Thursday, August 18, 2011

Week 3

Well....I really should stop calling every post 'Week....' but for now its all I've got!

The job is going good, I'm really getting into the swing of things now.  The driving is okay, usually....but I gotta laugh every morning/arvo when I pass multiple trams with the Rock of Ages ads on them....while blasting the soundtrack and belting out along with.... I feel I have over listened to it now though, and took it out of my car. The last 2 days I have been listening to 9 to 5...then 2nd good 'wake up' cd.

In other news - I had a great but busy weekend. I felt like baking on Saturday, so I did...I make choc chip cookies - while playing the Grey's Anatomy musical soundtrack. Apparently my life needs a soundtrack for every action!
I then took the cookies down with me to Ness', where Kay and Nick already were visiting. I'm liking the regular catch ups. Its fun to do things as a group! We went down to The Good Guys to buy my new cd player -after fighting with the old one for so long. Its very pretty, and plays my ipod too! Although mine is really old, so I can't use all the features with my ipod, but I need a new one soon anyways!
We came back ate the cookies and watched the Buffy Musical of all things. I gotta admit I still kinda love it...and it made me want to go back and watch a few select 'golden' eps. Makes me wonder if I should ever get around to completing my dvd collection. I only have seasons 1 and 2...but I have ALL of Angel though.

Kay and Nick left after dinner and Ness and I finished off the 5th season of Bones, and then watched Date Night. Still hilarious after multiple viewings!

Sunday I was going to sleep in, but woke up early-ish. But that was okay cause it gave me time to play with my cd player. I went over to Jacinta's in the afternoon and we went and saw Bad Teacher. It was pretty funny, Cameron Diaz was kinda annoying, but the rest of the characters were good. Jason Segel was kinda adorable. There were too many people I knew in it though! We hung out for a while after and went out to get some dinner, before I came home to get my stuff together for work...and then the weekend was over!

Auntie Marg is starting to sell Tupperware she had a launch party Tuesday night. Mum and I bought a few things, and mum got roped into having a party. But its the new catalog will be out by then, so I can buy lots of new stuff! YAY!!!!

This week at work has been good, the other young girl was back from her holidays, so we chat a bit. I am feeling more comfortable with the phones now, and getting used to the place.
Tomorrow we are having another birthday morning tea, for the boss. These people have too many birthdays! haha. I had time to make something this time. We'll see how they go over. Its always hard to think of what people might like.

This weekend I'm pretty busy again. Going out both Fri and Sat nights...and spending all day sat and sun cleaning out my Grandparent's house.I'm going to be exhausted...before the week even starts! Crazy. lol. I might be in bed at 6pm on Sunday.
Oh least I am making and spending money...that makes me happy!


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