Wednesday, December 05, 2007

A Whole Load of Stuff!

Ages ago I posted about this quote I had written down on a post it..."Okay you don't drive the baby." I had no idea where it was from. Ness sent me an email recently, and it ended up being from Studio 60! And when I was at her place on Friday night we watched the scene it was from...and it didn't seem so memorable...but I guess it was just weird at the time! lol

Speaking of going to Ness', I actually drove down there in Mum's car. It was a pretty easy drive, even though it was busy cause of peak hour. I know the way really well too.
I've been driving around a bit now. I've driven "Scott's" car a few times too, and finally got Nikki to come with me.

So today I finally got my copy of the letter my doctors at the RCH sent to the people at Peter Mac, and it was weird and also interesting. lol. A whole lotta medical speak...of which I could understand about half to three quaters of. Of course there were words that I just recognised from all my medical tv shows...but had no idea of what they actually meant! haha!
But at least I know that I have been taken care of and will be having check ups in the future.

I also got one of my essays back today. I got a credit, which isn't bad seeing as it was History of Ideas which I hardly understood 'cept for the evolution part. He said my essay was "too fatalistic". Geeez louise! Well the topic was transhumanism....and all that cryogenics crap and whatever! Anyhoo....
At least I know I've passed the subject. I've still got 2 more things to come back. And I think results come out soon too.

Last night I also went to see Nikki in her school concert. For some silly reason she didn't try out for a speaking part, but what she did was good anyways. The kids that were the main mains were really good. But people that are not really fond of little kids would really really hate it. I loved it, the little ones were so cute I could have eaten them up! -It did make me miss my old dancing/performing days......

oooo I went shopping yesterday and ended up buying the 2 things that I didn't get but realy wanted for my birthday. I used some birthday money to buy a new pair of thongs, hot pink Havaianas, and almost all the money my Grandparents gave me to buy a silver bracelet from Tiffany & co. It's so purdy..and goes with almost everything.....'cept my daggy at home casuals.

Not much else planned yet. I've got 3 hours and 15 minutes of work this weekend....which is better than nothing. Luckily I am earning some money in interest on my bank accounts.


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