Sunday, March 13, 2011

Mary Poppins

So there you have it, my first proper musical/theatre show of 2011 was Mary Poppins. I guess March isn't too bad. I've got Rock of Ages coming up soon, and the final show of Hairspray on May 1st. Not sure what else is coming to town this year, but I'm sure something good will pop up!

I really liked Mary Poppins, Verity Hunt-Ballad was really good, she's got a great voice and personality - which is always important. Marina Prior was very entertaining as Mrs Banks. She was really funny - which I didn't know she could be, having only ever seen her at Carols by Candlelight and the Rob Guest Endowment show. But the more she did the worse I felt for my mum cause she wasn't there the night they went. We didn't have the regular Mr Banks though, and they didn't either. I thought the kids were good. We had Kade and Scout. But the girl reminded us of Paige from Brothers & Sisters -which was weird. But they were good performers, not too over the top or annoying -except when they were meant to be.
I thought the guy that played Burt was really good. His singing wasn't fantastic, but he had acting chops, personality and was a great dancer.

The show was good, it was good that it was different from the movie, because that would be hard to do on stage. I had a few issues with things such as The Queen being there...when at the time its set -there was a king....but anyways. I thought it was really cool when they did Step in Time and Burt went over the top of the stage and up/down the sides. But the coolest thing was Mary flying out over the audience and up to the roof. that was SOOOO awesome! -She didn't fly over us, but I think that was better, cause we could see it better.

I ended up buying a mug with Supercalifragilistic written on it. It's HUGE! - it will have timeshare with the Friends coffee bowl. I didn't buy the program because Mum and Nikki had one and I don't see the need for multiples....I'll probably steal it for myself eventually anyways.

So our seats were pretty awesome. We were in row G, off to the left of the aisle, I've never sat that close at Her Majesty's Theatre before. The view was awesome, 'cept I had a really tall guy in front of me, so I had to keep moving my head. But 2 people next to us never turned up, so I moved over at intermission and then had a perfect view.

Our biggest complaint was that there was a family next to us, with 2 kids, including 1 very little girl who wouldn't SHUT UP. She talked through the whole thing, and the mother kept getting things out for her. It was ridiculous! I'm all for kids being able to go to the theatre - although I think there should be some kind of age requirement....someone brought a baby....who turned out to be quiet as a mouse! Go figure?! But people should know if their kids can handle being quiet. Its disrespectful to the actors, not the mention the high paying patrons around them. I mean it does cost over $100 bucks, so don't let your kids ruin it for people who pay good money to be there. Yes its a whole family sort of show, but its not a little kids show, its for bigger kids who can be quiet. Generally kids would act the same at the theatre as at movies, so if your kids talk or move around at the movies at lot - don't take them to live theatre!
Okay rant over....hopefully I will be able to train my kids to appreciate the theatre etiquette....or I'll leave them at home. -Haha!

Traffic was nuts getting in, and was nuts getting out too. Roads were blocked and so I had to go a different way to how I usually go, so that wasn't fun. I gave up on free parking after driving around for half an hour. I ended up going to the parking garage next to Her Majesty's Theatre. It cost 10bucks, but it was worth it in the end. Plus I did my first hook turn...I've never done one before - I don't like to drive in the city.

I got home just before Midnight, and talked to mum about it, I was way too awake so I turned on the computer, and somehow managed to end up watching half an ep of Private Practice....I only was looking up 1 scene...oh well. I got to bed at 2am...but am now totally exhausted!


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