Sunday, March 20, 2011

Musical Soundtracks and Personal Space

So I've been busy this week. I hung out with Ness Tuesday night and Wednesday. Thursday night Jacinta and I went to see Rango, it wasn't fantastic, but it was funny at times. I thought the references were a tad over the heads of kids. Plus there wasn't enough to keep kids entertained. But it was still worth seeing for 7 bucks! lol.

Last night Ness and I did Bones/Thursday night TV night. We did chocolatepalooza, but we didn't make it through all of it....because we know when to stop! A very good sign. lol.

My amazon order arrived on Wednesday, so I now have more dvds to add to the watchlist. I also got the Addams Family original cast recording. Its nice to finally have my own copy. I played it in the car yesterday. I really loved that show, and would have seen it again if I could have.
I also bought the Australian cast recording of Mary Poppins thursday night. I haven't listened to all of it yet. Its a little odd with the applause from the audience at the end of songs, but its still good.

I also had to take my ER season 13 dvds back to JB on thursday, to get them replaced because one of the eps had faults. But the new copy seems to work properly. Now I've only got seasons 14 and 15 to buy/watch. That'll be fun. Hopefully they'll go on special sometime soonish.

Last week was fun with super duper slow internet, but luckily there wasn't much to download. But it set me back with my job searching. So I'll try to put in some time this weekend and apply for some. Yes I need money, yes I need something to do....but it has to be something decent, in terms of description/tasks.

I forgot I was going to post a comment about this woman at my Grandma's home...she has serious boundaries issues. Everytime I see her she ends up touching me. She put her hand through the open car window and patted my head...ick. Maybe I just have extra sensitive personal space issues. But I don't like total strangers touching my head or shoulders. Its creepy. I'm not a hugger...I was when I was a kid, but not now. I was never a huggy teen either. So keep your distance lady - its not nice!


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