Monday, April 09, 2007

TV Quotes - Part 1

  • I've decided to share all the quotes I have taken from many of my fave shows and publish them on my blog here. -just because I can!


    "If you're going to throw your life away, he better have a motorcycle!"

    "This is the last time I buy anything just cause it's fluffy!"

    "You have exhausted all your talking rights by being crazy."

    "I wanna really cook like on the food channel. I wanna sautay things and chop things, and do the BAMM! and I wanna arrange things on plates so they look like a pretty little hat. I want to be the Iron Chef!"

    "I still can't believe I'm related to God. It's going to make getting Madonna tickets so much easier!"

    "What have I told you about buzzing in public?!"

    "Your mouth has a nose?!"

    "I'm gonna call you 'Funny Bottoms' from now on.'"

    "You're like a pop-up book from Hell!"

    "That makes me SO mad. And I am SO sad. I'm Smad!"

    "Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Gilmores of our lives."

    "She's a chic, good haired, wrinkle free, no hose wearing witch."

    "You say midgets like it's so absurd!"
  • "Can you kick when you're in Heaven?"

  • "It's really fun being able to say, 'hey look, I know that person I talk to him everyday, and so far he's never bitten me!' "

  • "Hey even though the box says it's safe, I want you to keep your hand out of the microwave for at least a week."

  • "Just once I'd like to be able to say, 'yeah I'm not feeling too good. My leg is haunted.' "

  • "Over my dead body is Kate Hudson getting your spot!"

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