Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Sweet Little Memories

So last night I couldn't sleep, I lay there for hours - before getting up and going through my old memory box of stuff, that I keep under my bed. -This was around 3am by the way! I know I should have just stayed in bed and tried to sleep, but I was wide awake. -I'm not letting myself listen to my iPod this week, because I've been having hearing issues and I'm trying to see if they subside on their own before seeing a doc. So I couldn't listen to my Grey's Anatomy playlist that seems to have magical sleeping powers.

so in this box of stuff, which I have been adding to since primary school, has all kinds of things - birthday cards, a old sticker book, programs from my dance concerts and high school chorals competitions, letters from old friends, and every single movie ticket stub since 2000 or something (with one exception, I lost the stub to Darkness Falls).

I started reading some of the letters I'd gotten from people at camp. Its funny how times have changed. Now we'd just use Facebook, or email or twitter. I guess we could have used email back then too (for the letters from the early 2000's), but we didn't. Its nice to have them there to go back to. The silly things we commented on, and stuff like that.

I have also kept the tickets for any concert, show, play, event that I've been to in the last 10 years at least too. I've got the ticket to every single musical I have ever been to, From Annie in 2001, to Hairspray last December, with the exception of Beauty and The Beast, which I was pretty young and quite possibly never even saw my ticket.  For some strange reason, there is a 5 year dark period between 2002 and 2007 where I didn't see a single show. Sad. I think that was that period where there wasn't really any shows I was keen on. There was a lot of stuff that I had absolutely NO interest in seeing.
Its fun to go back and see where I sat, what theatre it was, how much it cost etc. I mean Annie only cost $77.50 for row HH in the stalls of The Regent! Compare that to my ticket for Wicked at the Capitol Theatre in Sydney from last year which cost $134.90!
Hopefully I will have many more to add to the collection in the future!

Sure plenty of the stuff in that box is just stuff, and I probably don't need to keep the cards, but I've kept them this long already, it would seem wrong to get rid of anything. Its all stuff that isn't really of any great value - but all sentimental stuff, like a mock up of my buddy book from grade 6, or my certificates for my dance exams. It's nice to see the things I used to value, or the way I used to think. It shows how far I've come throughout the years.

Stay tuned for a related post.


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