on the job front. The net was too slow to look last week. I did have an interview a couple of weeks ago, the job sounded sorta ok, but it was a very small office and was all the way in Moorabbin, which would get annoying to drive to all the time. Ideally I'd really like to work in the city. But we'll see what turns up.


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